Glenmore Grange

Published on Jun 22, 2004


Glenmore Grange

Part 11

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity, DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

We were all naked and in the bedroom when the doorbell rang. Ronnie pulled on some clothes and went to answer it. A minute of two later he returned with a tall lanky guy.

"This is Cousin Luke," Ronnie said. "He came by for a pick me up and I figured the more the merrier."

Luke looked around the room, "Shit," he said, "I've done died and gone to heaven!" I never saw a man get naked as fast at that boy. Luke had dirty blond hair, thin on the top and thicker on his chest. He sported a goofy, hangdog look on his face. He looked like the caricature of a red-neck auto mechanic. His cock was hard and ready for business.

"Is anyone off limits?" Luke asked. "I don't want to trespass."

"All free agents here," Frank said. He was renewing his acquaintance with Bobby. Ronnie glanced at me and got on the bed. I knew he wanted to feel my cock in his ass again. That left Cody and Luke partnered. Luke couldn't have been happier. Cody had some misgivings until Luke's tonsils made contact with his cock. Luke was no amateur and both men were happy.

Frank had lube in the bedside table. When I started to work it into Ronnie's ass, I realized it was already lubricated. "Have you been busy already today?" I asked.

Ronnie smiled. "Nope, I'm just a boy scout, always prepared," he replied. Bobby moaned. I looked over and saw Frank had deep dicked him. Frank's donkey dong was an event. "Daddy, are you making Bobby feel at home?" Ronnie asked.

"Doing my best, son. Doing my level best."

My cock slid into Ronnie's more than open ass. It had been more than two years since I had last fucked him and, if anything, his ass was warmer and more responsive. Ronnie was what you would have to call an aggressive bottom. He like getting fucked and clearly understood the more the top enjoyed it, the better it would be for him.

"If you guys wouldn't mind, save some cum for me," Cody cried.

"How do you like it?" Frank asked. "We aim to please."

"It's up to you," Cody relied. That wasn't truthful, I knew how Cody liked it, but he was too embarrassed to say.

"He likes to rim and lick it off an ass," I said. "A little sauce on the hole."

"Damn, that's a new one on me," Frank said, "It's easy enough to do though. Would you mind trading off?" He asked me, "I'd like to give Ronnie a ride for a while."

"No problem for me," I said, pulling out from Ronnie's ass. "Luke, do you top?"

"I sure as shit do!"

"Why don't you pop into Bobby's ass? He likes new experiences." I said. Luke was ready. His cock was as long as Frank's, but thin except for a big, purple mushroom. Luke was 100% red neck, but he was careful and gentle as he worked his cock into Bobby. "I can go faster or slower." Luke said. "You tell me what's best."

"What you are doing now is just fine with me." Bobby said.

Cody moaned. I looked at him and saw his moan was in response to seeing Frank's cock ram Ronnie. Cody was turned on big time. Ronnie loved his dad's cock, but not as much as Cody liked seeing Ronnie take it.

I was standing next to Cody. "You can get closer if you want to," I whispered into his ear. "If you suck Ronnie's cock you'll be right there."

"They wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all. Everyone's really open here," I replied. Cody got on the bed and slowly took Ronnie's cock into his mouth. I made him move so Ronnie could suck him. Cody was in cock heaven. He sucked on Ronnie's meat while staring, transfixed at Frank's cock as it pumped. Cody would deep throat Ronnie cock so he could get a glimpse of Frank's cock stretching his son's ass.

Frank pulled out for a moment and Cody pulled Ronnie's legs back so he could tongue his ass. Ronnie twitched in pleasure.

"Hot Damn!" Frank uttered as he shoved his cock back into Ronnie's saliva-lubricated hole. All three men enjoyed that. They practiced the same maneuver three or four times until they got it perfect. Frank would warn Cody when he was going to pull out. That gave Cody a chance to get his tongue into Ronnie's hole before it had a chance to close all the way. Both Cody and Ronnie went crazy when that happened.

After the fourth or fifth time Frank cried, "Damn it. I'm" shooting!" He pulled out and shot his load all over Ronnie's ass hole. As soon as Frank stopped shooting, Cody licked up the man seed. When most of it was cleaned up, I took Frank's place in Ronnie's ass. I hadn't realized how turned on I was, so I shot off quickly. Ronnie shot off at the same time giving Cody two loads of cum to feast on.

Cody was twitching some. He was climaxing. Ronnie was always a good sport. Even though he had already shot off, he took Cody's entire load and continued to nurse the Country star's cock after the orgasm. We all slowly calmed down.

"I heard California guys were friendly," Frank said to Cody. "You take the cake. Damn that was good!"

"I don't believe I did that," Cody muttered. I think he was saying that as an apology. Ronnie and Frank didn't take it that way.

"Whatever you did, you did it really well," Ronnie said. "That was hot!" We all had to shower and get dressed for dinner, but the air was alive with the promise of more sex later that night.

Joey's house was about a mile away, so we walked over. He had a grill set up in the back yard under a big oak tree. It was a hot day, but there was a nice breeze under the tree. Clearly Joey, Wilburt and Cal had hit it off. The official summer dress for men in Wilson's Hollow was cut off shorts worn low with an inch or two of pubic hair showing. Cal looked like a native already.

Johnny arrived with Sam and Virgil. A few minutes later Johnny's sons, Scooter and Charlie, drove up in their truck. After introductions we sat down to dinner. Cody later told me he hadn't had a meal as totally politically incorrect in years. It was real, down home cooking. It was good, but you could almost feel your arteries clogging up as you ate.

There was quite a bit to drink too. Most of that was home made. Cody got into a singing contest with Scooter, Johnny and Wilburt. They knew some old mountain songs and had good voices. They'd sing a song, then Cody would sing it. Cody had a spectacular memory, so he could remember every word and note. When Cody sang the same song, he automatically softened the rough edges and transformed the song into something quite new. Somehow, I had the feeling a new album was in the works.

We got back to Ronnie and Frank's at about 11:00, but everyone was too tired and had too much to drink to do anything. Frank gave us all something he said would keep us from being hung over the next morning. I crashed and slept soundly until 7:00.

I woke without a hangover and horny as hell. When going to the bathroom to take a piss, I tripped over Luke in the hall. He was sleeping on the floor. "Sorry," I said.

"It's time to get up anyway," Luke replied. I went into the bath, took a piss and then took a shower. Luke replaced me at the toilet and then joined me in the shower.

"Any chance you like to get fucked?" Luke asked. "I'm hard as hell. Guys like my knob."

"You think it will feel good?" I asked.

Before he had a chance to reply, Cody peaked through the shower curtain. "Is there room for another?" he asked.

"I think there is, but watch out, you may end up with Luke's cock up your behind," I said.

"I'll take the risk," Cody said as he joined us. It was a tight fit, but when I turned to make room for Cody, Luke poked me good, his entire cock rammed deep into my ass. I was pissed off for a few seconds, they a wave a pleasure overwhelmed me.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed. I could feel Luke's knob rubbing my insides, but I couldn't feel his shaft. It was as if there was a living sex toy running around in my ass. My knees gave way when Luke's cock head rubbed my prostate. Luke grabbed me, holding me up and ramming his cock much deeper in my ass. A tidal wave of pleasure swept over me. I have to admit, I hadn't expected this and I was totally unprepared.

This had only happened to me once or twice before. I had been caught off guard and wasn't able to get control of my emotions. I would almost get back in charge and Luke would ram something new and I'd loose it again. It was as if I was on a sexual roller coaster, every time I almost caught my breath, he'd move and I was back to zero.

Intellectually, I hate the idea of being out of control. That wasn't what I was feeling. It was wild. It got wilder when Cody began to suck my cock. My cock all but exploded in his mouth. It was one of those situations when you think you should apologize for shooting so much. I was afraid he'd choke.

I was shooting, Cody was sucking and Luke was taking long deep strokes. Luke was holding me tightly and I could feel his heart beating fast and hard. I knew he was rear loading me. Cody sucked the last drops of cum from my balls as my ass squeezed the seed from Luke's meat. Luke was moaning now, I felt better and more like myself.

Ronnie looked into the shower. "You're going to use up all the water," he said. "Dad and I will need to share."

We got out and dried ourselves. Frank was cooking breakfast and the house smelled of bacon. We all sat for an old-fashioned breakfast. Bobby went off to see friends in town. He was going to have lunch there and be back by three. We were to be at the Hunt Club by five.

Frank discovered Cody, Sam and Virgil liked to fish, so he had arranged a trip into the mountains to his favorite fishing area. Cal and I are hikers, so Luke volunteered to take us into he woods. He said he knew some great places. His brother was a Park Ranger and would join us.

Luke made a call and a Park truck arrived about an hour later. Luke's brother Matt came to the door. You could tell they were brothers, but all of Luke's ungainly features were transformed in his brother. Matt was downright handsome. They had the same basic build, and the same dirty blond hair. Matt had a swimmer's build, he looked more like a greyhound than Goofy. The strong facial features that made Luke look comic, were sculptural in Matt.

"He's my younger brother," Luke explained, "I'd like to say I taught him everything I know, but he knows a lot more than me, so that ain't exactly true."

We went in Matt's truck to the hiking trail. On the drive I found out much more about Matt and Luke.

"Daddy died when I was five," Matt said, "Luke was more like a father to me when I was growing up. Mom waited tables, so she was never home at night."

"Dad didn't exactly just die, he was shot." Luke said. "Unfortunately, he was shot by a State Trooper just after Dad tried to rob the Bank of Marshall. Our name was mud in these parts."

"You're Wilsons?" I asked.

"No, Momma was a Wilson. Daddy was a Shifflet. Around Marshall, Wilson's are upscale compared to Wilsons. That's how bad things were," Matt said. "Momma was Frank's sister, sort of. Granddaddy got around, if you know what I mean. Luke made me stay in school and then helped me get through college."

"Actually, Uncle Frank and Ronnie helped some too," Luke said. "Every time I wanted to do something real stupid, they came to the rescue. I was in the army for a while and made enough money to get Matt through college. He had a full time job too. It wasn't all me."

We stopped and got out of the truck onto a trail. It was way off the beaten track and beautiful. Both Luke and Matt knew their stuff. They had studied the forest and had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the flora and fauna. We got to the top of a mountain and found a view of the entire area.

"You are on the top of Cocke Mountain," Matt said.

"Cock Mountain?" Cal asked.

"Spelled with an `e'," Matt said. "Mr. Cocke was a friend of Jefferson's. He owned this area, although we don't know if he ever visited it."

"I guess it's fitting the Wilsons live at the base of Cocke Mountain," I said.

Luke and Matt laughed. "That it is," Matt said. "We never played with them until recently. Uncle Frank and Ronnie were friends, but they didn't know we shared the same interests as the rest of the Wilsons."

"How did they find out?" I asked.

"It's a little embarrassing. I was cruising a rest stop and ended up sucking this guy," Luke said, "It was really dark, but I should have recognized Wilburt. When I got out under a light, I saw who it was. I thought he'd be mad or something, but he wasn't. He asked if I liked cock as much as he did. Matt and I got invited to the next event."

"Have you been regulars ever since?" I asked.

"We sure have," Luke said. "And we've loved it."

"Did you have any idea Ronnie and Frank were into it?" I asked.

"Not even an inkling," Matt said. "Talk about a shock."

"Did you boys play together as kids?" Cal asked. "Don't answer if it's too personal. I'm an only child. I don't have any experience with this."

"I'm afraid I corrupted my older brother," Matt said. "He was working all the time, so he didn't have much time to play. I heard about some things you could do from my friends and I tried them out on Luke. My friends got it from older brothers. Believe it or not, everything was just as good as they said. Sex can be habit forming."

"Matt was 13 and I was 17," Luke said. "I'm afraid I don't have much imagination, but Matt has enough for three guys." We talked for a while then began our descent. I had a feeling the evening party would be good.

Next: Chapter 12

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