Glenmore Grange

Published on Jun 20, 2004


Glenmore Grange

Part 10

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity, DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Much to my surprise, Cody and I became friends. He was a nice man, but my interest in Country and Western music was minimal. He was used to being a star and I figured he wanted friends who would fawn on him. I was wrong about that. Cody had enough of groupies; he wanted some real friends.

It turned out he was interested in environmental issues and conservation. I was the scientific advisor to the local branch of the Sierra Club. We were trying to make a public service spots for a local television station in opposition to a highway cutting through a virgin section of wilderness. He volunteered to help. Not only was the spot a success, it was picked up on the national networks and his career picked up steam again.

Cody was a good spokesman, both articulate and intelligent. He appeared before a Senate committee and was attacked by a Republican flat-earther and blew the ass hole from the water. Cody has a phenomenal memory and he caught the Senator in a false statement. Cody quoted the correct figures and statement word for word with page numbers and foot notes. That made the national new on three networks, all except for Fox.

When he visited me, I would get a few men together for a party. Jim lived near by and Bobby was home sometimes. Cody relaxed and got comfortable enough to love it. Oddly, as he relaxed about his sexual preferences he also got to be a better singer, more relaxed and informal. He brought a friend along on one of his trips.

Cal was a good looking older man with prematurely white hair and a bushy beard. He owned a fleet of jets he rented to corporations who were uneasy about flying commercial after 9-11. They had met when Cody missed a connection and had to fly solo from LA to Seattle. Cody had been the only passenger and he and Cal struck up a friendship. They were both gay, but closeted and it was a good match.

It was early summer and Bobby was back from college. We got a call from his old boyhood friend Ronnie Wilson. Bobby was out so I answered the call. Ronnie had news.

Bobby's Dad was a preacher who was killed with his wife in an automobile accident. The church had done Bobby wrong by essentially kicking him out of the house after his parents' death. I was aware there was considerable unhappiness in the congregation because of this.

Bobby had gone to live with Ronnie and his Dad, Frank Wilson. The Wilsons were by no means a respectable mountain family. They introduced Bobby and eventually me to the wildest man to man sex imaginable.

Ronnie told me one of the church's members, Miss Letitia Smith had left him some money. "A lawyer called me, he wanted your address. Miss Smith left Bobby a bucketful of money," Ronnie said. "I didn't know she had any. She was the town librarian and taught Sunday School."

"It's odd she would do that. No one seemed to want to help him when his parents died," I said.

"She was off in Florida taking care of a sister who had cancer. When she got back there was hell to pay in the church. You and Bobby were gone by then, so there was nothing she could do," Ronnie explained. "Bobby needs to get back here and sign some things. The lawyer said he'd be set for the rest of his life."

When Bobby got back, I told him of the call. I said I had no idea who she was.

"Miss Smith has been sending me cards and letters from time to time. She was my Sunday school teacher in the primary grade. She looked like the Wicked Witch of the West, but she was a sweet lady. In her first letter she asked if I was set for college financially. I told her I was. Quite frankly, I didn't think she had a penny."

A few days later we got a letter from her executor. Bobby was named in the will to receive the residue of the estate after bequests were made to certain institutions. The money was left to Miss Smith by her sister. The sister had married well, but had no children.

"I met Miss Molly once," Bobby said, "She was a pretty version of Miss Letitia. Her husband had something to do with real estate in Florida."

We called the lawyer. He explained the will and its requirements. The call was on the speaker phone, so I asked, "How much can Bobby expect?"

"Well the bequests are quite large, five million to UVA, two to Radford where the Smith girls went to school and one million to the local hospital in Florida. However, the stock market went up substantially since the will was finalized. After taxes, I would guess, Bobby should clear between a million and a million two," the lawyer said.

"Holy shit!" I said.

"She had one other peculiar gift. She created a foundation to pay health insurance premiums for a local family, the Wilsons, I think. I'm in Richmond, so I don't know the details, but it seems to have been a shock to the locals," the lawyer said. We agreed we would get to Richmond soon.

Cal and Cody knocked on the door as we hung up. They were going to spend a week with us on a vacation. The plan was to drive north up the coast toward Vancouver and camp along the way. Virgil and Sam were coming over from Glenmore to join us that evening for the week of camping. When I explained Bobby's good luck, Cal volunteered to fly us to Virginia. That seemed a bit precipitous, but Cal's specialty was just this sort of trip. We called the lawyer back and made an appointment in two days and then called Ronnie and said we were coming.

Ronnie was happy and said they were going to have a party at the Hunt Club in the Hollow that weekend. Bobby told him we would have some friends with us, but they would fit in well at the Hunt Club if that was all right with him. It was.

At noon the next day the six of us were in one of Cal's Lear Jets on our way to Virginia. A rental car was waiting for us at the airport. We went to a good hotel, saw the sites had a great dinner in Shockoe Slip. The next morning, Bobby and I went to the lawyers. There was a lot to read and sign, but it was pretty effortless. The full accounting of the estate would take a while, but Bobby had a new checking account with $50,000.00 in it. The remainder was parked in mutual funds. We were done by noon and went off to Marshall, Bobby's hometown, at noon. We flew to Roanoke and took another car to Wilson's Hollow.

Not much had changed in the hollow. It was still run down, but there was some effort to paint and fix up houses. Ronnie had his house looking good. He seemed to have inspired some of the others. Ronnie and Frank, his Dad, were waiting on the porch with his Uncles, Joey and Johnnie.

I didn't follow Country music, but Ronnie sure did. As it turned out all of the Wilsons did. When they saw Cody, it was as if Jesus appeared for the Second Coming. They knew all about Cody. Cody has told me his style was too "country" for general popularity. There was no such thing as being too country for them. If anything he was a bit too sophisticated for their tastes.

Cody, Cal, Sam and Virgil were all newcomers to the Hollow, but they were all good looking men and friendly. The minute the Wilsons saw our friends, I knew there would be no problem. The Wilsons weren't lookers. They were all man and that seemed to appeal to Cody. The Wilsons were all cordial and excited to see us and meet our friends.

We all sat on the porch in the warm afternoon and talked. The conversation was easy, free and unforced. The Wilsons knew Bobby had come into money, but that didn't effect them. I had thought they might have wanted to share in the windfall. They were happy with what they had.

The new insurance coverage was a great success. The women folk loved it. Frank and his brothers seemed to think going to a doctor was unmanly, but the women liked it and there was greater domestic harmony than was typical in the family.

We were invited over to Joey's house for a cook out that night. The party wasn't until the next day. The afternoon was getting warm and Ronnie suggested we go to the swimming hole for a swim and a cool down. We wandered off into the mountains and came to a spring fed pond at the foot of the mountain. There were several men swimming there already. It was Beau and Buck, the twins, and Wilburt, one of Ronnie's scrawny cousins. We stripped and got into the cool water.

As I said, the Wilsons weren't lookers, but all were hung. Everyone looked each other over and was happy with what they saw. It took only a few seconds for the men to realize we had the same interest in both cock and man sex. We splashed around in the pond for a while, but there was a lot of exploring just under the surface of the water. Everyone except for Ronnie and Bobby were soft when they went into the pool. No one was soft when the came out of the pond.

Ronnie was with Cody and his father, Frank. Sam and Virgil were with Buck and Beau. Bobby was with Joey. Cal was with me, Johnny and Wilburt. We were all close together on a grassy area on the edge of the pond. No one was out of sucking distance.

Ronnie was sucking Cody and Frank, while the two older men were talking.

"Ronnie sure is a good cock sucker," Cody said. "I never had a chance to suck until I was a lot older."

"You grow up fast in the mountains," Frank replied. "Ronnie graduated from High School. You couldn't ask for a better son." Ronnie switched to suck Frank's cock. Cody looked a bit confused.

"Whose son is Ronnie?" Cody asked.

"Mine, of course."

"You're shitting me!" Cody exclaimed. "You guys mess with each other?"

"That's another mountain thing," Joey said. We were all close, so he overheard the conversation. "We tend to keep it in the family. I admit we don't start together, but we do take each other for a ride sometimes. Sometimes it's father's day, sometimes it's a day for the boy."

"To tell you the truth, Dad does me most of the time," Ronnie said. "It's a perfect fit." Cody got down with Ronnie and the two shared Frank's cock.

"Are you father and son?" Cal asked of Johnny and Wilburt.

"Hell no, he's my nephew," Johnny answered, chuckling. "You can blame Wilburt on me. He's Joey's problem."

"I love you too, Uncle Johnny," Wilburt replied good naturedly. He returned to Cal's cock. Cal had a California tan and he was in good shape. Curly white hair covered most of his body. His chest shoulders and back were coated. His cock was thick and meaty. Wilburt was alternating between it and his uncle's meat.

"We Wilsons have been playing around for years, but you never know what will turn you on," Johnny said. "Different strokes for different folks. Ronnie loves his Daddy's dick, but Joey likes to take a ride of Wilburt's wife beater. All sex is good, but it's great when you make a connection, when the cock hits something new and you go to the moon. I used to get embarrassed when that happened. You know, I thought being that open about sex just didn't seem right."

"You don't feel that way any more?" Cody asked.

"I've come to the conclusion you might as well let it all hang out," Johnny replied. "You either like sex and show it, or you like sex and try to hide it. We all like it, it's what turns us on that's different. No matter how hard you may try to hide it, there' something that will ring your chimes."

"I've noticed things are open here," Cal remarked.

Ronnie looked up. "We been having these parties for years herein the Hollow," he said. Two things have happened. The number of bastards has dropped to almost zero, and the murder rate had dropped too. Wilsons was famous for cutting on each other. We don't do that any more."

"Too much time spent fucking?" Cody asked.

The Wilsons laughed. "That's part of it. But I think there's more to it," Johnny said. "There always was a lot of sex, but it was sneaking around and doing it behind guys' backs. Now it's open, no jealousy. The other part is the women folk. They're living longer; the girls aren't getting knocked up anymore. That use to cause a lot of bad feeling."

"Screwing your male relatives isn't a problem?" Cal asked.

"Hell no!" Johnny exclaimed. "Who else are you going to screw? There's nobody in the Hollow who ain't related one way or another. It's better than drinking or gambling. They were the old family pastimes."

"The first time I went to one of the parties, I thought I had died and gone to heaven," Beau said.

"The sex was that good? Virgil asked.

"Truthfully it wasn't the sex as much as being considered a grown up," Buck said. "Don't get me wrong, the sex was good too, but it was nice not be kid anymore. Everyone there was a cousin or an uncle. That's the way it is in the hollow."

"Nobody rushed you," Beau added. "You'd see something and a month or two later you decided to give it a spin. I liked fucking, but I wasn't so sure about getting fucked. Ronnie helped me out with that. He liked it so much, I tried it. I got to like it, but fucking is still my strong suit."

"I'm pretty much a top," Cal said. "I can switch hit when inspired."

"Are you inspired here?" Wilburt asked.

"I sure as shit am!"

"I guess you could say I'm a cum hound," Cody said. He suddenly had a terror-stricken look on his face. Ronnie noticed.

"Hey Cody. Not a word or whisper of what goes on here leaves the Hollow," Ronnie said. "You don't need to worry."

"If anything like that got out. . ."Cody murmured.

"You're in good company here. Cum hounds are much admired here," Wilburt said. "It keeps the place neater. I like cum if I can take it right from the cock. I shove my tongue into the slit and try and hold it back. Nothing like having the scum tickling the back of your mouth when it's shooting."

"I don't mind licking it off of a hairy bear," Sam said. "It's best when it's drooled from the head and runs done the sides of the cock into the pubic hair and balls. It's great to clean up a guy's equipment after a hot session. More often than not, by the time I'm done, he's ready to go again."

"Well come and sit next to me," Johnny said. "I don't shoot much anymore, it more like a lava flow. It feels real good, but it's messy. If it dries up, it's a bitch to get out of my bush."

"You guys have done a lot more thinking about this than I have," I said.

"Sorry to break this up, but I got to get back to my house if I'm going to have dinner ready for you guys," Joey said. We all dressed. Cody, Bobby and I were staying with Ronnie and Frank. Cal went with Joey and Wilburt, he had offered to help with dinner. Sam and Virgil went to stay at Johnny's house.

As soon as we walked through the door of the house, Ronnie asked, "Am I the only guys here who is horny as shit?"

"Not by a long shot!" Cody and Bobby exclaimed together. We all laughed.

"Well let's get naked and see if we can solve that problem," Frank said.

Next: Chapter 11

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