Glenmore Grange

Published on Jun 19, 2003


Part 1 By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

I had spent the summer in Virginia, settling things for my nephew after the death of his parents. While there, I found that he had fallen in with a remarkable group of mountain men who regularly got together for what could only be called, "all male orgies". Wilson's Hollow was a remarkable place. Settled by a single family and threatened by the genetic problems generated by intermarriage, the Wilsons used homosexual sex as an alternative sexual outlet.

They regarded incest as applying only to male-female sexual relations. Man-to-man sex was regarded as being purely recreational, without any particular stigma. For them all sex had been a family affair for generations and the prospect of sex without the fear of pregnancy and birth defects, or retardation seemed positively virtuous.

I spent a good part of the summer there. While I can't vouch for the virtuous aspects of the arrangement, I can definitely state the recreational aspects were wonderful. I am a Professor of Anthropology and I had never encountered anything like it. It would have been great to write a paper on Wilson's Hollow, but the publicity would have destroyed the family, not to mention getting most of the men sent to jail.

I did discuss the arrangement with one of my closest professional colleagues, Dr, William Baselstrode. He was fascinated. Bill and I were old friends, but only professionally. I was uneasy about telling him, but he understood the significance of the Wilson's approach. Here was a small group of people who regarded homosexual activity as a good, indeed desirable activity. He also understood the requirement to keep it quiet.

"You participated in the parties?" he asked.

"I sure did." I replied. "And, quite frankly, it wasn't purely from scholarly curiosity. The sex was unbelievable."

"The word around the Department was that you weren't inexperienced in the sex department." Bill said, smiling.

"The sex at Wilson's Hollow was as open, easy and good as I had ever dreamed. Actually, it was a lot more than I had ever considered. My dreams were tame. It is such a unique arrangement." I said.

"Not quite unique." Bill said. "I know of one somewhat similar situation. It's a group, nearby, just over the mountains. It's religiously based."

"How did you find out about it?"

"It was a fluke, just like your encounter." Bill said. "I was traveling and my car broke down in Glenmore on a Friday evening. The car couldn't be fixed until Monday, so I had the weekend to kill. There was one motel in town and there was a wedding. No room at the inn. I stayed in a tourist home. It would be a Bed and Breakfast today. The place was run by a middle-aged hippy, whose wife was away for the weekend.

Sam, the hippy pothead, had a real informal dress code when his wife was gone. I was the only guest. The place wasn't air-conditioned and it was in the middle of a heat wave. Sam had a new hot tub and insisted I try it out. He was naked, so I got naked and jumped in. I am, what I guess you would call, a big boy. Sam seemed to like that a lot." Bill explained. "Did you know I'm Gay?" he asked.

"No, but I never thought about it either. Everyone west of the Mississippi knows I'm gay." I said. Bill laughed.

"I'm a few years older than you, I never felt comfortable being that open." Bill said. "I never mix my professional life with my personal life. But I do admire your work for our Department. Anyway, returning to my story, Sam was a size queen of the first order and had no problem at all making me feel at home. Hell, I wish I had someone at home like Sam. Not the hippy or pothead part, just the cock sucking aspect. I'm pretty experienced myself and Sam and I really hit it off sexually."

"The next morning Sam told me, there was a meeting that afternoon I might like at the Grange Hall. I was skeptical about it, but he told me more about it. It was part fraternal organization and half sex club. At first I thought it was a New Age, Earth Mother- fertility god thing. It wasn't."

I was surprised he asked me to come. It seemed to be this defined secret society and I was a complete stranger. I asked him about it.

"Shit man, half of the entrance requirement is hanging between you legs, the other half you passed when you shoved that horse cock of yours up my love tunnel." Sam exclaimed. "Shit, I haven't been reamed like that in years. Damn, I've never been fucked so good before." He paused. "Don't worry one bit about the membership in the Grange. With your cock, you could become the Grand Master in an day or two."

Well, quite frankly, I wasn't too sure of the whole thing, but I had nothing else to do, so I went along." The phone rang in Bill's office. It was a quick conversation.

"I have to go. The Dean needs me." Bill said.

"I need to hear the rest of the story!" I complained. He laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll fill you in on the rest. There's a meeting this weekend end. Are you free?" he asked. "I know you meet all the necessary requirements of the group. You'd love it."

"I know I would like to, but my nephew, Bobby, is still with me."

"Is he the one who found Wilson's Hollow?" Bill asked.

"That's right."

"If he's game, bring him along. The Glenmore Grange is nothing if not open minded." Bill replied. I said I'd talk to Bobby and ask him if he wanted to come along. The minute I said that, I knew what Bobby would say. He had no problem with the sex at Wilson's Hollow; he'd have no problem with the Grange.

Friday afternoon the three of us were in Bill's car driving to Glenmore. Bobby and Bill hit it off from the start. Bobby is polite and interested and has no problem talking with adults. It was a six-hour drive and as we began to approach Glenmore, Bill began telling us the story of the Grange.

"Glenmore was founded shortly after the Civil War by a groups of dissatisfied Mormons. The group was created by the women, who were deeply offended by the taste for multiple wives of the leadership of the Utah branch. They essentially told their husbands to leave with them or they would leave on their own. The group settled in the mountains of northern California and created a modestly prosperous farming community." Bill explained.

"The ladies were opposed to polygamy, but they also felt women should be in control of sexual agenda. Since they were the ones to get pregnant and would be the ones who might die in childbirth, they felt they should run the show." Bill continued. "This tended to leave the men high and dry for much of the time. This was just fine for the women and indeed, the fatality rates for mothers and children fell dramatically. But, there is a marked difference in the sex drives of women and men and there was unhappiness among the men."

One of the founders of the community, Virgil Jackson found a solution. He was reading the Bible and came across the story of David and Jonathan. He then pondered on the relationship between Jesus and the Beloved Disciple. It became obvious to Virgil that the two greatest figures in the Bible had loved men and this wasn't condemned"

"As a good Biblical scholar, Virgil was aware of the traditional Sodom and Gomorrah story. He studied it in detail and decided the problem wasn't with man-to-man sex, it was forced sex. He decided the main problem of sex in the bible was with sex between unwilling partners." Bill continued. "Virgil compared David's love for Jonathan to that of another Old Testament Hero, Sampson. Virgil found David's love vastly superior to Sampson's destructive passion for Delia."

"Virgil was a member of the local Grange."

"What's a Grange?" Bobby asked.

"Essentially it was a fraternal organization devoted to protecting and helping farmers. It was one of the great late 19th century institutions in America. It was originally called the Patrons of Husbandry". Bill explained. "While it referred to agricultural husbandry, Virgil took it in another way. At the meetings, he explained his new Biblical understanding. Apparently there were some like-minded men in the group. Quite frankly, I guessed most of the men were so sex starved they were willing to try man-to-man sex as an alternative to the cold beds at home. Virgil proposed having some special "convocations" to deal with sexual needs."

"Did everyone join in?" I asked.

"Not all. You remember Virgil was deeply opposed to forced sex, but maybe a bit more than half of the men joined." Bill said. "That is how the Glenmore Grange got its start. It had bi weekly meetings, one is of purely Grange type things, the other is for sex."

"It's a purely sexual meeting?" Bobby asked.

"Mostly," Bill replied, "but, I'm not sure it's only that. You need to experience it. I won't tell you anymore. I'd like to have your opinions about the group afterwards." We were on the edge of Glenmore by then. There was quite a bit of new development on the edge of town. We passed by the McDonalds and NAPA Auto Parts stores and went into a older residential area. It was attractive, but not exceptional. That may have been good for the town, since it wasn't overun with tourists.

We drove up to a rambling house in a heavily overgrown yard. It was Sam's tourist home. In spite of the overgrown yard, the house itself was in good condition. Sam was tall and thin, bearded, balding and wearing an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt.

"Hey, good to see you Bill, who are your friends?" he asked. "Looks like you found Grizzly Adams."

"You like?" Bill asked.

"Shit yes."

"This is Gus and his nephew Bobby. They are full -fledged members of the fraternity. Gus teaches with me at the College." Bill explained. "I figured they'd like the Grange meetings. Both are into man sex big time."

"You figured right. We could use some new meat. Come on in and get settled." Sam directed. "You're the only guests here, so join me in the hot tub when your freshen up."

We went to our rooms. It was a two-room suite, connected by a bathroom. The house was a bit rustic, but the bath was cutting edge and up to date. Bobby and I took one room and Bill the other. I washed up. Bill came in the in the bath as I was finishing.

"When you're done, wrap yourself in a towel. That's the official hot tub attire. I'm heading down. I want to catch up on the local news." he said. "I'll meet you there." Bobby wanted to take a shower, so we arrived at the hot tub about fifteen minutes later. We wandered through the house and found the hot tube in the back yard. The yard was jungle-like, so overgrown the tub was completely hidden from view.

Sam and Bill were in the tub, a third man sat on the side with his back to us.

"Gus and Bobby, come on in!" Bill called. "Sam has a friend he wants you to meet, Virgil Jackson." He paused and then added, "Virgil Jackson IV." The man with his back to us rose and turned to greet us. He was tall, thin, balding and had a luxuriant red beard. The beard merged with his chest hair. His gut was hairless except for a treasure trail to his pubic bush. His bush was as thick and bushy as his beard. A long uncut, white snake hung from the bush. His balls were hidden in his hairy ball sack. He smiled. We shook hands and I dropped my towel as I got into the water.

Virgil checked me over and seemed to like what he saw. As Bobby got into the tub and sat on the edge, I noticed Virgil's cock jerked and grew a little as he checked out Bobby's cock. Bobby was 18, six feet and 160 pounds. He had not filled out yet, but his cock was man sized. He was cut with a big mushroom head, bisected by a wide slit.

"Sam said you were coming to the Grange meeting tomorrow." Virgil said.

"We're planning on it. Are you the admission committee for the Grange?" I asked. It was obvious to me he was checking us out.

"No, but quite frankly, if I was, you guys would have passed the entrance exam when you walked into the room." Virgil replied. "I don't want to sound crude, but Bill is as good a judge of man meat as anyone I've met, if he's brought you here, I know you're okay."

"Virgil, I thought you told me, I was the best judge of man cock in the town!" Sam said in a mock complaining tone.

"Well, you found Bill and Bill found Gus and Bobby, here." Virgil said. "That makes you a good judge in my book."

"You are a descendant of the founder of the Grange?" I asked Virgil. "Bill told me something of the history of the organization."

"Yep, Great-Great Grandson, or maybe Great-Great-Great Grandson. I'm the only direct descendant male left of the founding family who has stayed in the area. I do have some cousins and an uncle or two by marriage here, but I am the only direct descendant of Virgil."

"Are there many of the descendants of the original members in the organization now?" I asked.

"Not that many. As the community has grown, we have gotten members from the general population." Sam said. "We have some of the local leadership, like the mMayor, Fire Chief and a Judge as members. They fill up the roster."

"Classy group." Bobby commented.

"We got a lot of rank-and-file guys too." Sam said. "It's not a businessmen's club. It's pure fellowship and recreation; no shop talk at all. That's not permitted."

"Is that a rule?" I asked.

"It's one of them." Virgil said.

"What are the other rules?" Bobby asked. "I'd hate to embarrass myself at the first meeting I attend."

"Virgil's Grand Daddy wrote up some in the 1930s. There are in a minutes book." Sam said. "No one knows if they ever were officially adopted, but everyone acts as if they were."

"Rule one is privacy. The club and its activities are private between members and not for discussion outside the group.

"Rule two is membership is based on interest in man sex and no other aspect. Today it would be a non-discrimination rule, but at the time it was written there were no residents here other than white men. They were apparently worried about poor verses rich and fat or skinny men. They didn't want the thing to turn into a beauty contest." Sam recited the rules.

"My Dad called this the, "All cocks are created equal rule." Most men thought this rule related to cock size, but it had to do with playing with relations. My Uncle John thought he had the right to screw each of his nephews." Virgil broke in and gave more explanation.

"He didn't?" Bobby asked.

"Not at all. Uncle John thought he was too old to take a cock himself." Virgil replied. "To tell you the truth, after I spent some quality time tenderizing his prostate, he turned into a first rate bottom."

"Rule three is man sex is good and takes place in the open. Grand Dad was afraid guys would pair off and become lovers and there would be jealousy." Virgil explained. "Sex is public and group. The idea was to share the fun and the joy."

"The fourth rule is everyone has the right to say no. Sex is pleasurable and voluntary. Never do what you don't want done to you.."

"Rule five is my favorite." Sam interjected. "No wasted cum!"

"How in hell do you waste cum?" I asked.

"Well, it's part of the biblical basis for the club. The first Virgil discovered man-to-man sex was fine, but I got worried about Onan. Onan sinned by spilling his seed on the ground. The traditional Christian interpretation was this dealt with masturbation. Virgil decided it was wasting sperm. If someone takes it and enjoys it, it isn't wasted."

"Deep in his heart he was a cum hound!" Bill cried. "It does have one nice side effect. Grange meetings are neat. No sticky goo on the floor." Bobby laughed.

"Do you need to suck it straight from the spigot or can you lick it up?" Bobby asked

"Anyway you like it is fine!" Virgil said. Throughout the conversation Virgil kept a close watch on Bobby's cock.

I always thought of Bobby as being young , but he knew just what to do. His cock firmed up from its relaxed state. He didn't get hard, just firmer. As he did, his wide slit opened a bit and a bead of precum oozed out. Virgil licked his lips; Bobby smiled at him.

"The rule applies to pre cum too." Virgil added, he moved across the tub and licked the precum from Bobby's cock.

I got out of the water and sat on the edge of the tub. I'm afraid I was already a bit above half-staff, but that didn't seem to bother my tub-mates at all. Sam slid across the tub like an otter and deep throated my cock in a single movement. He was no amateur at cock sucking. The afternoon was off to a good start

Next: Chapter 2

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