Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Mar 13, 2012


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

This series is following along with the first season. I don't cover each story lines, so it would be ideal if you watched the series while reading the episodes to follow along if you aren't familiar enough with the storylines (I don't explain everything that is always happening).

************** Episode No. 15 "Home" **************

While Kurt was singing his solo to the glee club, Puck couldn't help but notice the attention that he was giving Finn. He knew that Finn has started to act more on his homosexual feelings, but was surprised to think it was with Kurt. He thought he knew his best friend's taste, even in guys.

"Are you gay?" Puck mouthed to Finn.

Finn wasn't sure how to answer, so he just shrugged him off. He didn't feel comfortable talking about the very real possibility of being gay during Kurt's solo. The fact is, he still wasn't sure if he was or not. The night before he and Jesse spent the night at Finn's house.

The two have been on a few dates, and things were progressing normally. They have almost fully escaped the awkwardness, because of their first relationships with the same gender. It was exciting for both of them, but they have yet to go beyond making out. Jesse was starting to get nervous that Finn wasn't wanting him like he wanted Finn.

"Can we talk?" Jesse asked, as he layed next to Finn while watching a movie.

"Sure, what's up?" Finn replied.

"This is our third time hanging out, and each time we start getting more intimate, you always leave abruptly. Are you not wanting to do this anymore?" Jesse asked, while stroking Finn's arm that was around his torso.

"It's not that, I'm just not wanting to rush things. I want it to be something special, not just sexual," Finn explained.

Jesse turned around to face Finn, "Look, I'm willing to wait, but I would just like a timeline. Between you and Rachel, I'm having to jack off twice a day. Besides, I'm wanting to end things with Rachel, but only if I know I have a place with you."

"I'm sorry, I just can't promise you that," Finn said, looking right into Jesse's eyes. "As far as a timeline, just be patient. I understand about how much it sucks getting all worked up, then not getting any relief until you're home."

"Well, how about we get some relief here?" Jesse said, leaning in to kiss Finn.

The boys kissed passionately for a few moments, before Jesse pulled away. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to. Just jack off in front of each other, even straight guys do that with their buddies."

Finn just went back in for the kiss. He loved the idea of getting to get off with Jesse, even if it wasn't going to be anything special. Finn quickly pulled off Jesse's shirt, exposing his toned chest. Jesse went one step further and took off his pants, exposing the outline of his hard cock in his briefs. Finn took off his shirt, pants, and underwear in record time, exposing his hard cock completely.

Jesse reached out and started to grope Finn.

"Woah, Jesse. I thought we were just gonna jack off ourselves," Finn said, while pushing Jesse's hands off his cock.

"Right," Jesse said, disappointedly.

"It's not like I don't want to, just, we're not there yet," Finn explained. "Now, I'm gonna go get some lube and stuff to clean up with." He quickly returned with some lotion and tissues.

Jesse was still in his underwear, but was rubbing his cock through the fabric. There was a substantial precum stain at the tip of his cock.

"Now, how about you take those off, and let your dick free," Finn offered.

Jesse pulled his briefs down, exposing his seven inch cock.

Finn laid back down in front of Jesse, so that the boys were looking at each other on their sides. They explored each other's bodies with their eyes, as they furiously masturbated themselves.

Jesse leaned forward, and started kissing Finn. Finn moaned deeply. He never has felt something quite like this before, and was just about to shoot. He pulled away, "sorry, but you're just so fucking hot. I'm about to shoot."

"Me too," Jesse groaned back. The two went back in for the kiss as they shot their loads all over each other. Jesse rolled over on top of Finn, so that their stomachs and chests were mixing the semen all over each other. The two continued to kiss and grope each other, until Finn heard his mom opening the front door.

"Oh shit, Jesse, go jump in the shower. I'll just say that we were working out," Finn whispered to Jesse.

Jesse quickly ran out the door and into the bathroom.

Finn tried to whip off as much as cum as possible, and put on some workout clothes.

"Finn?" Carol yelled out. "I'm home."

"Hey mom, just working on some dance moves with Jesse. He's in the shower now," Finn said, hoping she wouldn't come up and smell the semen. Between the two of them, there was a lot of cum, and it left a very strong smell in his room.

Kurt, in an effort to get closer to Finn, decided to set up his father with Finn's mother. His plan was working wonderfully, and both families were even all going out to dinner that night.

Finn was a little hesitant about the whole family dinner, but even more hesitant about the new man in his mom's life. His mom was selling the furniture, changing her wardrobe, and making all of these life changes with barely knowing the guy.

But ever sense Burt invited Finn to a professional football game, and they had a heart to heart in Finn's kitchen where Burt explained that he wasn't trying to be his dad, Finn has warmed up to his mother's new boyfriend a lot more. They started doing more stuff together, and Finn was liking having a guy around more.

"I know you haven't had a father around in your life, and I'm not trying to be one right now. But, if you ever wanna come over and watch a game or something, feel free to come over without an invitation," Kurt offered to Finn. "I have that big screen TV, and it's a complete bachelor pad. You can feel free to be guy, you know, burp, take your pants off, talk about women, things that I'm sure your mother doesn't let you do around the house."

Finn laughed, "yeah, she doesn't like the burping too much, but I wouldn't ever walk around the house without pants. I would be too nervous about my junk being out there for anyone to see."

"But, aren't you used to that from the locker room?" Burt asked Finn, curious to find out why a guy like Finn would be self conscious.

"Yeah, but that's different," Finn answered.

"Well, think of my house as a locker room. I just want you to have a place where you feel comfortable. Anyways, come over for the game tomorrow night, if you want," Burt invited before he left.

Finn was confused on what Burt was inviting him over to do. He wasn't sure if Burt was just wanting to be his friend, or see him with his pants off. That day in school, Finn cornered Kurt after glee club.

"So, your dad invited me over to the house tonight to watch a game and hang out," Finn said.

"Yeah," Kurt said disappointed that his dad was having the relationship with Finn that he always wanted to have with his son.

"Look, I know that you wanted to break them up, but I think it's alright. I like seeing my mom happy, and your dad seems like a good guy," Finn explained.

"But, do you really want to have all the changes in your life?" Kurt asked.

"Look, I know it'd be different, but we're gonna grow up , soon. Changes are going to happen anyways. But, if you really don't want me around, I won't go over tonight. Anways Kurt, I just wanted to know if you really are allowed to hang around your house in your undies," Finn confessed his true reason for cornering Kurt.

Kurt suddenly seemed more excited about having Finn around the house more. Although he's now seen Finn naked and jacking off a few different times, he hasn't ever had a chance to really connect with Finn yet. "You're right, we have to change every day. And yes, we do hang out a lot in our underwear, or sometimes nothing at all. It's all really invigorating."

"Thanks man, I guess I'll see you tonight," Finn said as he headed off to football practice.

Finn was nervous about going over to Kurt's house. He spent about ten minutes debating on what kind of underwear to wear. He wanted to wear boxers, but was nervous that he would get a boner and not be able to hide it. He didn't want to wear whitie-tighties, because Burt might make fun of him. He decided to wear a jock strap under a pair of boxers. That way, if he saw a shampoo commercial and popped some wood, he wouldn't tent up as much.

Finn walked up to the door, and was greeted with a "come in" once he knocked. He walked in, and saw Burt sitting on the couch in his whitie tighties with a beer in his hand.

"Hey Finn, I'm happy you came by!" Burt said standing up. Finn has never seen a man lounging around in his underwear like this before, and was excited to join him. "Do you want me to put pants on, or is this alright?" Burt asked while snapping on the elastic band on his jockeys.

"It's your house. I'm fine by it though," Finn said, wanting to join his mom's boyfriend, but not sure how exactly to do so.

"Soda is in the fridge, and help yourself to any snacks you want. I'm not sure where Kurt is, but he probably won't be hanging around too much," Burt said while sitting back down on the couch. He placed his left hand in the top of the waistband of his underwear.

Finn walked into the kitchen, grabbed a coke, and headed back to the living room. Finn wasn't sure if he could just take off his pants, or if he should wait.

After a few minutes of watching the game and mindless chatter, Finn asked to use the restroom. Before he sat down again, Burt said, "Feel free to get comfortable, whatever that means for you. It's just us guys around tonight."

"Yeah, sure," Finn said, taking off his shirt. The house was quite warm, so it actually felt nice to loose that layer of clothes. However, when Finn went to take off his pants, some of his boxers went down with him, exposing his jock strap underneath.

"Interesting, I've known a guy to wear both a jock and boxers," Burt joked.

"Yeah," Finn said, quickly pulling up his boxers. It was clear that he was embarrassed.

"Well, whatever your comfortable in, dude," Burt said, trying to make Finn feel at ease."I just was surprised to see you in both. I guess I don't get the reasoning, but at the same time, I don't understand most of what you kids are doing anymore."

"Yeah," Finn said again. He wasn't sure exactly what to say, and was hoping that Burt wouldn't say anything else. He really just didn't want to explain to Burt his reasoning behind it.

Burt desperately was wanting Finn to like to him since he was now dating his mom, and could very much see a future with her. He knew he needed to have Finn's support in the future, and didn't want to start their relationship off with an awkward night. He started to think that maybe all of this male bonding was a bad idea, atleast maybe not this much.

Burt remembered a conversation he had with Finn when he first invited him over to his house to watch the game. Finn said something about being worried about his junk coming out of his boxers, and Burt figured that's why he is wearing the jockstrap. Burt tried to think of a way to make things right with Finn, and the only way he thought of was to address the elephant in the room.

"You know, I've never thought of a jockstrap as something comfortable to lounge around in," Burt commented, trying to ease into the conversation.

"Yeah, it's a lot better for practice," Finn replied back.

"And in situations when you want to keep your junk in place," Burt said, looking over at Finn to see if he got a reaction.

Finn tensed up a little bit, but tried to play it cool by saying, "yeah, it's good for that too."

"Look Finn, this isn't a place where you have to worry about that. Just think of my house as a comfortable locker room. If you want to stay put like that, feel free, but don't feel obligated. This isn't your mother's house," Burt explained.

"Thanks, Burt," Finn replied. He debated on if he could just change right here, if it was a locker room, or not. He got up and headed to the bathroom to change, just to be safe.

"Man, Finn. I'm not trying to come across as pushy, but I told you to think of this like a locker room," Burt said, standing up. "If you want to drop trou right here, feel free." And with that, Burt pulled down his underwear, and stood proud in front of his girlfriend's son.

Finn has seen a lot of naked guys, so it was just fine that Burt did that. "That's better," Burt said as he sat back down on the couch.

"What the hell," Finn thought to himself, and took off both his boxers and jockstrap, leaving them in the middle of the floor like Burt did with his briefs. Burt was surprised about how big Finn was, "Wow, I'm surprised you got all of that to fit in that jockstrap pouch." They both laughed a little, as Finn sat back down on the couch.

The game was getting exciting, and Finn was switching his eyes back from the tv, and over at Burt. He loved hanging out free, and loved seeing the different stages of Burt's cock. It felt so natural to be hanging out like this, and Finn was enjoying it.

A beer commercial came on, and it had scantily clothed women having beer poured on them. Burt saw a shift in Finn's body, with him crossing his legs in an attempt to hide his coming erection. "Wow, that blonde one has one hell of a body, huh?" Burt asked.

"For sure," Finn said, trying to not dwell on it anymore.

"I'd like to see more of that, if you know what I mean," Burt chuckled. "But the advertisement worked. Not only am I boned up, but I'm now wanting some more beer. Did you want something to drink?" Burt asked while standing up. His six inch cock was standing proudly erect for Finn to see. After seeing Finn's soft cock earlier, he knew he must've had a monster dick, but wasn't ashamed of anything he was sporting.

Finn stared at Burt's dick for a moment. He loved this openness that he was feeling in Burt's house. Never could he have felt comfortable walking around with a boner in his own house. He also liked the fact that Burt was so comfortable with his body, despite how average he was.

"No, I'm good," Finn said as he uncrossed his legs. He thought if Burt was relaxed about his current state of erection, he should be too. Burt turned to walk to the kitchen, but not before he saw Finn's monster of a teen dick spring up.

"I wonder if he gets his big dick genes from his dad," Burt worried. HE and Carol, Finn's mom, haven't had sex yet, and suddenly he was worried about not being able to compete with something that big.

Burt returned back to the living room, with his cock a less stiff. Finn was still going strong with his boner, sticking straight up.

"So, I take it you probably don't remember ever hanging out like this with your father," Burt asked, as he took a drink.

"No, I don't remember much at all. Is this common, you know, for fathers and sons to do things like this?" Finn asked.

"Absolutely. Not everyone does it, but, it's not rare, especially in a situation where there isn't a female around," Burt said. He figured he wouldn't get to find out about Finn's dad's cock yet.

After a few more minutes, Burt noticed that Finn's cock wasn't subsiding. "You want me to pop in a video, and let you take care of that thing?" Burt asked.

"What thing?" Finn asked, but looked over at Burt, and saw him staring at his dick.

"Sorry, I could just put back on my jockstrap?" Finn said, embarrassed.

"No, nothing to be sorry about. Besides, you couldn't fit that in a jockstrap if you tried. I was just offering you a chance for some relief. I could care less about the state of your Johnson," Burt explained.

Finn thought about having the chance to see porn on a big screen like this, and instantly got even a little more stiff. "You know, I would love to watch some videos on a tv this size."

Burt stood up, his cock back to it's hard state. He walked over to the vcr, and looked through the dvds. "What are you into?" Burt asked.

"Anything, really," Finn replied.

"In this household, you might not want to say that with Kurt around," Burt chuckled. He had no idea of Finn's experiences with guys.

"In that case, got any group scenes?" Finn asked.

Burt reached over for a dvd, put it in, and sat back on the couch.

It didn't take long before Finn was itching to stroke his dick. He wanted to wait for Burt to start, but Burt was just watching the dvd, not sure if he should participate or not.

Finally, after the first scene ended, Burt asked, "Mind if I start to jerk my meat?"

"Not at all," Finn said, "as long as I can do the same."

The two both spit in their hand and started to jack off. Burt realized that, once again, he needed something to clean up with eventually. He went over to the kitchen, and returned with a dish rag. Instead of sitting on his couch, he went over and sat next to Finn on the loveseat.

"Here is this for when we have to clean up," Burt said, as he placed the rag on his leg closer to Finn. The two men's legs were almost touching.

Burt noticed that Finn was using only one technique to jack off, but wasn't sure if this was the time to offer help.

Finn saw Burt's eyes shift from the movie to his dick, "Is something wrong?" Finn asked, in between strokes.

"Not at all, I just noticed you've been using the same technique this entire time. Don't get me wrong, this one here," Burt showed Finn the simple fist stroke Finn has been doing, "is one of my favorites, but there are a lot of others. Like, if you use the other hand, or just flip it backwards. Sometimes, you can fool your cock into thinking it's someone else doing the work. And, that's always a good time."

"Yeah, I do other things sometimes, but not too often. But you're right, nothing beats someone else's hand," Finn agreed.

How about try this one, Burt said, grabbing his cock at the base with one hand, and then rubbing the tip in the palm of the other. Burt continued to show Finn a few other variations, with Finn learning quickly. Finally after a few moments on a technique, Burt just reached out an put his arm around Finn's shoulder.

"Check out that brunette there. She's working that ass on that guy's dick. He looks to be your dick double, too," Burt said to Finn, while still stroking with his other hand.

"Yeah, he does. And, I wish she was here on my cock instead," Finn said.

The two guys kept at it for a little longer, commenting on girls, sex positions, and anything else. Finally, Finn started to moan a little more. Burt wanted to cum to at the same time, so he started to pump up the intensity.

"Are you getting close there bud?" Burt asked.

"Uh huh," is all Finn could out.

"Me too," Burt said as he pumped harder. Sperm started to shoot out of Burt's cock all over his belly. Finn started to shoot after too, getting the first spurt on Burt's stomach, but the second one hit his straight in the face.

"Fuck! I'm sorry!" Finn said, as he continued to jizz everywhere. Once he calmed down, he looked over and saw his cum running down his mom's boyfriend's face. "I definitely didn't mean to aim it like that," Finn said.

"It's fine. I know it happens, and besides, it's not like the first time I've had cum on my face," Burt chuckled, as he cleaned it off.

Finn wondered how Burt had cum on his face before, but figured it wasn't the time to ask.

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you want to see anything specific. I love hearing about how much these stories get you horny!!

Next: Chapter 17

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