Glee Season One

By Jake Brown

Published on Jan 22, 2011


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to FOX. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.

Mr. Ryerson (Sandy) was the director of what he considered the worst glee club in the history of glee clubs. Though, he continued teaching it for the thrill of being in charge of a bunch of hormonally charged up teenagers. Despite, having a long distance girlfriend, he uses that dominant role he plays in the students' lives as fuel for his jack off sessions. The glee club was composed of three uncoordinated, tone deaf backup singers, an amazingly talented brunette named Rachael Berry, and a horribly mediocre singer by the name of Hank Saunders. The only reason why he kept giving Hank the solos, is because he often wore loose fitting cargo pants with boxers, so each time he had a blood rush to his pants, it was very much obvious. Mr. Ryerson would have Hank work on different things during their one on one time to help fuel his jack off fantasies, including vocal exercises of moaning and grunting, having him visualize intimate moments to make him feel the passion of the love songs, and even rubbing his stomach himself to make sure he was engaging his core while singing.

The closest he got to actually touching Hank's sweet teen cock was one day they were working on Hank taking himself out of his comfort zone by working on his solos in nothing but his boxers.

"This will help you feel more confident in situations that you normally wouldn't." Mr. Ryerson explained to the unsure Hank. "We're going to work on `I'll Make Love to You.' Now, I got this magazine here of Jessica Fox. I want you to imagine singing to her. Visualize yourself on a bed with her, singing this song to her before you guys make love."

Hank wasn't realizing it, but his teen cock quickly got hard visualizing the situation while singing the first verse of the song. Finally, when he realized, he was already at full attention.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Ryerson. It's just, she's really hot, and this song is very passionate, and, well, you told me to visualize it," Hank said, reaching down to cover his erection with his hands. He couldn't explain it, but he didn't have time to rub one out before school like he usually does, so he was especially on edge.

"It's okay Hank," Mr. Ryerson comforted him. "It's a natural phenomenon. I was sixteen once too. Just focus on the singing, and I'm sure it'll go down. This is great practice for putting yourself out there in a situation that you're not familiar with."

Hank, started to sing again, but it wasn't long before Mr. Ryerson interrupted him.

"No, no. You're not engaging your core. Feel how your stomach muscles are totally limp. It's probably the only limp thing on your whole body right now," Mr. Ryerson joked. He then had Hank feel his abs, leaving his cock tent to be exposed again. "See, how it's just not engaged. Now flex it. There you go. Look, how even it's engaged all the way down here."

Mr. Ryerson then touched Hank's belly right above the waist band of his boxers. He was sure to linger there a moment, because the bottom of his hand was actually grazing the top of Hank's cock. Hank, who actually liked the feeling of someone touching it, didn't want to make the situation more awkward by telling Mr. Ryerson that he was touching his dick head, and decided to just wait until he stopped. But, Mr. Ryerson was lingering a little too long there.

"Okay, I think I can do it now. Can we start again?" Hank asked while blishing, putting his hands back to their boner-hiding positions.

"Actually, I think it'd be best if you concentrated on something else for the next few seconds. It seems your present condition is distracting you," Mr. Ryerson said while nodding toward Hank's crotch.

"Well, it's not just during this class. I've been hard all day. I didn't have time to masturbate in a while, so, just about anything will get me going," Hank answered, timidly.

"Alright, well, there isn't anyone else in this school by this hour. How about you just go into my office, and take care of business? I'll stop any janitors that might come in. You'll be quick about it, and then we can finish up here," Mr. Ryerson offered. Loving the idea of Hank pleasuring himself in his own office.

Hank agreed, grabbed the magazine, and walked awkwardly into the office. After shutting the door, he pulled down his boxers to his ankles, spit in his hand for some lube, and started to jack himself off. As he started to get going, Mr. Ryerson barged in, saying that he had some lotion in his office desk to help him do the deed. Hank didn't have time to pull up his boxers, so he stood there bare ass, with only his hands to cover his raging hard on.

"Go on and take the lotion, it has to be better than the spit that you must be using." Mr. Ryerson said while handing Hank the bottle. "Oh, and here is some Kleenex too, I don't want any cum stains on my office carpet, now do I?"

As Hank reached to grab both the bottle of lotion and the Kleenex from Mr. Ryerson, he ended up dropping both, causing him to instinctively try to catch them with both of his hands. That's when he realized that Mr. Ryerson just saw him in all of his teenage glory. He quickly turned around, leaving Mr. Ryerson a great view of his hot virgin ass.

"It's okay Hank. I'm a guy too," Mr. Ryerson reminded him. Besides, now that I've already seen it, you can really work on getting out of your comfort zone, by masturbating in front of me. Have you ever done that before?"

Hank hesitated, "well, I've jacked off with my buddy once while we watched porn, but it was when I was in middle school, and we didn't even know what we were doing."

"Well then, just pretend I'm not even here," Mr. Ryerson comforted.

After a moment's pause, Hank slowly started to stroke his six inch cock. The idea of having a teacher watch him, was actually turning out to turn him on. As he got more comfortable with the situation, he started to rub his nipples, and even his asshole, to really get going. All the while, Mr. Ryerson was sitting behind his desk, rubbing his own five and a half incher, but Hank was too busy focusing on his task at hand, he didn't notice.

Hank began to breath harder, stroke faster, and his toes curled. He then just moaned "Mr. Ryeeersooon...I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum," just as he began to shoot out five thick spurts of his sweet teen juice all over the floor, and even some onto Mr. Ryerson's desk. Mr. Ryerson was so into the moment, he stood up and cummed on his own desk too, mixing their man seeds together.

Hank, after the high of his own testosterone wore off as his cock went limp, realized just what he just did, and quickly ran out, pulled on his clothes, and ran out to his car.

Hank went to the principal the next day, but only said that Mr. Ryerson made him feel uncomfortable, not wanting to have the school know of his one on one jack off session with the closet case glee teacher.

Mr. Figgins, the principal, had to release Mr. Ryerson of his glee club responsibilities, expecting that to be the end of the glee, and allowing him more money in his overall school budget. However, the overly passionate Spanish teacher, Mr. Shuester, quickly volunteered for the job, after remembering all of the fun he had when he was in glee club in high school.

After auditions and a few rehearsals, Mr. Shoester quickly realized that his geeky club will never be amazing if they don't get some more kids, and would never be socially acceptable until they get some of the cool kids to join. After asking and being denied help from the national champion cheer coach, Sue, Mr. Shoester decided to go to the football coach, Ken Tonaka.

"Hey Ken," Will said as he ran up after a few laps on the track.

"Yeah Will?" replied Ken

"I have a favor to ask you. I was wondering if you could give me a moment to talk to your kids about joining glee club. I was wondering if maybe a few of them join, others will follow suit."

"I don't know Will. I don't think any of my kids will join the glee club. But, I will if you promise to put in a good word for me with Emma."

Emma was the guidance counselor at the school who is secretly in love with Will.

"Sure, but what exactly do you want me to say?" Will asked.

"Tell her that you saw my giant penis in the shower, and now you suffer from penis envy. That'll be sure to get her attention my way," Ken answered.

"No way, I'm not going to say that Ken. First off, I've never even seen your junk. Secondly, I don't want her to think that I'm not packing very much."

"Fine. Just tell her how much of a good guy you think I am, and that you think we would hit it off," Ken said, knowing that Emma would do anything Will told her to.

"Deal," Will said as he ran off to shower in the locker room.

Will always loved to go to locker rooms. Something about the smell and the idea that a guy could be walking around naked really got to him. He wasn't gay at all, but something about that turned him on and made him feel more like a man.

Since, he was just a Spanish teacher, he couldn't really walk in the locker room with no reason. He would think people would start to think he was a pedophile. That's when he got the idea that he could go running during his prep hour, and use the locker room after that. The coaches has a special shower in their office that he could use, but that meant that he could still plan it out to go in there right after a PE class would be let out. So, every day after his third period prep, he would spend it basking in the glory of all the naked teenage guys around him.

However, that locker room high he was on quickly faded. None of the football players even looked the least interested in joining his glee club. He was really feeling down on himself. To help him out of his funk, he decided to go sit in the locker room after school. No one would be in there, and maybe he could even relieve some of his sexual frustration. His wife, Terri, wasn't putting out at all these days.

When he heard the start quarterback, Finn Hudson, singing in the shower. He suddenly had the brilliant idea to set him up with some drugs he took from a student earlier that day. As Finn walked out of the shower area, Mr. Shue stopped him.

"Hey Finn. I have some bad news. We were doing bi-weekly afternoon locker checks, and I found this in yours," Mr. Shue said waving a bag of weed in the air.

"I swear that's not mine. I don't even know where to buy weed, let alone have the money to do so. I'll do anything. I'll pee in a cup," Finn pleaded.

While Finn was freaking out, Mr. Shoester couldn't take his eyes off Finn's hot, wet body. Finn's large dick was swaying as he paced back and forward in front of his locker. Mr. Shue could sit an admire Finn's package for hours, but he quickly refocused on the task at hand.

However, it wasn't quick enough. Finn, noticing Shuester's gaze blurted out, "anything, but that. I mean, I'm not against gay people, but I just couldn't do it. I'm dating Quinn Fabray."

Mr. Shoe quickly intervened, "oh no. God no, Finn. I just haven't ever seen a high school kid that well developed. I bet you make Quinn a very happy girl. And besides, I have a better idea on how you can pay me back for not telling Mr. Figgins."

Finn, though, wasn't paying much attention to what Mr. Shoe was saying. His mind started to wonder after Mr. Shoe talked about pleasuring Quinn. Quinn never let him go too far, so every time he even thought about the idea, he quickly popped a boner. Realizing that Mr. Shoe was still talking to him, he quickly turned around to hide his boner.

"Turn around when I'm talking to you boy." Mr. Shue said, being a little too curious about the size of Finn's hard penis. Mr. Shoe never got to be the authority figure at home, so he was actually surprised when he realized how powerful he sounded, and even more surprised when he Finn, slowly turned around, hands over his junk to try to hide his embarrassment. Mr. Shoe, having enjoyed his authority role by making him turn around, tried to see how far he could take this.

"Put your hands behind your back. Don't try to cover that up. Besides, it's not like you could anyways. That is a absolute monster." Mr. Shue told Finn.

"Please Mr. Shue, can't I put some clothes on or something?" Finn pleaded.

"Not until I'm done telling you how you're going to repay me for not turning you into Principal Figgins. First off," Mr. Shoe ordered, "you will join the glee club. Secondly, you will try your best to convince your teammates to do so as well. And thirdly, you will not be ashamed of your own body, because we're going to need you to be as confident as ever if you're going to sing the male lead." Mr. Shoe's own cock was raging by how in control he was.

"Uhhh, yeah. Okay. I can do that," Finn said, looking at the ground.

"And, you can look me in the eyes when you're talking to me," Mr. Shue continued.

"Yes sir," replied Finn.

"One last thing Finn," Mr. Shoe said as he was leaving, "be sure to take care of that boner before the next rehearsal. It will get in the way of some of the choreography."

Finn laughed, but thought twice about it, and was actually turned on by the idea of jacking off in the locker room. He knew he was only one around, and quickly started rubbing his dick. He closed his eyes, and sat on the bench. Thoughts of his hot girlfriend really turned him on. "Ohhh Quinn," he mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, Mr. Shue realized he left his bad on a bench in the locker room. As he walked back in, he heard Finn moaning. Curious, he quietly walked over there. He took a few seconds, and watched Finn as he pleasured himself. However, he quickly realized how much trouble he could get in if he was caught spying on Finn. So, instead, he decided to have some fun with it.

"You know, when I said you should take care of that, I meant at your own home," Mr. Shuester said to Finn, only a few feet away.

"Shoooot. Mr. Shue! Ughhhhhh" Finn yelled out as he shots of cum sprayed from his cock. After he squeezed out the last bit, he said, "I'm sorry Mr. Shue, please don't tell Coach Tonaka. I also didn't mean to cum on you. I just didn't think anyone was here, and well, once it started to go, I couldn't stop it. You know how it is."

"It's okay, you just got my shoes. I just forgot my bag," Mr. Shue said holding out his messenger bag. "I want tell Coach Tonaka, but you really shouldn't make it a habit to jack off here. At least, maybe be a little more aware of your surroundings when you do it. I'll see you tomorrow at practice."

Finn, stood there for a moment to come back to his senses, then quickly got dressed and cleaned up his jizz with his dirty sock.

The next day, at Glee practice, Finn found himself in a group of kids he never thought he'd actually be associated with him.

"We're going to work on a duet today. It's a pretty famous one, so I imagine all of you can easily follow along. Rachael, Finn, you two will be on leads. I want to see some chemistry. I know this is the first time you're here Finn, but this is a place you can express yourself. Play around. Have some fun," Mr. Shuester said to the class.

At first glance, Kurt was infatuated with Finn. Kurt was gay, but never told anyone. Finn seemed to be everything he could ever want in a guy. Confident, hot, and a good singer.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Finn said to Mr. Shuester.

"Me too!" Kurt quickly added, hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of Finn's cock in the bathroom.

"Okay, everyone take five." Mr. Shuester said.

"Uhhhh, Mr. Shue. Where is the bathroom here? I don't think I've ever even been in this part of the school," Finn asked. Kurt quickly volunteered to show him. There were two bathrooms, one was a new one, that had dividers between the urinals. The other was an older one, with only two urinals that were really close together, and a stall that was always closed with a `out of service' sign. Kurt didn't have to think twice to know which one to take Finn to. Kurt tried to make small talk on the way over there, but Finn only answered with yes or no.

Once in the bathroom, Kurt quickly walked over to the further stall, to give off the impression that he actually really had to relieve himself. Finn, showering with a lot of his teammates, usually wasn't shy around other guys. However, he felt very uncomfortable in the situation. He didn't watch Kurt to feel bad, so he saw no other choice. He walked up to the urinal, unzipped, and pulled out his mantool.

Kurt, trying his best to not be obvious, stole a glance at his penis. Finn's penis was so long, that his hand couldn't cover it all, so Kurt caught only a small glimpse of it. But, when he went over to wash his hands, and was able to see it from a different angle, he got a much better view.

Glee practice soon ended, and Kurt quickly went home to jack off. As soon as he got home, he hung up his designer sweater, put his bag in the proper place, and then quickly took off the rest of his clothes. He laid on his bed, completely naked, and jacked off his teen dick. Thoughts of Finn's cock raced through his mind. He wanted so bad to touch it, even more to lick and taste it.

It didn't take long for him to quickly cum all over his chest and stomach. He laid there for a while, basking in the idea of hopefully one day jacking off Finn. He was looking forward to more time with Finn, and was already trying to think of ways to get Finn naked with him.

The next day at football practice, the entire team heard about Finn joining the football team. They decided to call him "deep throat" for the entire practice. Finn, being the captian of the team, tried everything to gain back their respect during practice, but nothing seemed to work.

When it came time to shower, Finn just about had it. "Enough with the deep throat!! So what if I joined glee. It's not like I'm actually gay!" Finn yelled out in anger.

"Whatever, dude. You're the one that joined homo explosion. Now you'll have to deal with the consequences," fellow teammate Dave Karofsky said, as he narrowed in on Finn with about 6 other football players. Their hands behind their backs.

"What are you guys doing? What do you have?" Finn asked nervously.

"Nothing that you're not going to love." Karofsky answered back. Just then, they all closed the gap between them and Finn quickly, and threw their used condoms at Finn. They each jacked off in one the night before, and one this morning, and thought Finn would love to have their cum all over his body.

After realizing what just happened, Finn, threw off the condoms and quickly ran back in the shower. "You guys are disgusting," he said, as he tried to get the manjuice out of his hair. "I guess I won't be able to do this glee thing on the down low," Finn said to himself as he finished washing the rest of the cum off of himself.

Any comments would be appreciated

Next: Chapter 2

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