Glee Blam

By Kyle Poulos

Published on May 16, 2013


This is a complete work of fiction; depicting homosexual acts between the characters of ?Glee.? I own nothing in regards to ?Glee,? which is produced by 20th Century Fox Television. The acts depicted in this story are entirely fictional and have no resemblance to the sexual orientations to the actors who play the show, no matter how much we might wish so. As always, if it is illegal to read this where you currently are, go somewhere else to read it or go somewhere else online that is more appropriate. There may be unprotected sexual acts in this story, but it is advisable to always practice safe sex. This is my first story, so constructive criticism is welcome. Derogatory criticism is unnecessary. If you can?t say anything nice don?t say anything at all. Otherwise I hope you enjoy.

This story may contain sexual acts between other characters, but mainly this story will be about Blam- Blaine and Sam. This will take place right after the current season finale, so that is your spoiler warning. If you read this, you are warned that one assumes you?ve seen all episodes leading up to this. There are some liberties taken from the story line, so just go with it.

After the win of Regionals and the little impromptu wedding of Mr. Schue and Emma, the group was in a state of Euphoria. They were on their way to Nationals again! This time it will be held in Sunny LA! How could it get any better? Right after Mr. Schue and Emma finished their first kiss as a married couple, the celebration began. Blaine held the box that contained his engagement ring in excitement behind his back, waiting for the right moment to give it to his former boyfriend, Kurt.

Sam, having just broken up with Brittany, has mixed feelings about everything that has been happening. Having a relationship with Brittany felt right, and he truly believed that he loved her. His friendship with Blaine has been one of the best relationships he has formed at McKinley. Blaine has been a true friend, even though they had some tense moments earlier, before they became best friends. Sam knows that Blaine must be so anxious about proposing to Kurt. Sam believes in Same-Sex Marriage, seeing it as a right and not a religious problem, but why could he have problems with Blaine marrying Kurt. He wanted Blaine to be happy; he loves him, but only as a friend, right?

Sam showed his support to Blaine at the jewelry store, and when the clerk asked if Sam was the one Blaine would be proposing to, he felt a feeling that he wasn?t sure what it meant. When she asked it, his response was no, but Sam realized something in that moment. He was sad that all of his relationships he has ever had has ended, some of them badly. The only real relationship he has had that has never faltered has been his friendship with Blaine. He loves Blaine, like a brother, as he?s said, but why is he sad that Blaine is asking Kurt to marry him? Blaine has helped Sam through difficult times, just as Sam has helped Blaine. Would Blaine getting married change everything? Sam knew change was inevitable, but that doesn?t mean that he has to like it. He knew in a few months, he would be saying good-bye to a lot of people. Even if he saw everyone from glee club when they returned home for special occasions, Sam would only see Blaine a few times a year. This made Sam very sad. Blaine was his best friend and he would miss seeing him every day at school. All of this has been very confusing for him.

?Why does Blaine want to get married now?? is a thought Sam found himself having more and more. He knew it was wrong, the wedding. ?Blaine and Kurt are too young to get married, just like Brittany and I were too young, but we thought it was the end of the world.? Why did it bother him? Sam slowly started to realize that he cared for Blaine more than any other person. He cared about him as more than a friend. He knows that Blaine has had a crush on him, and this is not the first time he has thought about Blaine in that way. ? I have to tell him I think it?s a bad idea,? Sam thought.

The glee kids were celebrating the wedding and their triumph at Regionals. They had a little celebratory dance party in the choir room. Sam realized that he had to find Blaine, right now. He knew Blaine would have the ring on him and was waiting for the right moment to pop the question. Sam knew he had to stop Blaine. His eyes scanned the choir room fervently looking for his best friend. He spotted Blaine dancing close to Kurt, of course. He had never consciously thought this before, but Blaine was such a good- looking guy. He made his way to Blaine, pulling him away from Kurt, saying, ?Dude can I talk to you??

?What is it?? Blaine asked Sam as Sam led him into the bathroom.

?You can?t ask Kurt to marry you.?

?Sam, I love?-Blaine?s words were cut off by Sam?s lips touching his.

Blaine was in complete shock. He of course had thought about this happening, but he never actually thought it would happen. Sam?s lips were so soft. They were big and luscious. Sam felt that he could kiss them for the rest of his life.

?Dude, I want you to be happy, and if that did nothing for you, I?ll drop it and stand by your side in your proposal to Kurt, but if you felt anything from that, you can?t ask him.?

?Sam, why did you do that? Why now? Are you coming out to me? Do you have feelings for me?

Sam replied, ? It?s honestly something I?ve thought about doing for some time. I had to do it before you proposed, since you are still single and this was my last chance. I don?t know what I?m feeling. I?ve always just thought I was straight, and I have loved being your friend. I don?t know what it is; maybe my break-up with Brittany finally made me realize that the only relationship that has worked for me has been our relationship.?

Blaine just stood there. Sam, his best friend, had feelings for him. Blaine was so confused. ?Did that kiss mean nothing? No. I felt something there. Something I never felt before. Passion. Kissing Sam felt like kissing life itself. It was full of so much emotion. It was all of that but tender.? Those thoughts were running through Blaine?s head as he stood there.

He started to speak, ? Sam of course I felt something. How could I not? That was the best kiss I?ve ever had. I never thought it would happen. I mean I?ve thought about kissing those lips for, like, ever. It was way better than anything I could ever imagine. I have to go. I need to go home and sleep and think about things.?

?Take your time. I?ll be here.?

Blaine drove home, and while he might have been going the speed limit, his mind was racing. His shower and pre-bedtime ritual had never been this difficult to complete before. Even his nighttime jerk-off session didn?t help clear his mind. He eventually fell asleep, feeling glad about what happened today. He wasn?t sure how he felt about feeling that way, but his head started to hurt from all of this.

This is the end of chapter 1. Sorry there was not any sex. There will be more than kissing in the next chapter, if there is one, depending on the feedback I get. If people don?t like the story obviously, I won?t write a new chapter. I?ll take any constructive criticism, just try to make it somewhat positive, because this is my first story, so don?t judge too harshly. Suggestions are welcome, but I may not incorporate them into the story. Thanks for reading. Sorry it was kind of long and didn?t have any sex. The storyline in my head will have TONS of hot sex between these two, with maybe some others.

Next: Chapter 2

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