Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 30, 2020


'MARCELLUS' Demos cried out as he saw his lover being taken off to another part of the estate. He never even turned around.

So much had happened in the last few hours, that Demos' young head was flooded. He had been told that his time with Portius' was limited, and he would be sent with the next conscription to the mines in Hispania. Then, he was told to wait, for he would be sent to the brothels. And now, he was walking in the chambers of Glaucus' estate, where his lover was kept. He had even seen him, but the man never even turned his head to his cry.

While Marcellus was receiving a bath in the quarter for bed slaves, Glaucus was thinking of how best to turn the situation to his advantage. After a bit of careful thinking, he decided. He summoned his steward "COLLEPHERUS. Bring me the new slave. Demos. He is to be bound, hands forward, but he need not be naked.

"I obey My Lord" and Collepherus was off. Within minutes, he was back with the lad. Demos had been well trained by his former Master, and he assumed the proper slave position immediately. He also spread his legs as he stood - "Portius' work" Glaucus mused.

'DEMOS." Glaucus rose. "Welcome to the estate of Glaucus, Demos. Your former Master was prepared to send you to Hispania; however, my view was that you would make a much more valuable addition to my estate, than to the mines."

"I am grateful for your intervention My Lord." Glaucus smiled. Indeed, Portius had a reputation for being extremely strict, but his slaves were the best trained slaves in the city.

"Let me address the main question you may have. Yes, Marcellus is here, and he continues to serve me as one of my bed slaves. " Demos struggled to keep his composure.

"You will NOT be one of my bed slaves. Collepherus undoubtedly has an idea of where you will be working in this house, and you will work there; however, as long as I have you here, I expect that Marcellus will be... shall we say... more compliant." He smiled.

Now Demos DID look up. "Marcellus would never stoop to that." Glaucus laughed. "We shall see. We shall see. For example, should we determine how many lashes you must endure, before he agrees to offer his ass to the man of my choosing?" Demos blanched white. "Please do not do that My Lord. Please. "

Glaucus lifted up his chin to look at him directly. "Marcellus DID have to agree to things, before I would take you into the house. He may talk to you, but he is NOT to show you any affection whatsoever, and you would do well to remember the proscription on slaves engaging in forbidden activities. There IS a flaying machine in this estate, and I know you have seen it work at the estate of Portius."

"I have My Lord. I understand my duties, and those of Marcellus."

Glaucus smiled. "Very well. Given the situation, should you decide you would rather go to the mines, or to the brothel, I will arrange it. It is your choice. It is rare that a slave is given a choice."

"I am honored My Lord. I will accept your terms."

"As I knew you would. Collepherus, have you an idea of where to place him within the staff?

Collepherus nodded "indeed, I do My Lord. Linus and Tertius have been requesting assistance with running the baths for weeks. We haven't found a proper assistant for them, but I think this frail one will be just fine. The work is not that difficult, physically, and he will appeal to your guests.

"AGREED. If you would Collepherus, I would ask you to bring him to those two to begin his training. And after that, if you could make sure that Marcellus returns here after his bath, rather than the slave quarter."

Demos bowed as Collepherus took his arm. "I again thank you My Lord. I hope that I will prove sufficient."

Marcellus was brought back to Glaucus' chambers. He was used to the strong hand of the guard on his arm by now, and did not struggle. Rather, knowing now that his safety, as well as that of Demos, depended on his behavior, he was remarkably docile, a fact Glaucus noted immediately.

"There is no defiance on your face Marcellus." He paused, and when Marcellus did not speak, he continued. "Defeated in war, and now, defeated again. Or, you believe it is defeat, it is not?

"What is it then, My Lord? My consort here, where I can see him and out of reach. I, consigned to being your sex slave. How is this not defeat?"

"It is not the mines, Marcellus. Or the rowing ships. Or sacrifice. Your consort lives: you are responsible for that. Glaucus rose, smiled, and walked toward the shorter man. He looked at the guard. " I will bind him myself." He took Marcellus' wrists and, with little resistance, had them behind his back where he tied them with a leather thong. "Your actions led to your defeat, just as mine led to your capture. It is the way of the world, Marcellus. " He began running thumbs on Marcellus' nipples. He saw the man close his eyes and fight the sensation, before he lost, and began breathing hard. "And it is a life where you receive pleasure, as long as you provide it. "

He gasped out "Yes, My Lord. Shall I assume position on your bed?"

"Not quite yet, Marcellus. " He reached down and unlocked the sword cage, and Marcellus grew rigid, as Marcellus stroked it. "My hand is surely as pleasurable as is Demos."

Almost moaning, Marcellus replied "It is different My Lord. With Demos, I knew he would be under me soon. With you, I know I will be under you soon."

An almost evil grin came across Glaucus' face "Shall I remove my hand then?"

"No, My Lord. Please do not. "

"You will kiss me Marcellus. You will kiss me willingly. The way you would expect Demos to kiss you."

Another pause, and then "Yes My Lord." Marcellus opened his mouth to receive Glaucus tongue. Again, the pleasure that this caused rippled through Marcellus' tight muscular body. He still carried a sheen from the bath, and the contortions of his muscles reflected the waning light in the room.

"Tomorrow shall be a busy day for you Marcellus."

"How so My Lord?"

"The new slave, Flavius, has decided that he wishes combat with you to determine who will be the alpha sex slave. I have decided to make it an open combat: every slave may watch."

"Including Demos, My Lord?"

Glaucus laughed. "Demos shall be at my side. Following that, I have decided that this body hair of yours is a nuisance. You will be shaved. In the same way Demos was shaved. I am interested to see if your body pleases me more that way than it does now. " The thought of being shaved troubled Marcellus. He would tease Demos about the differences in their body hair, and that difference would disappear - at least for the short term.

"Will My Lord use the novacila himself?" asked Marcellus, and Glaucus laughed. "Was there any question? OF COURSE I will. So you will have a busy day.

"May I ask My Lord, why the farmer seeks combat with a soldier.

Glaucus replied. "I will summarize. His response was 'one man is already taking me , it will NOT be two. And he may be a soldier, but I have wrestled a bull in heat to the ground. I do not fear his prowess."

"It should be an excellent match My Lord."

"So it will be . My understanding is that the slaves are already betting on it." As he said that, he slid his hand behind Marcellus, and began inserting one finger in his hole. Marcellus winced at the intrusion, but it was not the first time, and he pushed back on it. His own sword grew more and more rigid.

"My Lord knows how to exploit a man's weaknesses." Marcellus began to pant.

"Indeed. It is what led to your capture Marcellus. And continues to be.." He pushed a second finger in. Marcellus spread his legs, because he could not deny the pleasure he was feeling.

"My Lord, I must ask for favor."

"And what is that slave Marcellus?"

"It is inappropriate for a slave to spill his seed without permission and before his Master. But I do not think I can maintain myself much longer. I beg you to either cage me, or to take me with your sword."

Glaucus undid the wrist restraints. "I am sure you realize, Marcellus, it is now the first time you have ASKED me to take you. And I will grant your wish."

He led Marcellus to his bed. "On all fours tonight, Marcellus, like an animal."

"Yes My Lord." Marcellus took position, and lowered his head. Glaucus' fingers probed him again. The ease of the two fingers entering his slave impressed Glaucus. "he must be practicing in slave quarters," he thought. " He thought about trying a third, but deferred. "Perhaps having Demos watch him take three fingers will be amusing." Instead, he pushed the sides of Marcellus cheeks apart, and brought his sword forward, entering his slave. From this new position, he reached new and different nerve endings, and Marcellus whined in pleasure and in pain. "My Lord. You continue to find points of pleasure I did not know existed."

"And I will do so repeatedly Marcellus. For now though, I will finish, THUS.." Glaucus pushed forward hard, and filled Marcellus with his seed. When he was done, he ordered marcellus on his back.

"You will complete the job yourself. As a soldier would.

"Yes My Lord. Thank you."

Glaucus stood and watched, as Marcellus began to masturbate. He smiled. "The prime of Materan generals, at my mercy. Relieving himself while I watch. It is good to be a Roman.

He whispered. "I would think you would love to have your Demos here, licking your balls as you do this, wouldn't you Marcellus?"

"Yes My Lord. He did it well.." Marcellus inched closer, thinking of that. Glaucus laughed. "Keep those thoughts. For all you know, by tomorrow you may be licking the balls of Flavius. And you WILL be licking mine." He reached down and pinched Marcellus' nipple. Whether the thought of licking his owner's balls, or the tit flick, or the memories of how Demos had done this, or some combination did it, he would never know; but Marcellus came with an orgasm which , as Glaucus laughed "would rival Etna."

As he caught his breath, Glaucus took a place on the bed, and stroked the slave's belly. "You will be here in my arms tonight Marcellus." He kissed him and whispered. "You may not wish to be my consort, and I respect that. But I will make you wonder if your decision was worth it...

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While Glaucus was having his pleasure with Marcellus, Demos was introduced to Linus and Tertius. Two older, bald men, who were more than a bit plump. Smiling, they greeted him.

'SALVE DEMOS. Welcome to the household of Glaucus.'

"Ave et salve," Demos returned, in the formulaic greeting he had learned. "I am here to serve. Please help me to do that."

Linus turned to Tertius and whispered, and they laughed. "I apologize Demos. It is just that we do not have many in this section of the estate, who require caging." He opened his robe, as did Tertius. Demos saw the scars there, and his eyes widened. "HOW? WHY?"

"We are Greeks Demos. We were captured during a Roman campaign. We are also consorts to each other. The Roman soldiers amused themselves, by requiring us to make love in front of them." "For hours," added Tertius

"When they had had their fun... they did this. We are fortunate that we survived. Many did not." Tertius added again "it was the custom at the time to geld male captives. But the loss of manpower was too great. It is now illegal. But it happens."

"So I have been told," Demos answered in a low voice.

"Eh, enough of the unpleasant past. We must proceed with the present. Glaucus is a fairly benign Master, if you follow his rules. BEWARE if you do not, though.

"Have you been told of my situation?" Demos asked. Tertius waved his hand

"Oh, the relationship with Marcellus. Demos, you must accept: he is lost to you now. As he would have been had he been killed in battle. Look to the side that is bright: you may see each other, and those sights can warm your heart at night."

"I will try Master Tertius." Tertius laughed. "Please. Tertius is fine, or simply use my nickname 'fatty one' Linus is "fatty two". Demos could not help but laugh. "Yes, the names are amusing. The one they have for you is "he of the beautiful ass."

Demos blushed. "at the estate of Portius, they called me 'the one who groaned' The two tittered at that.

"Now, our task here, we and you and three other slaves whom you will meet, is to keep the baths clean and full, and to assist with the ablutions of all but the bed slaves. And when Glaucus entertains, which is often, if his guest desires you, you will be expected to entertain him privately."

Demos gulped "as a common heitera?" Linus looked at him and smiled.

"Demos, be honest with yourself. Once a sword enters you, if you close your eyes, all that matters is whether it is big, or small. You must learn to close your eyes young man. "

"I will try. But I will always think of Marcellus"

The two looked at each other: "you are young. Give it time."

"If I may, Linus, how long for you two together, and here?

He looked at Tertius. "My mind is not as clear as it once was. Perhaps 45 turns of the sun together, and 20 or so here."

"And you have remained together?"

Tertius answered this time. "We were 25 together before we were enslaved. Glaucus thought we were an amusing pair. Things could have been much worse, for both of us.

"Things could have been worse, for both of us." Demos would recall that comment years later.

"I am ready to begin learning. Please teach me."

Next: Chapter 10

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