Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 25, 2020


The grip that Glaucus kept on Marcellus during the night was a strong one. Every time Marcellus stirred, it felt as if Glaucus tightened that grip, just a bit more. Although he was a strong man, Marcellus was unable to make any kind of progress whatsoever in loosening Glaucus' hold. It was yet another reminder to him that he had been defeated, and a captive of this man.

As light began to break, Glaucus stirred and his fingers began to tease at Marcellus' nipples. Glaucus had uncovered that secret weakness, and all Marcellus could do , held so tightly, was to try to enjoy it. He could feel his own sword filling its cage, as well as Glaucus' free sword pushing up against him. His breathing became more irregular, and deeper, and occasionally a moan escaped his mouth.

"My fine Materan DOES enjoy nipple work, don't you, Marcellus?" Glaucus whispered into Marcellus' ear.

"Yes My Lord. I have not had these stimulated since I was a much younger man.... " Glaucus flipped Marcellus on his back. The man who had been the pride of the Materan rebels, was helpless as Glaucus pinned him down and began nibbling at his pecs. "Since you were a younger man. .. " He smiled. "Perhaps obtaining that information will be the aim of our first session with the new toys you were eyeing last night. Portius always brings me back such interesting gifts from his trips.." He paused. "Open your mouth Marcellus. My tongue first, and then my sword. Wet it, so that it can pierce you easier."

"Yes MY Lord. " Glaucus took the measure of Marcellus' lips with his tongue, and then straddled him for thrusting his sword where his tongue had already been. Again, Marcellus fought the feelings of pleasure that were filling him, to no avail. When Glaucus removed his sword, he pleaded. "Please My Lord... could my sword be released, for just now?"

Glaucus laughed. "NO. " And then he stroked Marcellus' hair. "There are events to occur for which you will be glad it is locked now." For now, however, there is no talk to be had. All to be had is your slave ass."

He had switched to vulgar speech as he sometimes did, as he pushed Marcellus' legs in the air so that he could take him. And take him, he did. The deep sleep had apparently reinvigorated Glaucus in all areas. Marcellus felt himself pierced in a way he had not yet been pierced. He bit his tongue so as not to scream out loud. Every time Glaucus took him to bed, he seemed to find yet another area which stimulated Marcellus in a way he had not been stimulated. So it was today. Glaucus seemed almost to be twisting his sword like a corkscrew as he took Marcellus. The sensations were new, and pleasurable. As Glaucus reached his climax, and filled Marcellus with his seed, Marcellus wished it were still going on.

"My Lord seems to know as much about love making as anyone in Rome." Glaucus was pleased with the comlement, and he kissed Marcellus gently. "Not all of the work I do with scrolls is official Marcellus... And let us say we are only in Chapter 1 of a very long book."

There was a pause, and then, Marcellus spoke. "My Lord, I fear to say this, yet I must. I have considered the matter very carefully. I must assume that the laws for consorts, are the same in Rome as they are in Matera: both consorts must be willing to be a part of the match."

"Indeed, that is the rule here Marcellus."

"I am aware of what the consequences may be My Lord, but if that is the case, I cannot accept being your consort. "

Glaucus took a deep breath. He was not surprised, but he wanted to hear Marcellus' reasons. "I would ask you why , slave Marcellus."

"My Lord, I was taught that two consorts must share more than physical desire. I will not deny that I look forward to the evenings that I am called to your bed. Nor will I deny that I am learning to enjoy my new role. But both are in the context of a recognition that I am your slave and I must obey. Were I a free man, this would not be happening. And while I stand in awe of your power, your learning, your prowess, I do not feel for you what I have felt for Demos. "

Glaucus looked at him. "Do you think that those feelings will ever come, Marcellus?"

Marcellus sighed "Part of me wishes I could answer that yes, My Lord. For now though, I am afraid that the answer is, at best, that I do not know. "

"VERY WELL" Glaucus rose, and reached for his morning robe. "While I cannot say that I am pleased with your answer, I DO appreciate your candor, and your bravery in being candid. " He paused. "There are other Lords in Rome, who would punish you for this in ways you cannot imagine. One of my colleagues has gelded men for answers such as that. I have a different approach, as I would rather continue to have you as my bed slave, than not. " He paused. "I have much to consider this day, including what will be your future, but we will have to continue the day as if all were normal. You should get ready for your meeting with Clodius, and the gladiator's school. " He clapped his hands and the attendants entered. "Please be sure that Marcellus takes breakfast. In the slave quarters. Please take him away for this morning. I must prepare for the day.

"As our Lord wishes. " Marcellus reached for his loin cloth but was stopped.

"NO. Bring him to the quarters as he is. While it is no secret where he spent his evening, let us punctuate it by letting all know." He cast an evil grin at Marcellus. "Humiliation is one of the highest forms of punishment for a proud man, Marcellus. Learn it well.

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After Marcellus had left, attendants came in. "My Lord," spoke the lead attendant. "You had instructed us to bring the new bed slave to you when you had finished your meal. As you seem to have finished, we have him here."

Glaucus could see Franz standing with two other attendants. He was bound, and they had gagged him also.

"Why is he gagged?" Glaucus asked, more intrigued than angry.

"My Lord, we know that you prefer to use gags on your bed slaves yourself; however, his cursing and yelling were disturbing everyone. The gag was necessary to silence him." He paused. "As was a bit of punishment administered to his sword."

Franz did, indeed, look defeated. Gloriously handsome, but defeated. His head hung down, and his hands were firmly tied behind him. He seemed to still be in a bit of pain. Not a sound came out of him.

"You did well, Brassius. One cannot complain about how you subdued this one. He is difficult. Place him on the cross, and set out the shaving implements. One bed slave with body hair is sufficient."

"As you will My Lord."

"Also, he will learn. As of today, his name is no longer Franz. It's a disgusting name from a barbarian tribe. If he is to be Roman, his name will be Flavius." "As you will My Lord."

They took Franz/Flavius off to Glaucus torture room, and laid out the tools he requested. When he entered , Franz/Flavius had recovered a bit, and he was moaning through the gag, and struggling at the restraints.

"It will do you no good Flavius. I would relax if I were you. You will only harm yourself. " He stretched out his hand and held the man's balls. He squeezed. "Or perhaps I will do the harm myself." There was a whine, rather than a scream from Franz/Flavius' mouth, and he shook his head yes. He stopped struggling."

"I will remove the gag unless you overreact flavius. Am I clear?"

"You are clear MY LORD." He spat out. "But my name is FRANZ, it is NOT Flavius."

Glaucus smiled, and went back to his balls. "Your name is now FLAVIUS. You seem to forget that you are property now, and in my power. I choose to name you Flavius, and you are FLAVIUS." He squeezed harder. "ARE WE CLEAR?" as he twisted the man's testicles.

Flavius groaned in pain "Yes My Lord. You are clear."

"Did you enjoy your first night as a bed slave, Flavius?"

There was silence. Flavius had never been taken by a man before, and at first, he had struggled, fought, and then, as sensation overwhelmed him, surrendered to it. His evening with Ahmad and Eric had taught him that this was how things were to be.

"It is unfamiliar to me My Lord, but yes, ultimately, I did enjoy it."

Glaucus smiled. "I did too, Flavius, and I hope to enjoy you a gain, but with much less of this... interfering hair.."

"THAT HAIR IS PART OF MY MANHOOD " he yelled. Again, Glaucus went to his balls. "Which now belongs to me." He picked up the sharp edge. "This can cut if the target is not still. I would suggest you bear that in mind." Slowly, he passed the sharp edge over Flavius' chest. He circled his nipples several times, simply to make a point. He then went to the arm pits, and removed that hair too.

"You should be pleased I am traditional, Flavius. The modern way to do this, is with an alkaline bath. It burns the hair off of the subject. It prevents hair from growing back, which some prefer. " Glaucus smiled. "I prefer to shave my bed slaves once a month. So we shall do it again."

"As you wish, My Lord. May I speak a question?"

"Speak a question. That is your foul language interfering with the beauty of Latin. ASK a question."

"I apologize My Lord. It was not my intention to disturb you with my poor command of Latin. My question is: can you tell me what has happened to my son?"

"Ah, yes. Ulrich. By now he has probably been renamed as well. He is at the estate of Portius." Glaucus smiled. "I hope your son is more compliant than you are, because Portius has a much more abrasive temperament than do I, and he is not adverse to using the whip."

"Will I get a chance to see my son again, My Lord?" "That will depend, Flavius. On yourself, on your son, on Portius. I am not adverse to it. How old is your son, Flavius?" "He has passed 14 cycles, My Lord." "AH. A perfect age for Portius. "

Glaucus paused, and ran his finger up the newly shorn torso of his new slave. "Today, you will be fitted with your sword protector." "My sword protector." Glaucus smiled. "From what I know of your people, your approach to preventing men whom you do not wish to breed, is to slice the sword from their body and leave them to live or die as the fates dictate." "In Rome, we are far less brutal. You will be fitted with a cage to prevent you from using what is no longer yours. It will be removed at my discretion."

"How is that kinder, My Lord?" "You will live. Your fate is not in the hands of a capricious deity. You will also be fitted with the collar, and band of a slave. " He looked at him. Then he called in the attendants. "BRING IN AHMAD AND ERIC."

The other two bed slaves were summoned promptly. Both took proper position. "Ahmad, Eric, we would traditionally have the wrestling match to determine Flavius' placement in the order of slaves. I propose to make him beta slave, below Marcellus. If either of you would care to challenge that determination and wrestle Flavius, speak now."

Flavius was confused, but the two both indicated that they were happy with their positions, and were removed.

Glaucus continued to play with Flavius' torso and nipples. "Occasionally, I permit the cages to be removed from my slaves' swords. When that happens, there is an order: Eric, who is delta slave, may be taken by any of the other slaves. Ahmad may be taken by you, or by Marcellus, and the only slave who has rights to you, is Marcellus. Only I have rights to Marcellus. " He smiled. "Of course, if you would wish to challenge that determination, you may wrestle Marcellus for dominant position. He is at his tasks now, so we cannot ask his views. You may consider them for the day." He clapped his hands. "Release Flavius. Fit him appropriately, size him for his protector. I will apply it myself, when I am ready. For now, I must prepare myself for a visit to Portius. I HOPE he has not made any decisions on that young man yet." He grinned. Glaucus had plans for Demos: plans that would further break Marcellus, making him a more compliant subject than he already was.

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Glaucus found Portius in his garden. He had the new boy, Ulrich, with him. He was at Portius' side, with Portius' hand playing through his hair. The boy looked tired, and scared. He was in only a loin cloth, and Glaucus could see the marks from Portius' nails, and the small bite marks on his chest.

'AVE ET SALVE GLAUCUS. A delight to have your visit." He turned to the boy. "STAND URBAN, " for he had renamed his new slave as well. "Now, back to quarters. "Yes My Lord" the boy muttered, not looking up. "ONE MINUTE MY FINE PUP.. A kiss for your Master." The boy seemed reluctant, but opened his lips for Portius tongue. "AH, sweet. Like the first strawberries of spring. Now off with you."

As the boy left, he embraced Glaucus. "My friend, this may be the best purchase I have ever made. Even moreso than that lovely Demos." "So you have renamed him?" "Oh yes. Those disgusting Teutonic names. All those harsh syllables. All those breaks in the flow of a word. " "Was he reluctant?" Portius laughed. "I had already taken care of his reluctance. I did not rename him until after I had taken him. THAT is where the reluctance was. This one, Glaucus, was truly a virgin. In all respects. A woman had never kissed him. He knew absolutely NOTHING of love making." He paused. "And so tight, Glaucus. OH, so tight. I went back to lubricate him three times before I could enter him. And he squealed. OH, did he squeal. " He smiled, enjoying the memory. "He is surprisingly strong for such a young boy. I presume from the farm labors. I subdued him, of course, but even then, to pry apart his young legs. "

He came out of his reverie. "You have enjoyed his father? What disgusting name did he have? Franz was it?" "Yes, but he is now Flavius." "EXCELLENT GLAUCUS. I take it you have introduced him to the joys of your presence." "I did Portius. And I must say, while he was not as much of a challenge as your boy, he was a challenge. And worth every second of it." Now Glaucus began to smile at memories. "I am spent from the night, first with him and then with Marcellus, but this morning, when he was shorn.... had I not work to do, I would have taken him again."

"Ah, Glaucus! It must be your chef. No one but you could actually have, and enjoy sex as often in a day as you do" "What can I say, Portius? Horatio was so good at reading my moods. That was in him. I will never be able to teach someone that." "No , you are right. When you find the right one, you must hold onto them, even if it spites the gods." He paused. "But of course, the gods will have what they will have." He saw that this discussion was saddening his friend. "BUT ENOUGH of the past. Glaucus, you did not come here to tell me about your time with Flavius. Have you business we should discuss?"

"Perhaps old friend. I wondered what you plan to do with Demos, now that you have Urban." Portius smiled, as he saw an opportunity. He was glad that Glaucus was as transparent as he was. "Well, Crassus prefers his bed slaves a bit older than do I, so I was considering offering Demos to him 'for future considerations', but if memory serves, Crassus does not care for blonds." "He does not, Portius, and that is an understatement." "Yes, he DOES seem to have an abundance of Nubian slaves, doesn't he?" They both laughed at that. "But beyond that, it is a difficult question. I like the young man, but Urban will be my new bed mate for the foreseeable future, and I have no place in the house for an extra slave. The brothel perhaps? He seems too pretty to be sent to mine work. A sacrifice to Apollo? No, I cannot see that. " He paused. "have you an idea, Glaucus."

"I do my friend. I would like to ask the steward of my home if we have a place for him. NOT as a bed slave. That will not happen. But..." and he smiled. "You of all people will understand the value of having the consort of the man you seek as your bed mate in your power?"

Portius smiled "AH GLAUCUS. It is fortunate for us all that you did not seek the title of Emperor. With a mind that crafty, you would be wearing the crown right now. How much time do you need.?"

"One day. No more than that. But I must ask: what is your price for the lad?" Portius smiled. "You are my friend Glaucus, and thus, my price is lower. You may have the lad for 30,000 denarii." Glaucus laughed. "That is your price for a friend? No wonder you are alone. You KNOW the brothel will not pay you more than 10, and of course, you will get less for selling him for a mine crew. The brothel will give you ten. I will offer you 15" Portius was silent. He and Glaucus knew each other since they were children. They argued over who was older, but their birth year was the same. They both knew, the minute Glaucus made the offer, that this was the price he would pay. But they enjoyed the verbal jousting. "Consider the price firm. Check with your steward, and let me know tomorrow." "So shall it be my friend." Glaucus rose, and embraced Portius. "Be well. And enjoy the lad. Perhaps we can arrange an entertainment where he and his father may be reunited." Portius laughed. "I would call you the most perverted man in Rome, Glaucus, if I did not want that title myself."

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In fact, Glaucus did not need to discuss the matter with his steward. He knew that the staff of slaves was short by 2 or 3 . Age had carried off one, disease a second, and the third had been caught stealing, and had been sent to the mines. He simply had to determine how to raise the issue with Marcellus. After thinking on it, he had a plan, He instructed the steward to have Marcellus come to his chambers as soon as he had returned from the academy. It would not be necessary to wash before hand. And when Marcellus arrived, he did as instructed.

"My Lord has asked me to come to him," he took the proper position in front of Glaucus, who was in his lounge chair. "Yes Marcellus. I wish to discuss a matter with you before proceeding. Please take the seat to my left." Marcellus sat, knowing this was a matter of seriousness. Slaves were usually NOT permitted to take chairs, but were to sit on the floor.

Glaucus laced his fingers together. "I have considered, very carefully, what you have said to me this morning as to being my consort. " "My Lord, if I spoke out of turn, I regret it. " "No Marcellus, you spoke honestly, and you cite the law correctly. Being a bed slave is not something one chooses. Being a consort is. And if you do not wish to be my consort, then the matter is concluded." "I thank you My Lord. If I may, I wish I felt as I need to to be your consort. To share your bed as often as I have, is an honor." Glaucus smiled. He could smell flattery 1000 meters away. "I take your words to heart Marcellus. Now, on the subject of consorts, I must discuss a business situation with you." He took a breath. "As you saw, Portius has grown weary of Demos, and will not keep him in his household any longer."

"I understood that My Lord, and it makes my heart hurt. I realize that the gods determine our fate, but to have Demos and to lose him, again, it is saddening." "Yes, I understand the operation of the gods, and loss Marcellus." He brushed back a tear as he thought of Horatio again. "Perhaps this situation can be mollified, such that all are satisfied. Today, I visited Portius. We have come to an agreement by which I would purchase Demos and he would become part of my household."

Marcellus could not contain himself, and he stood. "MY LORD. PLEASE DO NOT JEST WITH ME ON THIS?'


"My apologies Sir. I overstepped." "For another slave, that would mean the lash; however, I will forego this, if you will be calm while I explain the situation. Demos will NOT come into this house as a bed slave. I have no interest in that. He will be an attendant slave. And you must make me a promise. And I am VERY serious about this promise. Demos will have to make it too."

"I listen My Lord."

"You must not forget that you are MY property, and MY bed slave. Should Demos come into this house, he will be caged, but he will be caged, permanently. And you must promise to me that, while you will undoubtedly interact in the house, you will NEVER show any intimacy to him. He will have to make the same promise." He paused. "Because if you are caught in showing intimacy to each other, how do I put this... there will be no need for cages, for either of you."

Marcellus dropped into thought. He could save Demos, and he could see him every day. But... the agony of the young man being unavailable."

"I am not quite finished Marcellus. You will have to make an additional avowal to me. While you, as alpha, or perhaps beta slave, have rights to other bed slaves in this house, you will have to promise to never take the active position, and to confine your sexual activity to my bed. That will include, how shall I put this, self satisfaction?

Marcellus paused. "Have I been demoted in view of Franz, My Lord? You spoke of beta?"

Glaucus grinned to himself. That question told him that this matter was concluded. "Franz shall now be known as Flavius. I offered him the opportunity to wrestle you for the position of alpha bed slave, as I do to all new members of group. He is considering it. I now ask you for your decision, for if this is too much for you, I will inform Portius that I am withdrawing my offer. "

"Please My Lord. I would save Demos from the life he would lead. I thank you for the opportunity. "

Glaucus clapped his hands and an attendant appeared. "YES MY LORD?"

"Plautus, please have Ahmad bring this pouch to Portius. Portius will know what to do. And inform Ahmad that he is not to return without the property agreed upon."

"Yes My Lord."

Glaucus turned back to Marcellus. "It is now time for you to begin satisfying your agreement."

He brought Marcellus to his bed chamber.

"On the bed. Face up. As if crucified."

Marcellus took his place on the soft linen that lined the bed, and felt Glaucus secure his wrists, and his ankles. He remembered, for the first time that day, the toys on the side table.

"Yes, Marcellus. We are going to explore the use of these... Where shall we start.. " Glaucus began using one of the toys on Marcellus' arm pit. He saw the man try to seal his lips, as laughs bubbled up. "How nice. It appears my bed slave enjoys these..." He took a second one, and now he began tickling both arm pits. The seal broke on Marcellus' lips and he began to laugh. Not deeply, but almost like a school boy. That changed, when Glaucus picked up two larger toys, and began running them down Marcellus' sides.

"BY THE GODS STOP!!!!" Marcellus broke into convulsive laughter. His face grew bright red. "AGGGH. This is worse than the exercises Clodius gave me to do. STOP. PLEASE STOP..'

"We have one more area to explore Marcellus. Such beautiful feet. SUCH beautiful feet." Marcellus curled his toes, for that was all he could do in the restraints.

These smaller, rotating toys, will be a joy to use on you. And I will, at least until you plead with me to impale. you."

'HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The noise spilled out of the bedroom, and the attendants giggled. "Our Lord is enjoying his new toys. Poor Marcellus," and they laughed again.

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please. Stop. No more. No more. Impale me My Lord. IMPALE ME. Take me with your sword. I am your bed slave. SHOW IT. SHOW ME WHY YOU CONQUERED ME."

Glaucus dropped his robe, and undid the restraints on Marcellus' ankles. "You will soon find, Marcellus, that the act of tickling arouses me. He PLUNGED into Marcellus, who screamed in pain, and then began moaning with pleasure. "Did Demos ever feel this good when I took him?" he wondered? For a minute, he thought 'what if Glaucus wanted him, instead of me?' and made up his mind that he would have to make sure that Glaucus never felt that need. He remembered something Demos would do to tease his sword, and did it to Glaucus, who looked down with a grin.

"You are learning, my fine slave... All the better. Perhaps I can have Demos impart some of HIS secrets to you. I am sure he has some. For now though.... " Glaucus pushed one more time, and flooded Marcellus' canal with his seed.

"So satisfying to see you conquered again, Marcellus. It does not replace my Horatio, but you are a FINE prize.

"Thank you My Lord."

"You will share my bed tonight. But for that, we do need to have you cleaned from the day. Return when you are done."

"Yes My Lord."

He hurried to the slave baths. And as he ran through the halls, he saw Demos, bound , being led into the house. The young man looked up once. "Marcellus" he said, before he was led away.

Next: Chapter 9

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