Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 21, 2020


For Marcellus and Demos, the evening passed too quickly. They heard the rooster crow, and knew that their time together was over for the evening. "What will happen Marcellus? Portius has clearly found another boy more favorable. I do not know what he will do to me."

Marcellus pulled his lover closer. "I do not know either, my love. I will speak with Glaucus. I do not know what it will do. I doubt that he will let us live under the same roof - but perhaps he will have an idea." Marcellus smiled. "He favors my ass, and he favors a challenge in bed. Perhaps he will not risk losing that."

"Agreed Marcellus. But you saw. He purchased the young boy's father. What will his role be? Will YOU be displaced as well?"

"I will learn what I can my sweet. And I will get information to you as I can."

An attendant entered, clapping his hands. "It is dawn. Marcellus, your Master awaits you. "

He hugged Demos one more time. "Be well my love."

One attendant led Demos back to Portius, while a second led Marcellus to a waiting Glaucus. He was standing there, smiling, with Eric.

"I assume you had an enjoyable evening with Demos , slave Marcellus?"

"I did My Lord. I thank you for the time with him. It was too short, but it was more than I could expect."

"Ah, the time with the ones we love is ALWAYS too short is it not Marcellus? We should be happy with the time we have." His face darkened. "Until it is taken from us." He paused. "WE ARE WALKING THROUGH THE STREETS OF ROME MARCELLUS. NEED I REMIND YOU THAT YOU ARE A SLAVE? "

"My apologies My Lord." Marcellus placed his hands behind his back, and lowered his head. With his bare chest, all could see the collar and the arm band, the marks of a bed slave. Eric wore the same items, and was also in slave position. Glaucus smiled at him. "You have learned well, my boy. Your performance last night was sweet and lovely. "

"I am your humble servant My Lord. "

They walked, with Glaucus putting one hand on each of their necks. It was a sign of his wealth, and his power: to be able to walk through the streets of Rome with two bed slaves, would make an impression."

"I have arranged for you to have a free day from the gymnasium and your teaching duties Marcellus. For I am sure we have items to speak of, and we shall: after Franz and I become acquainted."

"My Lord is wise. "

Glaucus laughed. "I only observe the obvious. As they arrived at the compound, three attendants met them. "We welcome our Lord back. Lord Glaucus, your new slave has been washed, and groomed. We did not take the liberty of removing his body hair, for we know you may choose to the contrary."

"Thank you. Indeed, I have not quite decided what I would like to do about that; however, I would like him brought to my quarters, loin cloth and bound. " He turned to Marcellus. "My understanding is that your feet have recovered from the wear they took while in service."

"They are indeed My Lord. I do now need sandals to walk on the streets of this city."

Glaucus smiled. "Then perhaps we will test them later. " He turned to his attendants. "Place Marcellus in a cell, away from the others. I want no ideas getting to him while I engage our new member.

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Franz, defiant but clearly frightened, was brought to Glaucus private chambers.

"Relax Franz. Surely you have become accustomed to being bound."

"I will NEVER become accustomed to it. Yet I must give you my thanks. Were it not for you, I would be on a ship bound for Hispania, for the copper mines. I am not . And my son is with me in the same city."

"You will see your son again, Franz. How often and under what circumstances depends on how you please me."

"How can I please you My Lord?"

Glaucus smiled. "You do understand that you were brought here as a bed slave. Do you know what that means?"

Franz looked away before turning back and answering. "I am a farmer, My Lord, but I am not without wits. You wish to use me the way Lord Portius would use my son."

"Oh, I think that my means are much different that Portius. For example, I rarely see the need for a whip." He walked closer to Franz. "BUT... that is because..." He began twisting Franz' nipples. "My expertise here is rather more effective, in my view, than the whip."

Franz bit his lips, but a moan escaped him, and his own sword lengthened under the loin cloth. "You are indeed persuasive My Lord. I find myself feeling what I have not felt before."

Glaucus continued. "So, in your country, you did not spend a time, as a youth, as the 'companion' of an older man."

"Others did My Lord. But as country farmers, we were left to our own."

The smile on Glaucus' face grew larger. "Then you have not been pierced by another man's sword."

The handsome farmer winced. "No My Lord. I have not."

"THAT will change today. " He snapped his fingers. "Bind him to the bed. Face up. And yes, prepare the LARGE gag. I suspect we will need it. And bring Marcellus. I wish that he WATCH this."

The farmer struggled, but there was no use in fighting the attendants. They had him spread eagled on the bed in no time. He pushed at the ropes, and it did no good. He thought about what he had been told when he had been brought to the compound, and he recalled how he had reacted to Glaucus work on his pectoral muscles. He knew what was to happen - or so he thought.

Marcellus was led into the bedroom, wondering how he was to perform after a night with Demos. When he saw that Franz was tied to the bed and gagged, he turned to try to escape. He was stopped, immediately, and Glaucus, with arms folded, looked at him. "You can choose to take your place in the viewing chair Marcellus, or the guards will put you there. One way or the other, you WILL watch what happens. "


Glaucus laughed. "Because you are going to ask me to save your boy very soon. And it is important for you to see what your position is, and how little there is to offer. " He doffed his own dressing robe, and lay on the bed next to Franz. His fingers ran expertly over his torso.

"You are new to this farmer. Trust me. I will make you feel MUCH better than any woman ever has. "

"THIS IS WRONG " yelled Franz, but all that came out was "MMMMPH MMMPH MMMPH," as Glaucus mouth circled a nipple and his fingers, the other.

Marcellus, bound to the chair, tightly, could only watch, as Glaucus expertly worked on Franz, finally getting him to shake his head "yes" to the question of whether he wanted Glaucus' sword in him. He watched as Glaucus raised the man's legs, and expertly separated them, leaving as wide an area as possible. He winced as he thought back to the night that Glaucus had taken him for the first time. And he twinged with jealousy, thinking he could be there, too.

Glaucus penis disappeared into the hole of Franz, and Franz tried to SCREAM through his gag, but it did no good. Glaucus only seemed to be more encouraged by the scream. He teased the farmer. "Think of it this way , slave franz. You and your son will have something in common. I'm sure that he's being taken right now, if he hasn't been already." He pushed, going further up into the farmer, turning to Marcellus.

"You will learn to enjoy this. Will he not Marcellus?" Marcellus paused, gritting his teeth. "Yes, My Lord." He knew that, given what he wanted from his owner, he would have to behave more obediently."

Franz was near tears, as Glaucus reached climax, filling him, and pulling out at the last minute, shooting his cum all over the farmer. "It will give you a good reason for the good soak and bath the attendants have ready for you." He released the bonds. The farmer reacted badly, trying to strike Glaucus. His owner expertly stopped the fist, however, and pinned him back down. "You are lucky Franz. I was gentle with you. I will not be so in the future." Glaucus pulled the gag out of Franz' mouth.

'MAY THE GODS STRIKE YOU DEAD. PERVERT!" he yelled at Glaucus, who only laughed. "You are hardly in a position to say such things, slave. Bear in mind that I could make sure you DO go to the mines of Hispania. OR I could ask my friend to send your son there. Or to sacrifice him to Apollo. He IS such a beautiful young man. "

Franz wept quietly. "I apologize for my behavior My Lord. I am still adapting to what is a new situation."

Glaucus grinned "You are given a chance tonight, slave. Should it happen again, I will not be so generous. Now, you will go with the attendants for a good, thorough cleaning. Tomorrow morning..." he brushed his hand over Franz' hairy chest. "One hirsute slave is enough for me, and I have him in Marcellus. You will be depiltated tomorrow, Franz. I will do it myself. That, and a cut to your hair, to leave it shorter, and you will be one of my more attractive slaves." He smiled, turning to Marcellus. "Although you will be no match for this one."

"Yes My Lord." He bowed his head as the attendants led him out.

Marcellus was still tied to the chair, as Glaucus approached. "Well, well, Marcellus. Another older man in the bed slave group. You have competition." He put his hand under Marcellus chin, and held his face up to himself.

"I do not fear competition. I am sure that I entertain you much more than any other slave you have." Glaucus kissed his forehead. "you entertain me DIFFERENTLY Marcellus. And unlike the others, you are of a station that makes you a worthy match as my consort, should I choose to proceed in that direction." Marcellus squirmed when he heard the word "consort."

"I will be your bed slave. I have no choice about that. I surrendered, and I am your captive. But I will NEVER consent to being your consort."

Glaucus smiled wickedly. "Then let us talk of other thing, Marcellus. I believe you wished to ask for my help in some matter involving Demos."

He paused, and folded his arms. Marcellus now understood his position. If he declined the offer to be Glaucus' consort, Demos' fate was totally in the hands of Portius, who had clearly lost the interest he had in the boy.

"What will happen to your sweet Demos?" Glaucus asked, approaching Marcellus, and slowly running thumbs over his nipples. "The brothel? The mines? the gaol before sacrifice? Who knows? It is the fate of a slave who grows facial hair, when he is the bed slave of a man who prefers his men smooth. " He paused again, as Marcellus winced. "I have no idea what will happen to him, nor am I inclined to become involved, unless there is some benefit to myself. And as of now, I see you as having very little to offer Marcellus. I DO own you. I can do whatever I like to you. Hence, I can satisfy my desires in your mouth, in your ass, anywhere I like." He smiled. "And I believe you have come to enjoy it as well. Perhaps not as much as your Demos, but..."


Glaucus smacked him. "Perhaps we need another wrestling match to reinforce what you have already learned, Marcellus. And, of that vile word... from what Portius and I saw last night , you are hardly one to use the term. I wonder if Demos can sit today, given the thorough job you did on him."

Now, he had Marcellus near tears. "Please do what you can to save him, My Lord. If you choose me as your consort, I will accept. I will accept the sealed cage and the ring. "

Glaucus looked at him. "We will revisit this question tomorrow. For now, you will prepare yourself for the night with me. I am already spent, from my time with that beautiful Northerner, but I will be ready again. You will be too." He untied Marcellus. "You , too , will wash, for your reek of fear and anger. "

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Defeated, and at the mercy of his captor, Marcellus went off to clean up. As he washed, he realized that the thought of a night in Glaucus' bed was arousing him, fight it as he would. For all that one could say bad about his Master, Glaucus was an excellent lover. He had found, and had exploited, erotic areas Marcellus did not even know he had. Marcellus had always excelled in Matera, and had always had his way with any boy he wanted - and they were always boys. He had chosen Demos as his partner, not only because of his beguiling looks, but his wit, and his ability to excite Marcellus even when he did not think he could perform. Now, Glaucus was doing the same thing to him, only in a different position. And he had been good to him - he had been a Roman slave for long enough to have heard the stories, and to have seen the marks - even on his beloved Demos. Glaucus had given him leave to be at the gym, and at the gladiatorial academy. He was well fed. He was well clothed. And Glaucus HAD already arranged for several nights of pleasure with his beloved. Sexual surrender: could it be that bad? He did not know, and he thought about it as he returned to Glaucus chamber. Glaucus was sitting at his desk, with his inevitable scroll in front of him. Marcellus took the position of submission, and spoke, in a low voice.

"I am here for My Lord."

Glaucus rose, and approached. "Yes. Indeed you are. Indeed you are General Marcellus." He moved his mouth close to Marcellus. This would be a test. His lips pressed to those of Marcellus, and Marcellus yielded, taking the tongue of his owner, even as his owner began kneading the man's buttocks.

"Come, Marcellus. I wish to enjoy you in the way you enjoyed Demos. And then, perhaps we can develop a way to make sure that Demos is not sent to the mines. "

"Yes My Lord." Glaucus led Marcellus to the bed. He put him on his back and mounted him. His beard was rough, as he moved it across Marcellus' neck. "For the love of Ares, YES" he exclaimed, as Glaucus probed his soft skin. He whispered "do not forget the new tool I showed you, Marcellus. I am aware that your feet are healed now. It will be a SUPERB way to bring you in line if necessary." "Yes My Lord." Marcellus began to breathe hard, as the beard hair did its magic.

"You have not spent yourself since last night, have you Marcellus?" "No My Lord. I was caged immediately." "As you are now. Would you be freed of that cage?" "As My Lord wishes." "Your Lord wishes you to remain caged. But to take his tongue again." He pressed against Marcellus' lips once more. Marcellus struggled this time, and lost. His mouth was filled with Marcellus' tongue. He teased Marcellus for over an hour , before he wrapped him in his embrace, in his bed. Marcellus hesitated, but he felt himself melting into the strong, secure arms.

"Does Demos feel this way when I hold him at night?" he thought. "I hope he feels this good." He began to fall asleep, with Glaucus rubbing his temples, and occasionally playing with his thick hair.

Just before he fell asleep, Marcellus saw a group of devices on Glaucus' desk. He recognized them. In Matera, they were used as part of a set to torture extremely difficult prisoners. It was known as "torment by feathers," an elaborate form of tickling. Marcellus was VERY ticklish, but had kept that a secret , even from Demos. His eyes closed, as he thought "tomorrow, that secret will be gone."

Next: Chapter 8

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