Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 12, 2020


Marcellus and Demos finally found sleep, with Demos held securely in Marcellus' arms. Every now and then , Marcellus would wake, and simply play with the hair of his former lover, or kiss his forehead, or just rub his hefty beard against his neck. When he did that, Demos would sigh in pleasure. "I have missed that, Marcellus. I have missed all that you have done tonight. I will try to remember it, if it does not happen again", but Marcellus was snoring. Demos laughed to himself, as this had happened so many times before. They were woken by the sound of a steward entering the room, and clapping his hands. "Blessed are the gods that give us morning. It is time to rise. The Lord of the house, Glaucus, wishes your presence in his quarters, in a half span." "Half span" was the equivalent of 30 minutes. The two looked at each other. They knew that the night they had just experienced was one they were privileged to have. They needed to show their thanks to Glaucus. As they cleaned up, and proceeded to the quarters, Demos looked at Marcellus "He WILL exact a price. He always does." Marcellus looked at him. "It will be worth paying, for the pleasure of last night."

They entered Glaucus' rooms, where he was already fully awake, and in casual house ware. "AH. My bed slave Marcellus, and the bed slave of another, Demos. Was the evening you spent together everything you thought it would be.?" They both stood in proper slave position: hands behind their backs, heads lowered.

"My Lord, it was more than we thought it would be. I do not think there are words that I can offer to show my thanks." Glaucus smiled.

"Indeed, there are not; however, there are actions, slave Marcellus." He signalled with a movement of his head. One slave approached Demos and held his arms firmly, as the other pushed Marcellus forward.

"What action will please you My Lord?" "From what I have seen - yes, I watched much of it, Demos is quite the sword swallower. I hope you have learned something from him Marcellus, because I now require you, to swallow mine." Demos struggled in the guard's arms, but he wasn't strong enough. "NO MY LORD, NO. My abilities are heightened. I am trained. Please let me take your sword."

Glaucus smiled. "Yes, you are undoubtedly better at this Demos, but I do not want professional technique. You do not belong to me. Marcellus does, and he WILL swallow my sword." He paused and gave an evil grin.

"Especially if he wants the opportunity for further nights with you"

Glaucus stood back, and folded his arms. He had just raised the stakes in a way the Materan had not expected.

` My Lord," he spat out. You will permit us to be together in the future?"

With that question , Glaucus knew he had won. " I said there might be opportunity. No swallowing, there will be none." He paused again.

"Demos' Master has been offered a good price for a used boy. And a sacrifice day is coming up when the State will need blonds, for Apollo."

Another pause. Glaucus separated his robe. He had clearly recovered from Eric's work. Marcellus paused, and looked at the crying Demos. He advanced, and got to his knees. From that position, with his eyes bowed, he asked. " can you remove Demos from the room, My Lord? There is no need to make him see this"

"Agreed. Remove the boy." The stewards led the sobbing Demos out, as Glaucus wound his hand in Marcellus' hair. "My sword, slave Marcellus" . Marcellus closed his eyes, and moved his mouth around Glaucus' cock. He found it difficult to hold it in his mouth: how did Demos do it? Glaucus was bigger than he was, but .. not that much more. He began to choke. Glaucus yanked his hair.

'THAT WILL NOT DO GLAUCUS. I HAVE WAYS OF LETTING YOU KNOW YOU HAVE FAILED ME." He pushed forward. The thought that he might see Demos again inspired Marcellus to do this. He thought back to the night before, when he was taking Demos... Those thoughts, however, were interrupted by thoughts of when Glaucus had taken him. His mind was clouded: what was exciting him? What was making his own cock grow (in the haste to get him to Glaucus, no one had locked it up yet). He reached for it, and received a SMACK from Glaucus.


Whether it was the thoughts of his previous evenings with Glaucus, or the one with Demos, or what he was doing now, was not clear to Marcellus. What WAS clear, was that he needed relief.

" I ask for permission My Lord. And I accept that there will be retribution."

"very well. You may pleasure yourself. So long as you maintain composure until I have finished with your mouth. It will not be long."

Marcellus felt Glaucus' member growing. It nearly choked his windpipe. When he finally shot into Marcellus' mouth, Marcellus himself was so hard, that he could not hold back much longer. Glaucus smiled, and pinched his nipples. That did it, and Marcellus tumbled into an orgasm he did not expect.

Glaucus smiled, as Marcellus cried out. He was pleased when Marcellus thanked him for the chance for the relief. He called the stewards. "HOLD HIM, AND CLEAN UP HIS PRIVATES. I WILL LOCK IT ON HIM MYSELF."

Two of the bigger stewards held Marcellus, as Collepheron soaped up his privates , and washed them cleaned. "They are ready Sir. : "Are you ready for your cage again, slave Marcellus." Yes my Lord." Marcellus was accepting he was beaten. The chance to see Demos again influenced his thinking, as did the pleasure he had experienced at Glaucus' hands.

Glaucus locked the cage. "You will be late for your meeting with Clodius, slave Marcellus. Do not be late. You are already receiving retribution, and there could be more."

"Yes My Lord," he answered, as he hurried to the gymnasium.

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Clodius was there, waiting for him. MARCELLUS "AVE ET SALVE" , the traditional Roman greeting, followed by the mid arm grip of the Materans. He lowered his voice. "All of us are watched, at all times. They permit the Materan greeting, but only subsequent to the Roman one."

He raised his voice again. "You are late. I am glad to see Glaucus remains healthy. " Marcellus blushed. "Glaucus' vigor in the morning is more than well know, Marcellus. Worry not. We have all been in your position, including me."

It shouldn't have surprised Marcellus, but it did. "Maybe you can help me to adjust, over wine in the future or something." Clodius smiled. "You will learn during our session. ENTER MARCELLUS. A Materan will train a Materan..." He dropped his purple robes, and the time he spend in his own gym was evident. "We will begin, of course, with the stretching... " Their workout began. Marcellus was in excellent shape, but as a soldier, his exercise had been in areas other than those traditionally done at the gym, so stretching was difficult. Clodius laughed. "Yes, one thing that will help you immensely as a member of Glaucus' bed chamber, is flexibility. One day, ask Ahmad to show you how he can move his legs, and if you wrestle him, beware of the scissor hold."

As they were exercising, Glaucus entered the gym for his workout.

"Excuse me Marcellus. I must greet your Lord. " "AVE ET SALVE GLAUCUS." There was only the Roman greeting. "You have come for... let me see... today is the day you work with Phillip on your leg and lower body exercises."

"That is correct Clodius, and I greet you with the joy of a beautiful morning. So, yes, leg and lower body today, perhaps a massage, for I am tired, and then also, I am considering a run about the track." He looked at his bed slave and smiled. "Should he have sufficient stamina after your work out, I also long for time on the wrestling mat with slave Marcellus."

"All is possible, My Lord, all is possible. PHILLIP. Please see to Lord Glaucus' needs." "Yes my Master. My Lord, if you would honor me with following me to the exercise tools."

Clodius spoke to Marcellus, as he began the strength work, at which Marcellus excelled. "By now, you know of Glaucus' wrestling prowess. He chooses his slaves somewhat carefully. Like all Romans, he likes, what we call "underripe figs;" but his favorite is men like us: men who have been the dominant partner, and are now broken. He has bragged in the past that he can turn any top man into a bottom slave."

Marcellus was grunting with the weights. Clodius had expertly spotted his weaker muscles, and was exploiting them. "The evidence shows, he is correct."

Marcellus caught a glance of Glaucus at the other section of the gym. He could hear him yelling at Phillip "I said SERIOUS weight. You call that SERIOUS? MORE?" He was pushing a good solid 1600 gold coins (about 300 pounds) of weight and calling for more. "What amazes me, Clodius, is that he does not APPEAR to be all that fit. Then you see this. Or you wrestle him. Or you try to escape his sex grips. " Clodius grinned. "Yes, he is deceiving . That is why he is so successful. Let me ask you this. When you went in pursuit of him, did you think anything other than " it will be easy to cut down this coward."

"YES! How did you know?" Clodius smiled. "I was a lieutenant in the army at the time, and I thought the same thing. Next thing, I was a prisoner. I belonged to the leader of that regimen. Glaucus bought me before he gave me my freedom. But I still wear the mark of my first Master." He raised his toga slightly, and showed Marcellus the brand mark on the inside of his thigh.

'YOU WERE BRANDED?' Clodius smiled again. "Most Masters brand their slaves. Glaucus does not agree, so you will not be marked. Most of us are. "Demos?" Clodius looked puzzled. "You did not see his mark? When he joined us, his escape attempts were many. They cut the muscles in the bottom of his feet. He will not run again. And when those wounds healed... he carries the same mark. Demos and I belong to the same Master."

Glaucus came over at the end of the workout for both of them. He saw the sweat that Marcellus had developed. "My Lord," Clodius spoke "I do not think Marcellus will be able to give you a sufficient challenge at the matt. It was his first exercise session with me, and I did not hold back.

"GOOD CLODIUS. I am pleased. " He looked at Marcellus. "Are you weary?" "Yes My Lord." "Perhaps a time in the baths before your duties at the gladiatorial academy. It will do you good. This way." Marcellus knew to take the position of the slave, with his hands behind him, and his head down. He waited for Glaucus to speak, before saying "Again, My Lord, I wish to thank you for the evening with Demos. I have missed him." Glaucus put his hand on the back of Marcellus' neck, and squeezed "I am very familiar with missing one's other half. I am glad that you were able to have a brief bit of pleasure with him. It may happen again, as long as you remember your main function in this city, and that I am your Master." "I understand and appreciate that, My Lord. If I may ask for permission to come to your bed tonight, I would like to show you some things which Demos had reminded me of, which I had forgotten." Glaucus smiled. "AH. A bit of variety. Yes, that would be fun. " They arrived at the baths. "You must leave your clothes, your sandals with the attendant Marcellus. While there is no nudity in the city, there is nothing but, within these walls. "

Sitting together, Glaucus and Marcellus got their share of looks. One man, Portus, came forward. "Glaucus, I wish to applaud you on your actions after the battle. To give up the booty, for something even more valuable.." He pointed to Marcellus. "I do hope at some point you will use him in the Master/slave games." Glaucus smiled. "I am considering it, Portus. "

"excuse me, My Lord. The other Lord spoke of the Master slave games. What does he mean?

"Ah, Marcellus, I would tell you of them in time, but no time better than the present. You are not ready yet, but here they are. There are actually two sets of games. Both use a forest maze we have at the borders of the city. In one, one slave and one Master enter the maze. The slave has a head start to try to get to the end of the maze. The Master's task is to capture the slave and to bring him back, bound, before the slave gets to the perimeter. SHOULD the slave succeed - and it has never happened - he is given his freedom. Now, in the second game, which only happens twice a year, each Master may bring six slaves. Again, there is a head start. When Masters are released, they are given a period of time to capture as many slaves as they can. They will then own them, until they are tested again

"So I could be lost to another Master, if I were to play this game?" "You make it sound like you have a choice Marcellus. You don't. You WILL be playing. And worry not. Were Clodius a Master, I would be concerned. I am not concerned about any others. And drop your concerns for Demos now. Due to his feet, he is deemed ineligible for play

Marcellus was mulling all of this, before Glaucus pulled him to his feet. ENOUGH. You have to start your job today. Ahmad will come and gather you at the end of your teaching. Now, this is not impermissible here. It pushes boundaries, but it is ok. " He put his hand on Marcellus' thigh. He looked directly at him. "General Marcellus, are you getting used to your new role , and maybe even enjoying it?"

Marcellus found himself growing a bit in his cage. "I AM getting used to it My Lord. And there are parts of it that are strange, yet others I find much more enjoyable than I thought." He blushed. "Being your bedmate is something that I enjoy more than I thought I would. If I may, My Lord, you are an excellent, careful lover. Demanding, but giving. I look forward to time in your bed."

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Marcellus enjoyed his first day teaching. The Romans were very good swordsmen, but they were not as good as Materans. That is why the uprising lasted as long as it did. Materan boys were given a sword as their first toy. NOT a wooden one, but a real one. Some were lost to careless play, which was seen as an acceptable loss for a war like lifestyle. Romans waited until the age of 7. That loss of time, meant fundamentals had to be taught, when the first aspects of warfare would be. There was that to be addressed.

The advanced students? Marcellus bit his lips. Two of them would never have been considered anything but ordinary. But the third -Ajam - MASTERFUL. He had been a slave as well - captured in a raid on the northeastern campaign. It had taken six soldiers to subdue him, and when he was captured, he did not bear a single wound, unlike his pursuers. His sword gave out, and he did what a swordsman learns: if you cannot reach for the small suicide sword in your boot, you surrender. Now, he was owned by another Master in the city, and he was being trained, perhaps to lead a batallion in the future, when the campaign to the north began.

"HEEEHOOO MARCELLUS" came the call from Ahmad, as Marcellus leff the building. Ahmad gave him the traditional greeting of his people: a small hug, and two small kisses on the cheek. "I hope your day was successful."

"It was Ahmad. A truly wonderful one." Ahmad smiled. "At market today, I saw Demos. He was sad about your subsequent treatment, but when he spoke of last night, he was on a cloud. "It gladdens my heart to hear that Ahmad. " Ahmad was silent for a minute. "Would you consider taking me for an evening Marcellus? If Lord Glaucus approved? Marcellus paused. "Ahmad, you are a wonderful friend, and I would be honored. Perhaps Glaucus will grow tired of toying with me, and will give me a night. So yes, I believe we have much to teach each other."

Ahmad smiled. "He has taken a shine to his new slave, Eric. So it is possible that he will want the young one in the future. There is also a slave market later this week. Who knows if he will bring someone back?

I will raise the issue to him, when I am cleaning his nose hairs." Marcellus looked at him. "You are skilled at doing that?" Ahmad laughed. "With either the pincer, or the flame. Whichever you prefer.

" He looked closely at Marcellus. "OH dear. Yes, you can use such treatment. As they say yours would make an excellent braid for the Hesperians.

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At the house, Glaucus met them. He had clearly had sessions with the attendants today. Marcellus found himself thinking "He IS an attractive man. I can see why..." He had received a body scraping, and he had been oiled following his bath. While he had been scented, the scent was not feminine: no flowers, nothing like that. Indeed, Marcellus thought of the stags he had hunted. He wore only a black leather loin cloth, and some new sandals.

"FAMILY MEAL SLAVES. FAMILY MEAL TONIGHT. " The table is set. Please take a place. I will be in in a minute. Marcellus, Ahmad, Eric, with me for a few minutes."

The three slaves walked off to a side room with Glaucus. When they took their positions, it was almost comical: Marcellus, the tall, barrel chested warrior; Ahmad, the slim, beautiful young man, and Eric, shorter, with the muscle tone of a wrestler, and almost no facial hair.

"There is no question that, at least for the now, you are my three favorites. I will be calling on you more than the others - and I will tell you, that I am considering an exchange for them at the markets this week. MARCELLUS.

"Yes, My Lord?" "You should expect to be sharing my bed often. Probably 4-5 evenings a week, and some afternoons.


"My Lord?" Marcellus smiled. "I am angry at myself for not having spent more time in my chambers with you. The technique you bring to the bedroom, the games you have taught, you will be teaching the other slaves. Especially Eric. And you too will be joining my bed often. I would say that when I am giving Marcellus a chance to recover, you will be expected to step in.


There was a silence and Ahmad poked him.

"OOPS. I'm sorry. "Yes, My Lord?" Glaucus found the gaff amusing. "My newest, and perhaps sweetest. I was persuaded to try you by someone at the market, and I had my doubts. No longer. I was not your first, I understand, yet you performed as if this were new to you." "My Lord, it IS new to me." Glaucus laughed again. "I will be calling you for afternoon time. And also, for when I am feeling the need for certain 'games', although Marcellus , you will be called upon for those as well.

"I just wanted you slaves to know your roles. I would not upset any of the others with the thought that they may no longer be of the house; and I would ask you not to say anything. Now, to the family meal. The auction is in two days.

After dinner, and a washing of his hands, Glaucus called Marcellus to his chambers. He was to wear a loin cloth and sandals. Nothing else. Marcellus found himself surprisingly looking forward to it.

"Yes My Lord?" He found Glaucus lounging on a divan. He, too, was wearing but a loin cloth. It was shorter, however, and his extended sword could be seen.

"Please Marcellus. Here.." He made room for Marcellus on the divan. "Surely you have had time in the past to recline with Demos."

"I did My Lord. We did not know how much time we had , so we dispensed with that last evening.."

Glaucus moved his hand to Marcellus' left pec. "I learned, from the two of you, that this one is more sensitive than the other. Is that true?" Marcellus grinned. "I'll never tell My Lord." Ha ha. well spoken." Glaucus began a slow twist of that nipple and Marcellus moaned. Glaucus' fingernails were long, and he could easily switch from light, to heavier touch.

"My Lord, I wonder how many men you have conquered, doing just that. " "Have I conquered you, Marcellus?" "You have captured me, My Lord. You have enslaved me. Conquered me? I would say not," as Glaucus continued the nipple work, he began nibbling Marcellus' ear. "OOOOH. You were watching EVERYTHING."

"Indeed, I was," Glaucus unfolded his legs, and trapped Marcellus in them. "DAMN. The leg workout today." Glaucus laughed. "I saw what this combination did to you, Marcellus. I have never heard Demos referred to as a 'spinner,' but you showed no mercy in seizing him, and forcing him on your sword."

"It did bring out dominance , My Lord." "Well, tonight, it will bring out.... submissiveness." The caged cock had much to do with that. Marcellus knew that he could do nothing with that on him, and the nipple work was filling him with lust, and the need for sex. Glaucus dropped his free hand to Marcellus' balls, and just held them.

"They are big. Have they been compared to robin's eggs?" Marcellus could barely speak, he was in such ecstasy. "Never robins eggs My Lord. Others. Wild hen eggs. Falcon eggs. "OH THE GODS MY LORD. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR SWORD."

Glaucus grinned. "You will have it. You will have it in a different way tonight." He clapped his hands, and two attendants came in. "Has the bedroom been prepared?"

"It has My Lord" Glaucus had a big grin on his face. "You are strong, Marcellus, and I'm sure you have carried a body from place to place in your time. Today, it is your turn."

Before he knew it, Marcellus was over Glaucus shoulder, Glaucus hand firmly on his bottom. He found the sensation incredibly thrilling. Glaucus lay him on the bed, and Marcellus saw, restraints. Glaucus bound his wrists, and then his ankles. Marcellus pulled and the ropes did not give. Glaucus dropped his loin cloth, and then cut away Marcellus.

"Just look at this fine man. SO beautiful, and so helpless.." He began squeezing nipples again , and Marcellus winced. "I am still wondering if I should shave you, so that you share a mark with Demos." He picked up a small toy, that looked like a bird. He pushed it into Marcellus which was fine enough. Then he pushed a switch, and it opened in Marcellus, like an umbrella.

"OH LORDS. " Glaucus smiled as he played with the toy. "It feels good, doesn't it Marcellus?

YES YES IT DOES MY LORD." A laugh. "When Ahmad was captured, he had one with him. I have had several made. You will have a personal one, and I expect you to use it. For now though, I intend to use you..." The toy had widened Marcellus a bit, and Glaucus took h im vigorously. Marcellus gritted his teeth for a minute, but then got used to the feeling he had come to enjoy.

"Yes my Lord. Show your slave who is the dominant male. Show your slave who is in control." Glaucus stretched over Marcus. "My slave will kiss me. He will let me know I dominate ALL parts of his body." Glaucus sitll had his fingers on Marcellus' nipples, and his cock was deep in him. He saved his kisses for Demos, but he had no choice. He opened his mouth and Glaucus plunged in. That is when Marcellus felt the seed planted in him.

He moaned through the kisses, and Glaucus smiled at him. "No, you are NOT a catamite Marcellus. Do not think that. You are a man, who enjoys the company of a dominant man. That is all. I will release the bonds. We will sleep now.

This had been the busiest day for Marcellus since his capture. He slept well, dreaming of what Glaucus could do to him, and what he wished to do to Demos.

Next: Chapter 6

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