Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 1, 2020


ahmad woke up the next morning, wrapped in Glaucus' arms, face to face. The piercing he had received the night before, had been transformative. Why had he insisted on DOING the piercing, when Glaucus was so good at piercing HIM? He thought of Eric, his boy of choice. AH. He would be giving him up. "Why is your beautiful backside not presented to my sword, ahmad? Bear in mind, you may be about to become my consort. You are still my slave" ahmad laughed, and changed positions. "My Lord, slave or freedman, I will always submit to you." He rolled to position and offered Glaucus his rosebud, which Glaucus took, greedily. "Would My Lord prefer it if I made his piercing more interesting? By resisting? Or perhaps... " ahmad tightened his cheeks more than any other of his bedmates had. "AH, ahmad! It is to be a fun time with you, that is for sure." He reached around, took ahmad's nipples, and also nibbled his ear. "Release your cheeks, sweet boi. "I have no weapons against you My Lord. Pierce me." As Glaucus continued, and ahmad enjoyed the force of his seed, he thought how he would bring up the subject of Eric: would he ever have the chance to take his beautiful boy again? As if a soothsayer, Glaucus spoke, as ahmad held his Master.

"I would speak to the Hibernians today, ahmad. I would bring them to Sicilia with us, unless you wish to the contrary." ahmad asked "Why would you bring them My Lord?" "Oh, there is always work to be done, ahmad. And, if we are to become consorts - which should happen today - you will need to have someone in which to spend your seed when I am having Marcellus - I would wear you out every day." "Ha ha. I doubt that old man. " ahmad reached to tickle Glaucus, and found himself on his back, pinned under his new consort. " "Doubt it not, my sweet man." He kissed the side of ahmad's neck. "I may not have the tricks that you do, but I know much . And you have only experienced, but the bit of it." "My Lord knows I could escape from here if I wished." "Do you wish, ahmad." He kissed the man. "MMMM. No My Lord, I do not, " he said, even as he admitted, if only to himself, Glaucus was stronger than he was. a "We will bring Eric . He is still a slave and has no choice in the matter. Nor does Eamon. I am sure that there is work for them both. The new estate must be managed. And as I say, you will be needing someone to occupy your time when I release you." He stopped. "Although, by the gods ahmad, if that is ever to happen, I do not know. I want you even now." "MY LORD. My rosebud is strong, but it cannot stand up to constant assault." "And what of your delightful mouth, out of which such pleasant things come. Place something pleasant in it now." Indeed, as Glaucus knew, ahmad was a superb sword swallower. While the quantity of his seed was smaller, Glaucus emitted yet more.

He bathed, in his private pool, with ahmad. "While I need only to say it for it to be official, ahmad, I have asked the High Priest of Venus to come to sanctify our union. That will make it even more solid than it is." "My Lord. My consort. I say again: this is how I dreamed, nay how I dreamed most wildly, my life would be. I never imagined this would happen." "Nor I , ahmad, nor I?" They were dressing for the day. ahmad had brought over a vial of almond oil. "My Lord is at his best when his skin glistens. If I may see to that." It was the first time a bed mate had oiled Glaucus' body the day after a night together.

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"My consort will look his best regardless of the cost." Ahmad reached up and kissed him. "Now be well My Lord and Master. Someone has to make sure that this transfer proceeds properly, and you have your meetings. I will send the Hibernians. "

Glaucus was ready when the red heads arrived. He smiled. "Such beautiful boys" he thought to himself. "They'd be performing in some sexual circus if this Republic had gotten its hands on them." He shook his head. "SALVE ET AVE MY LORD." As elder brother, Eamon made the greeting for both of them, as they waited in supplicant position.

"Eamon. Eric. My ruby treasures. Please sit." "Our Lord sits first Sir." said Eamon, and Glaucus smiled. "There is no one watching. Please. There is little time for formalities now." He brought out wine and offered, which they refused. He smiled. He had been told that the Hibernians preferred other beverages - based on grains, rather than fruit. He had sampled them and it was not to his taste. Given what he had been told about the farming of Sicilia, they would be happy there, he would think.

"Slave eric, slave Eamon, I am doing something that the other overlords would smite me for doing. It is no secret that I have been appointed governor of Sicilia." "And we have not had the opportunity to congratulate our Lord." Eric looked at Eamon. "We were thinking we would do so by.... relieving ahmad for a night, and coming to your bed as a a pair." Glaucus laughed. He wondered what ahmad would have done to them the day after, and wondered if it were worth the risk . "We will discuss that again, boys, and there will be plenty of time." He smiled. They looked at each other confused. "But you are leaving in days My Lord." A smile crossed his lips. "And so are you." When he saw the shock, he continued. "I overstate. I will give you the situation. You are both slaves - my property - and I can take you with me if I so wish." "That is true My Lord," said Eamon." "And I DO wish to take you with me. But I would not do so if you do not wish to go. You are already so far from home, to take you further, without asking you , is unfair." He stared at them. "Eric, ahmad has specifically asked if you would come with us, because he feels he would be incomplete without you. And Eamon, I think we would miss your spirt and possibly also that Eric would be incomplete without his brother. Eric spoke: "you ARE all that I have of our family Eamon. I would not be separated from you. I understand ahmad's wishes, and I understand his standing with you My Lord; but if Eamon wishes to remain, I would stay with him." Glaucus was impressed by the love these brothers had for each other, which surpassed love he had experienced - even from ahmad. "You boys should go and discuss this. Your decision will rule. Now if you would, my friend Flavius is here, so I would speak with him." The Hibernians left and Flavius was escorted in.

"GLAUCUS! Life constantly holds surprises for us, does it not, friend? What are we to do? What will happen next?" Glaucus poured wine and chuckled. "Indeed Flavius. What do we know of what is to happen? If I told you I had an idea that this appointment was coming, I would not have been telling the truth. " He sighed. "I still do not know if it is a gift or a punishment." Flavius smiled weakly. "Perhaps I can make this a bit easier Glaucus. Be it a gift or a punishment, I would be honored to be at your side." Glaucus stopped. "I thought I would need to convince you Flavius. I am overwhelmed by this." "Glaucus, my friend, I have said this before, and to many others. When the soldiers took us, we thought our lives were forfeit. When Urban and I were separated from Gerda, we again thought our lives were forfeit, and when we were separated at purchase, we thought it again. Glaucus, it did not seem to us to be so then, but you saved our lives. Neither Urban, nor even Gerda, nor I, would be here without you. " "You may wish to reconsider your decision Flavius. I have asked Urban to remain, as co-administrator of the estate. " "I already know. He came to me immediately." He smiled. "Glaucus, Urban is wiser than the two of us combined. Still, he asked me to advise him. He knew you would be asking me to join you, even with you not saying it. As did I." Another pause. "Glaucus, it is the nature of parenthood that the children go off on their own. They must. And I have been told that in good weather, the journey from Rome to Sicilia is not that long. " He smiled. "And you will need assistance with the farmland. " He stood and so did Glaucus. "Would I leave the man who taught me who I was? By your leave, Glaucus, may I thank you?" He kissed Glaucus. Then he held him. "And you will long for a blond in your bed occasionally. Ahmad is lovely, but you have always enjoyed watching me beg for your sword." "And I still shall Flavius. I thank you for agreeing to come. But I will not delay you now. There is limited time, and you should spend it with your son." He took Glaucus' forearm. "Thank you my friend. I came so close to saying "My Lord, because you will always be so. " And then he whispered "would that there were time now, I would ask you to take me to your bed. I have been lonely." "We must see if we can put an end to that. Indeed, Flavius, I have an idea. He awaits outside. "CLODIUS! " I am glad you came. You know Flavius, I think?" "We know each other in passing... " He smiled at Flavius. "Were you not Glaucus' consort when you were his slave?" "I was. I was honored to serve him." "Many of us thought that, as a freedman, you would be selecting one of us as your companion." Flavius blushed. His coloring made his blushes stand out even more. "I was so concerned about my son, my wife, I did not think of it Clodius. Now that this is settled, yes, it is a lonely time. " "If you would share my sleeping arrangements to Sicilia, perhaps it would be less lonely for you." Glaucus looked. "CLODIUS! You have anticipated my question. I would ask you to join us. " "There was no question in my mind. If I had to hide in the baggage, I was coming." He turned to Flavius. "Do you accept my offer, farmer?" "I do soldier. It will make the journey more enjoyable." Glaucus smiled. "I retain my right to call on Flavius as I wish." "And I will claim the right to Eamon should he come." "Yes, we are still waiting for the answer of the Hibernians.

So, of the household, Glaucus and ahmad would be leaving, as consorts. Ares the Gaul had already been sent. Marcellus, Flavius, and Clodius, would all be joining Glaucus as well. Urban and Demos would be remaining at the estate. Quintus and Sextus would remain behind, learning Latin from Urban. Later that afternoon, the Hibernians told Glaucus that they would wish to join the expedition. It could not have been better, in Glaucus' view.

Ahmad came to his quarters late that afternoon. "My Lord. The high priest of Venus is here." "AH. Yes, of course. Please invite him in." The priest was younger than most, as was the tradition for the high priest of Venus. He asked ahmad to sit next to Glaucus, and Glaucus took his hand. ahmad snaked his arm around Glaucus' middle. They spoke the words to seal their vow. And it was done. Glaucus, through a broad smile, kissed ahmad. "I desire you." "Satisfy your desire My Lord." The priest smiled and left. Glaucus turned to ahmad. "You have not been bound for a while. It is time." "Yes My Lord. As you will." Glaucus tied ahmad's wrists to the bed. "For one who pierces, your sword grows stiff at the feel of the ropes, ahmad." "It is not the ropes, My Lord. It is your smile. The smile of lust, and desire. No man has ever shown such a complete want for me." Glaucus dropped his clothing, and climbed on top of ahmad. "AH, My Lord! It is a different experience when I cannot embrace you." "Shhh. Present your neck and throat to me." "Yes My Lord. OOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Does it feel different because I am your consort now? Does it feel different because of the situation? I do not know. I do not care. I just wish that you not stop. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH BY THE GRACE OF ZEUS." ahmad was not caged, and Glaucus had moved a hand to his eggs and sword. "These have always been mine. Now you willingly give them to me.." Glaucus' expert fingers moved over them, and ahmad found it hard to speak. "I do My Lord. They are yours. They, like all of me, is yours. Please take what you will have. " Glaucus raised ahmad's legs, and he gently moved his finger back and forth across the space. Little by little, ahmad found his desire rising, and the sensations building in him. "YOU DID NOT DO THIS TO ME WHEN I WAS MERELY YOUR BED SLAVE MY LORD. DO YOU SAVE IT ONLY FOR CONSORTS?" Glaucus smiled. "Horatio taught it to me. I had forgotten it. But you remind me so much of him. He loved when I did this. Gasping, ahmad answered. "As do I My Lord. As do I. But you must satisfy yourself My Lord. There is much to do." "And I am in control of what is done. To the journey. And to you, my sweet consort." Gently, but firmly, Glaucus took ahmad's bud. ahmad was ready to pretend satisfaction, but there was no need to. Glaucus had paid attention to what he liked, and he emphasized that, as ahmad moved, involuntarily, against the restraints. "By the Gods, thank you," he thought, not realizing he had said it. "I agree, ahmad. I agree. By the Gods, thank you." His seed began to fill ahmad, who smiled. "I long to kiss that smile every day." "As you will My Lord. May I have leave to release my own seed?" "Would you do it here, or would you have Eric?" "I thank you My Lord, but I would spend my time with you. Please release me as you have so many times, with those wonderful fingers of yours." Glaucus kept ahmad tied, and began to play with his sword. He brought him to the edge of spilling seed, and stopped. He did it over and over again, and ahmad's sounds of frustration and pleasure resounded. Then Glaucus smiled. "It is time. " He touched a spot on ahmad's balls, and seed flew everywhere. "GLAUCUS MY LORD! You MUST teach me that. I will not soon forget what you have done. " "Nor I what you have done." Glaucus covered ahmad with kisses before he released him. "You must make certain that eric and eamon pack appropriately. As you have said, there is not much time. Marcellus walked by the suite of Glaucus and heard the phrase "there is not much time." He agreed. But to take his life would be the act of a coward. Fate had deemed that he go to Sicilia as a slave. He would accept that.

Next: Chapter 34

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