Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 26, 2020


As dawn began to break, Glaucus pulled Marcellus closer to him "How many times was it last night, Marcellus? I think I know, but it was all, very much a pleasant dream for me." "I would think 3 times My Lord. Three piercings. Each stronger than the one before it." "MMMM." He twisted Marcellus' nipple, and the man moaned. "They are sore My Lord. They have not been used so much in so long." "That will change Marcellus. Now, I'm afraid this sword has very little blade for piercing; however, there is no reason why it cannot be swallowed." "I understand My Lord." Marcellus found Glaucus' cock, and took it in his mouth. For the first time since he had been captured, he did not imagine what would happen if he bit down on that cock. He ran his tongue around the tip of it, as he knew Glaucus liked, before taking it completely. "AH Marcellus! For one who, such a short time ago, had done so little as a bed slave, you have improved so much." He began to arch his hips to get more of his cock into Marcellus' mouth, and Marcellus in turn, reached down, to take more of it. Glaucus smiled, and then ran his hands into Marcellus' hair before pulling his head back. "Enjoyable. Absolutely. Yet there is no point in trying to pull water from a dry well, I'm afraid. We will return to our love making these evening Marcellus. " "Yes My Lord." "Hmmm. I just noticed that the band I placed on your arm when you were captured, is absent. I will add it back tonight. "Yes My Lord. I welcome the mark of belonging to you." Glaucus smiled. This was not the cocky man who had once been the hero of the Materan forces. His skills at breaking men had not diminished. He thought of the Gaul - now renamed Ares, to get rid of that ridiculous Gallic name. It took six very strong centurions to subdue him - or just Glaucus. He smiled. He remembered telling the centurions "All you need is to grab one or both of... his hair, or his eggs." And he demonstrated. The wildly ferocious, struggling giant was immediately subdued. He had learned enough Roman tongue to know the words "Remember slave, I have your sons" as well. It was clear that he loved his sons, and would die for them. It was all that a man that Glaucus needed, to break another man to his will.

He began to dress. There was a Senate meeting today, and there were rumors of important announcements. He knew that there would be a recounting of the Roman victory in Sicilia. The Greeks had been defeated, and many prisoners had been taken. They were not being brought back to Rome for sale, because, well, the rumor was that Rome would put up a settlement in the northwest part of that island. It was fertile: the Greeks had used it for their grain for decades. Now, that grain would be coming to Rome. The city would grow even more!

As he processed toward the forum, Glaucus was puzzled. Twice citizens who lived within the city stopped to congratulate him. Glaucus did not know why, and when he asked, and the speakers realized that he did not know, embarrassed, they moved on. What was happening?

The forum was more full than he remembered ever seeing it. His friend Portius was there, smiling "My friend Glaucus. It is so long since I have seen you. I did not thank you personally for your birthday gift. " He smiled. "I love it. He is absolutely perfect. He reminds me of that beautiful boy Demos was, before he grew older." Glaucus smiled. "I will say, Portius, I was fortunate to find him. I had gone to the slave market, in the odd hope that I would find a Gaul who would meet your standards, and was unsuccessful. And then... there he was." "THERE HE WAS INDEED" Portius smiled. "I hear that you purchased yourself a pair of Gallic twins. " The lascivious smile on Portius' face amused Glaucus. "Indeed I did. And their father. Their father was, apparently, one of their regional kings. He is a mountain of a man. " Glaucus grinned "Yet, like all men, when pierced, he became a woman." "Ha Ha. ALL HAIL GLAUCUS. SUBDUER OF MEN." "We must talk more my friend. But hush for now. The president of the Senate is about to speak." "Yes, we must hear what we all know. And congratulations my friend. I will miss you." NOW Glaucus was completely puzzled. What was happening? What HAD happened? He learned, from the speaker. The conquest of Sicilia was to be followed with the building of a Roman settlement. That is why the Greek slaves had been left there. The Gallic slaves who had not been sold yet, would be shipped to Sicilia as well. They would assist in the building of the settlement. "That is appropriate" thought Glaucus. "Better to be in the fields than the mines. Now we need a strong governor to control this." The speaker continued "AFTER SERIOUS AND DELIBERATE CONSIDERATIONS, ROME HAS APPOINTED GENERAL GLAUCUS AS GOVERNOR OF SICILIA. GENERAL GLAUCUS, I SEE YOU ARE IN THE FORUM. PLEASE COME TO THE ROSTRUM TO ACCEPT THE SCEPTER OF GOVERNORSHIP." So THIS was the reason for the comments. Rumor was a goddess with swift wings. She had just not arrived at the household of Glaucus. "A governorship" thought Glaucus. "The gods never give a gift without strings. " As he walked to the rostrum, knowing that he did not have the option to refuse, Glaucus began to think: there would have to be massive planning on his part. "General Glaucus, if you could remain for a while and sit with the Roman council to discuss your appointment, it will probably simplify these matters." "I am humbled by this honor, Senator. " Glaucus moved his right fist to a place over his heart, the sign of gratitude. "I only hope that I might serve the state well in this new role."

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At the meeting, the council explained that while the appointment to Sicilia was immediate, there was no need for Glaucus to sail yet. The Greeks had not built anything permanent, and one of the reasons for sending so many slaves over at one time, was to make sure that there would be sufficient housing for Romans. There was absolutely no need for a Roman general and governor and his household - for it was assumed he would bring his household - to live on the land. Once development was completed, then Glaucus would be expected to sail, assuming it was at a time when the seas permitted it. There would be a space of at least 4, and possibly 6, months before things could be completed. It would give Glaucus time to prepare for the departure, and to put affairs in his Roman estate in order. "I am grateful for the opportunity, and the time, noble council. I will begin the planning immediately. Indeed, I have a suggestion, an idea for now." "Please speak General." "I ask for a day, perhaps two. Some of you may know that, at the slave market, I purchased a slave who, as it turns out, was the leader and 'king' as they call him, of these Gauls. I believe that he is sufficiently trained to supervise the building of the settlement by the slaves." The head of the council looked dubious. "Is he not almost uncontrollable, General Glaucus?" That is the word that has circulated." "A true statement Council. 'ALMOST' is important, for I have learned how to subdue him." He smiled "And I have. More than once." Seeing the council's discomfort, he added. "By the luck of the gods, I have also purchased his sons. Twin sons. And they will remain. To say he loves those boys, is an understatement. To know that any tale of disobedenience will result in the death of one, then the other, may very well be sufficient." There was discussion among the council. "We see your point General. The Gauls ARE unruly, and almost unmanageable. How they would fare with the Greek slaves, left us in doubt. But if you believe that this is possible.." "If I may, I will report to the council in two days. Ares - that is the name he has been given - understands enough of our language that he will understand what the situation is. And one of my former slaves, now a freedman - surely some of you know Urban the teacher - speaks his language. He will interpret. " "SO BE IT GLAUCUS. The council awaits your report. And again, Rome wishes it could do more to show its gratitude."

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When he returned to his estate, Glaucus summoned Ahmad. "Steward.." he smiled. He was still getting used to that word. "Please summon Ares to my chambers. Urban as well." "So it shall be My Lord," then Ahmad looked up. "May I be the first to offer my congratulations My Lord?" He bowed in supplication "Thank you Ahmad. I am overwhelmed by the honor. I will need assistance in fulfilling the will of the Roman people." "If I may, My Lord, I have been in Sicilia. Not for long, but I have been there. And if I may further, My Lord, I will do whatever you would require, to make your transition easier." "Again I thank you Ahmad." He came forward and stroked Ahmad's face. "You have been a jewel to me. I do not forget it." Ahmad smiled. "These situations are stressful, and I am the best sword swallower on this estate. May I relieve your stress, My Lord?" Glaucus laughed. "I will need that later, Ahmad. Perhaps you should stay for this meeting. I would have my steward hear of the plans." Urban arrived first, and then Ares was brought in, bound, and raging.

Ahmad saw this , and smiled. "OH, he is just a man. There are so many ways to keep one like this in his place. May I, My Lord? Glaucus thought this would be amusing and he nodded. Ahmad stepped forward. As Ares raged, he dropped to his knees, and put his fingers behind his knees. The raging turned to laughing, and the giant fell over on his back. Ahmad straddled him. "Simple My Lord. Do you see?" "Ha ha. Always the scamp. But brilliant Ahmad. BRILLIANT! He saw the expression of total surprise on Ares' face. He advanced, and moved his hand toward Ares' eggs, and Ares shook his head NO in fear.

Glaucus stared at him. He didn't break his glare, until Ares looked away. "Untie him. I think he'll behave." "As you will My Lord," one of the guards said , dubiously. When he was untied, however, Ares kneeled in front of Glaucus, put his hands behind him, and bowed his head. Smiling, Glaucus motioned to a seat for Ares. "Let us see how much of our language you have learned. What are you, Ares?" "I am your slave My Lord. The slave of Lord Glaucus." "GOOD. I have a job for you. " "You need not tell me My Lord. My life is to serve you." Ahmad smiled and felt his insides melt. He took commands from no man. But from Glaucus ? There was no question. If Lord Glaucus told him to severe his own sword, he would have done it. LOOK HOW HE CONTROLLED THIS GIANT! "Urban, I would need you , I think. The words are not common, and I want Ares to understand." "I will do my best Glaucus." As a freedman, Urban did not have to use the honorific. He explained the task to Ares. He had one question: "What will happen to my sons? Will they come with me?" "No. They will remain here so that you have a reason to put aside any thoughts of rebellion." Sadness filled Ares' eyes, but his strategic mind understood: were he in Glaucus' position, he would have done the same thing. "You will leave with the Gallic slaves in two days; however, you will serve me until then." Ahmad heard those words and felt cut. Had he not been promised? "Make sure he is brought to me tonight. For now, however, Ahmad, please remain. Thank you Urban . I would speak with you this afternoon of business matters." "I understand My Lord. I will be available as you need me."

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The room was empty of all but Glaucus and ahmad. Glaucus advanced, smiling. He had left his toga opened. When he was close enough to Ahmad, who's sword had sprung to life, He pulled the man's wrists behind him. "By doing what you did, ahmad, you have revealed yourself. You have given me the means to complete my conquest of you." Ahmad smiled. Indeed, there WAS a part of him that Glaucus had not broken. Now he was intrigued. "What did I reveal, My Lord? Or am I about to find out?" "Indeed, my beautiful man. You are." ahmad felt the strap wrap around his wrists, as Glaucus led him to the bed. "I would kiss you first my sweet. I would taste the date sugar that is your mouth.." His kiss was long, before he gently lay ahmad on the bed. "Now, ahmad. What did I learn today? How did I forget that you were dancer for so long? Your strength... is here." He picked up ahmad's legs. In horizontal position, they were almost useless. "He knows," ahmad thought. "I am undone," as Glaucus bound his ankles. "Let me ... remove those sandals, such that these soft, soft feet are available for.... torment.." He began to run his finger over one of ahmad's soles. "No, My Lord. NO. HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. " Glaucus moved his finger to the other sole. "Why should I not advise eric, and every man in this household, of this weakness, of this very handsome dominant man?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. My Lord. You may tell all you want. I would swallow those berries before I would give myself to one but you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Is that truth ahmad?" "Truth My Lord. You have found my one remaining secret. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please. Show me how a Dominant man truly acts My Lord. "No. You show me how a truly submissive man acts. What should I have made Ares do ?" "Piercing a man is an act of dominance My Lord, but a man has not been broken, until he has swallowed your sword. And he is not TRULY broken, unless he ASKS to swallow it." Ahmad looked at him. "May I take My Lord's sword in my mouth?" Glaucus smiled. "Do not finish me. You will be submissive, and I will be Dominant." "Yes My Lord." Glaucus lifted Ahmad from his bed, and brought him to the floor, in front of him. Ahmad kneeled, and took Glaucus' sword in his mouth. Glaucus purred, while he rubbed Ahmad's ears, and stroked his hair. "My lovely, lovely Ahmad. You have always been so loyal . " Ahmad pulled back. "My Lord, I have brought you to the point where were I to go further, " "Yes. I am aware. To the bed, slave." "YES MY LORD. " ahmad did not like being called slave, unless it was Glaucus who did it. He felt his legs being untied, and spread. And then the sword he worshipped, took him, piercing him deep. "OH YES MY LORD. OH YES. I belong to you. ALWAYS." Glaucus had been aroused by seeing Ares, and he closed his eyes, thinking... should he? Should he? He would. Then he shot deeply into his handsome slave. Ahmad had taken the liberty of handling his own cock, and he exploded as well. He smiled. "Were it another lifetime My Lord, perhaps our roles would be reversed. But we have THIS life to live. I am YOUR slave. None other. I speak truth when I say I would swallow berries were I to know I could not have you." Glaucus looked at him. "Sicilia awaits me. I would ask you, does it await us?" "My Lord, I could not have been more clear. I will be where you command that I be." "Then I am not clear ahmad. There is one thing that I cannot command you to do." He paused for a minute to let ahmad understand what he had just said. Ahmad's eyes widened. "MY LORD. FORGIVE MY SLOW BRAIN BUT... DID YOU JUST ASK ME TO BECOME YOUR CONSORT? " "I did ahmad. We will both continue to have our time with other men : you with eric, I with Flavius and Marcellus, but... I am moved by your fidelity. I would have you by my side." "And I will be there My Lord. My consort. " Ahmad's head exploded with stars. From hope, to disappointment and now... to a partnership with the man he loved most in the world. " Glaucus smiled, and kissed him. "We will announce this to the full house tomorrow. For now, I must meet with Urban and Demos." Ahmad rose from the bed. "Please untie me My Lord. I will fetch them." He smiled. "Shall I tell the kitchen to prepare snails tonight?

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Urban saw Demos walking toward Glaucus' chambers as he was arriving. They bowed. They both saw ahmad smiling. That was unusual. Both of them felt that ahmad resented them, which was true: he had seen them as rivals. Now, however, all was set. "Ave et salve gentlemen. Our Master awaits you. Please enter." Ahmad was about to add 'and my consort' after "Master, " but he fought the urge. Tomorrow would be fine.

"Urban. Demos. Please sit. Would you share wine with me?" "As you would have it, My Lord" Demos spoke. Glaucus poured. "I do not wish to mince my words, so I would speak directly, as there is far less time than we might think, before I leave for Sicilia." "An excellent choice who will serve Rome well, My Lord. A slave has little to give but his salutations, and I give those" Demos spoke. "I thank you Demos. " He paused. "Both of you are young men. Young, but men. And both of you, as it would have it, are not attached by marriage, or consortship, or anything of the type. And that concerns me." He looked at them. "Demos, of course I am aware of your past as consort to Marcellus, and Urban, I am aware of your servitude to Portius. " He smiled. "But with the exception of your one time with me Demos, I am unaware of any couplings whatsoever for either of you. If I may ask, have you ... lost interest in what a young man finds most appealing?" Urban spoke first. "Glaucus, with respect, I have not seen any advantage to the act of coupling. It takes time from my studies, from my work. I have not considered it." Then Demos. "My Lord, if I may, I have observed consortship, and I have observed marriage. I saw my own dissolve, through no fault of my own. I have seen Flavius' dissolve - and I apologize for raising it Urban, I only say it because I saw it. And I have seen others. My Lord.. he laughed. Between Marcellus and Portius, I believe I have enjoyed enough of 'coupling' for the rest of my life." Glaucus listened and smiled. "Again, not to mince words, young men, I see the two of you as a perfect match." Both began to snicker. "Hear me out. Neither one of you professes interest in sexual congress. What happens between the two of you, or what doesn't happen, is of no concern to anyone but the two of you. So I have a proposal. I would like the two of you to take a walk together, through Rome. Take as much time as you like. I would like you to consider a consortship. If you do agree, Demos... I will manumit you from slavery, so that you may fairly be considered Urban's partner. " They looked at each other. "We would have no procreative obligation to the state? " Urban asked, and Glaucus smiled. "My understanding is that you both have satisfied that obligation." They blushed. "I hear EVERYTHING boys. EVERYTHING. If I don't hear it myself, ahmad hears it, and tells me. " "My Lord, if I may, after I thank you for your generous proposal" Demos spoke. "Would you share your reasoning with us?" "I will precious Demos. Neither one of you are suited for life in Sicilia. The work will be hard, and you are both much more of thinkers than workers. Urban, we could of course use your skills with managing the Gauls, but they will learn, now that Ares is going to be there. " "My father, Glaucus?" "I would ask your father to join me, though not as consort." Glaucus was blunt. "I have chosen another, but I would want your father at my side, and his knowledge of agriculture. But he is a freedman, and he has the option to stay. It will be up to him." "Marcellus, My Lord?" Demos asked. "Marcellus will come with me. He does not have the option to choose. He remains my slave." He paused. "And no, Demos, he will not be my consort either. He had that chance." They looked at each other, and Glaucus laughed. "The curiosity of youth. If I tell you before I tell the house can you keep the secret." There was a pause. "I believe we can My Lord" Demos responded. "Very well." He spoke in a normal voice. "Ahmad, can you come into the meeting, please?" Ahmad appeared immediately. "Yes My Lord. Do you require more wine? Food? " Glaucus smiled. "Nothing more than for you to tell these fine young men: what did I ask you today? It is fine to speak truth. I have a vow of secrecy. He blushed. "You asked me if I would become your consort." "Will you tell them your answer?" Ahmad smiled. "Do I need to? Who would say No? Of course I accepted." The two of them jumped out of their seats and hugged their former, fellow slave. "SALUTATIONS AHMAD. We wish you nothing but blissful happiness." Ahmad looked at them , with tears in his eyes. "Thank you. If I told you how often I dreamed about this, and how often I thought it hopeless. " He broke down crying. Glaucus came over and hugged him. "It is ok. It is ok." He whispered into his ear. "Go see to snails for tonight. Just for me. You are lustful enough." Ahmad left to take care of that. "So, my fine young men, I would have you be regents of this estate when I am in Sicilia. Neither of you can do it alone. You can do it together. Please have your perambulation. I will wait."

Their walk was long. They saw the looks of approval they received, as they walked together. One woman even said, as she passed. "What a fine young couple. I grow jealous." Urban asked Demos. "Should we see what happens if we kiss?" Demos shrugged. "I know what will happen for me, Urban. My sword will grow." Urban blushed "Mine as well, fair Demos." "Back at the estate. " "So be it. Would you come to my quarters, tonight, Demos?" "If I am invited, I will. We will have much to learn from each other."

When they returned, Urban spoke. "Glaucus, Demos and I wish to become consorts. " He smiled. "I wish I had done this sooner. I could make you consorts tomorrow, at the same ceremony where ahmad and I take each other. You will have to wait a few days. " He smiled. "Hymen's presence in the house will be noticed, and longstanding. Congratulations on your choice. "

After they left, Glaucus took a deep breath and sat . He closed his eyes. The day had been long, and difficult, but pieces were falling into place. He now had to speak to Flavius, and to the Hibernians. He had plans for them too. He sank back in his chair. Then he felt the expert hands of ahmad, massaging his foot. "OH, ahmad. This is unnecessary." "With all due respect, Glaucus, it is more than necessary. Your muscles are tensed. Please let me do what I know what to do. " The snails that night were superb. And ahmad came to the bed that he would come to every night, for the rest of his life.

Next: Chapter 33

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