Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 20, 2020


As Glaucus left, Marcellus stood there, stunned. He had killed men in battle before, that was true, but he had never participated in a sacrifice to Ares. He looked at the corpse of the Gaul: "this might have been me. I might have missed time with Demos, time with Clodius, time in the gymnasium, time testing my strength with Flavius and so much else." He paused for a minute. "All because Glaucus favored me. " He looked at the attendant centurions.

"What will happen to the body now?" "The liver will be brought to the joint sacrifice, as decreed. His body will be taken to the pit for deceased enemies. The altar will then be cleaned by the city's priesthood. " "And of me?" The centurion smiled. "General Marcellus, it was your first. You should add your toga to the material to be brought to the pit with the body. Lord Glaucus has asked you to retain some of the blood. A bit is all that is necessary. You should wash to remove the stench, though I will tell you: it remains with you for a while. As does the memory. Part of it, I hope for you, will be dissipated during your night with Glaucus. " THAT'S RIGHT! He thought. Glaucus said he would see him that night.

Glaucus had himself cleaned up after the sacrifice. There had been a bit of spatter, but not as much as he had thought there would be "Not feeding the Gaul last night was beneficial" he thought. He sat to compose himself, and consider the day: Flavius and Urban would be moving back to the estate, which pleased him. He could no longer order Flavius to his bed as he had, but it would be good to see his beautiful form about. Urban would be trying to teach the Gauls the Roman language: Sextus and Quintus showed promise as slaves. He wasn't sure what to do with their father. First, though, there was the issue of the grooming of the twins. He clapped his hands to have Ahmad come to the quarters. The man was there in seconds.

"AVE ET SALVE MY LORD. " I am told that blessings will descend upon this house after our offering to Ares." "Would it be as you say, Ahmad. " He smiled. "How goes things with your new consort." Ahmad smiled. "He is half the man you are My Lord . No, I must rephrase. I am not half the man you are, and he must learn from me. I hope that we will both have opportunity to learn from the Master." Glaucus embraced Ahmad. "You were the jewel I did not see Ahmad. May Eric know of your glory." "I am honored my Lord." "We must turn to the business of the house Ahmad. The Gauls require grooming. As they are, they would not pass muster as bed slaves, which is where I believe they are destined, and I must take steps to continue to break the spirt of their father. Today the boys will be shorn. " He saw the smile on Ahmad's face. "Would you be prepared to do the honors?" "Praise to our Lord Glaucus. The gifts of Ares already descent to the house. It would be my honor to shear the boys, but only if you were to watch. " "Indeed I will. With their father." "BRILLIANT MY LORD. Your decisions cannot be questioned. Shall we begin in half the span of an hourglass? "So be it" Ahmad bowed and left. Glaucus prepared himself. Arcerterrix would be pierced again. And he would be pierced while he saw the humiliation of his son's shearing. And his own caging.

Quintus and Sextus were brought to his chambers first. A large sheet had been left on the floor, under two tables. The boys were brought in, bound, with new cages applied to their swords. They were clearly uncomfortable, and also scared. As they were placed in the chairs for shearing, they began ululations. "The sound is NOT pleasant. Have them bit gagged Ahmad." "Agreed My Lord. I have also take the liberty of bringing an oxen bit for Arcerterix. I believe the standard one will not be sufficient." "EXCELLENT IDEA. Indeed I hear him roaring now . He must have heard the ululation and then its stop. The boys were gagged, and left in their chairs. Gauls shaved their chests until they had had their first woman, so that shaving would not be necessary. Glaucus had decided to undertake the shaving of Arcerterix himself. So that Arcerterix could watch his sons' being shorn, he had planned that the father would be shaved first, on the Andrew cross, while his sons watched. The act of removing the symbolism of his masculinity, would not be lost on them: their father would now be treated in the same way they were. Then he would have the boys' shorn: their hair would be about the length of Urban and Demos. The father would be left on the cross for that. Then he would pierce the father, in front of the sons, so that they might ALL gather their future.

Six very strong centurions brought in Arcerterix. He fought, every step of the way. "The cross gentlemen. Make sure he is chained, thoroughly, to the cross. When this was done. Glaucus brought the oxen bit to him. He showed what he wanted, by opening his own mouth. When Arcerterix refused, he signalled to Ahmad who held a knife to the throat of Quintus. It worked. Soon the bit was in place. Then, Glaucus began handling the sword of the huge Gaul. "Slaves will be slaves. Whatever their size." He locked the largest cage he had ever seen on the Gaul, who tried to scream, and tried to break free of the cross. The boys began to struggle in their chairs, as Glaucus approached their father, with the sharpened stone that would serve to shave his chest. The stone puzzled them. Their hair was remove with the use of a mutton candle : hot wax was thought to strengthen the boys' resolve against pain. It was painful at first, but quick. This would not be. They watched their father struggle, then stop struggle and for the first time, they saw their father cry, as he watched the hair removed from his chest.

"Now you are a SLAVE Arceterix. Just as your sons. You serve ME. I am your MASTER." The sons had learned enough Latin as prisoners to understand the situation. There was nothing they could do.

"AHMAD! BEGIN! " "YES MY LORD. It will be a pleasure" He moved with the instruments, to the boys, Quintus first. "What is it about blonds? " He thought, feeling his sword swell under his cloak. Since he was no longer caged, did he dare use another man but Eric so soon? When Quintus fought, Ahmad smacked him. When he fought harder, he smacked his locked sword. Then the boy calmed down. Sextus had seen what would happen, and remained docile. "AH. To have to choose between a feisty twin, and one who is placid? Who could choose? Ahmad thought. When he was finished, the two looked very much like model specimens of young Roman manhood. They had the blue eyes of Northern Gauls, rather than the dark eyes of those of the south, and the pale skin. They were, in a word, beautiful. "I envy you Lord Glaucus. You may, for example, have them both to bed and enjoy a banquet." Glaucus smiled. "Rest assured, Ahmad, if such a feast were to be had, it would be incomplete without you. " Now... " He stared at the knife. "I will need your assistance in keeping their father 'calm.' Ahmad took a knife in each hand and held one to each of the boys' throats. The cage left one's balls exposed, and Glaucus grabbed those of Arcerterix as he untied him from the cage. He signalled the bed , where he had pierced Arcerterix before. The pain to his balls, and the threat to his sons, motivated the Gaul to comply. Once he was bound, Glaucus began gently, oh so gently, playing over his nipples. The Gaul responded. There were grunts, not of anger but of pleasure, as Glaucus continued his work on the man's chest. Clearly, it had been long since he had been stimulated sexually, and his body began to tremble. Even though exposing one's neck was a sign of total submission: a knife could be placed there easily and an artery severed, when Glaucus pushed his big head aside, Arcerterix complied. "He understands Dominance, and subservience. EXCELLENT" he thought. And as he scraped the man's neck with his own beard, and heard the additional sounds. "And he understands pleasure. " Indeed, apparently one of the sons did too. While one of them was silent, the other was breathing harder, and seemed desperate to see what was happening.

Glaucus looked at Ahmad. "They sword swallowed their father. Do we dare suggest that...." Ahmad smiled. "A knife is a knife is a knife. It is one thing to see your brother killed. It is another to see your father." He pulled the curious one to the bed front, and experienced very little struggling. He signaled for the boy to get to his knees, and had no resistance. Then he moved to the head of the bed where his father was tied. He held the knife to Arcerterix' throat . Quintus nodded. He understood." Glaucus advanced with his sword. The boy needed no explanation. He began swallowing immediately. "He is not half bad, Ahmad." "I shall have to experience it myself, My Lord." He pulled the sword from the father. "it will humiliate him more to see his son enjoying it, and doing it willingly." as he was. When Glaucus felt sufficiently large, he released the boy. "I think it is time for them to have their Latin lesson with Urban. " He smiled. "Should they be delayed, because of the needs of the steward, I believe Urban would understand." Ahmad smiled. "one might be My Lord. I appreciate your concerns. "

He had decided there had been enough humiliation and it was clear that Arcerterix understood his position. Glaucus smiled. "My prize giant. Your life was spared for time like this." He lifted the huge legs, and pierced the man for a second time. He was as tight and as difficult to take as he had been the first time, and that suited Glaucus fine. Marcellus, tonight, would NOT be a challenge. It would be a delight. But for now.... " He slid into the Gaul and after some mumbled protests, he began to hear the sounds of pleasure. "AH. The man is opened and resolved to dealing with a situation, the way a good general should be." Glaucus remembered the first time how, as a young soldier, he had been called to the commanding officer's bed. He fought. He left with a blackened eye. And an experience that left him confused, but somewhat pleasured.

Arcerterix, though much older than Glaucus had been, was experiencing similar feelings. It it were happening to him, it would be happening to his sons (and indeed, it was at that time, as Ahmad plunged his own sword into Quintus. He had removed the bit from the boys' mouth, and he moaned in pleasure. He had moved Eric in front of Quintus: it was Eric's first sword swallowing as the active partner. Now he understood, why Ahmad liked it so much. The Gaul's lips were soft, and gentle. And he was experienced. They would have to learn of that from Urban from the lessons.

Glaucus had just about finished. He pushed one time, hard, and spilled his seed into the Gaul. The Gaul moaned. He signaled, with his eyes, to his own sword, and Glaucus laughed.

"OH MY. It brings me back to the days of initiating Marcellus. And Flavius. AH. I may be getting old" he thought. In fact, Glaucus had decided that, when he had reached an age he thought appropriate, he would enter the gentle sleep provided by the berries, and leave this world. He would enjoy it before then.

He rose, and adjusted his clothing. He called in the centurions to remove the Gaul and to bring him back to his cage. He didn't struggle at all for the return.

Ahmad had returned, smiling. "My Lord, I can speak of Quintus. My surmise is that he has been used in this way before. I do not know of Sextus. " He smiled. "By your leave, I will find out more later. But now, they must go to Urban for their lesson." "So it will be Ahmad." "My Lord, with the new slaves in the house, and Flavius returning, will you have time for me? " He smiled. "My dear, sweet Ahmad. My plan was to summon you tomorrow, after I have re-introduced Marcellus to his proper role." Ahmad smiled. "I suspect My Lord is moving to a place where he has no consort, but has chosen a stable of men for his pleasure." "Is mind reading among your skills, Ahmad?" "Only of virile men, My Lord." Glaucus laughed. "OFF WITH YOU. OBSERVE THE LESSON IF YOU WILL. BUT SUMMON FLAVIUS. I WISH TO SPEAK TO HIM TODAY." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

Shortly after Glaucus' exchange with Ahmad, Flavius appeared at his quarters. As a Freedman, Flavius did not have to follow the same protocols that slaves did, so he simply coughed to let Glaucus know he was there. "Glaucus? Am I disturbing you?" Glaucus had his face buried in a piece of parchment, and he looked up. He smiled. "FLAVIUS MY FRIEND! There is no conceivable way you might disturb me. Please come in. Will you share wine?" "I would Glaucus. " After Glaucus poured, Flavius let three droplets fall to the floor. He paused and added one more. "To the gods and to the graces of Glaucus, my former Lord, my friend to eternity." Glaucus smiled. This was the ignorant farmer he had purchased on a whim! Would that the big Gaul turned out as well. "Glaucus, it was Ahmad who told me you wished to see me. STEWARD Ahmad. Have things changed so much since we were here?" "Ah yes, Flavius. So much has changed. More than I can detail in one meeting. I want to begin by saying how glad I am that you and Urban have chosen to move back to the estate. Have they provided you with satisfactory accommodations ? (As a freedman, Flavius and his son would not live in slaves' quarters, but would have a separate outbuilding of their own). "They are more than satisfactory Glaucus. " He laughed. "I would call them superior to our former living arrangements." He put down his glass. "Tell me what is most important to you, Glaucus. I have matters I would discuss if you would hear them as well." "Ah, Flavius. So much! So much! The gratitude the state, and I, have to your son, is incalculable. Now, he helps me with the education of the young Gauls. " Flavius smiled. "It will not surprise you. As Urban has matured, he has seen things differently. Originally, he would have said ' I will not continue to allow the Republic to abuse its slaves" and refuse to do this, on the pain of death. Now, he welcomes it. He appreciates the stipend - as do I Glaucus - and at some point, rest assured... Urban shall make his contribution to the state." Glaucus smiled. "An outdated custom for sure. If I may ask, Flavius, does your son favor women? Or does he favor men? "Ah, Glaucus, my son favors books. I have not been able to find one person in whom he is interested. I wish I could give you an answer." "Well I ask, my friend, because he has come to the age where, to be honest, he will be expected to choose. I would not presume to say 'let me select', but there are several young men here, who would make , in my view, very suitable partners for your son. Indeed, if he is not interested in physical aspects, and does not mind if his partner is, I may have the perfect man for him. If he chooses women, I can have Ahmad present suitable candidates." "If I may , Glaucus, who did you have in mind?" "Well, Flavius, I may be incorrect but I think not: I think that Demos has had his fill, so to speak, with sex, and would be more than happy to live his life as a monk, with an occasional foray into his physical side. Should Urban be more inclined to the physical, Eamon would be a perfect choice for him, in my view, and we can both regret that their union would not produce children, who would be stunning." Flavius held up his cup to toast the statement. "Agreed, Sir . It is a father's pride, but my son's beauty surprises even me." "Do you think I should raise the issue to him Flavius? Or you? Or we two not so young men together?" "Perhaps together, my friend" Flavius spoke. "It may not be evident to you, but Urban respects you very much. " He paused. "If I may Glaucus, my thoughts that sex may not be the top most thing on his mind,if it all, came from his lack of attraction to you. " "Flavius, you were never prone to flattery! Life in Rome has changed you!" "It has not Glaucus. I speak the truth. You know of only some who would give whatever they had for a night with you." Another pause. "I am among them, Glaucus. To have what we had again, is something I dream of. There is some slogan that one of the Senators spoke to me after our petitions were granted "Be careful Flavius. Wanting freedom is not the same as having it." Glaucus smiled. "I appreciate that Flavius." He sat back. "Things are changing, rapidly at this estate. I know they are changing rapidly at Rome. You would know that better than I. Edifices like myself may not stand for much longer, and I'm not sure if I should try to prepare for it, or not." "I understand, Glaucus. Remember, I have had more than one such change. To go from farmer, to consort, to divorced man, to father to the smartest young man in Rome... AHHH. The gods are kind, but they are cruel as well." "Yes Flavius, yes they are. I thought that just a day ago, when I sacrificed a young man who deserved better. His spirit haunts me, but the gods have looked upon it with approval." He rose. "Flavius, I hope you realize that you are always welcome in my home." Flavius drew nearer. "Does that include your bed Sir? " He put his hands behind his back, and pointed out his chest, exposing the nipples Glaucus so loved to torment. Glaucus smiled and raised his fingers, to toy with them. "Would that it were another day but today Flavius. I am spent from the morning, and I must recover for tonight. You see, Marcellus has to learn his proper place again. " He continued to rub Flavius' nipples, and he saw the look of pleasure on the man's face. "Let us talk again tomorrow. " He laughed. "Of things changing? If I told you how many of those men you speak of have approached me: I have felt like a maiden awaiting her marriage." "I would seek for you to consider my suit as well, Glaucus. We were consorts once." "YES, but it is more difficult when both are freedmen, Flavius. Almost impossible. " Flavius shook his head. "Freedom. PHEH." "Now Flavius. We live for our children." "You do not have any children, Glaucus." He saw the look on Glaucus' face. "Oh. There is much I do not know." "Much. Please return tomorrow Flavius. It will be good to enjoy your company for a night, or more." They embraced, and Flavius kissed Glaucus on the ear. As Flavius left, Glaucus saw that his sword had expanded. This boded well for the evening.

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As a slave, Marcellus did have to follow protocol, and was announced, somewhat dejectedly, by Ahmad. "SLAVE Marcellus is here to see you Sir. Will you require anything else?" "No, Ahmad, not for tonight, thank you." "Forget not," he smiled. "I am in the room adjacent this suite. I am ready for when you want me." Glaucus laughed. "Indeed I know Ahmad. Sleep well. " "ERIC!!!!! HOME NOW" was the shriek. Marcellus could not help himself. "It seems that they are like an old married couple already, My Lord," he spoke from the slave's position, hands behind him, head bowed. Glaucus approached him. "Marcellus, it has been long since you have been to my chambers for an evening." He kissed the part of Marcellus' forehead that bore the blood mark from the sacrifice. "Have you recovered from what is a very emotional, very traumatic experience? The first sacrifice I performed, kept me awake for a week. The victim's spirt, pursued me for a month." "Do I have that to look forward to My Lord?" Glaucus laughed. "No Marcellus. The spirit pursues me. You need not worry." "May I speak to you of sacrifice My Lord? " "You may speak to me of what you wish. But let us sit first." "My Lord. The man. He was perhaps the same age as was I when you captured me. He lay on the same altar on which you placed me. That could have been me." Glaucus laughed. "No Marcellus. I knew I was risking the wrath of the gods, but I never had any intention of sacrificing you. My intention was always to defy them, and to keep you as my own. " Marcellus looked up. "BUT BUT. The scimitar pendulum?" "Not sharp Marcellus. It would not have cut you. " "But... bringing in Demos so I would submit?" "That, Marcellus, was only to let you know, he lived, and I could control him. By controlling him. I controlled you." There was a pause. "For a while My Lord. Then... you controlled me by controlling me. I resisted, but... I lost. And I resented it." "Your resentment was clear. But I believe you enjoyed our time." "I did My Lord. " He looked up. "Will we have time together again? I have been a fool. I did not understand that your feelings for me went beyond conquest." Glaucus breathed deeply. "At first, they did not. To have captured you, a man I had dreamed of, and to have you in my power, fed my lust to conquer. But you were and I suspect are, a responsive bed partner. And I intend to learn more." "My Lord, I am grateful for your care of my life. I will always be in your debt." Glaucus smiled. "You can begin payment by swallowing my sword." "Yes My Lord." Marcellus took the position and took Glaucus in his mouth. He remembered the taste, and the floods of mixed emotions came back. He, like the other bed slaves (with the exception of the Gauls) was no longer in cage, and his own sword grew, as Glaucus moved his own back and forth, stopping , halting and pushing, ramming Marcellus, to remind him of how Glaucus had taken him, like a common whore, and how much he had loved it. Glaucus sighed. "Your abilities have not slackened Marcellus. Now we will see if your other abilities remain sharp. "Shall I take position face up, or face down My Lord?" "Face up. I intend fully to see how you greet my penetration." Glaucus secured Marcellus' wrists, even though he knew there was no need. He dropped his own cloak and Marcellus gasped "Is it possible that it has grown, My Lord?" "Ha ha. Only because of the man who has taken position in my bed." He began kissing Marcellus, in a way Marcellus had not been kissed in ages. His lips surrounded Marcellus' nipples, and Marcellus remembered why he had surrendered so completely, as Glaucus nibbled at his chest, and then his ears, and then his neck. Marcellus began to breathe hard. "There is a rumor that you have already pierced two men today, My Lord." "Only one, Marcellus. Only one. In preparation for you.." He smiled, and Marcellus willed his sphincter muscles to open to receive Glaucus. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. " was all he said, as his conqueror mounted him and took him. Slowly. And deeply. And Marcellus sighed at the feeling of the only man who had possessed him that completely. "I am home My Lord." Glaucus moved his lips to Marcellus' "NOW you are home, Marcellus." He pumped, faster and faster, and Marcellus' groans grew louder. Glaucus had grown lax, and he had not gagged him. Ahmad heard the groans. So did Eric. "The old man must still know what he does, " he joked as Ahmad began to slide his generous cock into his ass. Ahmad covered his mouth with his hand. "BE STILL YOU SILLY BOY. The old man as you call him, knows more than both of us put together." "Then why am I sleeping with you?" Eric wanted to say, but couldn't get it past Ahmad's hand. As Glaucus finished, his seed pouring into Marcellus, he asked. "Do I need bind you in bed tonight?" "That is your decision My Lord. I will not be trying to leave." They slept in the position they had for so long, Marcellus curled into Glaucus' body. They slept past the crowing of the cock. Steward Ahmad was awake. He passed the bedroom and saw them. "I might have been his consort. I would have had to sacrifice part of my nature to do it. And I would have. Gladly.

Next: Chapter 32

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