Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 14, 2020


It had been a wonderful night with Eamon. As dawn began shining through the chamber, and as Glaucus heard Ahmad and Eric laughing in the adjoining room, he stroked his bedmate's hair. "You claimed to know nothing, my sweet. Yet you are a pleasure, and an excellent love maker. " "Thank you My Lord. I daresay, Collepherus was a good teacher, as were Ahmad and Eric, both directly and indirectly. " Glaucus smiled. "We learn what we need where we can find it. " He kissed the young man. "I thank you for sharing yourself with me so completely. There was nothing that you held back last night." He looked at Eamon and smiled. "Although maybe you did. It seems too early for asparagus, but some are sprouting." Eamon's pale skin reddened. "I do apologize My Lord. Being caged that long, and then the pleasure that you brought me, which now resounds... Forgive me." "ha ha. There is nothing to forgive. Only more to do." He sprang on Eamon and pinned him down, kissing his neck. Then, he rolled over, but kept the man in place with his body and one arm. "Let us pick that asparagus..." He began to stroke Eamon, and the man began to moan. "OOOOH. My Lord. I am unworthy that you would do this... To give me pleasure. SUCH pleasure." "It pleasures me as well, Eamon. " As he stroked Eamon, Glaucus thought: yes, Eric is so adorable, and so sweet. But he is so small. I thought, always, I was hurting him. His older brother, on the other hand? I had no such qualms." Eamon yelled something in Gaelic, which was so loud that Eric heard it. He responded with a similar yell. "Brothers. One will always be able to tell you were brothers." "Would you have me again, My Lord?" Glaucus smiled. "Indeed Eamon. I hope to have you again soon. For now, though, I would ask you and your brother to return to the bed slave chambers. I would have business with Ahmad. " "So it shall be My Lord. I again thank you for the pleasure of the evening and the morning. " Eric came out from the other room, and joined his brother. "I would sleep Eamon. I am tired." Ahmad laughed. "Ahmad, please remain. I must speak with you of matters. " "Is all well My Lord? "It is. I only seek information. Please sit." Marcus had already brought in morning wine and fruit, and Glaucus gestured to Ahmad to help himself. As they were eating and drinking, Glaucus asked his questions. "I think the question of who pierced and who was pierced last night, need not be addressed, Ahmad." Ahmad didn't not blush. "Truth is always the correct path My Lord, and if you were to ask, I would tell you." "You may regret that statement Ahmad, because I am now going to ask you another question," and he smiled. "You have told me that you would consider it an honor to be chosen as my consort, Ahmad." "I did My Lord, and it is the truth. I stand by my comments." "Well, Ahmad, you proved last night what I had heard: within the bed slave chamber, you are without question the alpha male. " "That too is true My Lord." "So now I will ask you this. How often did Eric pierce you last night?" "Not at all My Lord." Suddenly , Ahmad saw where the questioning had led. "Ahmad, my sweet Ahmad. Assume that you had the option of two consorts. One but not both. One would be me, and you would be the passive partner at all times, as all my consorts will be. On the other hand, you would have the option of Eric, where you would of course always be active partner. Who would you choose?" He paused as he saw Ahmad troubled by the question. "There is no wrong answer my sweet Ahmad. " Ahmad continued to stand in silence, lost in thought. "I do not think I can answer this My Lord," and Glaucus smiled. "But you have my love. You have answered very clearly. And the answer you gave was not incorrect, nor was it poorly said ." "But My Lord, I said nothing." "Ha ha. You are a dancer by training Ahmad. You do not speak, but your body does." He got up and put his hand on Ahmad's shoulder "The Saturnalia approaches, and it is a sacred time for weddings. I am thinking very seriously of eliminating the bed slave chambers. I am also considering wedding you and Eric. " Ahmad's eyes widened. "Does Eric know, My Lord?" "He does not. You should tell him. " He kissed Ahmad. "I will miss the pleasures of you in my bed, Ahmad, and I will not forget ever how I learned something from you, so short a time ago. But your place is not underneath me. I have enjoyed it, but a man cannot make a peach tree an apple tree." "Or an oyster a snail My Lord." Glaucus laughed. "YOU SCAMP. Off with you. I have much to accomplish today. " Ahmad took the liberty of hurling himself into Glaucus' embrace. "To be in your service, is better than freedom, My Lord. I thank you for this." "There will be more Ahmad. " He sighed. "Marcus is somewhat overwhelmed by his position. That is evident. I will find a new place for him. You learned from Collepherus. You will become steward when the chamber is dissolved. " Tears formed in Ahmad's eyes. "I will have the privilege of working with you. Every day." "You will work with me every day Ahmad. Whether it is a privilege or not, remains to be seen. Now off with you. This will be a day filled with incident for me, I fear. My next steps may very well lead to the end of the lives of several people."

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Flavius had responded with an open invitation to have Glaucus visit his home, and that was Glaucus' next task. He washed, shaved, and then dressed. He took the berries that had been left on Marcellus' bed. They had been wrapped in a blue cloth with an odd design on it. Glaucus had recognized it immediately, as an ornament Gerda had worn. And that is why he was on his way to Flavius' home. To attempt murder, meant the death of the individual attempting it. Guilt was clear. He was going to try to give the family a chance to address the issue and deal with it. He approached their home. Ulrich saw him first. "FATHER. Lord Glaucus approaches." He bowed to Glaucus as he came closer. "Ave et salve Glaucus. You are welcome in this home." He immediately put out barley water, which he knew was a favorite of Glaucus, and grapes that he and his father had harvested. Flavius came out of a back room. No longer a slave, he addressed Glaucus by name. "My friend Glaucus. It is a delight to see you. May I?" He approached to embrace the man to whom he had been consort, and his lips lingered on Glaucus' cheek. It did not go unnoted, nor did Glaucus fail to note the hardening sword Flavius possessed. "Flavius! I wish I were here for a happier reason than I am. But I must discuss an issue of great concern with you." "Glaucus, I am sorry. Please tell me what is of concern." "Is your wife here? " "No, Glaucus. She knew you were coming and was called away by a sudden labor." Glaucus smiled. "Then it is for the better." "Flavius, the lack of amity between you and Marcellus is not a secret, and not all men can like all men; however, this was on Marcellus' bed several evenings ago." He pulled out the cloth package, and he saw Flavius blanch. "But... but..." "Gerda was at the estate to assist with the labor of a slave woman. She was paid well. " He paused. "Flavius, were this anyone else, I would be having you, Ulrich and your wife arrested, and brought to the estate for torture until the truth were known. I would avoid that if I could. And I believe I can. " "Glaucus, I.... Gerda has not been the loving wife I knew. Her hatred, her vilification of all things Roman. She simply does not seem to understand that you saved both my son and I from certain death." A tight smile formed on Glaucus' face. "I will have need of your son today, Flavius. I am attending the slave market where the Gallic prisoners will be sold. Ulrich speaks the language and will communicate for me. And of course, I will pay him. When your wife returns, all you need tell her is that after I left, I took Ulrich with me. All is true." "So it will be, Glaucus. " "She will assume that he has been blamed for the action. We will leave the berries here - in plain sight. What she does next, will determine all things." "I understand your wisdom Glaucus. And I am shamed that a member of my household would do this." Glaucus looked directly at Flavius. "You must be honest, friend. She has not been a part of your household for a long, long time. " Flavius shook his head. "There are days when I wish we were back at the estate of Lord Glaucus." "That may still come to pass Flavius. We will talk more. Now, let us embrace in friendship." As they did, Glaucus lowered his hand to Flavius' sword and laughed. "Has it been that active since you became a freedman, Flavius?" Flavius blushed. "If I may have leave to visit this evening?" "My thoughts precisely Flavius. You and Ulrich are welcome to sup with me. " Gerda had not gone to a delivery. She was in hiding, near the house. When she saw Glaucus leave, she returned. She saw the berries and the cloth. She told her husband "I had need of herbs. I must return to the labor. " She was never seen again.

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"Lord Glaucus, you are purchasing Gallic slaves? " "I am Ulrich - or would you prefer to be called Urban?" "I am a Roman now, Lord Glaucus. I am Urban. And my father is Flavius." "Yes, there will be purchases my handsome Goth. It is Plotius' birthday shortly, and I would seek to find him a gift. And unfortunately, the laws of sacrifice cannot be defied any longer. I must find an appropriate captive to sacrifice to Ares as part of the grand sacrifice. And it would not be bad to have 2, maybe 3 more new slaves in the estate. " He smiled. "Much has changed since you left Urban." Urban stopped walking . He grabbed Glaucus' hand. "Would there be a chance of us returning, Lord Glaucus? At least my father and I?" "We will talk my hero. We will talk. There are always possibilities. " They arrived at the forum, where the Gallic prisoners, and a handful of other captives from the southern campaign were being presented. "The Gauls are in fine physical shape , that is for certain, Urban. OH MY. Look at that one." Glaucus pointed to a man with long blond hair , slightly taller than the others, but with a chest that was at least half again as big as the other men. It tapered to a narrow waist. "Oh, what a SUPERB specimen to deliver to Zeus." Urban lowered his voice. "Or to your bed, Lord Glaucus." "HA . This lad is two steps ahead of me. See what you can learn." They approached the captive and he spat at them. That drew a slap from Glaucus, which only elicited laughter from the prisoner. That laughter ended when Glaucus seized his balls. Chained, with his hands behind him, the Gaul could do nothing but moan in pain" "His name is Arcertix, Lord. He was one of the senior soldiers. Led a platoon, and probably was responsible for the capture of Marcellus." Then Urban lowered his voice. "Look to the younger prisoners, Lord Glaucus. His sons were captured too. They are twins." "AH. I see them." Glaucus saw two younger men, perhaps 17 or 18, with lean bodies and the long hair of the Gauls. They seemed much more frightened than their father. Glaucus mused to himself. "with shorter hair, they would be delightful looking. The big one, though... No. He should keep his." He smiled. He had a plan. "SERGIUS " he called to the slave master. "This big one. Put him to the side. He will make an excellent sacrifice to Ares, do you not agree." Sergius smiled. "Indeed. And I will be glad to be rid of him. He is a trouble maker. " As three centurions led Acterix to the side, the wails from the twins were loud and sorrowful. Ululation was something the Gauls practiced when they were pained, and the youths ululated now. "Let us talk to them, Urban. I will need you to translate for me." They approached the youths. "I have chosen your father for sacrifice. Ares will be most pleased with this offering." The wailing continued, louder. "I have a proposition. I will spare your father. He will become my slave. If the two of you do . You will shear off your hair, and you will do as ordered in my estate. " He paused. "Should you decline , your father will be sacrificed this evening." Confronted with this choice, the twins exchanged words in their language. They spoke rapidly, but Urban understood them. "They are debating whether it is more noble to let their father die in glory, or to live as slaves." "Walk away with me Urban. " Glaucus turned, and went in another direction. "WE DO IT. WE DO IT." One of the youths got out, in very bad Latin. "Their names?" "They have Roman names Lord Glaucus. It seems that they are the offspring of Arcertix and a Roman prisoner. They are Sextus and Quntus." "Ha ha. I wonder if the others are as handsome as these two. SERGIUS. These three. And I will look some more." Now that he had chose to keep Arcertix for himself, he had to find another sacrifice. He had a thought. "Ask the twins who among the prisoners is their father's greatest rival." As fast as Urban got out the question, he received an answer. Versterix. "GOOD. Now, Urban, in your loudest voice, yell "VERSTERIX. IF YOU WOULD WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN SACRIFICE TO ARES, MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN." "AYEEEYAEEE" came a cry from another part of the arena. A man not nearly as well built as his rival, but handsome , with bright blue eyes that suggested origins from Northern Gaul, presented himself. "This one as well Sergius." "This man is as cold as a snake," Urban thought. "And I am assisting him. WHAT will happen to my mother?" Now, we must choose my gift to Plotius. Not a Gaul. They are too old for him. Let us look among the southerners. Glaucus smiled as he went through this group. So many looked so much like Marcellus. The dark hair, the dark eyes, the hairy bodies. Absolutely unacceptable as a gift for Plotius. Then he saw the young man at the end of a group. Materan? Calabrese? Sicilian? He could be any of these "He is Macedonian Glaucus" Sergius was over. "He was taken prisoner in a prior campaign. When the army stormed the estate of the general, they found him, in chains. Slight, fine boned. No hair on his body yet. Pink lips. "He understands some Latin, Glaucus. He was probably the son of nobility. "What is your name, young man? " "My Latin name is Praetorix Sir. My Macedonian name, would be unpronounceable to one who speaks Latin." "But you speak Latin, Praetorix." "I was being trained for the priesthood, My Lord. Most of the monks were killed, they were old. But they took the young ones. " "Sergius, this one too."

When Glaucus was done, he went to Sergius and paid for the slaves. "Please have the twins and the boy brought to the estate. I will take Versterix and Arcetix with me." Sergius looked dubious, as did Urban. "Are you sure you can handle them, Glaucus?" Glaucus smiled. He stared right into the hateful eyes of the bigger of the two, and as they locked stare, he grabbed his balls, again. As Arcetix doubled over in pain, he grinned and turned to Urban. "Tell him he'll behave or he'll lose these ." Glaucus wanted to tell him that he was getting fucked that night, but that would have given away his plan to Versterix."

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Glaucus stopped at Flavius' house on the way back to the estate. When he saw Flavius, he handed him a bag of gold coins. "Urban was invaluable to me today, Flavius. Compensation is appropriate." Flavius smiled "you should give it to my ADULT son, Glaucus. Ulrich has turned 18." That evoked a smile from Glaucus. "ADULTHOOD. Then there must be a ceremony for the toga virilis. Ulrich is now a Roman citizen." He smiled at Flavius. "I will arrange for a festival at the estate. You must both stay the night," and he smiled at Flavius who smiled back. They both understood what this meant. "You were right, Glaucus. Gerda never came back." "It is best Flavius. A strict judge would also require the destruction of your family in its entire."

Glaucus got more than a few stares as he returned to the estate, with two big, bound Gauls , led by leashed collars. Marcus was still steward, but he had been told of Ahmad's appointment and they both met Glaucus at the gates. "AVE LORD GLAUCUS. What have we here? Gauls? "Indeed we do. " He pointed to Versterix. "Take him to the sacrificial chamber. Take the other one to my quarters. I will deal with him there."

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Glaucus grinned as he headed to his chambers. Breaking Arceterix would be an excellent challenge. And there was no better way to start than with the beginnings. He got to his playroom, where the Gaul was standing, looking defiant. "You will learn, my giant man. You will learn.." Bound, Arceterix could do nothing, as Glaucus slipped a device on his penis. It was not a cock cage; rather, it was a torture tube, lined with small spines of a common fish. They would not puncture the skin, but they aggravated so much, that the man was helpless as Glaucus untied him. Then he moved him to his St. Andrew cross, and bound him, at the wrists and ankles. He pointed to the tube on Arceterix' cock. "OFF? Remove? " The giant seemed near tears, but he seemed to understand. He behaved, or it went back on. Once it was off, Glaucus took out his largest set of nipple claws. He attached one to each of Arceterix tits, and the howl that came out of the giant showed clearly he had never had these put on him before. The howls grew louder as Glaucus twisted them. He said, to no one in particular "You may not understand Latin, but you understand pain. And I speak PAIN." He twisted them harder. "OFF?" Sweating, and panting, the Gaul shook his head yes. Before he did, Glaucus took his chin and held his head still. "REPEAT. "YES MY LORD" When Arcerterix was reluctant, he twisted the claws again. Yet another howl was followed by a soft, sad "Yes My Lord." "GOOD. Perhaps you know this..." Glaucus took out one of his barbed whips. Indeed, Arcerterix DID know it. It was a common tool, used to discipline children in Gaul. Glaucus brought it, first against Glaucus' chest ten times, until welts appeared. Then he stepped behind him, and took a measure of Arceterix' back. The whipping had its intended effect. Arcerterix' strength was broken. He put up no fight when Glaucus led him to the bed, and strapped his wrists down, his face up. When Glaucus dropped his toga, the Gaul knew what was happening. He whimpered, and he pulled at the restraints, but nothing happened. "It is like lifting TREES" Glaucus remarked, as he hoisted the man's legs in the air. His sword, firm and hard, began piercing the much larger man, who squirmed, and fought, until he knew it would do no good. He began to cry, then to pant, as Glaucus slid in, and slid out, taking him with much more force than he had used on Eamon that morning. "It's GOOD to have someone I can be less than gentle with. " Glaucus pulled back, and when the Gaul thought he might be finished, he instead plunged in again with more force. This time, he took the Gaul's cock in his hand, and began sliding his hand back and forth. Arceterix had been jerked off before: in war, there were frequently not enough women, if any, and as big as he was, he could command whomever he wanted to take care of his needs. Now, a captive, he was helpless. He knew what was happening . He had taken the ass of many a young soldier in war and now, HE was serving as another man's woman. The humiliation was complete - or so he thought. He looked up and his sons, bound, and helpless, were watching their father being taken. "Were they next?" He thought to himself? Then he'd better behave. " Glaucus' mean streak was growing wider. He pulled out and turned to the sons. He pointed to their father's penis, and then he ran a circle around his mouth and pointed to the boys. "WHICH?" When neither moved, he pulled Sextus over. "DO IT" he ordered, while squeezing Arcetrix' balls until he screamed. Crying, the boy circled his father's cock and began sucking. It was not the first time he had done this, but no one knew. All of the men he had swallowed, had died in battle. Now, he worked on his father's cock, while Glaucus continued his piercing. Glaucus finished before Sextus did, but it was a ver close competition. "AHHHH. I have not enjoyed conquest like that since Marcellus." He looked at the spent , defeated Gauls. He clapped his hands for Marcus and Ahmad.

"Put the big one in an animal pen. The one we use for wild boar. As for these two." He looked at Ahmad. "Would you like one for tonight Ahmad? How about you Marcus? " "MY LORD. Your graciousness is unbounded. Eric can use a respite from my sword" Marcus varied in his choice of men and women, and declined. Glaucus smiled. "You may use them both Ahmad. Call as many guards as you need to keep them in line. Marcus! Summon the guards so that this can be accomplished. "Yes My Lord." "Then summon Marcellus to the altar to Ares."

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When Marcellus got the summons, he was certain that it meant his life was forfeit. He did not know of the visit to Flavius, nor of Vercetrix' in the chamber . When he got there, he saw the Gaul stretched out on the altar he had stretched on, so long ago. "MARCELLUS. There is news for you. We have discovered the source of the berries. It was GERDA. She may live for a while, or not. But she will no longer be in Rome. I will see to that." "I am grateful to you My Lord." "Then you will have a chance to show your gratitude. He led Marcellus to the altar. BEHOLD one of the Gauls captured in war. I have selected him as sacrifice to Ares." He handed Marcellus a long, sharp sword. "You will do the honors, and bring the glory of Ares upon yourself. " When Marcellus hesitated Glaucus sneered. "Or, you may fall on the sword yourself. " Vercetrix had known his fate when he was brought to the altar. Sacrificial altars are pretty much the same everywhere. Marcellus considered his options. A THIRD one was to attempt to kill Glaucus. Did he want to do that? The man who had just avenged him? The man who had made sure he was not killed in battle , and had rescued him from capture? By all rights, he should be dead many times over. And this was one of the Gauls who had abused him! He stood up straight, and walked to the altar. He held the sword in mid air, and bellowed "ALL GLORY TO OUR PATRON GOD ARES " He brought down the sword, to the middle of the Gaul. Then he followed protocol and tore out his liver That would be brought to the great altar with the livers of the other sacrificial victims. " "My duty is accomplished My Lord," Marcellus said, as he handed the sword back to Glaucus. "So it is. And now, it is my duty to anoint you with the sacrificial blood. Be sure that it remains on you tonight when you come to my chambers."

Next: Chapter 31

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