Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 8, 2020


Marcellus woke early in Glaucus' bed: he was still on soldier time. He didn't get up right away: when was the last time he had slept in a proper bed, let alone one this luxurious? He did not remember the last time he had not been woken during the night, to take his turn on watch- amongst the Materans, all ranks did the same thing. Of course, the bath, and the wine - did he remember the last time he had drunk a glass of truly excellent wine?

All of that paled in his mind, to his "violation" as he thought of it. Marcellus was NOT a slave, and the role of passive partner, was reserved for slaves. Demos had been taken in a raid on another city: he thought it was the home of the Barese - and Marcellus had purchased him at slave market. When he had taken Demos home, planning to abuse him thoroughly and re-sell him, he learned the young man was educated, and more than willing to do what Marcellus required of him. He was talented too. A virgin when taken, Demos had learned from the fellow bed slaves, and had become a wonderful, eager lover. Thinking of their time was arousing him, as an attendant entered.

"MARCELLUS, good morning! Lord Glaucus will be with you very shortly. He had trouble sleeping last night, and rather than disturb you, he took to another room so that you could sleep. He has left instructions to bring you what you would like for your morning meal. We can accommodate almost anything." The attendant smiled. "My name is Collepherus. I am the head of Glaucus' household. I will try to make this transition as gentle for you as possible, but I cannot alleviate your thoughts of humiliation and subservience. Please keep in mind that you have owned slaves as well. The world turns in a circle Marcellus. Please, as they say, play the cards you have been dealt. Things could be worse."

Marcellus breathed deeply. "Your counsel is wise, Collepherus. Would that I had other choices, but I don't. Yes, you are right: to think that I serve as the passive partner last night, is hurtful to me. Yet, I hope that I pleased Glaucus."

"Indeed you did Marcellus. Good morning." Glaucus was now entering the room. I have slept with boys, I have slept with young boys, I have slept with young men. I do believe this is the first time I have slept with a MAN. You were an excellent bedfellow, and I hope that you found me adequate."

Marcellus looked down. "My Lord, mine is not to judge your adequacy. Mine is to simply attempt to measure up to your expectations." Marcellus was again using the codified language of submission, which everyone in the Empire learned, and Glaucus was pleased.

"Collepherus has offered to bring you breakfast. I DO recommend the soft eggs, and perhaps some of the black bread and the juice. I believe that I was told that cherries from Sicily had come into season. Please eat. Then we will continue your day." He clapped his hands, and Ahmad came in, head bowed. Glaucus put his hand on the young man's neck. "Ahmad will be one of your companion's in the slave's quarters. There are six of you. Based on your own sense of dominance, and my determinations, you have ranks. The lowest of you, Paulus, may be taken by any of the others. Ahmad WAS ranked 4th. " He squeezed the young man's neck. "However, he has served me well for the week before your capture. I have decided to rank him 2nd. You will have the first rank, which means that only I may use you as a passive partner. You, on the other hand, may use any other, so long as it is a period when you are not 'caged.'

"My Lord, if I may, this is the second time you have mentioned that term. I am not familiar with it." Glaucus smiled. "It is my view that slaves , if left to their own choice, will use their manhood excessively. For that reason, I require my slaves to be locked." He pushed Ahmad's loincloth away, and Marcellus saw the small, bamboo cage on Ahmad's penis. The cage allows a certain amount of swelling, however, the bamboo has been treated with a mild irritant obtained from a fish that is local. Should Ahmad's penis grow too large, he will suffer the sting of that irritant. Eventually, conditioning will set in, and his cock will remain at a respectable size unless I unleash it - for I am the ONLY one who has the power to do so."

"So, if I understand you Glaucus, once I am caged, which I presume you will do yourself, I cannot use my mansword, unless I wish to risk pain."

Glaucus smiled. "That is correct. The other slaves will teach you various ways of pleasuring yourself with minor aggravation. And good behavior, and pleasing me, will result in release of the cage. Do I speak truth Ahmad?" "You do my Lord." Marcellus glowered. "Is Demos forced to wear the cage?" Glaucus laughed. "You would do well to try to suppress thoughts of Demos. He is of a different clan now, and your likelihood of being with him again, is slight."

He paused "Bring the man his breakfast. Then bring him for preparation."

"Preparation? What is preparation My Lord?" But Glaucus was gone.

The head steward answered his question. "preparation for life as one of Glaucus' slaves." He turned. "Your breakfast is here. Please enjoy it, and when you are finished, we will continue.

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Glaucus returned to secondary quarters while Marcellus ate. He wanted the man to have some time to think and he wanted some time to think himself. Bedding Marcellus and Ahmad in the same night had been instructive. Ahmad: compliant, adorable, and willing to do anything Glaucus wanted. Marcellus, who fought every bit of the way, and yielded only when forced to. Yet both were valid approaches.

What to do with Marcellus? He was learning to be a passive sex partner, at an age well beyond that of most men. That did not bother Glaucus: Marcellus belonged to him, and he could do what he wanted. But could he be trained? It would be a shame to lose such a handsome, interesting captive, to intransigence. There was a clearing of a throat at the door.

"My Lord. Slave Marcellus has completed his breakfast. I have brought him to the finishing room. "

Excellent Collepherus. Thank you. I assume all are ready. "All are ready." Glaucus went to the finishing room, where Marcellus stood in slave position, his hands behind his back and his eyes lowered. He was naked. "Marcellus, as you have seen , we do not parade our nudity in this house; however, the tailor needs to take your measurements to prepare you appropriate clothing. That will happen first. MARCUS." A short, bald man came forward, with measurement instruments. Marcellus felt that he was measured at every part of his body. His meauring for armor had been less instrusive.

"Your right arm, please, slave." Marcellus extended his right arm. Marcus took a piece of a soft dark green metal, and wound it about his bicep. Glaucus came forward to press the metal, and seal it.

"The band indicates that you are a passive bed partner Marcellus. The color indicates that you belong to me. " He saw the look of shock, and hurt on Marcellus' face. "Demos has the samea piece of jewelry. His, however, is blood red, to indicate the house to which he belongs. "

"So, now everyone will know that you are taking my ass, regardless of where I go? " Glaucus smiled. "Indeed they will. It is important as part of your training: the humiliation of it. " Marcellus glowered.

Marcus approached again, with a silvery metal. "Please hold up your head slave." "What is THIS for My Lord," Marcellus spat out. "This is for your collar. It, too, marks you as my property. But the bright color indicates your value. Should you escape, and be recaptured, your value will be assessed accordingly. Please note the collar that Marcus wears." Marcellus noted that it was black. "Yes, he is not of the noble captives. Glaucus smiled. "Finally, the cage. A task I take for myself.

YOU WILL NOT CAGE ME GLAUCUS. I WILL NOT WEAR THAT." Marcellus stormed from the place he was standing, and tried to throw the implements from the table to the floor. He was answered with the slap of a whip to his back. It brought him to his knees. The second blow, nearly brought him to tears. Glaucus advanced. He put his foot in front of Marcellus' face. "You will learn, Glaucus, that this type of behavior, will not be tolerated. I have decided you will wear the cage, and you will wear the cage.

"Still squinting from the pain, Marcellus gasped out "Yes my Lord." "Better. Now show your submission. Kiss the sandal. " Marcellus saw the attendant with the whip nearby. He brought his lips to the sandal and kissed it. "EXCELLENT. Early lessons in discipline are difficult for most, although I must say, the report was that you had trained Demos well. Ahmad took to it better than my other slaves did as well. Now UP. Marcellus moved, slowly, and stood at slave position again. An attendant stepped behind him and held his wrists, while Glaucus advanced with the cage. He took Marcellus' manhood, and stroked it to a reasonable length. The cage was just long enough. It could accommodate perhaps a half inch more.

"Marcus, you are an ARTIST. It is a perfect fit. " He placed it on Marcellus' cock, and closed off the intricate set of interlocking pieces that would keep it there. "NOW, you are truly a slave of the house of Glaucus. As a bed slave, you have a certain task that is very important: serving my needs. You WILL have other tasks. For example, today, the bed slaves clean all of the bed and play chambers. Ahmad will instruct you. And when the sun is two hours from peak, you will come to my quarters, where we will continue last night."

"Come with me Marcellus," Ahmad's voice was gentle, as cool as a spray of water. I will show you what we do, three times a week. "

"If I may ask Ahmad, how long have you been in Glaucus' service. " Ahmad smiled. "First, Marcellus, you should feel free to call me Ahmy. It's what I was called as a child, and I am happy with that. I will be honest, the time does run together, but I believe I have been with Glaucus for three turns of the earth. He purchased me shortly after Horatio was returned to him. He saw me at the market, at auction, and thought I bore a resemblance to his partner. But before that.... I have been in service since a young boy, Marcellus. I was captured during a raid on my village. We do not reckon time as you do, but I believe you would say that I was... 4 years old, maybe 5, when I was taken. Most of the young boys were sacrificed immediately, but they felt that my looks made me more valuable. So I was sent to train as a partner for other men. The training was rigorous, and I was sold to my first Master when, oh, perhaps I was 7 or 8. And I have been in service since then.

"You are sold, and re-sold." I have been Marcellus. What is the line: some prefer figs, and some prefer nettles?" Different men choose different types. " Marcellus looked askance. So you were... "I was 9, I believe, when I took my first mansword. First by mouth. Then later, from behind. " He blushed. "Perhaps it is wrong to say this, but I enjoy it. I think that is why Glaucus has kept me. He usually does not prefer my type. You are more his type. But my smile, he says, and the way I enjoy what he does to me, makes him as happy as he can be."

"But, he was with Horatio for a while." "Yes, and I think the trauma of Horatio's death soured him on that type of man. He had to be convinced to purchase me at the auction Marcellus. And I am glad. I am happy here. Now, let us get to work. The floors need cleaning, the sheets need washing, there is MUCH to do.

Indeed, they did work solidly for 3-4 passes of the hourglass, until they stopped for the mid day meal. Again, used to army food, Marcellus found the cheese, the white bread, the grapes, and the wine, luxurious. Glaucus' slaves ate better than his soldiers had.

The steward found him at the appointed time. "Please come with me Marcellus." He looked at the clothing he was wearing. "I must apologize. We were not prepared for you to join us. We will have your clothes tomorrow, or at least some of them. You will not need them for the rest of the day though.

He did not bring Marcellus to Glaucus rooms, but to a wrestling pit. Glaucus was there, also naked. "You may oil yourself if you wish Marcellus, or the steward will have someone do it for you." "You are a wrestler, My Lord?" Glaucus smiled. "it is a hobby. How do I put it? I was never 'quite good enough ' to go to the games. I am told that you were a champion at Matera.

"Yes my Lord. Undefeated. "Ah, then my decision to curtail the domination game was correct." "The domination game?" "In the domination game, my slaves wrestle for position. The slave who is defeated most often, takes lowest rank. And so on. Unless I intervene, as I did today with Ahmad. I assumed, correctly I believe, that you would overcome all of the other slaves. " He smiled. "Now, a real challenge. Your Lord." Glaucus began to circle him. Marcellus recognized the style of wrestling he used right away. He was very familiar with the moves. "Let me advise you, Marcellus, that I will NOT tolerate deliberately losing the match." He put up his hands to join Marcellus' in mid air. A test of strength followed. Marcellus fought, and he fought hard. But Glaucus was surprisingly strong. Soon, Marcellus found himself in a trap hold, his hands kept in place at the small of his back, and slowly moved up his back, as Glaucus began to lift him from the ground.

"AGGGGGHHHH. Came the scream from Marcellus. Materans always entered battle with a scream, and it was effective. Not here. Glaucus continued his push up, and Marcellus found his feet almost removed from the ground.

"We can continue, or you can submit Marcellus? "MATERANS DO NOT SUBMIT." Glaucus laughed. "And rumor has it that they do not take the members of other men. We know THAT is not true." He began slowly removing Marcellus from the floor. His feet were swinging helplesslly. He remembered the scene in the Odyssey he had studied as a young man, where the slave girls were strangled, by lifting them from the floor, their feet dangling as his were.

"You bragged of your ability to withstand pain Marcellus. How is this?" Glaucus pushed his arms up further, bending them at an angle that was quite severe. The pain grew. He heard Glaucus whisper in his ear. "The bedroom awaits you. If you submit. That comfortable, warm, secure room. "

Marcellus was ready to break into tears. That also meant Glaucus member. As he thought of that, he realized that his own member was in pain, from touching the sides of his cage. "WHAT? What was happening ?" He thought of how Glaucus had brought him down by playing with his chest, and the cage cut in deeper. No, he could put up with this no longer. "

"You win Glaucus. I surrender. I am yours. " Glaucus lowered him to the ground, and whispered. 'And you are oiled, and ready Marcellus. It is a shame the sheets have now been changed, as we will soil them, badly. Come with me please, slave position." They walked to the chambers, pass the attendants who looked away and smiled. As Glaucus entered the chamber with Marcellus, one said to the others. "He is pleased with this one. " The sounds that followed confirmed it.

Glaucus had equipped the bed with restraints. The same type that had been used on the pendulum table. He locked Marcellus into them, and then began slowly stroking his torso. "It is SUCH a work of art, Marcellus. I am SURE that painters are going to ask for permission to use you as a model." The night before, Glaucus had only used his fingers on Marcellus' nipples. Now, he used his mouth. This was new to Marcellus. "Roman perversion," he thought, until the sensation went through his body, and the pain of the contact with the cage was constant. "

"MY LORD. You elevate my senses. I have not felt this way in my life. " Glaucus said nothing, but then straddled the bound general. NOW his fingers came into play, twisting gently. "Did you ever play the chest escape game with your Demos, slave?" "No My Lord. At least nothing by that name. " "In the chest escape game, you are not bound. We set a time limit. I am allowed to do anything I want to your chest, but nothing to anything further. If you are able to withstand it, you are free from sexual duty that day. If you do not, I will have you as I like. " He smiled. "We will do that tomorrow. Today, however... I grow desirous of your beautiful hirsute body."

He slid down and took Marcellus' ankles, and lifted them. "They have softened your feet too. EXCELLENT. Another canvas, for an artist of perversion, as I have been called, to paint. Again, for another day."

Glaucus was oiled from the wrestling as well, and his sword slipped easily into Marcellus, who winced, and then just began breathing hard, as his conqueror took his prize. "Your bottom is SO tight. It is tighter than Ahmad's was when I secured him, and indeed tighter than any other I have had. " "Thank you My Lord. My task is to serve you." Marcellus winced, as Glaucus pushed harder He stopped, and held his sword in Marcellus. "I will not insult you and refer to your anus as your vagina - your sword sheath - but I will tell you that I will plant my sword here often. " He pushed, and Marcellus could feel the jizz filling his body.

"Some feel that the semen of a Dominant man, is a rejuvenating tonic. Perhaps you will come to that view. For now though... I will just say that you are a WONDERFUL lover Marcellus. So you may wish to add that to your list of accomplishments.

"A wonderful lover from the bottom." Glaucus laughed. "Fair point, my handsome slave. Fair point. " "This house closes for two hours, just about now, and all will nap. Will you nap with me, handsome, or would you prefer the comforts of the slaves ' quarters?

"By your leave My Lord, I would stay with you, if you would have me. "

I would, and so you shall." He took Marcellus under the sheets, and pulled him into him. The unsatisfied erection was frustrating, but feeling the warm body of a man holding him, was some consolation. Marcellus held onto the memories he had of Demos, but he could tell: in this environment, he could forget them quickly.

Meanwhile, Glaucus was thinking how he could use that relationship to his advantage, before he nodded off for his nap. Marcellus had already fallen asleep. His snoring was endearing.

Next: Chapter 4

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