Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 12, 2020


Glaucus was looking forward to the evening: he had enjoyed the two red heads in his bed some time ago, but he had neglected them. First Marcellus, and then Flavius. He was glad that Ahmad had found a way to keep them "occupied," but relished this opportunity to enjoy them further. He returned to his chambers, and saluted Demos, who bowed "My Lord. Slave Ahmad tells me that you will be having three guests at dinner and that they will stay the night. "

"That is the plan Demos." "Would you want extra security?" "No, I think not Demos. Yes, it is possible that my life is in danger." He laughed. "Demos, my life is in danger everyday. I have no idea if someone waits behind a corner, blade in hand, to put an end to my time here on Earth." "My Lord, such a person would be the sorriest man on earth. " "Why do you say that Demos?" "Many reasons My Lord. First, if there is anyone who understands the element of surprise, it is you. You have won countless battles because of your knowledge of strategy. And your ability to fight is legendary. Perhaps he could wound you, but kill you? And the punishment he would receive! If I may , My Lord, when other slaves speak of their estate, other slaves pine for the chance to be a part of yours." Glaucus sighed, smiled, and kissed Demos on the top of his head. "My young sweet Demos. You speak well. But I have retorts for all. Yes, I understand the element of surprise. What makes you think I would not relish the chance to be removed from this responsibility? And you must trust me on this young man: the joy of one moment of victory frequently exceeds the fear of death, however harsh it may be. And I ask you another question, Demos. You speak of how the person I should worry about is a man. Why do you make such an assumption?" Glaucus smiled as Demos remained silent. "Again, my Demos. My sweet young Demos, a man should fear women more than men. Remember that." Demos bowed his head. "I will My Lord." Then he added. "May I say I wish I were a part of tonight's dinner and festivities?" Glaucus smiled. "You are kind Demos. Were my animal instincts to rule, you would be. But not tonight. There will be time." "Thank you My Lord." "And the time will be with you. Not with you and others. Unless you wish it to be so." Demos looked at Glaucus briefly, and then dropped his glance. "My greatest wish My Lord, is to serve you at your leisure, for a night. From the setting of the sun to the crowing of the cock. To have the luxury of sharing first dinner, and then breakfast with My Lord." Glaucus had never heard Demos say so much at one time, and he was touched. "Demos, we shall consider this again. But you must promise me, that you will consider whether your wish is out of desire for me, or out of regret over Marcellus. " He held up his hand "Do not answer now, my boy. Time is the funniest of all qualities. We will consider this again." He saw Ahmad and the Hibernians with him. "DO COME IN BOYS. I have looked forward to this." "As have we My Lord." And indeed, both Ahmad and Eric had bright smiles on their faces. Eamon, however, seemed frightened, and concerned. "Eamon. What bothers you? You seem to be unhappy about being here." "I am not unhappy My Lord. I have heard that to be brought to bed by you is an honor that one must not forget. Both my brother, and Ahmad have told me that. Yet I am frightened." "Of what, my sweet man?" "Of disappointing you. And being invited to take my own life." Glaucus looked at him with great concern "I have never invited any slave to take his own life, regardless of whether I had enjoyed my evening with him or not. Where have you heard this?" "From Marcellus My Lord. He showed me. There was a packet of the sleep berries left on his sleeping palette. " "And you think it was from ME?" "I do not know what to think My Lord, but Marcellus thinks they are." Glaucus looked at Ahmad. "We will need to delay this for a bit. I must see to this." "Understood My Lord." He smiled. "The snails will wait for you." Walking quickly , Glaucus proceeded to the slave quarters. He could see Marcellus sitting there, not moving. "GIVE ME THOSE BERRIES MARCELLUS. NOW." "Why, My Lord? You put them there?" Glaucus laughed. "Do you think I would be so stupid as to have you kill yourself with berries? To bring disgrace upon myself. To hear the rumors "he was too gutless to dispatch him himself, so he ordered him to kill himself. DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT LITTLE OF ME MARCELLUS?" "To the contrary. I think very highly of you My Lord." "Then why do you assume I left these berries for you? I have absolutely no interest in seeing you die." The firmness with which Glaucus stated that made Marcellus think. "Then who?" "I do not know. But we will find out. And for now, you will return the packet to me as you found it. " "As you will have it My Lord. " Marcellus handed over the "gift." "I have my suspicions, and I will investigate them. I must now return. You, Marcellus, are to present yourself tomorrow, as planned, for shaving. And we will speak no further of this." Marcellus actually seemed to smile as he said "Yes. Thank you My Lord."

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Glaucus tried to calm himself as he returned to his quarters. The three slaves were at table. The food awaited. "Cold snails? They are disgusting." "They are not cold My Lord. I asked the kitchen to prepare a new lot. They are coming. For now, should we not drink?" "First, I must show Eamon something." He held out the packet of berries. "They are not from me. But I believe I know who brought them." "Who , My Lord? " Ahmad whispered. "No, my adorable slave. Not even you must know this. You will know, when I have confronted the individual." He paused. "Let us put this behind us, and enjoy our meal. " He turned to Eamon. "You have a lovely face young man. I look forward to kissing it. " "Yes My Lord. I am told your kisses are sweet." Glaucus laughed. AH. Here come the snails. Ahmad feels I need the restorative strength that snails will give me." With a smile on his face, Ahmad said "without the snails , Our Lord only pierced me twice in a night. When I added them to dinner, I could not sit the next day. He pierced me four times before I was allowed to go." Glaucus saw the look of fear on Eamon's face. "It was only three young man. Relax. We will sup. If you would prefer that I not eat them, I will not. But Ahmad will be with your brother. DO consider that. " "Do you still desire a foot massage My Lord? " Ahmad asked. I will have the Hibernians take care of it. While I 'entice ' you in other ways. " "And how would that be Ahmad?" "My Lord has never seen me dance." "NO. I have not. I imagine it will be interesting." The red heads got to work on Glaucus' feet. Ahmad had trained them well. He felt extremely relaxed, and extremely aroused. Ahmad's dance, with his hips curving in ways he did not think possible, and his leering smile and tongue, aroused him more. "Could it be that My Lord fears to dance with his slave?" Ahmad teased Glaucus into getting up and dancing with him. "Hold me from behind My Lord. Let us show Eamon what he has to expect. " "Another time, Ahmad. For now, I wish to end Eamon's anticipation. This way." "Yes My Lord." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx Glaucus would be using his sleeping quarters with Eamon. There was a smaller room at the side for Ahmad and Eric. As Glaucus led the reluctant Eamon into his bedroom, there seemed to be no reluctance on the part of Eric. There was NEVER reluctance on the part of Ahmad when sex was involved. "You should not fear me hurting you Eamon," Glaucus put his hand on Eamon's thigh and rubbed it. The young man did not pull away. "Marcellus undoubtedly tells tales of the punishment he has received from me in bed. He is not incorrect, but I suspect there is some exaggeration in his tales. Marcellus refuses to accept his role as defeated, captured, and enslaved. He must do as I tell him." Glaucus smiled at Eamon "As must you." "I understand My Lord. I am nonetheless afraid. Eric is all that is left of my family, and anything that would separate us, be it temporary or permanent, frightens me." Glaucus reached up and began rubbing Eamon's earlobe between his fingers. "Nothing is going to separate the two of you. Nothing my handsome young man. Tomorrow morning you must tell me about your life together, growing up. For now though... do not speak." Glaucus lowered Eamon to the bed, gently, and he climbed atop him. His lips found Eamon's and he began kissing the Hibernian, on his lips, his cheeks, his ears, as his hand reached under Eamon's tunic. He found the cage. Experience told him: the young man was as hard as he could get in the cage. "Did you enjoy sleeping with Collepherus, Eamon?" "I did My Lord. He was so gentle. So kind. I did not know he was piercing me, until he did." Glaucus smiled. He knew that late in life, Collepherus had lost the ability to pierce properly, and he had a device to help him. That was why it had been so gentle. "Would you like if , my handsome man, if I were to unlock this for the night?" He saw Eamon's eyes widen. The man boy could not remember how long it had been since he shot seed. He thought he was 23 moons, and it was difficult. He wanted to beg for it, but he had learned. "If that is My Lord's pleasure, I would be grateful." "It IS your Lord's pleasure." He snapped the lock opened, and Eamon gave out a large sigh of relief. His sword, pale and white, rose like one of the rare asparagus they enjoyed in the spring. Glaucus laughed as he held it, and Eamon grasped. "I must begin calling you my asparagus boy. " He laughed. It seemed to put Eamon at ease. "I have always been referred to as a carrot My Lord." "Oh, that's too easy. By calling you my asparagus boy, one has to imagine where the image comes from . Of course..." He began stroking Eamon's chest. "A young man with such a milky chest could be called so many things." "My brother and I will never develop chest hair, My Lord. Rare is there a man amongst our people who has even a beard. And never chest hair. It is one of the reasons we are sought so dearly as brothel slaves." "And I have two of you," Glaucus gloated. "You will have to tell me about your capture some day Eamon. For now, though, prepare to be taken." An animalistic sound came out of Glaucus and his teeth closed on one of Eamon's nipples. Soon, they could hear the sounds of Eamon moaning, as Glaucus began stroking his body, enjoying his nipples, his ears, his neck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx. "OVER HERE YOU" Ahmad commanded Eric "You are locked Ahmad. What can you do?" Ahmad opened his cloak. "You are wrong, sweet little one. I have had you before, and I will have you again. And I HAVE eaten snails." Eric enjoyed sex with Ahmad, and he pushed his cheeks vigorously to Ahmad's sword, just about the time that Eamon was surrendering his to Glaucus. "You are so delicious dear boy. How did I miss you?" "It is difficult to be noticed in this house My Lord. You are busy. And many want you." He paused. "Even Marcellus." Glaucus laughed. "Eamon, do not tell falsehoods to your Master. " "I do not My Lord. I do not sleep deeply, and I hear his voice, nearly every night, calling to you, moaning as if you were taking him as you are taking me. " "And for tonight, Eamon, I do not want to hear this. I want only you. " He lifted Eamon's pale white legs. His bright red sword looked almost angry as he slid it into Eamon. He was not angry. He was in bliss. So , too, were Ahmad and Eric. Ahmad had locked the young man in his arms, so that he couldn't move, and then he teased him. "Shall I take that ear, Eric? Shall I tease it until you beg me to stop. Or shall I bury my nose in your armpit and lick, until you scream for mercy. Or should I just roll you on your back and pierce you - pierce you in the way Our Lord takes me. Teach you what I have been taught. " Eric was trying desperately to hold onto Ahmad, but Ahmad was too strong. He had Eric totally immobilzed; not unlike an octopus immoblizing its prey. "You will always be mine, Hibernian," Ahmad whispered to him. "And I wish my sword swallowed by your sweet mouth." "Yes Ahmad. I hear and obey." "OOOOOH. The quick thrusts that came from the boy's tongue thrilled Eric. This was the other side of things: the side he thought was where he belonged: before Glaucus. What drew him to the Master? What was it that pushed all thoughts of domination, of control , out of him, and filled him with submission? When he was with Glaucus, all he wanted was for the man to take control of him: to make him his complete slave. It was , in fact, thinking of that, which made his sword so hard, Eric was beginning to gag. Ahmad laughed. "I shall give your mouth respite, Eric. Would that your butt would be so lucky. It will not be. " He flipped Eric to his back and his long, probing sword began to take the boy. "OH YES. OH MY Master Ahmad. Take me. I am just your slave. " Eric's bed talk inspired Ahmad. The sword, grown so long, grew longer. And harder. And as he pierced his young partner, he thought of being pierced by Lord Glaucus. To be in the middle. Perhaps he could suggest this to Glaucus... His mind drifted, as his sword shot its seed. He repeated the act later, and then slept, again wrapped like an octopus around Eric.

Glaucus had take Eamon three times. After the last time, he stroked the young man's cheek. "You must be honest Eamon. Did you enjoy it." Through tears, Eamon smiled "Yes My Lord. Thank you for being so kind, and so gentle." "Do you hurt in any way?" "My hurt, My Lord, comes from knowing that morning draws nigh, and I will not be in your presence. " "You speak poetry Eamon. Where did you learn that?" "I did not My Lord. That is from my heart. " "I will bring you back asparagus lad. Fear not. I have learned much tonight." He kissed Eamon once more, before sleeping with his arms wrapped around him. That is, until he woke. Rare was there a night that Glaucus slept to morning. He walked through his rooms, and saw Ahmad and Eric, soundly asleep. Both had smiles across their lips. Glaucus smiled too. "I must modify my plan. But there is time." He returned to his bed and Eamon. His morning with Marcellus, would perhaps put the final piece in the puzzle.

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Demos stood at the doorway of Glaucus' chamber:

"My Lord, slave Marcellus awaits." Glaucus smiled. "Thank you Demos. Please send him in." Marcellus came into the chambers, in full supplicant pose. "Ave et salve My Lord. I await your actions." "You are familar with the shaving post Marcellus. Please take the position." The "shaving post" was essentially a variant on a St Andrew Cross. It permitted the shaver access to the body of the man being shaved. The whole body if desired. Marcellus had been tied to that post many times when he had been Glaucus' favorite bed slave. As he leaned against it, and positioned his wrists for binding, his mind filled with those memories. He remembered fighting it, fighting his desires, and losing at the touch of Glaucus. Glaucus used the post for shaving, but also for foreplay. How many times had Glaucus inflammed him with desire, by tying him to the post and teasing those parts of his body that were most sensitive? Were he honest with himself, he missed this. "So, Marcellus. Just like old times." Glaucus was securing the restraints. "You are far overdue for shaving. Perhaps your hair should be cut as well. I am glad that you saw fit to have it washed, but it is long, and not as attractive as a shorter cut." "Yes My Lord. " "My Lord, when we have completed the shave, would you grant a slave time to speak with you?" "I think I can permit that today. " He checked the ropes. They seemed very secure. His body was burning for the man. To chain his nipples, to bury his tongue in his hole, before piercing him. To have him scream a submission. But that was not for today. Today was for cleaning him, to maximize his value - should he decide to dispense with this ungrateful slave.

"DEMOS. TO THE QUARTERS PLEASE." The call for Demos surprised both Marcellus and Demos. "Yes My Lord." "YOU will shave Marcellus. You had gained some experience in the bath chamber so I believe you can do this." He grinned at both of them. "MY LORD. I am out of practice. I... I.... " "Physical wounds heal Demos. It is those that cut the soul, the heart, the mind, that do not. And you must not forget, EITHER OF YOU. YOU ARE BOTH SLAVES. MY SLAVES. However well I treat you, however many favors you are given, you belong to LORD GLAUCUS." "yes my Lord, " Demos answered in a very low voice. Glaucus looked at Marcellus. "Your silence during this is required. Hear I a sound, and you will receive the horse bit." Then he smiled. "Demos, you will complete the work on Marcellus' chest, and his arm pits. When you are finished, I will remove his cage to complete the job myself." There was a look of shock on their faces. Glaucus had never shaved Marcellus completely. A slave now, he had been a general. Such a demeaning act was unheard of.

Demos hoped his hand didn't shake too much, as he took the sharpened stone, and began to pass it down Glaucus' body. Marcellus had such a broad chest that this part would be easy. His armpits would be more difficult. And thank the GODS Glaucus had chosen to complete the job himself.

He could hear Marcellus' heavier breathing as he moved down his former consort's body. He still found Marcellus' body wonderfully appealing, but every time his body came to Demos' mind, the image was pushed out, by that of Glaucus. And he remembered that Glaucus had summoned him to his bed that night. "CAREFUL DEMOS CAREFUL." The thought of being taken by Glaucus was exciting him and causing his hand to tremble. He had one more stroke to take care of, and Marcellus' torso was complete.

"An excellent job Demos. You would undoubtedly be able to find work as a barber. " Glaucus smiled. "If you would prefer not to try the armpits yourself, I will excuse you from the task. But you must watch." "I will watch My Lord. I feel my skill is insufficient. " "Very well. " He stood and took the stone. As he approached, Marcellus felt his sword swelling. He had not known Glaucus' touch since they were in Gaul "Remember Demos. It is always important to keep the arm as motionless as possible. I am strong enough to maintain the immobility, but use more rope if you need to." He held Marcellus' right arm firmly, and while the first touch provoked a tickled reaction, Marcellus could not move. "Work quickly.

It makes things easier on both of you. " And soon, one arm, then the other, was cleaned. "You are going to get more practice Demos. I am going to find a smaller man for you to practice on." And indeed, he had an idea. For Glaucus had figured out who had brought the berries. "Now I will ask you to go about your duties, Demos. the shearing of the sword of a captured general, is not for everyone. " "I agree My Lord." "Please close the chamber as you leave." "Yes My Lord." Now, this simple command astounded Marcellus AND Demos. Glaucus lacked any sense of shame, or any need to conceal what he did in his rooms. The door NEVER closed. it did now. He unlocked Marcellus cage, and his sword flew out, in front of him and erect. "Ah. I knew the combination of Demos and myself would do this. It will make things easier. " He smiled. "You may speak now Marcellus." "Thank you My Lord. I have so much to ask. So much to say. May I say this first: I regret not being your bed partner. I grow jealous of those you take to bed, while I await my fate." Glaucus began to slide the stone over Marcellus' pubic area. "Your fate has been decided Marcellus. You must now do the most difficult thing of all for you. To be patient." As the strokes went over his pubes, Marcellus then asked "My Lord, why are you doing this?" And Glaucus smiled. "There is going to be an announcement in the house later today, and it will make more sense. But for YOU, personally, Marcellus, you have difficulty accepting that you no longer have any power. Your actions have lost you any you once had. And until you accept that, you will wear the mark of an omega slave. " "I deserve that My Lord. I deserve it completely. I am grateful that you did not consign me to sacrifice, or to the triremes. " "Yes. You live Marcellus. As my slave. And you will continue to do so, regardless of what others are attempting." "My Lord. You suggested you knew more of the berries." "Yes, I believe I do. I have no witnesses, but... I can be persuasive. You are not to report this information elsewhere in this house, or outside of it. Am I correct that a woman slave went into Labor the day that you found the berries?" "That is correct My Lord. Aleutha. A young slave who works in the laundry. She bore twins, and it was a difficult birth. In fact..." Then he paused and Glaucus smiled. "Your skills as a general are rusty Marcellus, as rusty as your sword. But you are seeing where I am thinking." "YES. There was a need... FOR A MIDWIFE." "I will be visiting Flavius tomorrow. I will need to talk to him. Demos needs practice in shaving, and while Ulrich is a freedman and can refuse... well, it may be worth saving his mother's life. " He paused. But enough of this. You have been bound to the post for too long. " He took him down. "Thank you My Lord." Marcellus bowed and began an exit. "EXCUSE ME MARCELLUS. You were not given leave" Marcellus looked puzzled. Then Glaucus dropped his tunic. "On the bed now slave. Your face up. It is time that you learned, even more, what your role is." Marcellus tried very hard not to smile as he answered "Yes My Lord. I hear and obey." And he did, for several hours late that morning and early that afternoon. He left with marks on his nipples from the grips. A scrape on his neck from Glaucus beard, and the remnants of a piercing that had taken half an hour. Perhaps the most valuable thing he took from that session were the words from Glaucus. "Never did I think that one, or more, would pursue ME as consort. Yet that is the case. I will be deciding shortly. " He looked at Marcellus. "If I asked you, once more, to become my consort, would you accept ?" Marcellus did not expect this. But his answer was sincere. "Yes My Lord. I..." Glaucus put his hand over his mouth. "Explanations will come later. For now, I simply wish to know who I should be considering. Glaucus had thought that he was going to do the unconventional, but which everyone expected, and take slave Ahmad as his consort. But he observed how he and Eric had engaged each other the night before. How much they enjoyed each other's company. He would need have a talk with Ahmad. The man enjoyed being in control. He understood. And he understood that, as his consort, Ahmad would have to surrender that right completely. Yet, as consort to Eric, and still a slave, he could be called upon to fill Glaucus' bed as he saw fit. He wondered of the pairing of Demos and Eamon. There was much work to be done on that. But it would proceed.

"I have not played chess in a while," Glaucus thought to himself. "This is much more fulfilling."

He had kept secret his announcement for the afternoon. All male slaves were gathered in the atrium. The only one who knew of the announcement, was Marcus. Before the meeting, though, he brought Demos and Eamon together. He wished for Demos to "take Eamon under his wing," and teach him the role of assistant steward. And then the announcement that shocked the house of Glaucus.


And then, later that afternoon, he sent a messanger to the home of Flavius. "Do ask Flavius if he would be amenable to a visit from his old friend Glaucus."

Next: Chapter 30

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