Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 25, 2020


Runners had been sent ahead of Glaucus' platoon to announce the victory. They carried with them information about the amount of booty, as well as the number of captured soldiers, to be sold as slaves. None expected all of the captives to survive the forced march, but it would give the city an opportunity to estimate what to expect. The house of Glaucus, it need not be said, was desperate for information. As steward, Marcus was responsible for maintaining the estate in Glaucus' absence, and he invited the runners to stay and to dine at the estate, rather than returning to their homes. The house was desperate for information - especially Flavius, Gerta, and Demos. Also , perhaps not surprisingly, Ahmad wished to know what the situation was, especially with Glaucus. To lose Collepherus and Glaucus in such close succession, would be impossible for him to bear.

"Glaucus has fared well, and has brought more glory to his name via this campaign" the scout announced. His strategy, dare I say, was brilliant. " He paused. "I am told that the parents of Ulrich are members of this household?" "YES . YES. We are. We are his parents" Flavius came forward with Gerta. "Is there news of him?" The scout laughed. "Indeed there is. Were it not for the bravery of Ulrich, the battle might still be ongoing, and Roman losses, higher. He will have the honor and the glory of speaking of his exploits, but he and Glaucus, are without questions, heroes to the Roman states. They were assisted, by Silvus and Antonio of this house. ALL have brought glory and honor to themselves."

Demos anxiously came forward. "What of Marcellus? Is there news of him?" The scout laughed contemptuously. "Marcellus. He was a GENERAL in his Matera? To say he disgraced himself, and Rome, would be an understatement. No, he is not guilty of treason, but perhaps he should be. Definitely of stupidity. Perhaps it was a mistake to permit him to go to battle with his lover Clodius." The last statement stabbed at Demos' heart. He had not let himself think that this was a possibility, although he knew it was. And others knew! His Marcellus had not been faithful to him. "What is his state now? Is he prisoner of Rome?" Again, the scout laughed. "One cannot account for taste. Suffice it to say that Clodius is sleeping alone , and Marcellus is warming the bed of General Glaucus." Silence fell on the audience that had gathered. Demos blanched as white as his toga. He gathered his dignity: "What refreshment will you have from this house? I will personally see to it." Marcus was about to say that this was the job of common slaves, but he stopped. He understood the young man's pain. Perhaps work would help to ease it. He said nothing, other than to let Demos leave the assembly.

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The platoon had stopped to rest, and Glaucus summoned Ulrich to speak with him. He was about to dine, and he invited Ulrich to sit with him. "I am not worthy of the honor, General. Should I not be at mess with the soldiers?" "No, you should not Ulrich. You are a hero to the Roman Republic. You should know that." "I am honored General. I only did what I could." "Would that some others had your attitude," he spat out, thinking of the shame that Marcellus had brought about himself. "I would speak with you of what will now happen, young hero. For you will receive the greatest share of the pecuniary rewards of this success." Ulrich was almost shaking as he asked his question "General, do those rewards include value from the sale of slaves?" "They do Ulrich, and they will be great." "By your leave, General, I will refuse that emolument. I was taken as a slave. As were my mother and father. I was almost shipped to the mines, or to the triremes. So, too with my father, and were it not from your largesse, we would not know of my mother. You have been beyond generous to us my Lord, and I owe you immense gratitude. I do not feel that I owe anything to the Roman state. I did what I did in view of your kindnesses. But no, I will not accept profit from the share of fellow slaves." Glaucus listened to the young man, very impressed. "I understand your views Ulrich, and I shall respect them. We must speak of other things, and then I shall return to this. The rewards, with the sale of the slaves, would provide you with more than enough capital to sue for your freedom and to be established as a freedman in Rome." He saw Ulrich's eyes go big, and he held up his hand. "You must learn more, young man. There are some issues. First, under Roman law, you are too young to succeed to these rewards: I believe we can arrange for your mother to be the recipient, although it would be more traditional for your father to be the recipient." "But my father, General... he is your... consort. " Glaucus shook his head. "Yes Ulrich, yes, I have been thinking about this, to the point of pain. I would do this: rather than enforce the law, I will give your father the chance to accept freedman status for the three of you. Should he accept it, you will be permitted to settle on your own as freedmen in the city. I will assist in your establishment: I would suggest that you consider opening a school - perhaps a language school, and your mother establishing herself as a midwife and healer. And if your share of the profits, exclusive of the sale of slaves, is not sufficient, I will provide the difference." Ulrich was silent. "You would do this for us, for me, My Lord? I believe that this is unprecedented kindness. You would let my father leave you?" "It would pain me if he did, Ulrich. But I have no doubt that your mother will leave as soon as the denarii are in her hands. And as a freedwoman, and with you as her son, she will be able to force you to come with her: you are not yet considered an adult under Roman law, and if your father chooses to remain, he would be a slave and not have the right to decide. " He looked at Ulrich's face and smiled. "It IS all terribly complex my young man. But ultimately, the question is one to your father: does he wish to remain by my side, or be reunited with his family as freedmen? Keep in mind, of course, that you do not HAVE to remain in Rome; however, if you leave the city, you will lose any rights to citizenship, and should you be recaptured in another campaign, there is probably little I could do. " "He has Marcellus in his power now," Ulrich thought. "My father was always his second choice. But... what is my father's choice? " Ulrich knew that the answers to these questions, were out of his hands. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

Glaucus summoned Marcellus to his tent again that night. He could tell that Marcellus was fighting the desire to be rebellious. His teeth were gritted as he asked the formulaic: "My General wished to see me?" "Ha Marcellus. Your general wishes more than to see you. I will have you again tonight. " Marcellus could not help himself. "I imagine you will be glad to be reunited with your consort. As I will be with being reunited with mine" He took the position on the bed linens he had taken the night before "Ah, my consort may be leaving me Marcellus. Ulrich has earned the right to freedman status. I am not sure that Flavius will stay. Please roll over. I wish to bind you tonight." Marcellus rolled onto his stomach, as Glaucus took his wrists, tying them with a leather strap. "He seemed to enjoy your attentions, my General," wincing as Glaucus tied the strap tight. "Why would he leave you?" Glaucus grinned. He enjoyed these games with Marcellus. "One would ask the same question of you Marcellus," as he ran his finger down the separation of Marcellus' ass cheeks, eliciting a moan "You insist that I play the passive role General. I am not passive." "Except for Clodius, Marcellus?" That silenced the Materan, as Glaucus probed the space between his cheeks. "There are eyes everywhere. And they all report back to me. " Marcellus did not respond, and Glaucus laughed. "So you would prefer to be gagged tonight? As you will" He tied a large piece of white cloth over Marcellus' mouth, before he flipped him onto his back. "It is highly possible, Marcellus," he started, as Glaucus lifted Marcellus' legs in the air "that things will have changed greatly when we return to the estate. " His sword began piercing Marcellus. "Were I you, I would not think of asking the Senate for freeman status. " Marcellus winced, both from the force of Glaucus' sword, and the memory of his defeat and capture by the Gauls. "But I will give you leave to see Demos for one night after we have returned. You may wish to return his bracelet to him - the bracelet that saved your life." After he had spilled seed into Marcellus, Glaucus untied him, but he kept him in his tent overnight. Without the cage, Marcellus grew rigid from the actions of Glaucus. But without permission to spill his own seed, he dared not do so.

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It was not long before Glaucus and his platoon arrived in Rome. They passed through the triumphant arch, and through the city. Ulrich rode next to him, and then Silvus and Antonio. The soldiers of his platoon followed, with Marcellus last. Then came the chained prisoners - nearly all had survived the march - and the baggage animals, loaded with the treasures they had taken. Glaucus carried a box filled with the jewels of the slain captain. He rode to the assembly of the Senate, dismounted and knelt before them.

"I bring greetings to our city, Mother Rome. " He put the box down before them. "Here, in gratitude to the city which feeds us, are the spoils of the Gallic commander, slain in battle. I offer them to our Mother. " He turned. "Before you , you see the captives of the Gallic army. For sacrifice. For use as slaves. For however the republic would have them. Finally, he turned to Ulrich, Silvus and Antonio "And before you are the men who are responsible for the victory the gods saw fit to bring to us. All are slaves. Know that I will appear, personally, with them, in their suit for Freedman status." The president of the Senate spoke to him. "General Glaucus, the people of Rome thank you yet again for a victory. This one, one we thought we would not have." And there was murmuring in the crowd, and a general glance toward Marcellus. "The state accepts your offerings. The treasury will determine the value of the goods, and as they are dispersed, the value of the prisoners. And when that has been completed, we will hear the suits of Ulrich, Silvus, and Antonio. We now give you leave to return to your home. Celebrate with your people, Glaucus. You have earned it."

As the prisoners were led away, and the treasure taken to be valued, Glaucus returned to the estate, with Ulrich, Silvus, Antonio, and Marcellus. "Ah, friends, it is good to be home." There was another smaller celebration as they rode through the portals of Glaucus' estate. Only Demos was missing. Breaking protocol, Ahmad ran to Glaucus as he dismounted. "MY LORD GLAUCUS! SALVE. I have missed you . I have dreamed of you every night. " He embraced Glaucus. "I am filled with gratitude to the guards that you have returned." Glaucus smiled. He had thought of Ahmad often while he was at war. Now, he played with the man's thick curly hair. "And I am filled with gratitude to have returned Ahmad. Perhaps we will see each other later. For now, though, I have business to tend to." With that, he had Marcus arrange for Demos and Marcellus to see each other in private. And he summoned Flavius, Gerta, and Ulrich to his chambers. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

In chambers, Flavius acted appropriately, as the consort of a General. He bowed before Glaucus. "I welcome my Master, my consort, back to his home. I look forward to welcoming him to his bed." Ulrich saw the face on his mother and tugged at her tunic, whispering "Mother. PLEASE. You must show respect." Glaucus laughed, as he brought Flavius to his feet. "Your son has learned well how to be a Roman." He looked Flavius in the eye, and kissed him, in front of his wife and son. Flavius found himself filling with desire for this man, who had been gone for months. "I will ask you all to sit at table with me. We have a matter of great importance to discuss." He then explained to Gerta and to Flavius what he had already explained to Ulrich about the new status Ulrich would have. "Then we will be free to leave here?" Gerta's joy could not be contained "Yes, you would. If that is your wish." "OF COURSE it is our wish, My Lord. Would that we could return home as well." "You may return home, Gerta. If you do so, however, as I have explained to Ulrich, you will not have the protection of Rome. Were you to be enslaved again, there is no guarantee you would be free again." She almost spat out the words. "So we will ALWAYS be the slaves of Rome." "MOTHER. BE GRATEFUL" Ulrich burst out. Both father and I could be dead. You could be as well. " "It is ok young Ulrich," Glaucus spoke. "Your mother is entitled to her mind. You must make a decision . I will give you leave to discuss it tonight and tomorrow in the quarters you have shared." "By your leave My Lord," Flavius spoke, not looking at Gerta. "I would ask to be at my consort's side tonight. It is only right." Glaucus smiled. "It is right that you tend to your family tonight Flavius. I will be looking for recreation over the next few days. I shall have need of you." After the family had left, he summoned Marcus. "Please bring Ahmad to my chambers tonight. I have missed his special abilities."

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After he had been put back in a cage, Marcellus was brought to Demos' new chambers. He entered, and Demos did not stand up. "You have done well for yourself Demos. Private chambers. He laughed. "I presume you did not keep your vow." Now Demos stood. There was fire in his eyes, as he approached, and SLAPPED Demos across the face, hard. "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT, MARCELLUS? SO AS TO OBSCURE YOUR OWN INFIDELITY?" Taken aback, Marcellus stood his ground. "I am a soldier. And I am the active partner in this consortship. To have taken a vow of fidelity would have been inconsistent with my role." "So many things are inconsistent with your role, Marcellus. And then to accuse ME of infidelity? DId I think of it? Yes. Often. Did I ever surrender to those wishes? No. Yet YOU... " He began to tear up. "I realize that as the slave of Glaucus, you have no choice. But to have given yourself to.... CLODIUS? " "It was war Demos. You do not understand." "WHAT I UNDERSTAND IS THAT MY PIG HEADED CONSORT ALMOST LOST HIS LIFE BECAUSE OF HIS STUBBORNESS" "It was your gift that saved me" Marcellus raised his wrist. "The bracelet? " Demos laughed. "Then he did not tell you?" "Who? Told me what?" Demos shook his head. "That bracelet is from Glaucus. He feared for your safety, and he knew that if he gave it to you to wear, you would refuse, and perhaps be dead, or the dancing boy of some Gallic thug. But he knew that you would take it from me. " He saw the look on Marcellus' face. "YES. Even though you rejected him, even though you have had nothing but contempt for him, he favors you. He desires you . Perhaps more than I do." Marcellus stood there, stunned. "He did not tell me. I simply did not know." "Well, now you do. And you should mull it deeply. Because our consort ship may be at an end, Marcellus. The first thing you did was to accuse me of cheating. " He paused. "I should have invited you to bed and slain you in your sleep. To think. TO THINK. You are alive because of my intervention, or you would have died on the altar of Ares. And you are alive now because of the actions of Glaucus. Yet you show no gratitude. You only speak of your needs. Your wants. " Demos stood as tall as he could. "PERHAPS GLAUCUS WILL PERMIT YOU TO JOIN CLODIUS TONIGHT. I DO NOT WANT YOU HERE. AND IF THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN, RETURN TO THE SEX SLAVE QUARTERS, AND PRAY THAT YOUR COUNTRYMEN DO NOT SLAY YOU TONIGHT." As this was happening, Ahmad entered Glaucus' chamber. Unlike the others, he did not seek entry. Rather, he came to where Glaucus was sitting , looking at the steward's report. He placed his long fingers on Glaucus' shoulders. "OH, Ahmad. Your touch. It is magic." "It is only touch My Lord. Your sword is magic." He kissed Glaucus on his neck. Ahmad took liberties no other slave would take. And he could. Glaucus enjoyed his sauciness. "Join my lips, my sweet young man." As they kissed, Glaucus rose. Though tired, he lifted Ahmad from the floor and carried him to his bed. "Oh, yes. I have missed My Lord on top of me." Ahmad sighed as Glaucus began to chew on his nipples, pinning his hands over his head. "Wet my sword Ahmad. Wet it. So that it has easier passage in you." Ahmad smiled. "I will wet it My Lord, but you will find easy passage. I have prepared. Ahmad took Glaucus' sword in his mouth, and Glaucus smiled. The technique Ahmad had was superb. And when he knew that he was on verge, he pulled the young man's face away. "I will pierce you now, you of the sweet mouth and the beautiful eyes. And I will pierce you again. " While he varied positions with other slaves, Glaucus always took Ahmad on his back. That beautiful face brought him to a sexual frenzy. As he stabbed through Ahmad, the man thought "he is a wonderful lover. SUCH a wonderful lover. Would he choose me if he had the opportunity? As Glaucus spilled into him, Ahmad embraced his Lord. "I wish to never let you go Master Glaucus." Glaucus sighed.

Next: Chapter 27

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