Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 11, 2020


The triumphant march back into the city was over. Glaucus returned to his estate, where he was greeted with a round of applause and praise from the entire community within. Now that it was over, he sat in his quarters, as Flavius massaged his feet. Glaucus ran his hand through Flavius' golden red curls. "I did miss you Flavius. But it was good that you were not there. It would not have been wise for you to be there, seeing Urban in danger. " He paused and smiled. "And I would have been hard pressed to leave a bed with you beside me." Flavius blushed. His pale skin always showed blushing more than it would on a Roman, and Glaucus loved to make him blush. "Urban became a man on this campaign, Flavius. When the auction is over tomorrow, and the booty is dispersed to the state, he will have to decide what he wishes to do. "May he ask for your advice on this, My Lord?" Flavius finished massaging Glaucus' feet, and began to undress. Glaucus fully intended to pierce him that night, and it had been long - nearly six moons, since Glaucus had taken him to bed. "He may. But you should be there. A young man should have the advice of his father if he can." When the news of Marcellus' capture reached Rome, it had sent a tremor through the counsel. What would happen now? Was Rome in danger of invasion? The only inhabitants of the city who were not surprised to hear of his capture, were Demos, Silvus and Antonio. "Typical Marcellus. Hot headed, stubborn and stupid," was Silvus' judgement. The story that had come back would have convinced anyone that Silvus was right. The winter had come early, and with no experience battling in snow and cold, Marcellus nonetheless tried to fight the war he had always fought. As a result, he led the legion into a ravine, where the snows had already reached the mid level of a man's legs. The horses, even Marcellus' famous white steed, now dead on the fields of Gaul, could not pass through. And the Gauls were waiting. Seasoned in this kind of fighting, the cut down Romans at all points. Clodius had been campaigning elsewhere, with a smaller portion of the men, so he only heard of how, after more than three quarters of the Romans were slaughtered, the Gauls, seeing the stone bracelet on Marcellus' wrist, had taken him hostage, along with the remaining Romans. The message had gone to Rome thus: the price for the rich one is 10000 denarii of silver. We will sacrifice one prisoner every day, until the ransom is paid. He will be the last. " The senate was unwilling to pay the ransom. Glaucus, however, had reached into his coffers, and put up the money. "A Roman life is priceless" he spoke in the senate. When the speech came back to the estate, Silvus' comment was brutal "He must have SOME ass." Notwithstanding the ransom, the Roman senate agreed that defensive measures needed to be taken. Glaucus was recruited to lead a legion to rescue the remaining Romans, and to defeat the Gauls. As the legion was forming, he approached Silvus and Antonio, to encourage them to volunteer. "Perhaps you do not know of the Roman way. Should we be victorious, there is a share of booty for all. Any that you recover yourself, is yours, and anything the legion takes , acting in concert, is shared. " He smiled. "it may very well be sufficient for you to buy your way to freedom." That was all it took. Shortly before the legion was to depart, Urban came to him. "My Lord, if I may." Glaucus smiled. "Urban. It is good to see you. You favor your father more each day. What would you say, young man?" "My Lord, I wish to volunteer for the legion." Glaucus smiled, and brought Urban's face up to look at him. "You are a brave young man, but you are young, Urban. Too young for war." "My Lord, with respect, I am the only one in this city who can speak the tongue the Gauls speak. And while my hair is shorter, I can pass for one of them. All I need say is that I am an escaped prisoner, and I will be inside their ranks and able to supply information ." Glaucus thought about this. "I will ask your father." "My father will refuse. I know he will." He heard a voice behind him. "You would be wrong son." Flavius had tears in his eyes as he spoke. "War is dangerous. It has brought us to this. But Glaucus has been good to us, as has Rome. Had the general been Portius, I would deny you permission. Not so, for Glaucus. " He looked at Glaucus and dropped to his knees. "Take care of my son. Do not let him come to harm." "I would cede my own life before I would endanger his, Flavius. " And so the army left, split into two parts. A smaller section, designed to deceive the Gauls, took the route that Marcellus did. The larger section, with Glaucus, Silvus, and Antonio, took a longer route, through Hispania. The plan Glaucus had, was to surprise the Gallic forces from behind.

The smaller army got there first, with supplies to relieve Clodius and the remaining Romans. To say that Clodius was relieved is an understatement. To say he was pessimistic of success, is a gross understatement. Yet, the day after the troops, including Urban, had arrived Urban, wearing torn, soiled clothes, a bruise to his cheek he had inflicted with a rock, and the remnants of wrist cuffs, walked into the Gallic camp. Speaking the language the soldiers spoke, he explained he had been taken prisoner on a raid, and had escaped. And he had information on the Roman plans. He was brought to the commander of the Gallic forces, immediately.

"You are not Gallic, young man." "I am half. My mother was captured in a raid by the Goths. She was married to a Goth against her will. After he murdered her, I escaped. I have lived among the Nervii for years. They have accepted me as one of theirs. When that Marcellus advanced on the north, he took us by surprise. " He smiled. "And his not very bright second in command permitted me to escape. I convinced him that I would run intelligence back to him, in exchange for my freedom." The commander smiled. "Tell me what you know." Urban then laid out an elaborate, and completely incorrect description of the Roman forces. Yet the commander believed him. "You have done well. I have not learned your name. " The commander was clever: if the young man could not pronounce a proper Nervii name , he would strangle him on the spot. "Among the Goths, I was known as Ulrich. I DESPISE the name. My name is Ambiorix. " He pronounced the final 'x' correctly. The Commander was convinced.

"We will take the lad's counsel. See that he is fed. " Then he smiled. "You will excuse me if I still have my doubts. There will be a sacrifice tonight. If you are one of us, you will have no trouble using the sword." Urban was not prepared for this, and wondered if he could do it. As it happened, he did not need to. A messenger arrived at the commander's fire. "Be it known, My general. The Roman Clodius is at the gate. He carries sacks of what he says is ransom for his people. The general smiled. "Stupid Clodius it is. We will take the money, and they will never leave the valley. Ambiorix, you must not allow yourself to be seen. Clodius must not know you are here." As Clodius and the general negotiated, Glaucus and his men had arrived at the entrance to the forest where the Gauls were encamped. They pitched camp amongst a copse of older trees, where it was easier to hide. Then they waited. If Urban had succeeded, they would see the Gauls begin to arm themselves, and move in a direction away from them.

And so it was. After the general had taken the ransom, had released Marcellus and the six remaining Roman prisoners, and had given Clodius time to return to his own camp, he called his troops to order. "ACCORDING TO AMBIORIX, THE ROMAN BATTLE LINE IS THUS. Far more spread out than we thought. We must act accordingly. " he drew up a plan for his soldiers to march in a precipitously dangerous formation, toward Clodius' army.

As they left the safety of their camp, Glaucus' men advanced from behind. They had refreshed themselves and were combat ready. The Gauls, exhausted from battle, mounted the best defense they could. It was not good enough, especially after Clodius' men cut off their escape . The battle took less than three hours. Gallic soldiers were trained to die rather than to be taken prisoner, but the Romans captured at least 500 of them. They also recovered Glaucus' booty, and the booty in the Gallic camp. The Gallic general, captured in the raid, was brought, bound , before Glaucus. He was forced to his knees. Glaucus brought a sword point to his throat.

"Tell me, swine, why you deserve to live? How many Romans have you sent to Hades?" "There is no reason for me to live. I would rather die than see the city of Rome." "And you will have your wish. URBAN!!!!" The young man came running. "You become a man today." He handed him the sword. "Piercing happens in more than one way. PIERCE HIS THROAT. NOW." Urban closed his eyes and pushed. He heard the sound of a man being killed, and did not escape the gush of blood. Glaucus looked at him. "You should go and retch as you must. Then we will anoint you as a soldier." "There is no need for leave to retch My Lord." Glaucus smiled. "Cold blooded. A true soldier." He put his hand on Urban's shoulder. "You have become a Roman today. When we return to Rome, I will petition the senate for your freedom." It was two notches of the sundial later, when Urban DID retch. Glaucus would petition for his freedom! What of his mother? His father?

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It took the soldiers some time to build an enclosure for 500 prisoners, and then Glaucus sat with Clodius Silvus and Antonio. He did not include Marcellus, whom they considered a disgraced general. "We will have to address this. " Glaucus spoke. "500 prisoners would make a superb bit of booty, but we cannot control all of them all the way to Rome. Suggestions, soldiers? Thoughts? Silvus spoke first. "General Glaucus, you are right. The number is far too great. At best, I believe our troops can guard 200 of them, and that is still ample booty. I would suggest that we select the 200 finest prisoners, and then either release the others, or put them to death." Glaucus shook his head. "I agree with you regarding the 200 Silvus. The dilemma is the 300. To let them free is not an option. To leave 300 bodies in one place is sacrilegious. " It was Antonio who spoke next. "I would suggest this General. No one knows this countryside better than the Gauls themselves. Do not feed them. Who can forage for himself and live, lives. Who doesn't , dies. It is very simple. " He paused. "I believe we can handle any insurrections. They have all been disarmed. Clodius shook his head. "The rules of war are cruel General, but they are what they are. I agree. They are , for the most part, young and healthy. Most will survive to Rome. And we can send a messenger to advise Rome of the number. We will be met by reinforcements soon. " Glaucus smiled. "This is agreed, then. They will be advised. Have Urban speak to them. " They summoned Urban, who still hadn't succeeded in washing all of the blood from his clothing. He made the announcement, to wailing and begging from the prisoners. Then Glaucus made further plans. "Urban, you have done more in your first campaign than many soldiers do in their lives. You will return to Rome with the messenger. As each messenger passes on the information, go with the new one. I would like you to be back at Rome when we arrive. " He paused and smiled. "Now have Marcellus cleaned up, and send him to my tent for the night." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

Urban delivered the message to Marcellus, who was sitting at a fire, alone. None of the other soldiers could, or would, forget the danger he put their comrades in, and that led to the deaths. Silvus and Antonio, already not kindly disposed, kept away from their fellow Materan, as they celebrated with some of the other soldiers. Marcellus lowered his head as he passed them all.

"My General wishes to see me?" "AH, Marcellus. Your general AND Master wishes to see you. Please come in. Share some of this wine." "Your regimen would deem me not worthy to drink wine with you, General. " Glaucus laughed. "Then it is good that I make those decisions and not them. Drink. You will need your strength tonight." Marcellus' face froze. "You will need your strength tonight" was a message that had always been brought to the sex slave Glaucus had chosen for the night. The smile on Glaucus' face told Marcellus that indeed, he would not be sleeping alone tonight. "I have failed the republic, General." Glaucus smiled. "Indeed, you have, Marcellus. And for that reason, it is best that you become re-accustomed to referring to me as your Lord. The senate will never award you freedman status after what has happened." Marcellus was silent. He looked down on the ground before taking a sip of his wine. "What is to become of Demos? And of me?" "AH, excellent questions, Marcellus. You will have your chance to speak with Demos soon. When I left the estate, he was well. "He paused before adding. "He is now my personal steward. His idea, Marcellus." The look on Marcellus' face could have curdled milk. "HIS idea? To be near you like that every day?" Glaucus laughed. "Marcellus, you have not lost your vanity. Demos is a man, just like you. He has ambitions. He has... desires." "DID YOU PIERCE MY CONSORT?" Glaucus laughed. "Relax, Marcellus, relax. I made you a promise and I enforced it, down to myself. " Then he paused. "Perhaps you should begin thinking of how you will explain your behavior with Clodius to him." "I TOOK NO OATHS TO HIM. HE IS FAMILIAR WITH A SOLDIER'S LIFE." "Nor did he take oaths to you, Marcellus. If you will recall, the only one who took an oath. . was me." Marcellus pondered this, and realized it was true. "Now what will become of you? That is an easy one Marcellus. You will return to the sex slaves at the estate. I will reinaugurate you tonight. At least in part, for I have no cage for your sword; however, you will not be using it. Now, of Demos.. that young man is ambitious. Yes, he did seek my bed. Yes, he did find it. No, we did nothing. Not even an embrace. For as you will learn, Marcellus, I am devoted to Flavius. He is the consort you refused to be. " "What of Silvus and Antonio? Would you be using three Materans?" Now, Glaucus played one of his trump cards. "Only one. You. Both Silvus and Antonio fought well. They followed directions. They took prisoners and booty. I will be aiding their petition to be freedmen. And also Urban. He is, perhaps the bravest soldier in the regimen." Marcellus snorted. "And when you petition for his freedman status, what will happen to your 'consort'. Will he not wish for Flavius to join him." "Ah, Marcellus. Still a blockhead. Urban's petition will be conditional on Flavius remaining with me. " Another smile. "Gerta, his mother, will be more than happy to be rid of her husband. Urban is in fact too young to be a freedman himself. But with his mother as steward, it shall be done. " Yet another smile. "Have you any further questions, Marcellus?" In a very low voice. "Will I be brought back to Rome in chains, My Lord?" "Oh, no, that would be unseemly. You DID fight for the republic, and you are already a slave. You will not ride in the triumphant procession, as I'm sure you will understand, that would be inappropriate. In fact, you will ride in at the back of the soldiers' contingent. I will do what I can to make sure that the rotten fruit is not used to pelt you. Than yet another pause. "Of course, if you would prefer to rise in, bound, as you were when I captured you, that will not happen. The populace will respect my choice." "It should be as you will have, My Lord." "Then you will ride at the rear. I will ride in front with Silvus, Antonio, and Urban. Clodius will follow us. But enough of chatter. It has been long since I have used my sword, and your lips are as sweet looking as they were when you left. " Glaucus stood in front of Marcellus. "Prepare me for piercing, as you have so many times." Marcellus saw that there was no way to any other end. Had he been left with the Roman soldiers that night, he would have been best not to sleep, for fear of murder. In Glaucus tent, he lived. And he placed his lips around His Master's sword. "Ah Marcellus! Your technique is everything it was. I have missed you." Glaucus slid his sword back and forth in Marcellus' mouth. Uncaged, Marcellus' own sword began to grow. He reached down for it, and Glaucus pulled his own sword out of Marcellus' mouth, and pushed away his hand. "YOU MAY NOT BE CAGED, MARCELLUS, BUT YOU ARE STILL A SLAVE. LAY ON YOUR BACK." With no choice, Marcellus followed orders. His own sword was rigid, and it became even more rigid, as the sword that had pierced him so often, did so again. "AH Marcellus! It is nearly as sweet as the first time I took you. Do you remember that?" Marcellus gritted his teeth. "I do My Lord. My initiation to your.. blandishments. OUCH." Glaucus had pushed hard. During the campaign, he had refrained from any use of his sword, and the lost time was now being spent, in Marcellus. He slid faster and faster. "They will welcome you back in the slave quarters, Marcellus. You have been missed. Mostly by me." One final push, and the seed of Glaucus filled Marcellus again. His sense of defeat was great. What would be waiting for him at the estate? What was the state of his relationship with Demos? He looked at the bracelet Demos gave him, that saved his life. Did the young man still care? "I will give you leave to release yourself Marcellus, if you would. " "I would My Lord. I thank you. " "Proceed then." Glaucus rose, and stood behind Marcellus, his own sword pendulously hanging, not far from Marcellus' mouth, as he reached down and took Marcellus' nipples in his fingers. He heard Marcellus wince. "It would be better if you would admit the pleasure you take in that Marcellus. It is evident. " Marcellus was silent, except for grunting, as his sword grew yet longer and firmer. His seed spilled, vigorously, all over his body. Glaucus laughed. "Would it not be the height of humiliation to send you back to your fire with that seed dried on you Marcellus? A once mighty, feared general, covered in his own seed, following a piercing? But no, you will be honored, at least slightly. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of young Romans out there, all longing for sexual release. How many of them wish to be favored by their VICTORIOUS general? Yet I have chosen you. You will sleep here tonight, Marcellus. Put your wrists before me. They will be bound, so as to prevent your trying anything that would test my patience." Sighing, Marcellus presented his wrists. Glaucus took a thin chain set, and locked them. "In the bed, slave. I am sure that, with your very familiar body next to mine, my sword will not be inactive for the night." Indeed, it was not. Glaucus took Marcellus twice more before the morning, and the call to march. The army was returning to Rome.

Next: Chapter 26

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