Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 11, 2020


Demos and Marcellus had enjoyed their four nights together. Now, as the cock crowed, Marcellus held on to Demos, hugging him tight. "I fear that I may have erred in leaving without your permission Demos. I am sorry." "What is the line that my mother taught me: always easier to seek pardon than permission, Marcellus? I am not happy about this. I am NOT. You would leave me here, for at least six months, to fend for myself, while you...."

"I have secured assurances from Glaucus that no one will harm you or touch you." Glaucus sat up in bed. Glaring. "YOU SECURED NOTHING. HE MADE THE PROMISE TO YOU." Marcellus dropped his head. "We do things differently Demos. I don't know what to say. I thought this would be best. .." "Perhaps it will be , my love. Promise me something. Please."

"Anything Demos. I have hurt you. Perhaps I can do something to assuage the pain I have caused." Demos pulled out the bracelet. "Do you see the color? What does it bring to your mind, Marcellus?

"Your eyes . Your beautiful eyes. Where did you get it?" "Sometimes, Glaucus' guests leave presents for the bath attendants. One of his guests, I know not who, gave it to me. He thought it would compliment my eyes." "It does." "But you know that slaves are not permitted finery like this. So I hid it. Please. Wear it for me. Think of me when you see it. Think of the eyes that will be waiting to see you ride back to Rome." Marcellus was silent. A tear or two fell on the linens. "I will not take it off. I will think of you every day. Every night. " He kissed Demos hard. He would not see him again that day, as he had matters to tend to dealing with his regimen, and they would take him away from the estate. " "I must go Demos. Please smile at me one last time. I will remember that smile." Demos tried, bravely, but his heart was breaking. Even when he had been captured, and even when he stood on line, at auction, he had never felt so alone, and abandoned, as Marcellus walked out. He dare not look back.

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While Marcellus was having his leave, Glaucus was enjoying his second night with Antonio. Silvus has been fun - a very enjoyable frolic in bed. Antonio, on the other hand, seemed to have exaggerated sensitivities in his nerves. After Glaucus had roused him, a mere touch would start him moaning. When Glaucus had placed his tongue in his hole, to lubricate him, the man nearly jumped through the ceiling. And he begged, and begged, for Glaucus to take him. And Glaucus had, several times. The struggles that he had put up when he was bound were even more arousing to Glaucus, and he was erect for the entire night. Glaucus smiled, as he played with the man's hair. "So sweet. Such a lovely, LOVELY young man." He rolled onto Antonio and kissed him. "And you do not have a woman back home in Matera?" Antonio blushed. "No My Lord. I have never found one who suited me, I presume. I have always preferred the company of men." Glaucus smiled. "But you were still a virgin when you came to my bed two nights ago." Antonio blushed. "I have not been pierced before you My Lord. " He smiled. "Now I wonder why I waited." Glaucus mind was trying to calculate whether this boy was one of the best actors he had ever met, or if he were sincere. "I have asked Silvus this, and I will not share his answer, nor will I share yours with him: which of you should I take as my bed slave?" Antonio looked down "you cannot keep both of us, My Lord?" "Assume that is not an option." He paused. "You should take Silvus then My Lord. He DOES have a woman in Matera. He left her with child. For all we know, the child has been born. If , at some point, we are allowed to return home, he has people waiting for him, relying on him. I, on the other hand, lost my parents some years ago. I was their one child. " Glaucus pondered this. "You have given me much to consider Antonio. I will not be hasty about the decision. " He smiled. "For now, boy, swallow my sword one more time. "Yes My Lord." This time was as good as the first time he had had Antonio take his sword.

As Antonio was finishing, he heard the hesitant throat clearing of Marcus outside of his door. He stroked Antonio's hair again, and then got up and get dressed. "AVE Marcus. Would you take morning wine with me?" "Ave et salve, My Lord. Would that I could. I wished to let you know: one of the slaves has gone into labor, and it appears to be difficult. I was coming to seek permission to have Gerta tend to her, but on my way, I was told that the woman had already gone to the slave's bed." "Why is this of such importance, Marcus? Slaves are giving birth in this house all the time." "My Lord. This birth is the contribution of Eric to the city of Rome. It is your slave Eric's child." "AH. Then of coure I would have interest. If his son is as handsome as the father... " "IF he is a son, My Lord." "A fair point Marcus. A VERY fair point. Permit Gerta to do what she is doing. Please let Eric know that his child is being born. He should at least see the baby." Marcus bowed, and proceeded out.

"Should I remain, My Lord?" Antonio said to him. Glaucus sighed. "Would that you could, sweet boy. The day has become more crowded than I had thought, and I have much to do. " He paused. "I will walk with you to the bed slave quarters. I will have words with Silvus, and with Ahmad. And with Eamon. And as I say, you have given me reason for consideration, Antonio. I will need more time before selecting Silvus or yourself." "As it were, My Lord."

Glaucus drank down a goblet of morning wine, nibbled on some figs, and then walked to the bed slave chamber with Antonio. "Lord Glaucus accompanies me!" He announced loudly. Silvus was there, as was Ahmad, and Eamon. Flavius was on his way to the chambers, after Gerta had gone to tend to the slave's labor, and Eric was with her. Antonio gave Silvus a look, and he rose with Ahmad and Eamon.

"I am delighted to see that my slaves are looking well." He went to Eamon, and raised his head . "How are you feeling, after that unfortunate night?" He looked right into Eamon's eyes. "My Lord. I am doing fine. My brother suggested to me that I could have been killed on the field of battle, or in another man's house. The images will not fade from my mind immediately, but they are less strong than they were." Glaucus smiled at him. "You will be fine Eamon. It was unusual for Collepherus to request a slave more than once. I look forward to discovering what he found so appealing." At that Eamon blushed bright red. His face color almost matched his hair. Glaucus smiled. He turned to Ahmad.

"I mourn your loss, Ahmad. Not as you would, but I mourn. " "I appreciate your sentiments My Lord. Collepherus is at his peace now. The ceremony was precisely as he would have liked it." Glaucus embraced the young man and whispered. "I HAVE neglected you. You will come to my chambers tonight." Ahmad smiled.

Then he turned to Silvus , who looked away from him. He laughed. "Stop worrying Antonio, that is fine. The man has spirit. " He laughed. "No endurance, but spirit." Unlike the others, Silvus did not look down. He looked up, and away from Glaucus. "I have learned that expecting a Thank you from a Materan is a foolish act, so I will not seek one. You or Antonio have been given an extra two weeks of life. I will be researching your life in Matera. That information MAY impact my decision on which of you stays, and which of you is a sacrifice to Ares." The mention of Matera caused Silvus' eyes to open wide. He looked at Antonio. "WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM SLAVE?" At that, Glaucus smacked him. "A slave NEVER refers to another slave as such. Only a Master can do that." He smacked him again. "You WILL apologize to Antonio, or there will be no need for a sacrifice. I will simply have you dispatched to Hades." A pause, and then, Silvus looked at his countryman. "I should not have said that. I apologize for insulting you Antonio. We are equals. "

"I will be hearing house petitions today, at the third hour of the afternoon. Should any of you be in need of such, please speak to Marcus. Eamon, please advise your brother as well." "Yes My Lord. And thank you." Glaucus left slowly shaking his head. "The gods curse with blessings," he thought to himself. Marcellus only. Now Flavius. And the two. And Eamon. And Eric . And Ahmad. " He chuckled. "I will have to start drinking a cup of rooster broth every day. Perhaps two."

"STAND OUT OF THE WAY YOUNG MAN" Gerta used strong language to Eric, but she used her own language. Urban was there to interpret. "Please move back. My mother needs more room." The baby was large - MUCH larger than one would have expected from the size of Eric, and of the child's mother. And the passage in the birth canal was convoluted. "The child is either blessed, or cursed," she thought to herself. "He (for it was a boy), will be an exceptional child."

She turned to Urban and asked him for a particular salve she had made in advance of this. She began rubbing the mother's feet. The salve relaxed her, and she smiled. "GOOD. As the muscles relax, the passage may be easier.." She tugged gently. Urban turned to Eric. "You should pray, in your own language, for your son. My mother has handled MANY difficult births. Your son will be fine." Eric closed his eyes, and began praying in his language. He called upon the goddess Brigid, who was the goddess of fertility. He prayed the way he recalled his father pray when his baby sister had been born.

'SUCCESS!" yelled Gerta, as a very large, very hairy baby released into her arms. She smiled. "Well born, and well met. " She placed the baby at the slave girl's breast. "Eric, come and see your son." The young man was frozen to the spot, until Urban whacked him. "GO. See your baby." Eric stared down at his son. Or rather, the son he had fathered. He knew that, as a slave, the boy was not "HIS" son. They could be parted at any time. The baby suckled hungrily, and the woman looked at him. "You have done your part for Rome, Eric, as have I." She smiled. "Should you care to show your fealty to the nation again, I am more than happy to be the vessel." Urban blushed, and his mother frowned. "She is delirious. I will give her something to help her sleep." She nodded to Urban. They had made a VERY weak potion of the berries he and Flavius were growing. No one would ask questions if a slave girl died out of childbirth. But if she merely slept: it meant the plant had some potency, and the plan Urban and Flavius had, might just work.

As Gerta cleaned up the afterbirth, Glaucus was sitting with Portius, enjoying another glass of wine. "So, my friend. Tomorrow your precious Marcellus goes off to war." Glaucus sighed. "Yes, and I have serious misgivings about this, friend. I have thrown lots and consulted the oracles. They show victory, but not without price, and not without danger. " He paused. "And, my friend, they suggest that I will have to re-engage as a general." Portius looked at him. "Is that so, Glaucus? But you have the right of retirement after your successes." "It is true Portius, it is true. But there are few experienced generals who have campaigned in Gaul before. Yes, it has been a while, but mountains are mountains, rivers are rivers. And the Gauls, will always be the Gauls. " He laughed. "I did not think I would ever have to engage in training for other than my pleasure, but it seems I shall have to step this up, in order to be prepared." "Ah, would that it did not have to happen, Glaucus, but let us be honest: you would risk your life if that damned Materan needed you." Glaucus laughed. "It is true. I have had bed mates who did not return my affection, Portius. I am fine with that. But it was a miscalculation on my part to bring Demos into the house." Portius looked at him. "Has Flavius already lost your favor, Glaucus?" "OH, By Jove and the Emperor, NO. Flavius. AH. Dear Flavius. He is so, shall we say 'receptive'. He has learned what I like, and he seems perfectly amenable to my wandering eye. If bringing Demos into the house was a mistake, bringing Urban, and now Gerta, were brilliant stratagems. I now have a very happy, very receptive consort. " "Remember what they say about who the gods would destroy Glaucus. Be careful." Glaucus smiled, and clutched Portius' forearm. "Indeed, you are correct my friend. I must be careful now especially. " He looked at the sun. "I must be going. I have the new man at the gymnasium coming for a private lesson, and then, it is petition day at the estate. " He rose. I will see you again my friend. Shall we look for each other tomorrow as the army leaves?" "We shall, my friend. "

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Crassus, a new trainer at the gymnasium, was working with Glaucus, in the event of a need to return to war. Today, they were practicing sword fighting, and then, there was the liftingof weights to develop more strength. The sword fighting had happened first and now, as they exercised, naked, Glaucus began to smile. "I did not think I would enjoy this Crassus. It is like an old friend has come back." "Indeed My Lord. It seems I misjudged you. I did not bring weights of sufficient size. I will increase them tomorrow." Glaucus smiled. "That would suit me Crassus. I appreciate your efforts with me. " Demos had arrived early for petitions hour. He and Urban were to talk, with Glaucus and Marcus, of the new position. Crassus and Glaucus did not know the young man was in the entrance way, watching his Master exercise, naked. For not the first time, Demos felt his sword grow in his cage. He also remembered what Marcellus had done to him - something he had learned from Glaucus. What else did Glaucus know, that he hadn't experienced yet?" He found himself entranced, and then as he heard Marcus and Urban approaching, he moved away from the entrance way. "Ave et salve amici. Our Master is completing his exercising. We should wait." "Indeed we should " Marcus said. He looked at Demos severely. "Have you any idea why he is doing this?" "No, Marcus. I do not." Marcus sighed. "Glaucus had the augurs consulted. The prophecies were that the campaign your Marcellus is on would be difficult and dangerous, and it would not be ended without our Master becoming involved." Demos blanched. "I did NOT know this. And I am certain that Marcellus did not either. " "It is what it will be " Marcus said. Then Glaucus was at the entrance. "I have kept you waiting. Forgive me. Let us talk gentlemen." He explained , with Marcus' assistance, the tasks they would have, and the split assignment: how they would take turns as assistant. "And I HOPE there will be no rivalry. You are assistants, in a very wealthy house. You are here, rather than on the front of battle. The war will be fought in the mountains. It will be cold and wet. We will undoubtedly send more troops. Your position has gained you exemption from fighting. I hope you do not cause me to revoke it." Urban spoke first "My Lord, you have been beyond generous to my family and to myself. I would do nothing to cause you a problem" "I would second that, My Lord" Demos added. "I thought living here would be difficult. It is not. I will do all I can to support you." "I appreciate your promises . Now, you should return to your regular affairs. I hope to be seeing more of each of you, soon.

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As the sun sank further in the sky, Glaucus found himself eager for Ahmad to come from the slave quarters. It HAD been a long, LONG time since he had spent an evening with him. And Ahmad knew things the other slaves didn't. And he was not timid. Ahmad had once taken the liberty of pushing HIS tongue in Glaucus' mouth. He smiled when he did it, and it aroused Glaucus so much, that Ahmad needed to take a cushion from the chambers the next morning.

He heard the soft, almost musty voice. "Is My Lord ready for me?" Ahmad was standing there, smiling. He had pomaded his hair, and oiled his skin. He stood there, arms clasped behind him, chest pushed out... Glaucus smiled and came to him. "It has been too long, my sweet man." He won the first battle with his tongue, and took Ahmad's mouth as he lifted him from the floor, to the bed. When the kiss had ended, Ahmad stretched his arms out to the corners of the bed. "Bind me My Lord. Teach me my place. Let me know that I live only to take your sword. " He paused. "Show it to me My Lord. Don't make me be satisfied with feeling it. Show me that wicked weapon." Glaucus completed the binding and then began running a small pumice stone over Ahmad's chest. The rough surface stimulated the young man, and he moaned. "OH, HAVE I MISSED MY LORD'S TOUCH." Glaucus bent down and took a nipple in his mouth. "OOOOOOOOH. I am certain I do not stimulate Eric the way you stimulate me, My Lord..." He began to twist under Glaucus' body, for he remembered that the sinuous moves of his hips would make Glaucus even more eager. And it worked. "Pierce me My Lord. Show me what I have missed. And I HAVE missed it..." Ahmad had also lubricated himself before arriving at the bedroom, and Glaucus slid in easily. He whispered, as he bent down "you make everything so much easier, my dark lad." Ahmad smiled as Glaucus took him. He had been trained as a dancer for a sheikh's harem before he had been captured. The life in that harem had been difficult, but he was used to being "used" at least once a night. Here, the life was easy. And his bold attitude had won him points with Glaucus. Now, as Glaucus finished his first piercing, he looked at the young man. "I will uncage you, my sweet date, on one condition." Ahmad knew what that condition was going to be, but he asked anyway. "What would that be My Lord?" "Your soft mouth on my chest. When I have you the second time." "I am your slave, My Lord. If you would have my mouth on your chest, so be it. " Glaucus smiled as he opened Ahmad's cage. The man was exceptionally "gifted" for a bed slave. Normally, he would have been sold to a man with a harem of women, to keep them happy when their owner was occupied otherwise. Glaucus had seen, in his face, that this man could be taught anything there was to know about sex, and he would enjoy it. He was right..

He kept Ahmad bound after he had removed the cage, and he began slowly stroking that large instrument. Ahmad sighed, and smiled. He had tried to teach Eric how to do this, but the red head did not have the proper technique. He became to nervous, and never drew it out for a long time, the way Glaucus did. He had Ahmad moaning. Ahmad thought that, even if he weren't a slave, this man would make a fine lover. Yes, he would have to give up piercing, but to give it up for this man, did not seem such a loss. "MY LORD. YOU'VE BROUGHT ME TO THE EDGE. " "Then fall, my love. I will catch you." Ahmad bucked his hips, and lashes of his seed spilled across his dark skin. He pulled at his bonds, and even more spilled out. "Would My Lord hold me? I am thinking of Collepherus and I fear his spirit." Glaucus kissed him again, and picked up a medallion. He put it around Ahmad's neck. "I use it when I sleep Ahmad. To protect me from evil. But you will do that tonight. And I will protect you." He untied the young man, and held him as they slept. He would recover in a few hours, and want to pierce Ahmad a second time. Ahmad knew that , and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Next: Chapter 23

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