Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 3, 2020


One could say many things about Glaucus that were unkind, and true. One could NOT say he was not a man of his word. He had promised Marcellus and Demos four nights together before the army left for Gaul, and after his three days with Marcellus were over, he moved out, unlocking both of their cages. He smiled as he stuffed Marcellus' into a fold of his toga. "Yours I will keep myself Marcellus. In case I need it again." "By the gods you will not, My Lord." Demos stepped in, before Glaucus became angry at Marcellus' lack of gratitude. With his head bowed, he thanked Glaucus for the gift of the four nights. "It is a gift we had no reason to expect, My Lord. We thank you for it. I hope to be of service to you in the future." Marcellus heard those words, and did not like them. "To your own devices slaves. Demos, I would see you this afternoon, after the sun has begun his path toward Oceanos." "I will attend My Lord."

Glaucus had much on his mind. He wanted to speak with Demos about the bracelet - the emerald bracelet - that Clodius had suggested. He had it, but he knew that giving it to Marcellus was a guarantee that it would not be used. He was concerned . Marcellus should never have been captured as easily as he was. And Marcellus' military career had been, entirely, in Italy. He had no familiarity with Gaul, or the Gauls. They were savage, and they did not respect rank. If they saw no value in a captured Marcellus, he would not even be kept for sacrifice: he would be killed on the spot.

As Glaucus returned to his chambers, he saw Marcus', Collepherus' assistant , waiting for him, with a look of anxious concern on his face. "Marcus. Ave. Is Collepherus not well?" Marcus looked like he would burst into tears. "My Lord. I fear Collepherus is dead. " "WHAT? HOW? " "Do you recall, My Lord, when Collepherus spoke of stomach pains last night?" "I do Marcus. But he has had them for years." "I am not a physician, and I do not know of things having to do with the body, but late last night - perhaps three hours before the cock crows - Eamon came running out of the bedroom. He had fallen asleep in Collepherus' arms - he had not been interested in any piercing - and had not moved for hours. I told Eamon he had no reason to be concerned: Collepherus was a sound sleeper. Then he told me his body had grown cold. I called the physician. " Now he began to cry. "MY LORD. Collepherus has left us." "I thought he would outlive ME" Glaucus thought. "The man was indestructible. " He remembered when Collepherus had been his tutor . His patience, his skill, his ability to know when Glaucus needed discipline, and when he needed care and concern. And now... the man was gone. He was shaken. That fast, that sudden.

"I am grieved Marcus. We must honor our friend. Please speak to Ahmad and please be gentle. Ahmad is his country man. He will not take this well." When Ahmad had become a bed slave, he and Collepherus had exchanged glances, and then had exchanged a few words, in a language that Glaucus later learned, was Farsi. Collepherus was half Persian, and half Greek: the son of two slaves. Ahmad had been the son of a high priest. They had bonded immediately. How would Ahmad take this? Glaucus had no knowledge of Farsi burial rituals. He would have to rely on Ahmad. And no expense would be spared.

"Marcus, this will sound unfeeling, but I must tend to this house, and all of its members. You will now be the steward. I know that Collepherus has trained you well, and he had great trust in you . Otherwise, you would have been gone, long ago. I salute you as steward of the House of Glaucus." Marcus went to his knee. 'I am not worthy My Lord. I could not even hold a cup for Collepherus." "NONSENSE. You will do fine. " He smiled. "While I know it is hard to believe, both Collepherus and I were young once. I remember the trials of youth. You will grow up faster than you think. And your first task as steward, is to train an assistant. have you anyone in mind?"

Marcus bowed his head. "I do My Lord. I do hope you do not think this choice amiss. I believe that your slave Urban would make a fine successor." Glaucus mulled these words. "Yes, yes. He would. I was turning over the names of Urban, and Demos." He paused. "What thinks you of having co-assistants? There is much to be done in this house, and both have other tasks. One can tend to his other work on days when the second is assisting you, and so on." "I think it is a brilliant choice My Lord. "

Glaucus smiled. "We will talk to them. One after the other, and then together. I believe it will go well." He put a hand on Marcus' shoulder. "Marcus, Collepherus spoke VERY highly of you. You will be fine as head steward. Now, I will ask you to do the most unpleasant job of all, and start cleaning out Collepherus' things. I wll break the news to Ahmad.

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Rather than summon Ahmad to his quarters, Glaucus went to the bed slave chambers personally. Antonio and Silvus were silent and sullen. They knew what was happening starting that night. He gave them a bright grin. "Good morning Materans. I wonder if you've given pause to who will come to me first." There was no answer and he laughed.

"My Lord, forgiveness for interrupting you, but Eamon hasn't returned. Has he used his fresh mouth inappropriately, My Lord?" Eric asked about his brother. Glaucus smiled, and stroked Eric's fairly smooth cheek. "No slave Eric, there is nothing bad to report about Eamon. He is simply not ready to return to bed slave quarters. You will be back with your brother soon, Eric. " He smiled again, and looked into Eric's eyes. "I do not say this lightly, Eric: you are wise beyond your years." "I have learned from this house My Lord." Glaucus laughed. "AHMAD. Please dress. I wish to take a walk with you today. We haven't walked in many a sun." "You are right My Lord. Please let me just lace my sandals, and I will be ready."

With the influx of new slaves into the estate, and everything that had happened, Glaucus knew he had been neglecting Ahmad, which was wrong. All the slaves learned, sooner or later, that their role with Glaucus was to be passive. Ahmad was passive, but... with an edge that always brought out desire in Glaucus. He rememberd that of all the bed slaves, Ahmad had the most sensitive neck. Of course, he would try to tease that neck in bed. And Ahmad would try to keep him from it, rolling his head, back and forth and laughing until either he relented, or Glaucus had figured out his feinting and faking routine. Ahmad could also retain his own climax far longer than any of the other men in the group. Glaucus smiled again. He would have to reinstate Ahmad in his bedroom. Just not right away.

As they entered the city, with Glaucus greeting acquaintances as they walked, he dropped his arm around Ahmad's shoulders. That immediately signalled to the young man, that something was not completely right. "My Lord, if I may, all are aware of your prowess in bed. You are not known for affection, and this action concerns me. Something is not right. " He paused. "Am I to be sent away?" Glaucus stopped walking , so Ahmad did the same. He found a sitting rock and asked Ahmad to join him. "No Ahmad, you are staying with us. You may very well be the last one at the estate when all is done. " He breathed. "But I am afraid something unfortunate has happened at the estate, and I need your help. I also need to see if you require help." Ahmad whitened. "Collepherus is gone" he said. "Yes, you are right, wise one. I am sorry I did not get a chance to say it more delicately, but yes, he is. He passed last night with Eamon wrapped in his arms. That is why Eamon is not yet back. We need to make sure he is ok."" "I speak out of place My Lord, but you should be with Eamon and not with me. I grieve for Collepherus. I grieve for him deeply. But our grief differs from that of the Romans. Our view of the body is that it is like a corn husk. It has no value. As we speak, Collepherus' soul is being considered by OUR gods. He is free. In our country, we would be dancing a dance of celebration." "I am glad you tell me this Ahmad. I wish to honor his life, and I need your help in how we should do so." "My Lord, a banquet, with foods that the slaves are not accustomed to except at feste, is called for . For Collepherus, please do not embalm the body, and do not inter it. Rather, we must go , to the outskirts of the city, and build a pillar . His body should be placed on it, and left there. I will, by your leave, tend to it simply by checking periodically. " He paused, and almost cried. "When the bones have joined the earth, it will be time to burn the pillar. And all will be done."

Glaucus looked at the handsome young man. "It shall be done as you say. I will have Marcus speak with you, and it will be arranged. Ahmad, if there are any other members of the household who share your beliefs, please include them in your ceremony.

"Thank you My Lord. There are three more of us. They will appreciate your kindness." Then he paused. "If I may prevail upon My Lord with a further comment and perhaps a question?" "Please speak Ahmad." "Have I displeased you in some way, My Lord? You have not called me to your bed for a time that seems very long. " Glaucus paused. "You are right Ahmad. I have neglected you. I have not called for you, nor have I allowed you to take Eric ." Ahmad smiled. "My Lord, with all due respect, taking Eric does not satisfy my need, or my desire for My Lord." From being sad thinking about Collepherus, Glaucus was not aroused, thinking of the times he had spent with Ahmad. "I understand, my sweet young man. I ask that you be patient for the span of 3 suns, for the new slaves need to be 'tested'. Flavius and his wife are 'getting reacquainted' and I would not interfere with that. But I vow to you to call you to my bed as soon as those tasks are done." Ahmad smiled. "My Lord , at one time, would summon me to him in the afternoon." Glaucus laughed. "And I would today, my sweet, if I did not have many things to do. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon for you." He laughed. "Did you not once refer to my state as a wilted blossom?" "I did My Lord. If you recall, I managed to have that blossom stand up as the tallest flower in the vase." "Well played Ahmad, well played. Tomorrow then."

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The four days Marcellus and Demos had together had begun. When Marcellus arrived at the chambers where Demos slept, Demos ran to him and jumped up into his arms. "MY LOVE. MY MAN." That was all he got to say, as Marcellus filled Demos' mouth with his tongue, and then put him down on the bed, and made love to him twice. The first time, slow, and carefully, making the young man beg for everything. Marcellus nibbled Demos' ears, he rubbed his neck with his growing beard, took his nipples, and kissed him, all over his body, before gently lifting his legs and piercing him. Demos had not had Marcellus' sword for so long... He swooned into it. "YES MY LOVE YES. I am yours. ALWAYS... ALWAYS... OOOOOH." He moaned as Marcellus took his sword in his mouth, and teased him. "PLEASE MARCELLUS PLEASE. I must release. I must release." "Heh heh. Not yet My Love, not yet. You have waited this long, you can wait a bit longer." Marcellus knew that by squeezing Demos sword, he could calm him down, and he did so. There came a time though, when nothing was going to work, and they both knew it. That's when Marcellus released his own seed deep in the young man, and Demos' shouted as his own cascaded like one of the fountains on Glaucus' estate. As the embraced after that, Demos muttered, happily "I will remember that one after you've gone to war, my hero, my Love. " They rested, in each other's arms, for 3,maybe 4 hours before they were aroused again. The second time was rougher: Marcellus grinned and then tied Demos to the bed, and pulled out one of the sharp edges Glaucus sometimes used on him. He ran it slowly over Demos' body, as the young man groaned, and moaned, both frightened, and aroused, more and more. When Marcellus had passed the edge over Demos' entire body, including his eggs and his sword, he asked. "Do you want me, my sweet green eyed beauty." All Demos could do was moan. "OH YES. OH YES. PLEASE.PLEASE TAKE ME MARCELLUS. " Again, Marcellus smiled. He wet his thumb and pressed it to Demos' bottom. "OH GOODNESS. He's never done that before," Demos was thinking. He continued to think that way as Marcellus inserted one, then two , wet fingers into him. "He learned this from Glaucus," Demos thought to himself. "That man with a beautiful body and a beautiful cock." And for the first time since they had become consorts, Demos found himself aroused in bed, by thoughts of another man. He began to imagine being underneath Glaucus. He wondered what kind of love maker he was. He could ask Marcellus, but discretion said he shouldn't. He tried to focus on Marcellus. His thoughts went back and forth between his consort, and the man who owned him. And he shot, before Marcellus did - something he never did, and Marcellus was shocked. Marcellus was in Demos at the time, so Demos did what he knew would set Marcellus off, and tightened his legs. The pressure provoked a growl from Marcellus, and he filled the young man for the second time that day."

As they breathed hard, embracing, Demos said to him. "My apologies Marcellus, but you introduced me to things today I did not know you knew how to do" "Did you like them, my love? Did they make you happy?" "They did Master Marcellus. I will remember them while you are gone. Bring them back with you."

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Back in his chambers, Glaucus had audience with Marcus. They had information now as how Collepherus had died. "My Lord, the physician was incorrect. It was not his stomach. Rather, it was his liver. It was enlarged and inflammed. There was no cure. If we had known earlier, we could have done something. By this month it was too late. "Then the physician was wrong, and the woman we just added to the kitchen, was correct." "So it would seem My Lord." "Sit with me Marcus. Here is your first task as head steward. It appears the woman knows more than the physician does. I believe it is time for a test. I would suggest bringing three slaves who are complaining of illnesses to her, to see what her diagnosis is. " He smiled. "I will join the slaves. Let us see if she is intimidated by her Master. If she does a better job than the physician does, well... perhaps the triremes can use a doctor, and we will be the first house in Rome to have a female in charge of medicine."

"It would be precedent setting, My Lord. But it would be good for the state to see this. I will make it so." "Excellent. " Glaucus rose. "I am going to visit the gymnasium. I believe my next appointment is with Demos. If you or another would bring him from his love nest" Marcus laughed at that, at three hours before the descent of the sun, it would please me."

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When Demos arrived at Glaucus' chambers, Glaucus had not yet returned. Was he too early? He was nervous. Marcellus had left earlier to train his batallion, and Glaucus was alone. What should he do. "AVE DEMOS. My apologies for arriving late. " Glaucus began to slip off his robes. "There was much conversation regarding the war in Gaul, and I foolishly got involved in it. When I realized the time, I left without having a bath. If I offend you, again, I apologize." Glaucus' body was covered with sweat, and he dropped each article of clothing before he changed. Demos, who had never been pierced by Glaucus, saw the legendary sword. "It is masterful," he thought to himself, as were Glaucus muscles, his firm back, and his smooth skin. He tried to will his own sword to stop banging against his cage, to no avail. "PLEASE DON'T LET HIM HEAR THAT." He begged the gods."

"Demos, please share some wine with me." Glaucus pointed to his sitting table. "It would be an honor My Lord." Demos took a seat , nervous. He sipped at his wine - much better stuff than regular fare.

"Demos, I wish to speak to you man to man about the man we both love." Demos blushed. "My Lord, I am.." Glaucus laughed. "I know where you think I'm going Demos, and you are wrong. Please listen to me here. There is no question whom Marcellus loves. I have no choice but to accept that. I am not happy with it, but ultimately, that love kept him alive, and in my control. So all things have an advantage to the clever." He looked at Demos who began to realize what a crafty man this was. He had used the love Marcellus had for him, to turn Marcellus into his bed slave. That, in turn, led to the occasional times Demos had with Marcellus. Should he be grateful? Should he be angry?" As he sat here with this man, he realized how little time he had spent with Glaucus, and how the "tools" he had taught Marcellus had aroused him - even more than the look he had had at Glaucus' body.

Glaucus went on. "As two men who love Marcellus, we both realize how headstrong, and how hot tempered he is." "I cannot disagree with you My Lord." "That headstrong nature is what led to his capture, I'm sure you understand." "I do My Lord." Glaucus paused. "By any law, any tradition, any right, I should have sacrificed him to the gods. But I did not. Perhaps his love for you is my punishment for violating the rule of sacrifice." "I... I cannot speak to that My Lord." "I digress. My point is... I do not see the Gauls as having the same views I did. They are a rough, crude people. They do not sacrifice. But they do not take prisoners either. They slaughter defeated rivals on the field of battle. Unless... there is economic gain to be had." "So I have heard, My Lord." Now Glaucus smiled. "Your Marcellus is certain he will be victorious. I am not so certain of that, and I fear for his capture. Hence, I wish to try to make sure that IF he is captured, he can be ransomed." He pulled a bracelet out of his toga fold, emeralds and jade, with beaten gold. "A soldier who wears a piece of jewelry into battle may be seen as vain. A soldier who wears a piece of jewelry such as this, will be seen as rich. And his chances of being ransomed, are high. You must give this to Marcellus. Tell him to wear it to remember you. Tell him..." "That the green will remind him of my eyes. Yes.. Yes. I see this..." Glaucus was pleased. The young man WAS smart. "But how do I tell him that I acquired this, My Lord? Slaves do not have the right to property." "You will tell him that, one of my guests left this as a gift to you, for the wonderful bath you gave him." Glaucus smiled. "You have excellent technique with the rough sponge. I'm sure you do with the smooth one as well. And I'm sure Marcellus knows that." He paused again. "Let us be honest with each other, man to man. Our Marcellus - no, YOUR Marcellus - is handsome, a good soldier, and a wonderful bed partner, but he will never be considered an intellectually gifted man." Demos laughed at the frankness of the statement, which was true. "He will not question it. Give it to him before he takes you. He will never remove it." Demos looked at Glaucus, his eyes filled with tears. "My Lord, why do you treat us as well as you do? By right, you could force Marcellus to stay, to remain your bed slave, anything you want. Yet..." Glaucus smiled. "I am a little wiser than you think Glaucus. And I also feel, pragmatically, that happy slaves are easier to manage than unhappy ones. Now, return to your quarters." As Glaucus stood, a fold of his toga opened, and his sword was slightly revealed. Demos saw it again. " He bowed "I am overwhelmed by My Lord's kindnesses." Glaucus smiled.

"Tomorrow Marcus will speak to you. You may have heard, Collepherus left us for the West last night. Marcus will now be head steward. He will need an assistant. He and I have decided he will have two: Urban, and yourself. Now begone! I am sure that Marcellus will be back soon, and in need of a bath...."

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After Demos had left, Collepherus summoned Marcus. "How is Eamon dealing with what has happened?" "He is very much shocked My Lord. " "Hmmm. Well, let us do this then." He reached onto his table, and picked up a pouch of silver. "Please visit Eric. Give this to him. He and Eamon should tour Rome tonight. They may remove their cages for the evening. And they should feel free to spend the money as they see fit. The only thing they must do is return by the crow of the cock. Also .. it matters not to me which one. When you are at the quarters, have either Silvus or Antonio bound, and brought to me. "I will make it so My Lord." Marcus went to the bed slave quarters and spoke to Eric. Then he unlocked his cage, and have him the key to Eamon's cage. "Release your brother, and then the two of you be gone." Then he turned to Antonio and Silvus. "One of you is to come with me to Lord Glaucus' chambers. It matters not as to which one. Who will be first? The two of them looked at each other, then at Marcus and sneered. "You must have surprisingly godlike powers, little man. I do not see you in any position to force either of us to follow you." Marcus expected this. "You are correct, Materan. " He snapped his fingers, and four large Nubian slaves appeared. "But I have assistance. Now, who will it be?" The four Nubians folded their arms and looked at the Materans menacingly. "I will go." Silvus stood forward. "Best to get this done than to wait." One of the Nubians bound Silvus' wrists behind him Two of them and Marcus , brought Silvus to Glaucus' chambers. "By My Lord's permission, I present bed slave Silvus to you." "BY THE GODS I AM NOT YOUR BEDSLAVE." Silvus spat out. "Yet, my headstrong Materan.. Ha ha. That is redundant isn't it? You MAY be. Or you may be sacrifice meat to Ares. We shall see. Glaucus advanced forward, and he ran a small whip, laced with nettles , over Silvus' chest. He saw the Materan wince a bit at the stinging particles. "Rest assured, I have many more tools to make life pleasurable... or difficult. For example..." He brought the whip down to Silvus' eggs, and ran it over them. Silvus cursed, and then gritted his teeth so he wouldn't make another sound." "Ha ha. Trust me Silvus. Unless I have you gagged, you will make sounds ." "I will do NOTHING to pleasure you." "Fair enough. Then I will do things... to pleasure you.." Glaucus moved his fingers to Silvus nipples. It was the first time anyone had ever played with them, and he fought hard not to moan, before losing. "Undoubtedly, your cage is full. I made sure to have them designed just a bit too small." Glaucus continued work on Silvus' nipples.. Then he got closer, and he began to nibble on an earlobe. Silvus cursed again. Once, in a brothel in Sicily, a whore had chewed his ear. He had exploded immediately. Caged, that was not possible. His moans became whimpers.

"There are Nubians outside who will protect me, should I need it, Materan. I will untie you. And you will place yourself on the bed. Looking up. And you will spread out your arms because, as you can see, there are restraints ."

Silvus looked around. Yes, he could see the Nubians, and in the short discussions he had had with Marcellus, the latter had told him how easily Glaucus had defeated him at wrestling. Silvus was the second man to take note of Glaucus' impressive physique as well. Had he been with Antonio, there may have been a chance, but not now. Defeated, he moved to the bed as he had been told. Glaucus secured the bonds, and dropped his own toga.

"Yes. This is the sword you will be taking Materan." Glaucus walked slowly , holding his sword in his hand, smiling. "You may be even more attractive than Marcellus." He laid himself on top of Silvus, who squirmed for freedom. The combination of the restraints, Glaucus' weight, and his instinctual use of wrestling moves, made that impossible. At one point, Silvus threw his head to one side. Glaucus moved in, immediately, and his chin rested on Silvus' neck, his tongue at his ear. Glaucus whispered "Every one of my bed slaves must bear my mark, at least for a day. " He began rubbing his beard hair on Silvus neck, increasing the pressure as he learned that this was yet another pleasure spot Silvus had never explored. He moaned, and then whined, and when Glaucus began to squeeze his nipple, he grew silent. Then he spoke in a low, plaintive voice.

"MY Lord. My Lord. I am conquered. Defeated. I await your sword. Take me My Lord. Make me your bed slave." Glaucus had become more and more aroused and it took no trouble at all for him to find Silvus hole. "Normally, I would be gentle. But what I have learned from you, Materan, is that you do not respond to kindness. As such.." He plunged his entire sword into Silvus, who screamed as if he had been stabbed on the battlefield. Outside, the Nubians laughed.

"Another one meets the sword of Glaucus." one said to the other. "And so it is. " In the bed chamber, Glaucus was having his pleasure with Silvus. He slid, back and forth, but always plunged in, all the way up to his balls. "MY LORD. MY LORD. YOU ARE GOING TO KILL ME." "Ha ha. No, I am going to make sure you experience pleasure as you never have before.." Indeed, Silvus moved from pain, to pleasure, to bliss at this, his first piercing. He wished his cage were off, but he had been warned, that would not happen, as Glaucus enjoyed his slaves begging for release and not giving it.

"And now, Silvus, you are the earth. TAKE MY SEED." Glaucus shot into the man, almost as hard as the first time he had taken Marcellus. The physical similarities were there, but this one had bluish eyes, and was clean shaven. (Marcellus was clean shaven now, but that was at Glaucus' orders). This one also seemed to carefully remove his chest hairs. Hmmmm."

When he was done, Glaucus ran his hand over Silvus' chest and torso. "It may be necessary to seed the earth more than once before the morning. You have pleased me. You will remain here. Bound, but in my bed."

Next: Chapter 22

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