Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 22, 2020


It was the last of the three night's Marcellus belonged to Glaucus, and Demos was nervous. Glaucus had come to the quarters, and had simply taken Marcellus to bed. He hadn't done anything to Demos, and he hadn't pierced Marcellus even once. That changed toward morning. Demos knew from the light that the cock would crow soon, but not quite yet. He heard Glaucus stir, and Marcellus scream in pain "MY HAIR. OUCH." 'SHUT UP AND LIE FACE DOWN, SLAVE." Marcellus began resisting but, then realizing what was at stake, submitted. His ass stood out in the half light, like some great target. One which Glaucus took with his sword, right in the center. Marcellus hadn't noticed how hard Glaucus had been when they were sleeping, but he noticed it now. He whined, as his captor took him, harder and harder.

"You are going to remember me when you're gone, slave BITCH" Glaucus yelled as he took Marcellus with harder and deeper thrusts. Demos, in his quilts, turned away and struggled not to cry. He knew Marcellus was being humiliated. He could hear it in his moans. Glaucus was taking him for a long, LONG time. There was a yell - one which Demos recognized as similar to the one Marcellus made when he took Demos, and he knew, Glaucus was finishing up.

"Finally" escaped from Marcellus' lips, inadvertently, and Glaucus laughed. "You never WILL learn, will you, Materan? It is still half a span until the day is here, and I have more for you." He reached into the pocket of his robe on the side, and pulled out a large sex toy.

"Demos. I know that you are awake. I can here your breathing. Get one of the salves from the bath. AND BE QUICK ABOUT IT, or you'll be taking this."

Holding back his tears, Demos got up. "Yes My Lord." He looked at Marcellus as if to say "I'm sorry," but the look on Marcellus' face told him that he was trying to get to a place where he was not humiliated, or in pain. Demos returned with the most unctuous of the salves in the bath. Glaucus grabbed it from him, and leered. "I should perhaps leave this here, when I'm done. Marcellus may want to use it on you for the next four days. " He rubbed a good quantity of the salve on the toy. "Be glad it is not my FIST, slave, as Caligula did to so many." Indeed, the legends of Caligula dipping his fist into duck fat, while wearing his signet ring, and taking a new groom, were the stuff of legend. Marcellus stiffened when he realized that.. he could be one of those grooms. Then he yelped as the rod entered him. Glaucus piercing him was difficult, but the rod was thicker, and longer than Glaucus' sword, and he twisted it, slowly, as it entered Marcellus.

"This is to remind you Marcellus, that whatever happens in the war with Gaul, until the state decides to the contrary, you are my SLAVE.." Marcellus grunted "Yes My Lord. Your slave." Then he winced in pain. Glaucus suddenly stopped for a minute. "Foolish me. We have the making of something to make you BOTH remember who is Master, and who are the slaves. DEMOS." "Yes My Lord?" "Heh heh heh. Take the rod. Push it. SLOWLY and turn it while you do." "My Lord, please. NO.. Please." "Would you have me push it into your consort ALL THE WAY, AND QUICKLY?" "Just do it, Demos. I can handle it. Do it." Demos swallowed a sob, and took the rod. He did as Glaucus commanded. "Ah. Excellent. We may turn you into a man yet, Demos. Reach underneath your man. I believe you'll find: he is stiff. " When Demos hesitated, Glaucus screamed. "I SAID REACH UNDER HIM SLAVE!" "Yes My Lord. Yes..." Demos found the sword he had taken to his mouth so often. It was stiff. "Remove the pole. Then flip him over. Bring him to climax. While I watch. The look of hatred in Marcellus' eyes alternated with the bliss of Demos' manipulating him. The latter won out, and he began to moan. "Yes my Demos. My Sweet Demos... OH YES.. YES.. " He cried out. Marcellus' deep voice became that of a castrato when he climaxed, as it did now. The climax was grand, and Glaucus laughed. "You will remember this evening Marcellus, well into the campaign. " He turned to Demos. "I believe I will need a bath before returning to my chambers. You will wash me slave. Do not stint on the defoliating sponge." They left Marcellus to recover. As he bathed Glaucus, Demos , again, could not help but to marvel at the muscles, and the body of their Master. Horatio had been a lucky consort. As was Flavius. His thoughts began to drift, and he drew them back when he felt his own sword hit his cage.

When the bath was finished, Glaucus looked at the two of them. "You will have each other's company for the next four days. How you use it, is up to you. And ..." He reached down and removed first Marcellus' cage, and then that of Demos. "I keep my word. Demos, you will return to wearing this when Marcellus leaves for war. Marcellus." He grinned. "In case we need this again, I will keep it in my rooms. I will have the honor of replacing it myself." Not saying what he was thinking, Marcellus instead said "I understand My Lord. To serve you again would be an ... honor..."

Glaucus laughed. "You Materans do not lie well. And that is ok." As he put on his robes, he smiled. "I will see you before you leave for war Marcellus, and I will wish you luck. Be well, gentlemen. Enjoy each other. You have the four days. Treat each as a jewel. We are not promised the second day."

As he exited the bath quarters, Collepherus met him. He had Julia, the lead attendant for the women slaves with him. "AVE MY LORD. You must excuse me for surprising you with Julia, but she had news for you, which I believe she should share with you."' "Julia, AVE. I do not visit the women's quarters as often as I should. I apologize for that." He smiled. "The men keep me occupied, as you know. And how is Lucius?" "He is fine My Lord (Lucius was the heir apparent to the estate. He was the son born of a coupling of Glaucus and Julia, as Glaucus' duty to the state. They had had four sons, and three daughters. All others had been adopted by other noble families who were childless. Lucius, at 10, was his eldest). He hears the stories of his Father's life, and wishes he were old enough to be a part of your life." "Three more years Julia, three more years. It will pass in an instant. But you have news for me?" "Yes My Lord. We have found the woman Gerta. She is a kitchen slave at the estate of Romanus. " Glaucus smiled. "EXCELLENT. Have we sent someone to ask if she might visit us today?" "My Lord, she waits in the women's sitting room with two attendants." He turned to Collepherus and smiled, and he smiled at Julia. "I am blessed to have the two of you as my attendants. I will sacrifice a ram for each of you today." He laughed. "Perhaps we will find out how good a hand this Gerta has at roasting a ram. Collepherus, to my rooms. We must advise Flavius and Urban. They will have a 'reunion'"

When Glaucus re-entered his quarters, Flavius and Urban , who had been speaking in their language, jumped to their feet and took the position of submission. "My Lord. We have waited for your return," Flavius spoke with his head down, actually meaning it. He DID in fact miss the touch of his consort, and had dreamed of it every night. "My gratitude, Flavius. I have news for you. " He paused. "We have found Gerta. She is here. She will be with you shortly. She needs to be brought from the women's quarters." Urban, usually reserved, broke form. "MY MOTHER? SHE IS HERE?" Flavius kicked him and Urban assumed position again. "I apologize My Lord." Glaucus laughed "There is no need to apologize, Urban. Your father would have you believe that I am free with the whip. I am not. And I understand fully your excitement about your mother. " He paused, and stared into space, thoughtfully. "I was young once. I remember MY mother. Taken by disease. " He came back to earth, and spoke again. "As it happens, I have business both in the city, and at other points of the estate today, so I will have Gerta brought here. You may have the day with her. " He paused again. "Flavius, she knows nothing of your situation here. I leave that to you to explain. And after that, if you and she - and Urban - agree, I will take what steps I can to bring her to this estate." "We are honored My Lord," Flavius spoke. "Is there anything we can do to make your day less onerous." Glaucus smiled. "Indeed, there is. Come to me Flavius." When Flavius was close to him, Glaucus put his hands on Flavius' ass cheeks, pulled him forward, and thrust his tongue in his mouth. Flavius took it eagerly, even with his son watching. "I will see you this evening."

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In fact, Glaucus was going to the city to see Clodius. He was concerned that, with his enormous arrogance, Marcellus would have problems at war. He wished to speak to him. He found the freeman at his small home, tending a garden that he would not see for months. 'AVE FREEMAN CLODIUS." Clodius looked up. As a Freeman, he did not need to take the position of subservience. "Lord Glaucus. An honor to have you at my home. May I offer you refreshment?" Glaucus smiled. "I must refrain Clodius. But I ask if we may sit. I need to speak with you of an important matter." "I believe I know what it is , Lord Glaucus. I have expected your visit. We both have concerns about the command of Marcellus." Glaucus smiled. "Clodius, but for the wills of fate, you might have your own estate. You are correct. Marcellus is a horseman, and he will insist on that horse. But the war will be fought in the mountains. The mountains led to his capture." "The mountains and his arrogance, Lord Glaucus.. And we must not forget, your strategies to trap him." Glaucus smiled. Yes, Clodius might very well have made a fine Lord of the Republic. "Indeed. I do not see the Gauls as being all that interested in turning him into a bed slave if he is captured. And it would be a shame to have his life lost, through his own carelessness." "I will do what I can, Lord Glaucus, but as we both know, Materans are headstrong. And difficult. " He laughed. "You have two more of us, I hear." "Indeed I do. I'm not sure who of the three is the most challenging." Clodius thought for a moment. "Lord Glaucus, I have a suggestion. It is thought that the Gauls have little sense of value. In my experience, that is not true. I am in accord with you: if Marcellus is captured, death awaits him at their swords. BUT... if he is perhaps wearing a trinket which appears to be of value, if he were captured, he would be ransomed. The question is: would you be willing to pay the ransom, for as we know, the state will not." Glaucus smiled. "Clodius, that is BRILLIANT. In fact, I do have many small trinkets of small value, which appear to be worth more than they are. BRILLIANT. I will insist that he wear a bauble of some kind on his wrist. To remind him of Demos. " "I hope I am not breaching a confidence My Lord, but because of Demos' green eyes, Marcellus has a penchant for green stones. " "AH. That is helpful Clodius. I thank you. And now, good Sir, I must leave." He stood, and clasped forearms with Clodius. "There will be no time for it before you must be off, but perhaps when you return." "IF I return, Lord Glaucus." "No, Clodius, I will tempt fate. WHEN you return, we will share wine together. " "I will hold you to that, Lord Glaucus. Ave et vale."

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While Glaucus was visiting Clodius, Gerta had been brought to the chamber where Flavius and Urban were waiting. She was confused. And then she heard her son Ulrich's voice. "MOTHER. MUTTER. MUTTER. DU BIST HIER" "Is that my son? My Ulrich." She opened her arms as he ran into them. "OH, Ulrich, too long. MUCH TOO LONG. And I have been so sad. I have seen other young men, and thought of my Ulrich." She held him from her. "You are well taken care of, Ulrich?" "I am mutti. I am. Very well taken care of. " "I do the best I can weib." She heard the voice of her Franz. "FRANZ. MEIN MANN. MEIN MANN IST HEIR AUCH." She embraced her husband, and did not notice the wince when she referred to "mein Mann." "Franz, you must tell me everything. How this happened. I remember when we were separated. I thought I would never see you again. I heard, I heard the slave master speak of sending you to the mines, and of sending Ulrich to a brothel. But... you are here. Now tell me. Tell me all. We may not be free, but we are together." "You must sit Gerta. There is much to tell you." While he told his wife what had happened to he and Ulrich, Gerta's arm never left her son. She stroked his hair, she held him. "you will never be too old for a mother's love son. Nor a father's. But a mother's love is different. OH, let me smell your hair." She pulled up her head. "Your hair does not smell like the hair of a slave. Franz. Let me smell yours." He reddened, and complied. Gerta was a force of nature, and he would not risk a fight with her. "Yours too. In fact, yours smells even better. As if you were... OH, MEIN GOTT. ALL THE GODS. You are... You are both...." "Mother, no, that is not right. I WAS. I was in fact, the concubine of another Lord. He purchased me to be used as you would say. The Lord of this house purchased father. Also to be used as you think." He paused. "When my facial hair appeared." She rubbed his chin. "Yes, you have a beard. A slight one, but a beard nonetheless. And I was not there to see the first of it." "Well, mutti, it is our fortune that you can see what you see. The first Lord - he loses interest in his boys when their facial hair appears , and he was going to send me to the mines, or to the triremes. But.... Our current Lord purchased me. I work here in the bath chamber, and in the garden, with Pappa." She smiled, and then looked disgusted. "And Pappa serves as..." "I am the consort of the Lord of this house Gerta." "ACH. I would have fallen on my sword." "And not know that your son was taken care of, mutti? Would you? I do not think so." She paused. "These Romans. They have made our life so different. So difficult. I can see, you are well treated. The men are not so well treated at my estate. When they found out that I knew something of healing, the men whose whip marks had festered, were brought to me. The stench. ACH, the stench. There were some I could not save. Their ghosts haunt me every night. " She paused, looking concerned. "Have you been whipped, either of you?" Franz answered. "No mutti. We are treated well here. It is said that, of all the Roman estates, this is the one where the slaves are treated best. " He paused. "Lord Glaucus seems to be angry at only one. Not without reason, in my view. The Materan general, Marcellus. But even he, I have never seen Lord Glaucus whip him."

Gerta looked at the sky. "They will be coming to bring me back to the estate soon. I must hug you both." "Mutti, yes, we must embrace, but I must tell you what Lord Glaucus has said to me. He said that, if you would have it, and we would have it, he will purchase you from your estate. He is in need of a kitchen slave." He dropped his voice, and spoke in a dialect of their language that even Ulrich did not understand , and told her of the plot to prepare the sleeping drug and to escape. " Gerta put her finger to her lips, half way through his explanation. "It will be difficult to be in a house where I know you are being treated as a ... woman, Franz. But my son! My son! No, I will not give up the chance to see him again." She and Ulrich hugged each other. They finished just as Glaucus walked into the rooms.

"Well, I am glad to see that your reunion has been successful. Gerta, rather than take a position of standing submission, fell to her knees and grasped Glaucus by the ankles. "Lord Glaucus, if you were to take your dagger, and pierce my head, between my eyes, I would die a happy woman. You have brought me back to my son and to my husband. Even for a short time. I am grateful. " She began to weep."

"If I may, My Lord, I have spoken to Gerta. So has Urban. " Her head was done, but Gerta winced at hearing her son's Roman name. Franz must have one too. "If your generous proposition stands, Gerta would consider it an honor to serve in your kitchen." Glaucus smiled. "Then so will it be done." And then he smiled again. "I have plans for this evening, Flavius." "FLAVIUS" Gerta thought, disgusted. The name grated on her ears." "I will have your cage removed, and the three of you may have guest quarters for the night. If you would like them." "My Lord is kind. We will accept them with tremendous gratitude." He did not ask what Glaucus had in mind. It did not matter. He would be with his wife. Ulrich would be in another room. At least for one night, they would be a family again."

Glaucus had a plan in mind, and after he had summoned Collepherus and gave orders to have the three brought to guest quarters, he proceeded out. "If it would please My Lord, I would ask if my assistant, Marcus, could be in charge of this task. I hate to ask a favor of you, My Lord, but the illness in my stomach has returned, and I am weary. If I may rest tonight. " Glaucus looked at him with concern. "Should we summon the doctor?" "No My Lord, I'm sure it is not serious." Gerta could not restrain herself. "It is not your stomach, it is your liver. I can see it in the color of your eyes, and your skin." Collepherus looked at her skeptically. "You are not a doctor, slave" Flavius spoke up. "No, but at home, she was the healer for the village. And if you would check with her Master, I believe you will learn that she was entrusted with the treatment of injured slaves." He dropped his head. "I have spoken more than a slave should. But My Lord, Collepherus is valuable to you. I wish to offer you what we can, for your generous gifts to us." Again, Glaucus smiled. "Were it me, Flavius, I would trust your wife. Collepherus, it is your choice." "I will follow my doctor's instructions My Lord. I have a medicine in my quarters. I will take it tonight. " He smiled. "If I may ask another favor, My Lord, it grows cold at night, and Eamon's body is warm. " "Consider it done. I am going to those quarters now myself." Collepherus summoned Marcus, and the four of them walked off to the guest quarters - they were right off to the side of where Demos and Marcellus were spending their four nights. Urban thought of making introductions, but then , given the animosity between his father and Marcellus, and the tension between Demos and himself, decided not to.

Glaucus went off to the bed slave quarters. Indeed, he DID have a plan in mind. As he entered the quarters, Ahmad and Eric stood immediately. Eric pulled Eamon to his feet and whispered "Do what I do brother. " Clumsily, Eamon got to submissive position. The Materans did not move. Glaucus smiled. They would learn their lesson.

A good day to you, slaves. For this evening, Eamon, you will be spending it in Collepherus' quarters. Ahmad, Eric, how you amuse yourselves is up to you." He turned to Antonio and Silvus. "As I have told you, there is room for but one of you. The other will meet his brethren in Hades. But who will it be? That will be determined over the next two nights. BOTH of you will be brought to my chambers tonight. One of you will be bound and will watch. The other, will share my bed. The next night, the positions will be reversed. And whomever pleases me more, will live. The other will be brought to the altar of Mars. " He paused. "Be assured as well, that after tonight, you will BOTH behave as proper slaves.. Or punishment will be meted out. I will summon you in the span of an hour. I would suggest you bathe, and primp, as if you were attempting to win the favors of a lover.." He grinned. "Because that is what you will be doing."

Next: Chapter 21

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