Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 7, 2020


Walking back to his estate, Glaucus chuckled to himself. Three magnificent new slaves: Eamon, Silvus, and Antonio. Would the latter two recognize Marcellus, and would Eamon recognize his brother? All would be revealed, and he would revel in that . Portius, in the meanwhile, was musing on how his new boy, Plotius, had a name that was somewhat similar to his own. "A virgin for one more day," he laughed. "I'm surprised he lasted that long, with these men." His thoughts began to move to whether the wrestlers might make fine bedfellows too - or would there be more fun making them fight for dominance, the way Glaucus did with his slaves.

As he entered the estate, Glaucus saw Collepherus, coming up to the gate, with a white horse on a lead.

"You found him! EXCELLENT Collepherus." Collepherus smiled. "It is my duty to serve, My Lord. I am glad you are happy." Silvus looked at Antonio "That is Marcellus' horse. A shame he never learned to ride him" Antonio shot back. "It seems he's learned how to ride other species." They started to laugh. Glaucus thought to stop it, but he was relishing the dislike they had for Marcellus. He began to think how it could be used.

"Collepherus, you have done well again. You are always the one I can rely on. Your reward." He turned to Eamon. "I have not had him yet, and will not for at least a week. Perhaps you would like to initiate him as a bed slave tonight." Collepherus grinned widely. "It would be my pleasure, My Lord, and I am honored by your gift. " He paused "If I may, My Lord, he appears like our Eric." Glaucus shook his head. "Indeed, it may very well be that they are brothers." Eamon's eyes grew wide. "ERIC IS HERE? " "Be calm, young man, be calm. Eric has been in my service for two years. You will see him shortly." He turned to Silvus and Antonio. "I have not quite decided how these two will be a part of the house. For now, Collepherus, you should assign them to helping Urban with the gardens."

"It will be My Lord"

While Glaucus was having this discussion, Marcellus had gone to the bath quarters. Demos was stunned to see him. "Marcellus," he smiled. "This is a complete surprise to me. But...." He saw the lump under Marcellus' loin cloth. "You are caged still. I do not understand." The general began to explain the situation to Demos , who looked at him with horror. 'NO. Are you saying he will pierce you, with me watching? NO. I CANNOT DO THAT." Marcellus tried to hug him. "You will have to Demos. The return is four days for the two of us before I go to war. 'I DO NOT EVEN WANT YOU GOING TO WAR MARCELLUS. YOU DID NOT CONSULT WITH ME, YOU JUST DID IT. AS ALWAYS." Marcellus had no answer for that. "I am sorry Demos. You are right. I ought to have talked to you and discussed it. Because now, the situation is now as I thought it would be."

"Situations rarely are , slaves". Glaucus walked into the quarters. "Where is Urban?" "Here My Lord." Urban came from the back and assumed the position of subservience. "Urban, you should gather your things. For the next 3 days and evenings, you will reside in my quarters, with your father, my consort." He smiled as he spat out those words. "I shall be staying here, with Marcellus." He came up and put his hand on Marcellus' shoulder. The Materan had trained himself not to wince when Glaucus did that, but Demos was not so disciplined. "If that does not please you Demos, we can find something that may please you. I am aware, for example, of a new device used in some of the brothels where an artificial sword, is appended to the frame of a broom. We could try it on you, if you wish, since I am told you are fond of a sword in you." Demos blushed. "I apologize My Lord. It will not happen again."

Glaucus smiled. "See that it does not. Marcellus, we have found your steed and brought him back. You will ride out on the horse you were riding when you were captured." Marcellus eyes filled with tears: both from remembering his capture, but also at the thought of seeing the horse he loved so much." "My Lord is generous. " He said. "And Marcellus, I must ask you : do the names Antonio or Silvus sound familiar to you?" He saw the blanch on Marcellus' face. "My Lord, Silvus was my second in command. A good soldier, but not disciplined, and too independent for his own good. Antonio I know of, as one of the foot soldiers. Silvus chose him, and Antonio accepted." When he saw the smile on Glaucus' face, Marcellus knew the rest.

"The two were available today at the slave auction. They are now a part of this household. " He smiled more broadly. "Perhaps there will be occasion for the three of you to be reunited." "If looks could kill" as the expression goes. Glaucus would have been dead, and Marcellus would have been the murderer.

"Marcellus, you will return to the bed slave chambers for now. Urban, you will assist as Collepherus brings the materials for my visit. " Another evil grin on Glaucus' face. "I may very well have need of you Demos. For now, the new Materan slaves shall be assigned to the gardens; however, it is likely I will want one , or both, of them , to be a part of the bed slave group. If I choose that, they will need to be bathed thoroughly. You will be given instructions accordingly."

There was a moment of silence. Demos was very much aware of his tenuous position in the house of Glaucus now. He dropped his head and muttered "Yes My Lord. I await your instructions. And I thank you for the time with Marcellus before he leaves for Gaul."

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At the bed slave quarters, when Eamon saw Eric, there was a look of disbelief. He spoke to Eric , in the Gaelic of their homeland. Eric had been a Roman slave for four years, but he remembered enough to respond. "MY BROTHER. I WAS CERTAIN I WAS THE ONLY ONE OF US LEFT!" Eamon embraced Eric "If I told you how often I thought the same, Eamon. He hugged his older brother closer. "The world is a funny place. To think we would meet here, and under these conditions." Eamon looked at the cage on his brother's penis "This is for...what, Eric?" Eric's blush, against his red hair, was still striking. "When I was captured Eamon, I was sent to work at the brothels. I have been a sex slave to many men. But I am used... as a woman. There is no interest in.... this" He pointed to his penis. "I cannot even use it to pleasure myself. Not without permission anyway."

'THAT SCUM OF AN UNBORN PIG!" Eamon yelled, in Gaelic. Eric took his arm , to try to calm him down. "Eamon, Eamon, please. " He opened his tunic to show his brother his chest. "Do you see any wounds? Any bruises? Do you see my bones? Do you see teeth missing? I am treated well. I have been owned by men who have been much more cruel, and much more 'lavish' in their need to administer punishment. Here, the Estate Lord, Lord Glaucus, General Glaucus, summons me every fortnight or so. And occasionally, he will have a guest who will have me. My life could be much worse. As could yours, brother. You were fortunate that Glaucus appeared before another purchaser took you." Again he paused. "His best friend, Lord Portius, disposes of his bed slaves when their first facial hair appears. They are sent to the mines. Or to the triremes. Please trust your younger brother, Eamon. I would rather be free, but I am contented here."

At that point, Collepherus walked in. "I am glad the two of you have now met. Eamon, come with me. It is time for you to be fitted for your cage." Collepherus was accompanied by two very strong looking slaves. And he smiled. "I will have the opportunity to introduce you to your new duites tonight. And it will be my pleasure to teach you." "Teach him as well as you taught me, Collepherus," Eric called out. "Eamon, do not fight this. DON'T." Collepherus smiled at the younger man. "You've learned well here, boy. And yes, I WILL teach him well."

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In Glaucus' quarters, Flavius was nervous. What did this new turn of events mean for him? He was confused, and scared for Urban. He was lost in thought, and did not hear Glaucus come in, until Glaucus had his arm around him. "And here is my patient, faithful consort.." He began to rub beard on Flavius' neck. "It will only be three days Flavius. Marcellus and Demos need to be taught their place." "I understand My Lord. I will be here to satisfy your needs if they are not met. And I thank you for the boon of letting my son join me for those days." Glaucus ran his fingers over one of Flavius' nipples. "We continue to look for information about your wife. Her name is Gerta, is it not?" "It is My Lord." Flavius answered, through the sucking in of his breath as his nipple was manipulated. "My sources may have located who her purchaser was. I will let you know when I know." "My Lord is kind. " Glaucus laughed. "Your Lord is in need of your ass." Flavius took a position on all fours, as Glaucus stood over him. His cock was already fully engorged, from the interactions with Marcellus and Demos. He wasted no time in taking Flavius. He began to pump his sword into the man, faster and faster. "Yes My Lord. YES..." Flavius had come to enjoy the piercing. He didn't know when it happened, but he felt his own sword growing in his cage. He was close to begging Glaucus to release him, but he thought better of it. As Glaucus finished, there was a small rap on the door. "My Lord. I am here with what I will need for 3 days. I thank you again for the time with my father. " Glaucus had NOT told Flavius that Urban would be staying with him. "MY SON. " Flavius picked himself up, and ran to Urban. "You mean you will be staying here, in Master Glaucus' quarters with me?" "For three days father. " Through tears, Flavius looked at Glaucus. "My Lord and consort. You continue to shower me with gifts. I am overwhelmed." Glaucus merely smiled, and left to inspect the quarters where he would be staying with Marcellus and Demos."

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"Marcellus, I find it so hard to understand that you would agree to this!" Demos was furious. They had not fought since their reunion in Rome, and it was hard for Marcellus to think of a time when they had been made at each other before the Materan war. Demos, which meant "terror" , had always seemed to be the wrong name for the placid young man. Not so now.

"YOU'RE AGREEING TO LET SOMEONE TAKE YOU RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR CONSORT. HOW COULD YOU?" Demos was enraged one minute, and in tears the next. He wouldn't let Marcellus touch him . Finally, Marcellus gave up, and sat down.

"Demos, please remember, we are both the property of this man. He did not need my permission to do this. He could have done it at any time he wanted. " He paused. "I'm going away to war. I know, I know, I CHOSE it. I didn't check with you. You would have been able to understand that my going to war was no guarantee we would be together, and free. I wanted some time with you, alone, before I left. Again, I should have checked with you. Perhaps some of your connections could have arranged for a way for us to be together surreptitiously, I do not know. " He paused and began crying. 'DEMOS. I AM A SOLDIER, NOT A THINKER. AND I AM A SOLDIER IN LOVE WITH YOU. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE HAD ME DO?"

Demos stopped crying and stood up. "I would have had you talk to me. I would have had you make a decision WE agreed to, NOT one you decided we would be happy with - because I'm not. You're going to war. I can't stop that. But you did it to free me - which you going to war won't do - and now you've put me in this situation where I HAVE TO WATCH YOU BE SOMEONE ELSE'S WOMAN. Maybe if you just thought about things for a minute." He paused. "Or maybe you should be on your own, since you think about YOU, and not US."

Marcellus froze in his place. "You don't love me anymore Demos?" "No. I love you so much it hurts. It HURTS to go through this estate and see that we're ten paces, and ten leagues apart. And there are times I wish I HAD been sent to the mines. But you don't know that. Because when you've had nights of revelry, all you've been interested in." Demos pointed to Marcellus' caged cock. "Is that."

"I haven't heard you complain, Demos." "You're an amazing lover Marcellus. You're just a horrible human being."

"BUT.. he is a wonderful receptor." They both turned as they heard Glaucus' voice in the room. He was there with three guards, as well as Collepherus. He signaled to Collepherus, who in turn took one of the guards with him over to Demos. The guard pulled Demos' arms behind his back.

"Naked slave. Get naked now."

Glaucus struggled, and yelled, but the guard was way too strong. "Yes My Lord," Marcellus responded in a very low voice. When he had dropped his loin cloth, he stood at attention, with his hands behind his back.

"Tie up the blond. He needs to see what his precious soldier can do."

Now, it took two guards to pull the struggling Demos to a chair, where he was roped. He began screaming profanities at Glaucus.

"Should we My Lord?" "Yes, I hope you brought two," and Glaucus smiled. He pulled out a bit gag and shoved it into Demos mouth. Demos continued to scream, but the screams were muffled. Glaucus stepped behind Marcellus, and bound his wrists. He saw the proud Materan grit his teeth. He knew: he was going to be pierced in front of his consort. A hearty SMACK to his backside made that clear. He bent over, and Glaucus dropped his robes.

Tied to his chair, Demos realized it was the first time he had ever seen Glaucus naked. His body was well developed - maybe moreso than Marcellus. He had heard the story of how Glaucus had defeated Marcellus in wrestling, which stunned him. Now he saw why. And he saw the long sword Glaucus possessed. And Marcellus would be away. His mind began to get to work. So did his sword.

Marcellus had been taken by Glaucus so many times, one would think he was ready for it. He wasn't. He moaned, and screamed, to the point where Glaucus used the second gag.

"BY THE GODS. It has been TOO LONG since I have pierced you Marcellus." He thrust, pulled back and thrust again. "I believe I could never grow tired of this ass. " Marcellus' screams had turned to moans. Demos could see, he was enjoying it. The look in his eye, the breathing. And while he would never admit it, Demos was enjoying it too. FINALLY he could see someone doing to his partner what his partner did to him.

'TAKE MY SEED MARCELLUS . TAKE IT LIKE A WOMAN WANTING A CHILD." The red of humiliation came over Marcellus' face. Glaucus had never called him a woman. Was this for Demos? Demos had given up struggling and just moaned. Collepherus had taken leave to have his reward night with Eamon, and one of the guards whispered to the other: "That blond. I would give up a testicle for him." His friend laughed. "You and about a good three quarters of the house." Glaucus screamed as he deposited his seed in Marcellus. At the end, again to discomfort Demos, he shot one last time, over Marcellus' face.

He laughed as he untied Marcellus. "You will need to bathe before sleeping with me, slave. Would you like the bath attendant to take care of your needs?"

Demos sat there, stock still. He was so shocked by what he had seen, he didn't know what he wanted.

"I will bathe myself My Lord." Glaucus smiled. "Very well. The attendant shall bathe me. With special attention to my sword." Marcellus had lost again! Tricked into being angry by Glaucus, now he would undoubtedly have to watch while Demos tended to his body.

"Bring the general to the bath chamber. I will follow with the blond."

"As you will My Lord."

There were two deep tubs in the bath chamber. Glaucus ungagged Demos, and then untied him "My Lord, why are you doing this?" Demos asked, pleading? "Doing what, boy? If you will recall, I offered Marcellus your services. He declined. He asked me for a week with you. I negotiated. No one asked Marcellus to go to war. He enlisted. I think your confrontation must be with your... consort. Or, as I think of him, my bitch . " Demos winced at the words he knew were true. "Demos, you should consider yourself lucky. You could be killing yourself far from Marcellus. And on the subject of the present, I have already promised Marcellus that you will be here if he returns." 'WHEN he returns, My Lord," Glaucus smiled. "You are young, Demos. Horatio said the same thing to me. FOOLS WE WERE." He paused as he caught his composure. "I fully intend to promise him that, unless you initiate it, no other man will have you while he is gone. Not even me." Demos knew that the war would take at least 3 months, and probably at least six. What would he do? He recalled that fleeting glimpse of Glaucus' body, the body he would be seeing again.

"Now, it is time for you to bathe me. Do not skimp on the rougher sponges."

Marcellus looked away as they came into the bath chamber, but he couldn't help taking a glance as Demos soaped up Glacus' sword. He saw the look in Demos eyes: a look he thought was reserved only for his own.

That evening, Demos was given quilts to sleep on at the foot of the bed the slaves had brought in. His sleep was fitful, disturbed twice by Glaucus taking Marcellus, once via his mouth and once from behind. He bit his lips. He was trying not to cry.

So, too, was Marcellus.

Next: Chapter 19

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