Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 29, 2020


Marcellus and Demos had been up for most of the night, enjoying each other. As dawn broke, and the light began to enter the glass windows of the chamber, Demos stirred. Marcellus was still inside of him. He had fallen asleep in the middle of the fourth, or was it the fifth? time he had taken Demos that night. "Marcellus, awaken. They will come for you soon. You should look as fresh as possible." Marcellus stirred. "Why, my love? In a week, I will be fortunate to find sufficient water to drink, let alone to bathe. Best acclimate now than later." "But Marcellus, my love, surely you will have an audience with Glaucus before leaving?" "Presumbably. But do I care?" "You should. Marcellus, you forget, at this point, your dream of being a freed man is just that. And only that. And as long as you remain Glaucus' property, he has the right to cage you. Would you be caged throughout the war? Do not put it past him" Marcellus thought about that for a minute. The young man was right. "Do you think he would do that, Demos?" Demos forced himself away from Marcellus. "You have angered him sufficiently that he may, Marcellus. Indeed, I would have had you discuss this with me before deciding on it. You will be away. I remain his property. What guarantee do you have that he will not sell me, or ship me to the mines, or to the triremes?" Marcellus was silent. Again, he was reminded that however good a soldier he was, he was not a good strategist. "You are right Demos. I should have consulted with you. Glaucus has already reminded me that, even if I did become a freed man, he is under no obligation to release you to me. " He paused. "I will seek an audience with Glaucus today to discuss this. However else I may describe him, I must describe him as honest and honorable. He has never broken a promise to me."

Marcellus was not the only one who's sword was engaged at that moment. Glaucus , always a light sleeper, was in the midst of enjoying Flavius for a third time.

"Farmer, your cheeks are SO receptive. I could take them all night." "You HAVE taken them all night," thought Flavius, but "I am glad that I please you My Lord," came out of his lips, as he winced. Glaucus did not seem to lose strength over the times that he took the man. And again, Flavius had to acknowledge that his own sword had hardened more than once under the ministrations of Glaucus.

As Glaucus spent himself inside Flavius one more time, he bent to his ear and whispered "I have not forgotten my promise. I WILL see what I can learn of your wife. If she lives, we will do what we can to bring her here. I cannot promise to share you with her, but we will do what we can do."

The thought of his wife cheered Flavius, and it also brought him to tears. "Thank you My Lord. Your kindness is boundless. If I may My Lord, my consort, the garden awaits. It is peak time for seeing to your fig trees."

Glaucus kissed the eyes of the man. "Indeed. Always looking after his consort's interests. Please refresh yourself Flavius. I will see you at the dining hour. Maybe we can have Urban join us as well." Flavius smiled. On the one hand, he knew that this was Glaucus' way of reminding him that he had both of them in his power. On the other hand, it gave him the chance to see his son, a feat much more difficult to do than one might imagine, given a house of this size.

Flavius went off to clean and to ready himself for work. If there were no visitors to the house that day, Urban would be able to join him in the garden, as there would be nothing for the bath attendants to do. Perhaps he would bring that young man Demos . Flavius had no patience with that hothead Marcellus, but he liked Demos. The young man was not as smart as Urban, but he was respectful, and obedient. In another life, he would have thanked the gods if he had TWO sons like Urban and Demos.

"AVE ET SALVE MY LORD" Collepherus was at the entrance to Glaucus' suite. "By your leave, slave Marcellus seeks audience with you." A smile played across Glaucus' face. He had a feeling that he knew what this would be about. Having Ahmad and Eric talk about cages and warfare must have planted a seed in Demos' head.

"He may enter." Glaucus stood. He had had time to change to a clean toga, one which exposed his still muscular chest, and a sky blue robe. "OUR SOLDIER MARCELLUS SEEKS AUDIENCE. " He smiled. "Will you join me in some barley water, Marcellus?" He poured a goblet on the table.

Marcellus looked at it thirstily. Glaucus saw the look and smiled. "There are no drugs in it Marcellus, and it is simply an offering to your thirst. " He paused. " I am aware of how parched one will be after a night of love making." Marcellus blushed at that. "Thank you My Lord. You must drink first, however. It is your right." "At times, he shows proper respect, but at others..." Glaucus thought, adding "and that is part of why I find him so appealing."

"I will not inquire as to your night with Demos, Marcellus. That is between you and he." Marcellus laughed internally, because he knew the house was filled with peepholes, and means of spying. Had Glaucus been curious, he would know everything. "But I do wonder why you have come so quickly this morning after that night of love making." "My Lord, I know that I have sought boons from you before, but I do so again." "Well, what would the boon be, Marcellus?"

He paused. 'My Lord, the army leaves for Gaul in a week. We have no idea how long the war will take, but estimates are 3-4 months. And in my experience, one must always add an additional 2 to 3 to a general's calculations." "Indeed one must," Glaucus smiled. "I realize, My Lord, that I remain your slave. Your grateful slave. And you have the absolute right to keep my sword caged as long as I belong to you. I seek respite from the cage during the war. " "Well, Marcellus, of course. I should have made clear that this would be the case. My apologies for being obscure. However, while short, a week is a week, and Collepherus ought to have caged you already. The reward night has concluded." Marcellus dropped his head. "I thank you for the boon that you had already granted My Lord. I ask for more." A long pause. "I will not be here for at least 3 months. We agree to that, and you and I, My Lord, have experienced 3 months becoming 4, becoming 5, becoming 6. I will be away from Demos. And by the gods My Lord, though I hope for the better, there is no guarantee we will see each other again. So I ask, My Lord, nay, I BEG, that I may have this week with my Demos." Marcellus then dropped his knees to the ground, and bowed his head. In some ways, he felt as if he were offering his neck in sacrifice. Glaucus knew he had the upper hand. He walked about the room, before stopping in front of the bowing Marcellus. He played with the man's curly hair.

"I will make you a promise, Marcellus. Should you return, Demos will be here. I will not send him from this house. All you need do is extract a promise from him not to attempt an escape. " It was Glaucus' turn to pause. "Now, as to the week, you ask for something that I am not prepared to grant you." He saw Marcellus' shoulders sink.

"However, I would offer you an alternative. For the next 3 days, you will serve as my bed slave. You will permit me to do anything I wish. You will be caged. After that, you may have four days with your Demos. Uncaged, and unfettered. " He paused and pulled Marcellus' head up. "Those are my terms, slave."

Glaucus smiled internally because Marcellus could not help but wince when he was called 'slave.' He could see the man repressing his anger, forced to submit. Watching the internal machinations, roused Glaucus more than it should have. When he had composed himself, Marcellus spoke. "You would have me in front of your consort, Flavius, My Lord?" When Glaucus answered, the full venom of his plan was revealed.

"NO, Marcellus. I will have you in Demos' quarters. In front of your consort. He must understand, fully, that you DO belong to me, however much he feels that he belongs to you. And perhaps on one level, he does. On another, he, too, belongs to me. He need not participate. I have no interest in the young man. But he must observe. He must watch what I do to you. For he must REMEMBER it while you are gone."

Glaucus saw the looks passing over Marcellus' face as he considered what Glaucus had said. He had just told Demos that Glaucus was an honest man, and he believed him when he said that Demos would be here if he came back. He also believed him when he said he had no interest in having the young man. But the thought... the thought of being humiliated in front of his consort.... Was he willing to pay that price? Four days with the man, and Glaucus had already agreed he need not be caged during the war.

"I accept your proposal My Lord. If I may, I seek the span of one hour to advise Demos of this?" "That is granted. You should also advise Urban that, while I am with you in those quarters, he will sleep here, with his father, as they see fit."

Marcellus left, deeply disturbed, but filled with happiness over the four days he would have with Demos. Glaucus, in the meanwhile, turned back to his scrolls, and smiled. He would make sure Marcellus remembered him when he rode his horse. And on that note... he had to check with Collepherus: had they found the white stallion that Marcellus was riding when he was captured, and had they succeeded in purchasing it?

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It is later that day, and Portius is walking alongside Glaucus. "Ah, my friend. How many of these auctions have we been to in our lives?" Glaucus laughed "FAR too many Portius. How many of your household signed up with the slave legion?" "I will lose six. Add that to my current status of not having a boy for my bed... " He sighed. "I ought to have brought two pouches today. How stands your house, friend?' "Well, of course, Marcellus. The bath attendants will supervise the gymnasium." Portius laughed. "Those two old Greek perverts? I hope the sauna is still functioning when they are done with it." Glaucus had to laugh too. "They may actually be too old, Portius. I assigned Demos to be a bath attendant, and he has not been 'accosted' by either "Hmmm. Perhaps those embers have finally died." "Beyond Marcellus, I will lose three. And of course, the bed slave chamber is somewhat empty. Only Eric and Ahmad remain. "But you have Flavius as consort, my friend. Will there be revelry?" "Ah, this state of war has curtailed the ceremony. No saturnalians until the war is completed." "Let us hope the consortship has not been curtailed my friend. He seems to be doing wonders for you. If I may, you have not looked this young in a long time." Glaucus smiled. "I found a line in a Greek anthology that seemed apt 'he planted something in a farmer and was amazed at the rapid new growth." Portius chortled. "Yes. I know that line. I have never found farmers particularly arousing, but I will admit, that one's son suited me well."

They arrived at the arena where the auction was to be held. It would not be a big auction, but not a small one either. The armies had been successful in suppressing another rebellion in Greece, as well as an uprising in Marcellus' own Matera. There was also a shipment from Hibernia, and the first signs of success in the fight with Gaul: a group of Gallic prisoners, with their characteristic long hair, smooth faces, and pale eyes.

Portius walked through the merchandise with a practiced eye. Purchasing working slaves would not be difficult. All he needed were men who were strong, and silent. He considered purchasing two wives for two long serving slaves as well. That would be easy. Finding a new bed slave, now THAT was the challenge.

"LORD PORTIUS. " the auctioneer greeted him. "it has been an age since I have seen you. I suspect you are looking to replace that lovely boy Ulrich." "Ah, yes, what a lovely lad. " He sighed. "yet he, as they all do, grew too old for me. " "I have a slave you may be interested in, Lord Portius. He is with the Greek slaves. Please come with me."

The auctioneer led him through a large group of nondescript captives, and then Portius' eye caught a group of very muscular young men - too old for him, but wonderfully attractive nonetheless. "My goodness. What have we here, Praetorius?" He asked the auctioneer. Praetorius smiled. "Yes, in the last raid, a wrestling academy fell to our soldiers. They fought hard, but were subdued. And they are, indeed lovely. But I understand, too old for you... except for... the attendant. The young man who was in charge of their laundry, their food. All things. "SLAVE PLOTIUS." A short, thin, very young man ran out from behind the bigger wrestlers. "PRAETORIUS! This one cannot be more than 13 moons. But he IS lovely." The boy had olive skin, typical of some regions of Greece, the dark curly hair, the mischievous eyes, and a lovely set of full lips. "Your name is Plotius, young man?" Portius looked at him. The boy did not answer, which earned the rebuke of a smack from the auctioneer. 'ANSWER THE MAN, SLAVE" "Yes, My Lord. My name is Plotius." "Are you able to read Greek?" "To a fashion My Lord. I was learning before I was sent to academy to train as a wrestler." Portius laughed. "I would imagine you would be in the lower weight groups." "I am told, My Lord, that I have not grown into my full height yet." "How fortunate for me. Turn him around, please, Praetorius." Praetorius signaled for the boy to turn. "Hike up your loincloth boy." By now, Plotius was used to this, and he did so.

"Hmmm. VERY nice. " He whispered to Praetorius "It is hard to find a virgin among the Greeks, and this one was at a wrestling academy. Has he been used?" Praetorius smiled. "That is why I thought you would be interested, Lord Portius. I can have him show you his rosebud. unopened. Who knows how long that would have been?" "Slave Plotius. How long were you at the academy." "No more than 2 moons, My Lord. " "Hmmm. Do you have a protector among the wrestlers?" "I do My Lord. " He pointed to a much larger young man, with huge muscles. Axgoras was mentoring me. But I know what you're asking. He told me no. I was too young. I was to wait for six months." Portius turned to Praetorius. "For both of them? At once? " Praetorius named a price and Portius laughed. "I will give you 3 quarters of that. And if you have any attractive female slaves, I will have two of them. I need not check. They are to serve as breeding material. I do not care about anything else. " Praetorius bowed. "Consider it done My Lord. Will there be anything else?" "Yes, let me see some others. I hesitate to purchase Greeks because of the war, and yet... " Portius went through the auction. He had Plotius, over who's shoulder he draped his arm, and Axgoras, whom he kept bound, and then purchased four other slaves. He would take Plotius and Axgoras with him. The rest could be sent with a messenger.

Meanwhile, Glaucus walked through the auction slowly. He looked among the Hibernians. There was one who looked remarkably like an older version of Eric. "Young man, here. " "Yes My Lord," He left the group and stood in proper fashion. "What is your name, red haired one?"' "I am Eamon My Lord. " And you are ? "21 moons My Lord." "Let me see your face." Glaucus looked closely. Hmmmm. "You seem very familiar. By any chance, have you a brother?" Eamon's face darkened. "I had three My Lord. Two were killed in war, by Romans. We do not know what has happened to the third. My brother Eric." Glaucus smiled. He turned to the auctioneer. "This one. He will be leaving with me." Then he went to the Materan prisoners. "Were ANY of you ever in the service of General Marcellus?" There was some murmuring, and then two handsome men came forward. "THAT FOOL? Captured by slipping on olive oil. A DISGRACE to the army." Glaucus smiled. "I am the general who defeated him." He saw the look of shock on their faces. There was no place to hide. "What are your names, soldiers?" "I am Antonio, " answered one. "And I am Silvus." "Antonio, Silvus, you will be joining my household." There was an exchange of gold.

Glaucus smiled. Sometimes, fortune smiles on you in unusual , unexpected ways. Eric's brother. And two handsome Materans. And a third Materann, his for half a week. It had been a very good day, indeed.

Next: Chapter 18

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