Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 22, 2020


Marcellus realized he had been outplayed . However well the war went, there was absolutely no guarantee that he would be reunited with Demos. "How did I forget that Glaucus isn't obligated to release him?" He shook his head, over and over, as he prepared for the tournament . Today was the day he would try to regain his alpha position, for however short a time he would remain in Glaucus' estate before mobilization. By right, he could claim Flavius for the evening if he won. It would be unusual for a victor at wrestling to claim anyone other than the vanquished, but he had decided that he would claim Demos. It would be the last time he would see him for quite some time. Tears began to form in his eyes. Demos was his. He felt aroused as he thought of it. Being in the same place , and not being allowed to touch the young man, was torture. Pure torture. "Glacus is even more clever, and devious, than I thought." And this was before Marcellus knew about the remaining bouts for the wrestling competition.

As he pondered this, Clodius was seeking an audience with Glaucus. Glaucus had remained in bed longer than usual. Flavius , now compliant, had been a much more enjoyable lover than he had thought he would be. He seemed to pick up on what would make Glaucus even more excited than he was, and he moaned, and struggled, and begged in a way Glaucus had not expected. There was no question that Glaucus would be able to overpower Flavius and take control, but the amount of resistance the man put up was just enough to keep things interesting, and Glaucus' sword drawn . He had filled the Goth's mouth twice, and his ass twice as well, and still, the hunger drove him.

"My Lord. Salutations and apologies, but there is a man to see you. Clodius, of the gymnasium. These are your hours for receiving petitions and he has come with one."

Glaucus turned to Flavius and smiled. He gently pulled the short, curly locks of the man. "Ah, I will think of this night during today, Flavius. I can only imagine how much pleasure you will bring me tonight." "The pleasure was mine, My Lord," was Flavius' reply. In truth , he HAD enjoyed it, more than he wished to admit. The pools of his own seed were evidence of his pleasure. And he sensed that Glaucus was in fact on the precipice of bringing Urban into the house. He did not want to spoil that.

Glaucus rose from the bed, rinsed quickly, and put on a clean toga, before entering his receiving room. Clodius was there, standing in servile position.

"Hmmm. " Thought Glaucus "He wants something." As a free man, Clodius need not take the servile position. Nor did he even have to stand while waiting for Glaucus.

"CLODIUS! It is an honor to have you in this house. We do not see much of you." Glaucus smiled. Indeed, he had once had thoughts of bringing Clodius into his bed, but was unsuccessful at that. And now , as a free man, that possibility was even more remote."

"Lord Glaucus, I apologize for my absence. I realize you are a busy man, and I will not take up more of your time than is absolutely necessary." Glaucus smiled "Clodius, I hope you know that you have the run of the house. Since you are here, I will assume that you have not opened the gymnasium today. If you have time, my guest bed chambers are available. Would you have a slave for the day? For an hour? I will bring them before you to choose, both the males and the females."

Clodius was tempted. It had been a while since he had allowed himself the pleasure of a night with an attractive partner. "I must decline Glaucus, but perhaps when I return." "When you return, Clodius?" "Yes Glaucus.. It is the reason I am here. I will be joining Marcellus' army on the campaign." Glaucus thought to himself. "Hmmm. Marcellus and Clodius at war, together. Oh, to be a fly on the wall!" He said none of this and then continued "I wish you success in the endeavor Clodius. Rome shall not be the same without you. " Clodius smiled. "I appreciate your praise Glaucus. And I ask a boon of you." "And what would that be, my friend?" "With my being at war, there is no one to run the gymnasium. While the men I train will undoubtedly be joining the forces, others will still wish to use it." "I would think so, Clodius. " Glaucus smiled. "If for nothing else, your gymnasium sauna is known throughout the city." Clodius blushed at that. Glaucus was right, and that reputation was NOT one of which he was proud. "It seemed that I should keep the gymnasium opened, and to that end... I was hoping that I might ask that you would lend me Linus and Tertius to manage the operation while I am gone.

"Clodius! Your business sense amazes me. Your choice is brilliant. With you gone, there would be need of a strapping young man to train our athletes. Yet they will be with you and Marcellus in any event. It is simply fellows like myself who would use it . And who better to govern traffic, especially to a sauna, than those two? Yes, it is brilliant.. I imagine few visitors during a time of war, and there is still Demos to maintain the baths. " He paused and thought "And now, there is a reason to bring Urban into the estate."

Clodius bowed "Lest I forget Glaucus, my aim is simply to keep the gymnasium opened. Any revenue during my absence, will of course rebound to you." "That is a generous offer, Clodius, but I will reject that." He paused "Your friend Marcellus will seek to become a free man when you return . Should he need the funds to help with his petition, you should make them accessible to him."

Clodius bowed. "I am grateful to you Glaucus. " "I will advise Tertius and Linus to advise them to be ready for reassignment.

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"So it seems you'll be in charge, Demos" Tertius smiled as he stood over Demos, who was washing a set of drying towels. Glaucus had entertained two days ago, and there was an exceptional amount of filth to address.

"Tertius? I don't understand"

"With the war, Clodius has enlisted. He'll be part of your Marcellus' batallion. So rather than close the gymnasium, he has requeted that Linus and I manage the gymnasium during his absence."

Demos looked up. "Then you'll be gone? And I'll be alone? Doing all of this myself?" Linus smiled. "No, you won't be alone. Our Lord purchased an experienced slave to assist you. He clapped his hands. "Come in Urban."

The young man walked in, head down, hands clasped behind him. He was used to how things worked with Portius, but not to the bath chamber.

"RELAX YOUNG MAN. RELAX . We are informal here. Raise that pretty head of yours." Urban hesitated, but looked up. Linus looked at him and sighed.

"That Portius has such specific tastes. The two of you belonged to him, and because of a simple whisker." He brushed his index finger along what we would call "peach fuzz" on Urban's upper lip. "You would both still make excellent bed fellows." Tertius grinned. "Indeed. You are both as pretty as Linus was when he was younger." "Prettier," Linus said, and laughed, making both young men blush.

"This is the life of an old man, my boys," Tertius said. "It is like the curse of Cassandra. We are sent to monitor a gymnasium.... at a time when all of that young flesh is at war." He sighed. "Again, such a waste."

Urban looked at Demos. "I know who you are. You are the consort of Marcellus, my father's rival." He held out his hand. "I hope that their rivalry does not interfere with our ability to be friends."

Demos held out his hand. "That rivalry is created by Glaucus. I do think, Urban, that if your father and my consort were to meet, they would be much better friends. But Glaucus is crafty. And we are helpless."

Urban paused. "We will talk when the old men are monitoring the gym. The only way to succeed in a schemer's home, is to scheme at a higher level. You must be prepared."

"INDEED YOU MUST BE PREPARED." Glaucus walked into the baths. "Urban. Welcome to our home." "Ave et salve Lord Glaucus. I thank your intervention for saving me from the ship." Glaucus smiled. Portius HAD in fact already arranged for Urban's sale, but to one of the warring triremes. Urban would have lived, and died, chained to an oar on a fighting ship. He did not trust the thank you, but he would accept it for now.

"You were speaking of preparation Urban. Surely you have not heard about the wrestling matches?" "My Lord, I do not claim to understand Latin perfectly, but I believe you used the plural? I thought the match tomorrow was only one between my father and Marcellus."

"AH, then the information has in fact not reached you. There will be three matches. The first shall be between my bed slaves Eric and Ahmad. The last shall be as you say. He paused and smiled, to see if either Urban or Demos had deduced the plan. They remained puzzled.

"The second match shall be between the two of you." They looked at each other, startled. "Worry not. Neither of you need take an active or passive role as a result of the match. It is for the entertainment of our guests. It is not often that there are two, young, fair haired men available for a competition. It should be spirited." He paused. "While I have misgivings about letting the two of you be together at any point before the match, let it be said: I expect a full effort from both of you. Keep in mind that I have the man each of you love more than any other, and I am not above punishing both you and your lover or father."

Demos bowed his head. "I understand My Lord."

Glaucus smiled, and turned. A trail of scent was left behind.

"It is true," Urban spoke to Demos. "My father tells me that Lord Glaucus would have no trouble in administering punishment. " "Marcellus has told me the same. It is not always physical." He paused. "Shaving Marcellus so that he had even less hair than I did, was the most vicious punishment he could have administered, short of emasculating him." Urban dropped his voice. "My father and I still run the gardens here. I will explain that relevance to you, Demos. Now that my father has agreed to be Glaucus' consort, I will have a bit more freedom around the estate. We must show patience. Plants do not grow in a day."

Demos shook his head. He had an idea of what Urban had in mind, but not a strong one. "You should be prepared to be defeated, Urban. I have learned from Marcellus." Urban smiled back. "Remember who took the victory last time, and denied you the sword of your consort."

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Since all of his slaves were to wrestle the next day, Glaucus slept alone. He wanted to see spirited fighting. Tertius and Linus were still working for him, so he sent them to the bed slave quarters to see that all were in perfect shape. They were to bring the blonds too.

"Oil, but only for our champions. It will make the grappling more... interesting." Glaucus smiled. He walked into the quarters. "The first match will be between slaves Eric and Ahmad. The blonds will follow. And then, the battle for alpha slave. By the gods, I wish you all good luck." He bowed and walked out of the quarters, backwards. It was a show of respect to the wrestlers. He then went to join Portius, who was sitting in the prepared ring, outside of Glaucus' estate.

"Ah, Portius, time marches on. You are again without a bed fellow." Portius smiled. "Not for long, I hope. There is an auction tomorrow. And should I not see what I like... " he paused "I have heard talk of a poor family without the means to survive, with a beautiful son. Possibly with hibernian lineage. His father had been a soldier, and died in a gambling fight here. Now, his mother raises the boy, with his sisters. She , shall we say 'incubates' for the health of the city, but that means payment once a year, if at all. She will not tell if her husband brought the boy back with him from the Hibernian campaign. " Another pause. "Friend, your slave chamber is looking a bit thin these days too. Perhaps you should join me at the auction."

"I am considering it Portius, but the household continues to grow. Expenses, expenses, expenses. " He sighed. "I should never have donated ALL of the booty from the Materan campaign to our city." Portius smiled. "But you didn't. You kept Marcellus." He paused. "Have you considered the ultimate humiliation for him? "Do you mean pimping him?" Portius smiled. "It has crossed my mind. The estate is not at that point." He paused. "If I may confide in you, friend, I have decided, that if it were to come to the point where I could not maintain the estate, I would swallow gold, and join the shades."

Portius looked at him, and took his hand. "May it never come to that friend. Come to the auction with me. Now, heed.. The first match is about to start.

Eric and Ahmad entered the field wearing nothing but their cock cages. "Oh, my, he HAS been at the gym, the little demon," Portius smiled. "Such NICE definition. I hope you make him continue to go. " He paused again. "I've never had a boy wear me out, but he came close." Glaucus nodded in agreement. "I don't think I've ever had one who enjoyed sex so much."

The two circled each other, and then the grappling began. Eric was certainly stronger, but you could tell that Ahmad was a trained dancer, as he "danced" away from every hold that Eric tried. And Eric began to tire: he hadn't followed Clodius' advice to build up cardio strength while he bulked up. Ahmad, on the other hand, remained fresh. And that proved to be the difference: Ahmad saw a weakness, and swept out Eric's feet. The Hibernian went down, and knew enough to roll on his stomach and curl up when Ahmad grabbed him from above. He wasn't strong enough to flip him, but he knew of Eric's weaknesses. He whispered "roll over, red, or I'll start tickling you top to bottom."

"NO. Not that! Eric was extremely ticklish. His whole body would turn red, and he'd be helpless. Totally helpless. He let Ahmad flip him and get the pin. OVER.

Glaucus turned to Portius "I do think he'll be going back to the gym. Next time around , he may win." Then he stood and called to the referee. "THE KEYS. The victor will take his prize NOW."

There was some clapping, as the referre unlocked Ahmed's cock. He found a not unwilling partner in Eric, as he began thrusting into the eager little red head. He moved faster and faster. It had been a time since he had used his sword, and he was eager. His scream, in his native language, was not literally understood, but everyone could figure out what he had shouted. He collapsed on top of Eric. The two men were friends, and Ahmad kissed him. He whispered "I want you in me sometime Eric. Next time."

The two joined hands as they saluted the audience. Off view, Ahmad's cock was locked up again.

"Oh heavens, could my heart handle more, friend?" Portius turned to Glaucus. Glaucus laughed "I certainly hope so. You've had both of Demos and Urban. But now..

The two young blond men entered the arena, also stripped down. Demos tried to remember what he had learned from watching Marcellus, and from some of the moves that he had put on him when they were making love. It did no good. Demos was used to a more luxurious life style before he had been captured, and he proved to be absolutely no match for Urban, who had him pinned, securely, in a matter of minutes. 'WOULD YOU TAKE HIM, URBAN?" Glaucus called from the stands. Urban looked down at Demos, and saw the look of helpless desperation in his face. "I will leave him to those more experienced than I. " "WHAT A SHAME," Portius was disappointed. "His cock should be used on something other than a woman, and Demos has such a beautiful behind." Marcellus was in the waiting area, and did not hear this. It was just as well, as he might very well have tried to harm Portius for admiring his consort.

And backstage, the assistants were oiling Marcellus and Flavius. Both men could hear the crowd chanting for the two of them. "You will lose today, German," Marcellus gritted through his teeth. "You have already lost, Materan. I have your spot in bed. You have NOTHING." Flavius was normally not a hot tempered man, but the thought of the Materan's pride was a thorn in his side. "I will defeat you again. And perhaps this time, I will TAKE you."

Now they were brought to the center of the ring. The match began. In this, the major match, a win could come by any means. Pinning was only one way. The oiling of their bodies made things more challenging, especially for Marcellus. Flavius, who was used to handling animals, had a much better time of it in the grappling. Marcellus was the more skilled wrestler, thanks to Clodius, and there were several times that he had Flavius in a hold that would have defeated many a man. Flavius refused to give up though.

"EXCELLENT MATCH, don't you think, Portius?" asked Glaucus "TOO OLD for me. More young ones. That's what we need." Then, there was a gasp from the audience. Marcellus had slipped on some oil that had dripped off their bodies, and Flavius had taken advantage of the slip. He found dry areas on Marcellus' wrists, and he had him stretched out, trapped, and screaming in pain. His mouth was close enough to Marcellus' ear to whisper

"I could defeat you right now Materan, but the truth is, I have no interest in your ass. So I am going to let you win so you can have your precious Demos. Remember who did this."

His hand "slipped" from Marcellus' wrist, and the Materan pressed the advantage he had just been given. The lack of oil on his wrists have him a chance to form a tight grip around Flavius' waist. He lifted Flavius from the ground, and threw him. Hard. Before Flavius could recover, he was on him, and the match was his, as he pinned Flavius securely.

"OUR WINNER IS MARCELLUS" announced the referee. His fans cheered, as did fans who had come to see good wrestling. Glaucus smiled. He knew exactly what happened, and he favored Flavius even more - and made up his mind to not show any mercy in bed that night.

"Marcellus, would you have your prize now?" asked the referee. "By your leave, My Lord, I would forego my right to Flavius. I choose Demos."


Marcellus smiled. Glaucus smiled back, with a grin that would curdle cream. He knew he would not get a thank you from Marcellus. He had satisfaction in knowing, this would be their last night together for a good while. On the other hand, he would have Flavius in short order.

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Before the combatants had left the arena, Eric smiled at the referee, and got the key to Ahmad's cage. It was just the two of them in the bed slave quarters that night, and there was no reason to fear... Ahmad had stamina, but Eric... Ahmad gave up after the fourth time, somewhere around the third hour before the cock would crow.

Glaucus had sent Marcellus to be bathed in the visitor's quarters , where both Demos and Urban worked. As he came in, Demos rushed in front of Urban. "Please my friend. If you have a heart, let me address Marcellus' needs. I beg you." Urban smiled. "I will go to my quarters Demos. Keep in mind - you could have been mine tonight. I am owed repayment." "And you will have it , my friend. " He went to Marcellus. "My Lord. My general. Shall I bathe you, or shall we bathe together, after..." He didn't finish. Marcellus took him in his arms. The oil remained on his body, and it spread to Demos. There was enough of it, to make penetration with his sword easier. "Seeing you every day, and not having you.." He kissed Demos. "I sometimes think it would be better not to see you. My mind plays tricks on me.." He pushed in further. "Why do you do this, Marcellus, my love? You risk your life." "To attempt to create a situation for us, my Demos. My beautiful, beautiful young man.." His tongue found Demos' mouth, as his sword pierced deeper. "OH, just have me Marcellus. It has been long. Too long. " Marcellus' hunger was too great, and the first of their love makings was fast. "Please. We are filthy. The bath is ready. Urban will not report that I have used it. " "Would you have him bathe us, Demos?" "I will have no such thing My Lord. He defeated me, but I will conquer you. In the bedroom. Myself. " He embraced Marcellus in the warm water, and he whispered "Promise me you will come back, Marcellus. Promise me you will not abandon me for Clodius." Marcellus hugged him tighter. "Before the gods, I swear, that I will sacrifice all that I can, to make sure that I return. And when I return, I will do what I can, to make sure we are together again, Demos, and not under the roof of this man." Demos stopped. "Marcellus, you must NOT let your hatred take over. Yes, this life is difficult at times, and yes, you have been forced, as have I , to do what you would not. But it is Glaucus who has made it possible for us to be together. You might very well be with the gods on Olympus, and I might very well be mining silver in Hispania. But we are here. Now. He did that. No one else." Marcellus grunted, but he didn't accept it. Instead, he rubbed his beard on Demos neck. There was an old wive's tale, that one could not draw one's sword under water. That was proven to be false by the reunited consorts.

In Glaucus' quarters, he had Flavius tied to his bed, spread out completely, naked save for his sword cage. Glaucus was playfully squeezing Flavius' nipples. "So.. You have done Marcellus the favor of giving him a night with Demos." Glaucus long nails squeezed, until Flavius winced. "My Lord, would you have me yield to anyone but you? Would you have me use my sword, and not be ready for you?" Glaucus had to choose his words carefully. "Yes farmer, you are right. You have played this game beautifully. But now... I will play you. Like a fiddle." He ran his finger down Flavius' mid line, until he could feel the man breathe more heavily. "I will have your neck. Your neck is so soft, and so sensitive." Flavius remembered when his wife would kiss his neck. It would make him manic for her - she would describe him as a boar in heat. Now, restrained, he could but moan as Glaucus found those same spots, and made them more and more sensitive. "If you would please me with sword swallowing, Flavius, I will release your own sword." "It would honor me to taste your sword, My Lord." Glaucus grinned, internally. The word on the Germans was that they were even more intricate in their use of love language than the Romans. Yet, if it meant he would be lubricated by this handsome, muscular man, he would accept the words. He pressed his sword to Flavius' lips. Though new to this, and not as skilled as Eric would have been, Glaucus was pleased at Flavius' willingness. He unlocked the cage, and saw the sword of the farmer reach to heaven. He smiled.

"You will beg me to pierce you tonight farmer. And you will do so because..." he began sliding his finger up and down Flavius' sword. "I will teach you how even a wild boar or stallion like yourself, can be controlled."

Flavius thought back to the skill his wife had in the bedroom. It was no match for this man. Every time Flavius thought, he would expel his seed, Glaucus brought him back, either gently, or not. When Glaucus began to run his finger inside Flavius' ass, the farmer could take no more.


Glaucus smiled, as he released the ankle restraints, and slid into the handsome, blond man. Flavius winced. He was still not accustomed to this, and the word of Glaucus' voracious sexual appetite was well known in the bed slave quarter. Glaucus smiled. "This is my first taking of you as my consort, Flavius. I will find what pleases you and what does not," and at several points, Glaucus made a note to himself, when Flavius gasped especially strongly, or moaned, or seemed to mouth "oh yes." He learned that night that, while Flavius had nipples as sensitve as any man, the back of his knees were especially sensitive, and led to the strong man whimpering like a kitten. "Please My Lord. Do not do that. It is not a slave's place to spill seed before his Lord." Glaucus flipped him over. "Flavius, your position has changed. You are no longer a slave. You are my consort. You may spill seed as you wish. But you take the place of a woman in the bed, and you will take my orders. On all fours. I have compared you to a wild boar. I will take you as boars take each other. " "Yes My Lord." Flavius was pierced, again, this time with more force, and more sound, by Glaucus. He felt Glaucus' hand on his own sword, and he moaned, until he could retain it no longer. He spilled his seed before Glaucus did. When Glaucus did spill, none fell to the bed, as it was all in Flavius.

In the time after the coupling, Glaucus smiled, as he kissed Flavius. "I shouldn't, but I hope that I am pleasing you, Flavius. " "Yes My Lord, you are pleasing me in ways that go beyond the bedroom." Flavius was thinking of how Glaucus had rescued HIM from the mines, and then his son. He was grateful for this. To be under a roof with his son, fed, protected, and cared for. He could learn to enjoy being the consort of this man.

Perhaps the difference in gratitude, is all that separated Marcellus and Flavius. One can only wait, and see.

Next: Chapter 17

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