Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 11, 2020


Glaucus sat in Portius' courtyard. The two friends were sharing a flask of new wine, brought from Smyrna. "You can tell there are figs in it, can you not, Glaucus" "OF COURSE, my friend. But you would know more of peaches than figs," as Glaucus referred to their nickname for the backsides of the young men whom Portius favored. "A good one Glaucus. A pox on you," and he laughed, as they shared another glass.

"So, I understand that with the moon, Marcellus has issued a challenge to your Flavius." Glaucus shook his head "Ah yes, Marcellus. That one is almost more than I can handle. First, he declines my offer of consortship, even after I rescued Demos from the mines. Now, he wishes to fight in the up and coming war with the Gauls. He feels that this will enable him to become a free man. " "Ungrateful, I would say, Glaucus." "Agreed. But so fine in bed. He resists, and then yields, and begs. And whines, and moans. AH. I may have to return home immediately."

Portius laughed. "Would that I preferred mutton to lamb, or beef to veal. I will have to visit the slave markets again very soon for someone new." Glaucus looked at him square in the eye "Has Urban sprouted?" "Indeed he has. It is that fair flaxen hair of the Goths, but it is there nonetheless. He knows he has fallen out of favor too. He has tried to learn new techniques, and new words of love, " Portius sighed. "But I fear his time here is coming to an end."

"Hmmm. If you can put off with dispensing with him for about a week, I may be interested in bringing him into my estate. " Portius laughed. "You dirty man! You would have a father AND a son?" "No, old friend, absolutely not. The thought does not appeal to me. But there are tasks at the estate for him. He works as hard as his father in the fields, and if in fact Marcellus goes off to war, there will be room for another slave." A smile broke out over Portius' face. "My friend, I see more than one piece moving on your mental chess board. I COULD make this easier, if you would trade Eric to me for Urban." Now it was Glaucus' turn to laugh "Surely you jest, old friend. To h ave a fire haired Hibernian like that, who loves sex so much more than any other ? No, my friend. Eric remains with me. He is already a source of some renown in the city you know. He has done his duty to become a citizen, four times over." 'I DID NOT KNOW THAT. TELL. " Glaucus smiled. "You know the three sisters who live near Capitoine? Well, my Eric satisfied them all in one night. And then there was another with a woman who shall remain nameless. "IN THE SAME NIGHT?" "No, Portius, even Eric is not that vigorous. " He paused. "it was the second night." "Ah, Glaucus, would that you were willing to train him to take the active position." "Well, my friend, I think he is looking in that direction. He has requested combat with Ahmad, so that he is no longer the omega slave. Methinks Clodius may have influenced his thinking." "The lad HAS shown some musculature as of late." "Indeed." Glaucus paused. "But I'm afraid to think of him as a lad, is a misnomer Portius. See, Eric HAS already sprouted." "So you had him debilitated before his night with me?" "I DID friend. I knew you would enjoy him, but body hair would have distracted from that enjoyment." Portius sighed. "You are right my friend. I cannot think through to your endgame, but if things go as you would have them, we will speak of Urban joining your house."

"Of that, Portius, I had another thought for this wrestling revelry. The first match would be, of course, Eric and Ahmad. I am wondering, would you be willing to allow Urban to wrestle Demos?" A smile played over Portius' face . "Ah. Now you are talking. Once boys, now young men. The old man who had them both, watching. And the lover of one, the father of the other, in the final match." He paused. "When you were at war, Glaucus, it was said you were a strategic genius. It remains so in peace time. " He paused again. "I look forward to this match."

"Then the competition will be Eric and Ahmad, and then Demos and Urban, and finally, the battle for alpha slave." He smiled. "I believe that the state will welcome the income from such a competition."

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When Glaucus returned home, there was a messenger, from the army, waiting for him. "My Lord. Salve et ave," he said "I must offer my apologies to you, young man. I did not expect a messenger, and you had to wait." He clapped his hands. COLLEPHERUS, has this man refreshed himself." Collepherus smiled. "Of course he did, My Lord. When it was clear you would be delayed, we offered food, drink, and he was received at the baths." He paused. "I believe Demos attended to him." The messenger smiled. "Is Demos the young blond man? If so, he is an EXCELLENT attendant, My Lord. And your kitchen provided more than ample refreshment. But I thank you for your concern." Glaucus smiled to hear that his house had received the official messenger so well. "Let us not detain you longer. What is the message." "My Lord, I would advise you that your slave Marcellus has applied to be a part of the expedition against the Gauls. The army is aware of his history , and is very much interested in having him join us. As he is not a freeman, however, we seek your permission ." Glaucus smiled. His latest scheme was in fact playing out quite well, with the players not even knowing how helpful they were being. "In fact, Marcellus had sought my permission previously. And I would grant it. He was a fine general for the Materans, and one day, perhaps the story of his defeat will be written down, but he will do well for the state." The messenger rose, and bowed his head. "I am sure that you will be thanked profusely by the army. I will advise them of your decision, and then we will advise Marcellus. Ave et vale My Lord. " The messenger bowed, and left.

"Collepherus, please let Flavius know that I would dine with him tonight."

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While Flavius had been in Glaucus' bed many times, he had never been invited to dine with his Master. He knew that Marcellus had been invited a number of times, but this was his first.

"Marcellus, I seek a boon from you. Our Master has invited me to dine with him tonight. Should I know of anything before the meal?" Marcellus looked up, stunned. He felt that the second seat at Glaucus' private table, was for him alone. "I think not Flavius. DO be careful as to how much you eat and drink, as I will be contesting your alpha standing as hard as I can, and training must start early." Flavius smiled. "I thank you Marcellus. By the way, when I was returning from the gardens today, I saw a man in the garb of the army waiting for our Lord to return." Marcellus reddened. "Thank you Flavius. I believe I will need to speak with our Lord of this at some point."

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Flavius was announced to Glaucus, and took the subservient position, head bowed, legs spread, hands clasped behind him. He had changed to his cleanest tunic, and wore a relatively new loin cloth." "Flavius... Please have a seat. We have much to discuss." "You honor me My Lord. Discussion with a slave is not necessary. There are only orders and obedience." "His son has trained him well," Glaucus thought. "Yes and no, Flavius. The matters for tonight ARE subject to discussion. Please sit." He clapped his hands and the attendants began bringing in food and wine. The quality was far beyond that which the slaves received, and they ate well. "How do you like the wine, Flavius?" Glaucus asked. "If I may be honest, My Lord, it is fine, but I miss the mead and ale of my country. Should the grains Urban and I planted take root, perhaps we can prepare some for your taste." "I would enjoy that Flavius." He paused. I would speak with you of many things, Flavius. I know not where to start, but I will pick a point. "Indeed, My Lord." "I was visiting with Portius today. Your son pleases him, but he has grown older than Portius prefers his bed slaves, I am afraid." He saw Flavius grow ashen. "Then he will sell him?" "He thinks of that; however, I am thinking of bringing Urban into my household. NOT as a bed slave, mind you. There are places where he can work, and perhaps he should be placed in charge of the gardens. Menander grows old, and let us be honest: he is no help to the two of you." "My Lord is generous. " Then Flavius paused. "But surely you are not telling me this to receive my approval. This is not a subject that a Lord discusses with a slave." Glaucus smiled. "I have been told that you think you are not as clever as the others. I always found that hard to believe, and now you have confirmed it. Indeed, there is another topic to discuss. " He paused. "I have made no secret of my affection for Marcellus. And he has made no secret of my offer of consortship, and his rejection of same. " Another pause. "I now offer it to you Flavius. I would ask you to become my consort." Flavius whitened. "Marcellus speaks of his relationship with Demos. Is a consortship that type of relationship, My Lord?" "It is. You would continue to be caged, but you would no longer be considered a bed slave. You would pledge yourself to me, and I to you. The bed slaves would remain - that is my prerogative; however, by law, should you live longer than I, you would inherit the estate" The German paused. He gathered his thoughts. "I did not expect this, My Lord. Indeed, I did not expect ANY of what has happened to my family. When you chose me for the role of bed slave, I knew not what it meant. The acts you perform on me, it was all new. It still is. I have been surprised, My Lord, by enjoying it as much as I have. " Glaucus smiled at that. Then Flavius lowered his head.

"My Lord, if you consider me worthy to be your consort, I would accept the offer with gratitude." Glaucus smiled. "Then we will settle this by the next moon. " He rose and kissed Flavius on the lips. "you and I will celebrate tonight. Please remain. I will make announcements to the bed slaves as to this, and other things."

Glaucus proceeded to the quarters of the bed slaves. He also summoned Collepherus to call all of the remaining slaves to a meeting in the antechamber.

"HOUSEHOLD. There are announcements to be made, and I wanted all of you to hear them at the same time, so there is no rumor making, and all questions may be answered. First, at the next moon, Eric will wrestle Ahmad to determine who is omega slave. " There was some smiling at that. "Next. Marcellus has requested to be a part of the state's army to Gaul. I have approved. We must all offer our prayers to the gods, for his safety and good fortune." There was applause from all, even tepid applause from Demos. "There is more. Lord Portius and I have had discussions today, and Flavius' son Urban will become a part of our household. He will be in charge of the gardens. We must wish Menander good will in his retirement. He will remain a part of the household, but he will not be required to do any further work in the garden. Urban and Flavius will take charge of that."

"If I may My Lord, where IS Flavius?" Glaucus knew that Marcellus would be asking that question and he smiled. "Flavius is at my quarters. We are celebrating." He paused. "Flavius has agreed to become my consort. " There was raucous applause from the household. Flavius was very well liked. Marcellus glowered.

"My announcements are completed. If there are no questions, I would ask that you return to your duties.

"My Lord, if I may have your ear before you return."

"Well, yes Marcellus. Let us go to the garden. I assume that what you wish to discuss should not be heard by Flavius." "My Lord is wise."

When they arrived at the garden, Glaucus spoke first "Surely you did not expect me to continue to ask you to do something you have refused, repeatedly." The question flummoxed Marcellus, because phrased that way, it was EXACTLY what he expected. "My Lord, I have clearly disappointed you, which I regret." Glaucus smiled. "I am sure you will become a freeman as a result of this war, Marcellus." "That is my intention My Lord." "I fear, however, that you have probably not thought through things well enough. I suspect you planned to attempt to set up a freeman's home, with Demos." Marcellus was silent. It WAS indeed what he had planned. "Presumably, you thought I would agree to release Demos to you upon your return. " A wicked grin came across Glaucus' face. "That would be a poor assumption Marcellus. And you see, by your action, you have accomplished what you sought to avoid. You will have separated yourself from Demos."

The look on Marcellus' face could have curdled milk. "You would keep Demos in your household My Lord?" "I would Marcellus; however, if all happens as you think it will, there is room for negotiation." "In what way, My Lord?" Glaucus saw the anger rising in Marcellus' face, and it aroused him. Flavius would be the recipient of this energy. "You will have Demos. You will have him on an even exchange. To be clear, you will continue to give yourself to me, as I see fit. And for every night you spend with me, you will have one with Demos. But I will NOT release him to you, regardless of the booty you may offer for him."

The look of defeat on Marcellus face brought Glaucus immense joy. "I think you should return to slave quarters, Marcellus. Flavius awaits me. " Another pause "I , too, will join in the prayers for your success and safety on the campaign. And I look forward to a spirited match with my consort." He turned, smiling. Once again, he had defeated Marcellus.

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Flavius sat in the atrium, waiting for Glaucus to return. He wasn't quite sure he had done the right thing, but he knew how angry Glaucus could get, and he wanted to make sure his sone was protected. Also, he was certain that Marcellus would be enraged, and would fight much harder than he had the first time: Flavius expected to lose; however, he also knew Marcellus had no taste for anyone other than Demos, and he would take his night of pleasure with the young man.

"I was a farmer. Now I'm a schemer," he thought as Glaucus walked in. "My Lord. Ave et salve" he said to Glaucus, but instead of standing, he got to his knees. Glaucus smiled. The man had learned. He separated the folds of his toga, and his sword protruded, long, and hard. Flavius covered it with his mouth immediately. Glaucus sighed, and grabbed Flavius' golden curls, pushing his head forward.

"Take all of it, my consort. Take the sword of the man who has taken you." He pushed, hard, going deeper into Flavius' throat than he ever did. "BY THE GODS this man has learned well," he thought. He wanted desperately to use his toys on him: to tie Flavius up, to use him hard, but he was so aroused by his defeat of Marcellus, that he simply ordered Flavius to the bed, naked.

"THOSE BEAUTIFUL CURLS" he thought, as he climbed on top of Flavius. "Would My Lord bless my mouth with his lips?" Flavius whispered. Glaucus took his mouth again, this time with his tongue, as he plied the farmer's nipples, before he moved to his neck and ear, chewing, rubbing beard on the man, until he groaned,half in pleasure half in pain. Glaucus was thinking "Marcellus will see the marks. He'll be repelled, and jealous at the same time. " "Raise your legs, my consort," he ordered. Flavius complied, and was shown no mercy, as Glaucus buried his penis into him, taking him hard, and lustfully. "OH MY CONSORT LORD. MY MASTER. TAKE MY SLAVE BODY. PLEASE MY LORD." Glaucus smiled. Again, he knew this was coming from the teachings of Flavius' son. He didn't care where they came from. They were inspiring him, to the point where Flavius' moans of pleasure, became moans of pain. It was at that moment, when the sounds changed, that Glaucus exploded in Flavius, screaming loud enough so that even in the bed slave quarters , they heard it. Eric snickered "Our Lord is vigorous tonight. What will it be like when the ceremony happens?"

"What will it be like indeed," thought Marcellus. He saw all of them looking at him. They knew he had rejected Glaucus, and now, Glaucus had rejected him. What would happen when the war with the Gauls was over?

Next: Chapter 16

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