Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 30, 2020


Marcellus walked off to the gymnasium that morning with less than steady legs. Glaucus had taken him hard before, but never the way he did the night before. He rubbed what he knew was a bite mark on his neck, and walked to try to ameliorate the soreness from having been taken three times. And the three times had been vigorous. Between the piercing, the forcing of Glaucus cock down his throat, and the bondage and tickling, he didn't know if he could do his regular routine at the gymnasium. Eric, walking besides him , was no help. "You were right Marcellus. Flavius' cock is not long. Not nearly as long as yours. But it's thick. It reminded me of some of the sausages we would eat at home."

Marcellus laughed, but also winced. He remembered one night with Demos when he had called him to a supper of his favorite sausage, and then shoved his sword down his throat over and over again. It seemed that the slang word was used in many languages.

"Marcellus, have you heard the rumors?" "What rumors Eric? "Rome will be going to war again soon. It isn't expected to be a big one, but there has been an uprising of Gauls, and they will need to send troops." "I'm sure that the generals have it under control. And I'm sure that Glaucus will remain behind. " He huffed "Given his stature as the conqueror of the Materan general, he would only be used in major campaigns now. " "I suppose you're right Marcellus. I wonder who they will send. The booty from this one is not supposed to be as great." He smiled. "The Gauls are big, but I think they are ugly. There were some in Hibernia. I didn't enjoy them." Marcellus laughed. "How many different men have you had, rubus? " He used Eric's nickname. "Oh my, Marcellus. I like to think of it as how many men have been blessed with my skills. I think it is probably over 50." He grinned. "I'm working on having Clodius. He is a challenge." "And you are a SLUT."

Eric laughed. "By the way Marcellus, do not forget that you can put in your challenge to become alpha slave today. The moon is over, and Flavius must now defend himself. Ahmad and I will certainly not be challenging. Marcellus stopped. "I had forgotten the time, Eric. Now I must remember to bring this before Glaucus." He pointed down to the cage. "I will be OUT of this, at least for a while.'

Eric smiled. "My bet is that you are not interested in taking Flavius. That you will claim Demos for your reward if you win."

"Indeed you are right."

"You do know that, as we speak, he is, as they say, 'doing his duty for Rome'.

Marcellus stopped again. "What do you mean of that Eric?"

"All men in the city, regardless of what their preferences are, must procreate. One way or the other. They are called to it once they develop facial hair. Refusal leads to death. Since Marcellus has the hair of a man, rather than the down of a youth, like myself, he has been called to perform. Tertius brought in three ladies last night. Demos was to choose one, and take her last night. "

Marcellus laughed. "That would be interesting. The lad has not used his sword since I have known him."

"Ah, Marcellus. You do not know of the wiles of Tertius and his partner. They have strong magic from Greece. And they are not above 'assistance'. Tertius is old, for sure, but the stories are that, with his few teeth, his mouth has become softer, and much better at extending a sword."

His consort was being forced to procreate! This disturbed Marcellus greatly. He had not been called to do so, and wondered why. And what did this mean? Glaucus? Had he in fact done his "part for Rome," and did he have children?

They arrived at the gymnasium and Clodius greeted them. He sent Eric in with a class of beginners. "Marcellus, my instructions from your Lord are that I am to train you out of doors until your flesh is bronzed. " He lowered his voice. "But I must also speak with you of important matters."

"Clodius my friend, you always speak wisely. What is on your mind?" "I imagine you have heard the rumors of war."

"I did, but only this morning, from Eric."

Clodius smiled. "That is the work of Glaucus. He does not want you to know what may be at stake."

"Then tell me friend. Eric told me that Glaucus probably would NOT go to war."

"Indeed, he will not. Not for a small skirmish like this. It will probably be over in months. This may be important to you, Marcellus."

"And why is that friend?"

"Under Roman law, Marcellus, all Roman men must serve the city. Slaves have no obligation, but the state may call on them. Further, slaves may volunteer." He paused. 'Should the slave distinguish himself, he may be granted the rights of a freeman."

"A freeman? What is that Clodius."

He smiled . "I am a freeman Marcellus. I am permitted to own property, and to carry on my own business. I need not live at a Lord's pleasure, but I MUST serve the Lord who purchased me should he choose."

Marcellus thought. "So, if I were to go to war, and gain regard, I might be able to claim partial freedom from the estate of Glaucus. "

"Indeed you might my friend. Glaucus clearly does not wish for you to know. He fears that if you knew, you would do what I expect you will do, and volunteer. You were a successful general. I have no doubt that the army would trust you with a small command."

"Clodius, my friend, you have made this day better. I will admit, I was quite broken after a night with Glaucus." Clodius smiled. "Yes. I can see that he was more aggressive than usual. I see the marks on your neck." Marcellus blushed. "There are more. But this is the life of a bed slave to Glaucus. But perhaps." "Be advised Marcellus, it can be a slippery slope. You will perhaps gain freeman status. Demos will not."

That information struck Marcellus like a whip. "You mean we would still not be together." "Almost certainly not, my friend. Unless Demos gained freeman status, you would have to secure sufficient funds to be able to purchase him from Glaucus - or have Glaucus agree to release him. " He paused. "And many men who gain their freedom, renounce it so as to stay under the roof of their Lord. You have much to consider."

"I do my friend. I thank you. I will try to concentrate on the exercises today, but you will understand if I am distracted."

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At the estate, Tertius had just brought in a breakfast to Demos and Cynthia, the woman with whom he had spent the night. Cynthia was smiling. "So, my lovely, I was your first woman?" Demos blushed. "You were Cynthia. I had been the consort of Marcellus. And then the bed slave of Portius."

She looked puzzled. "Marcellus is a slave here. He is Glaucus' bed slave. " She smiled. "The rumors are that Glaucus is totally smitten with Marcellus. That he would give him anything if he would agree to become his consort." Demos' expression darkened. "It may be true. But Marcellus remains loyal to me."

She put her long fingers on Demos' neck. "You sweet boy. Caged as he is, kept separate from you, how loyal can he be." She kissed the young man. "And your sword functions very well, even if it were driven by thoughts of Marcellus."

Demos blushed. "It is not my sword that thinks of Marcellus." She laughed. "Then who? It was not me, that I know." Demos blushed again.

"AH. I know who it is. It is Tertius. You would have the old man."

"NO. IT IS ERIC" and then he realized what he had said. "Please do not tell. Please Cynthia. I do not want Marcellus to hear."

She kissed him. "Your secret is safe with me young man. It is POSSIBLE that you have planted a young tree in me, but we will not know. I may wish for another evening as your garden." She looked at him with steely eyes. "I am sure you will grant it."

Demos stood. He was coming into his height, but Cynthia was a tall woman. "Yes, as you wish. May I help you with your robes?"

"Indeed you may young man." As he folded the cloth as Tertius had taught him, she said "you are very well trained Demos. Whomever you serve is fortunate."

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When he had spent the time at the gymnasium and the gladiatorial academy, Marcellus returned to the estate. Eric had already done so. At the bed slave quarters, he was not surprised to find that Glaucus had summoned him. It was the usual order "Make yourself presentable, then announce yourself to Collepherus." This summons, however, also contained the instructions "you will join me for dinner. There is kid goat, which is an aphrodisiac" Marcellus smiled. The last thing Glaucus needed was an aphrodisiac. He sighed. He'd be sore again.

He had a bath, and found a clean loin cloth. Glaucus wanted him presented only in a loin cloth when he called for him. He walked to Glaucus' rooms . Collepherus was there, in a dark green robe. He had recently had his head shaven, and looked more fearsome than usual.

"Marcellus, on time as usual. Please prepare to present yourself."

Marcellus put his hands behind his back and bowed his head, as Collepherus opened the door. Glaucus was at his desk, reading yet more scrolls.

"Ah, excellent . Marcellus. The sun has done you well. Thank you Collepherus. I will let you know when we will call for dinner, but there is ample time for a visit to Eric.

Collepherus smiled. "I thank you my Lord." And he was gone."

Glaucus smiled. "Marcellus, I have been thinking of you all morning. As you can see." He parted his toga.

"Does MY Lord wish his sword swallowed?"

"Indeed he does. He wishes it swallowed slowly." "As you will." Marcellus got down on his knees in front of Glaucus, and took his cock in his mouth. He began sliding back and forth. Glaucus put down his scroll, and smiled, as he closed his eyes.

"I think frequently, of how I have a conquered general at my feet, swallowing me. It is why I sacrifice greatly to the gods. " He grabbed Marcellus' hair. 'THE WHOLE SWORD SLAVE. NOT JUST THE POINT." Marcellus began to gag, but Glaucus kept his head pinned firmly on the full length of his sword. "I could bite this off with no trouble," thought Marcellus "but it would mean the end for me, and who would protect Demos? " So he gagged, and held the sword, running his tongue along the length of it, until he heard the sigh out of Glaucus, and felt the warm fluid snake down his throat. Glaucus smiled, as he played with Marcellus' hair.

"Unquestionably, the best in the estate at that Marcellus. It is amazing what training can do, do you not agree?" "I would My Lord."

Glaucus smiled. "You have not been here all that long, and I dare say it is a safe bet that you had never done that before your capture."

"That is true My Lord. " He paused. "I was used to having Demos do it, after years of others."

Glaucus shook his head "Ah, yes, Demos. It was not easy, but he may very well have fulfilled his obligation to Rome today Marcellus. Your turn will be soon."

"Please My Lord. I do not wish to hear about what you have forced my Demos to do."

Glaucus reared up, and looked at him angrily. "YOUR Demos, SLAVE? There is no YOUR. You are a SLAVE. MY Demos. MY Marcellus. MY Eric.

Anything you have, is a result of my largess . I do not know why you do not accept that."

Marcellus brought his head to the ground, in submission. "My error My Lord. Still, though, I do not wish to hear of what Demos was forced to do."

"He performed more than adequately, is the report of the lady with whom he shared a bed."

Marcellus did not speak.

"Your obligation will be met shortly Marcellus. And the lady in whom Demos had planted a tree has a sister. I will see to it that you and Demos are related by more than your... activities."

Again, Marcellus said nothing. "You will be busy Marcellus. " He smiled. "I am looking forward to the wrestling match with Flavius for next week."

"If I may My Lord, I will announce to you now, that I would choose Demos as my spoils if I were blessed to win."

"And I will honor that request Marcellus. "

"My Lord, I would also ask your blessing for me to do something for the glorious state of Rome."

Glaucus smiled "And what would that be, Marcellus?"

"The rumors of war. With the Gauls. I would volunteer to serve in the Roman army."

"Hmmm. I have played chess for years, Marcellus, and I can see your endgame. I would remind you that a slave needs his Lord's permission to serve."

"I understand that My Lord. That is why I raise it."

"I will consider it. Conscription has not yet begun ." He paused. "Rest assured, however, that permission will NOT be granted without consideration from you, Marcellus."

"My Lord, I do not know what consideration you can request. As you have pointed out, I have nothing. All belongs to you."

"AH, Marcellus, fair with respect to the tangible. I will consider it, as I have said. For now, though, you will join me at dinner. He clapped his hands and Collepherus entered.

"Collepherus, you have returned quickly." The attendant smiled. "My Lord, Eric is skilled." They shared a glance and laughed "So he is. Not in the way this one is though."

Collepherus grinned. "My Lord, I would not know. You have made clear that he is YOURS."

"And he will be tonight. But first, some kid goat. " He looked at Marcellus. "I am certain that my general has not quite recovered from last night, and needs fortification."

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The cook had in fact prepared a marvelous dinner of the kid goat.

"So, Marcellus. Tell me how Eric is doing at the gymnasium. It appears to me that his musculature is improving."

"It is My Lord. Clodius has to reprimand him for sneaking to the sauna, but as of now, rest assured, there has been no 'contamination."

"Then he has not swallowed any of those lecherous men?"

"There is no talk of that My Lord. And there would be. You flatter me by telling me my mouth is better than his. I am sure that there would be talk if someone had had his mouth. "

"Indeed. There would be. " He paused. "Marcellus, I have made a decision. It impacts you, so I will announce it to you first. I am going to ask Flavius to become my consort."

Marcellus nearly dropped his wine goblet. "My Lord. You would choose him over me?"

Glaucus laughed. "My jealous Materan. No, I would not; however, you will not have me. Your heart, your soul, they are with Demos, and that is clear. And I do not grow younger. "

"Will he accept you My Lord?"

"I do not know, slave. Yet, there are many reasons for him to accept. His view of protecting his son is rather different than is yours for protecting Demos. And he is an attractive man."

Internally, Marcellus felt his blood burning. Now, becoming Glaucus' consort did not seem so bad.

"I wish you luck in your quest, My Lord."

"Thank you Marcellus. Rest assured I will continue to treat you as one of my favorite bed slaves , including tonight. " He rose. "Now, wash your hands, and prepare yourself. The kid goat has done what I intended it to do, and I desire you."

From behind, Glaucus put his arms around Marcellus' middle, He pulled him close. His teeth found Marcellus' neck and he nibbled. "Those marks are healing. I should leave more. My own style of branding my slave." Marcellus began to moan. Demos had always licked his neck, but had never used teeth. The feel of Glaucus' teeth was thrilling, and sent chills to his own sword.

"My slave likes that, doesn't he?" "Yes My Lord." "As much as this?" Glaucus moved his hand up to Marcellus' chest , and began squeezing his nipple.

"OOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOH. " came out of Marcellus' mouth. When Glaucus did that, all of his resistance melted.

"Would My Lord honor the mouth he so favors with a kiss, rather than a sword?" Glaucus obliged, forcing Marcellus to take his tongue completely. As he pushed the tongue down Marcellus' throat, he forced him backwards, onto the bed.

"I will bind you tonight Marcellus. For I want you struggling, but helpless." Glaucus fixed the restraints very tightly. Then he brought out a small brush, with very rigid bristles.

"From the boar we ate for dinner last week. " He smiled with an evil grin as he brushed the bristles on Marcellus' eggs.

"OH MY LORD. Pain and pleasure. My sword begs for release."

"It will not get it Marcellus. " Glaucus begin slowly inserting a finger into Marcellus' hole. He used a corkscrew motion, which is something he had not done before, and it drew howls from Marcellus.

"My Lord, I have not felt that before . It is... It is... Like nothing I have ever felt."

"And I'm sure that, if you win the wrestling match, Demos will feel it." Glaucus pushed harder. He watched Marcellus face. He wanted him right at the edge of pain, and when he saw it, he pulled his finger back.

"Next time, I will take you face down. As I have told you, this estate has many eyes, and many ears. Demos has spoken of how he could get what he wanted from you, by licking the back of your knees." Marcellus tried to push up, stunned that Glaucus knew this. "I will try it tomorrow night. For tonight, however, I grow desperately rigid. Your mouth was soft, and accommodating, but there is so much more of you Marcellus. " He dropped his loin cloth. Marcellus had lost count of how many times he had been taken by Glaucus, and as the man began to push his sword into him, he just laid back and felt it. Yes, it felt good. Did it feel as good as when he was thrusting into Demos? He did not know. As Glaucus pumped, he began thinking: should he reconsider the consort role, and insist on certain freedoms for Demos? After Glaucus had thrust, and climaxed, his affection for Marcellus was obvious. No, they would never be equals, but Marcellus knew: regardless of Flavius' decision, he would always be a favorite of Glaucus. Should he gain freemanship, he was certain that, to protect Demos, he would have to continue to share Glaucus' bed with him.

"THE PRICE. THE RISK" he thought. Warfare was never safe, and even the shortest campaigns took months. If he did this , what would have happened while he was gone? He hadn't spoken to Demos about paying his 'debt to Rome' . Had he enjoyed it? Would he still desire him ? And what would happen when HE was called up on to pay his debt? So much swirled around in his mind.


As Marcellus drifted off to sleep, in Glaucus' arms, Collepherus was sitting, outside of the sleeping quarters, with the managers of the wrestling ring. "Then it is settled? You have spoken to Portius so that the first match will be Demos and Urban, followed by the match for alpha dom?

"It is settled Collepherus. Portius has agreed. He asked only for a prime seat.

Next: Chapter 15

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