Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 23, 2020


In the bed slave quarters, Flavius, Ahmad and Eric also slept well. Flavius dreamed of his life back on the farm, and of his wife. He alternated between wishing to know what had happened to her, and not. When they were captured, the first thing the soldiers had done was to separate the men from the women. Then they further separated young men, like his son, from older men. Then the slaughter began. There was a sword pointed at his throat, before a senior guard looked at him. "WAIT. This one may be of value to a Roman who appreciates a handsome older man. He stays." Of his village, which contained about 150 people, there were only 22 men who were allowed to live.

The new life here was a change, and much of it left Flavius with mixed feelings. He had worked so hard as a farmer, and he enjoyed the life. He was a free man. Here, as a slave, he ate better, had better clothes, and a better life than he did on that farm. Balancing that against the loss of his wife, and the fact that reunions with his son were left to chance, was difficult.

So, too, was what was happening to his desires. When he was told why he was on this estate, he thought seriously of seeking poison. He knew the poisons that the estate knew were kept very much under guard, but these Romans didn't know how combinations of different herbs could lead to death - and he did. He could find them, and end things. Still, there was his son. Whatever else was happening , his son was alive. At first, that kept him from doing anything that could bring harm to himself. And now, there was more. The first time Glaucus had taken him, he was surprised by the pleasure it induced. It wasn't enormous, but it was there, for sure. So, too, when he wrestled Marcellus. The thirst for victory became more than that. And now, locked up as he was, his desires were strong. And when he dreamed, it was either of plunging his sword into Marcellus, or having Glaucus' sword plunged into him.. He had been told this wasn't right, but... looking at the domain of Glaucus, it did not seem the gods had singled him out for any punishment.

In Glaucus' quarters, Marcellus stirred in his Master's strong arms. Every night, he thought. "He conquered me. That is how it is. He takes what he wants." Right now, it seemed Glaucus wanted nothing but sleep. In contrast, Marcellus' desires were beginning to grow. The marble pole he had been forced to wear, pressed against pleasure centers of his anus. He was sure Glaucus knew that. Shifting to avoid the stimulation, just caused stimulation to another part. And he grew stiff in his cage. Perhaps... just perhaps..." He shifted and it worked. Glaucus hand, positioned on his nipple, moved, and began to stroke that nipple.

"OH.. YES My Lord." Marcellus whispered, as Glaucus began to wake. "It seems my soldier is at attention, and needing tending to." "My Lord, I cannot help it. It is the... device. It is stimulating me.." "Then perhaps you should be wearing it at all times, Marcellus."

Glaucus laughed, just before he rolled Marcellus on his back. "You are going to be spending much more time in this bed chamber Marcellus. I think you need much more attention from me than you have been getting."

"As you will My Lord.." He sighed, and then he felt Glaucus' tight grip on his nipples. His moans grew louder. "MY LORD. Please grant me the pleasure of your sword, rather than a marble one.."

Glaucus smiled. "Yes, indeed. You need more than the toy from Portius." He slowly removed it, twisting as he did, to cause as much stimulation as he could. "Do you have a Master, Marcellus?" Glaucus smiled at his captive "Yes My Lord. It is you. I belong to you." "Indeed, Marcellus, you do. Even THIS part of you." He began to slide into the man's hole, and both began to moan from pleasure. "The spoils of war... " Glaucus laughed when he was finished. "You could be in the mines. Instead, you are living a life many men would have if they could. Do not forget that."

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At sunrise, as Marcellus was readying himself for the gymnasium, Glaucus spoke. "Wait here for a minute Marcellus." He summoned Collepherus "Bring Eric here. Have him dressed for sport."

Eric appeared immediately. The day was humid, and his hair was even curlier than usual. From servile position, he asked. "My Lord wished to see me?" Glaucus smiled. Even after the busy night with Marcellus, this young man roused him. "Marcellus, I wish for you to take Eric to the gymnasium today. Eric, you are growing. You are somewhere between boy and young man, and a young man should not have the body of a boy. Clodius will see to your training. As will Marcellus." Eric could not help but smile. He desired both Marcellus and Flavius, but only Flavius had taken him. Even to be in Marcellus' presence was arousing. "Thank you My Lord. I hope that the work in the gymnasium makes me more desirable to you." "It will," Glaucus smiled. "Marcellus and Flavius can tell you how fond I am of a muscled man." Marcellus blanched at that. "I am sure that Clodius and I will make him a strong young man, My Lord." He winced as he said that. He had said it once of Demos. And he had. then, when his desire for Demos grew unmanageable, he had taken him. Would that happen with Eric?"

On the way out of the estate to the gymnasium, Marcellus saw Urban being led to his father. "Ave et Salve Marcellus, Eric. " The two returned the greeting, before leaving to walk to the gymnasium.

"Urban is here again, Eric?" "Yes. It is a reward to Flavius. Flavius will be in charge of the gardens, and Urban will be assisting him. " "So he is to come here every day." "That is correct." That thought angered Marcellus. Urban was of another estate, and he would see his beloved father every day. Yet Demos lived under the same roof, and Marcellus rarely saw him, and never had time with him. When had Flavius become Glaucus' favorite? He thought HE was the favorite."

"Marcellus. Please be careful when you are walking. You almost stepped into..." Eric showed him a large pile of horse manure. "Oh, thank you Eric. I was thinking, and they were not happy thoughts. " "You are thinking of Demos, my friend." Marcellus grinned weakly. "How did you know?" "You have a look when you think of him. It goes from a smile, to a dark cloud in an instant. " "He is my consort, Eric. I want to be back with him." Eric grinned. "The next moon is in a span of seven suns. Should you challenge, and win, remember that you may choose any slave you wish. It need not be Flavius. " "This is true, rubrus." (Rubrus, or red, was the nickname they had given to Eric). "But to defeat Flavius... he beat me soundly . " "Flavius has his weak spots, that only a bed partner would know. They can be yours Marcellus. For compensation." Marcellus looked at him and stopped walking. "What compensation would you have? I have nothing." Eric smiled more. "But you are wrong there. Yes, I desire your sword Marcellus, but that is not to be granted, I know. However, one can do much with hands. With fingers. With a tongue. I am certain Demos taught you much about how to bring pleasure, and I am sure that Glaucus has taught you more." He paused. "We may in fact object to being objects of pleasure in the house of Glaucus, but we must admit, he has made us all reach heights we did not imagine we could." Marcellus blushed. The young man was right. "I will agree to your terms. When we have opportunity, I would like you to tell me what you know. And in return, I will give you what you wish."

Back at the estate, Flavius and Urban presented themselves to Glaucus. He had not called for them; however, Urban had advised his father that this would serve them well. The worst that could happen would be to be denied entry. Yet it was granted. Urban fell to his knees, and pulled his father down along side of him. "Lord Glaucus, we have come, without permission, solely to thank you for your gift to us. We will serve your gardens well, My Lord." Flavius picked up the cue. "My son speaks true, My Lord. We will make you proud of what the garden produces. It will make you happy to look upon it." Glaucus was pleased with the initiative. "You are welcome Flavius, Urban. Flavius, you have been loyal to me, and Urban, I am told that you make my good friend Portius very happy. " He paused. "Flavius, know that I am declaring this evening an evening of revelry. As alpha, your cage will be removed. " He smiled wickedly. "Perhaps you will spend part of the day thinking on how you would use it."

In the garden, Flavius and Urban were joined by six other slaves. These slaves had been purchased recently, from a conquest in Macedonia. There would be language problems, but the language of plants is common. Flavius was able to assign tasks to each of them, while he took Urban with him to begin the task of clearing old plantings for new ones.

"Father, careful . That plant is poisonous." Flavius smiled. "Yes, my son, I know. Look. It has formed seed pods. Wrap your hands in your tunic, and help me to gather them." Urban was confused. "Father..." He smiled. "Yes, it is risky. We will plant them in an obscure part of the garden. It may work, it may not; however, this may be a way to find our freedom. Their gestation is long: at least 110 days. But we may very well be able to put them into the food of our Lords, and find a way to freedom for us all."

Eric had done well for his first day at the gymnasium. "I will wait with you for the attendant to bring you back to the estate, Eric," Marcellus spoke to him. "I don't have authorization to teach you swordsmanship yet, and you're not quite strong enough." He smiled. "Perhaps in six months." Eric was quick to answer. "My swordsmanship is unsurpassed. I proved two sheaths for every man's sword." Marcellus laughed. "you enjoy being a bed slave Eric." "I do. It was always so. Perhaps there is some trick of the gods involved, but from as early as I can remember, I enjoyed the feel of a man's sword. And I confess: I do not seem to be able to get my fill." Marcellus rumpled his sweaty hair. "You are more than amusing Eric. But serious swordsmanship is something every young man should know, in my opinion. You will learn from me." "I am told that you are the best. With many swords." Again, Eric gave an alluring smile. "Yes, Demos and I have spoken Marcellus. I have been to the baths, and we have talked. And yes... I DO know your secrets too." "How did you learn what you know about Flavius ? You have not had him yet." "He speaks in his sleep Marcellus. He was nervous about your combat. All had told him that he should be prepared to receive a Materan sausage, but not in his mouth. He was scared. Nay, he was terrified. And then, of course, there is the day I spent with.." and he made a face "Portius. BY THE GODS that man is not nearly the man he thinks he is. I pity Urban. And I pity the time Demos was there. But Urban has his own weaknesses, and Portius exploited those. And he learned. Then, when I exploited his..."

Marcellus shook his head. "This is all madness. There are no secrets in this town . NONE." He realized when Eric was speaking that, when he had his night with Demos, the young man seemed remarkably undamaged by his time with Portius. He trusted the youth.

Collepherus appeared. "Have you enjoyed the gymnasium Eric?' Again, the humor "I did Collepherus. Not nearly as much as I enjoyed the variety of men there." Marcellus and Collepherus exchanged looks. "I see. Perhaps we can find you work there as an... ahem, attendant."

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At the end of the day, after all had returned to the estate, and Flavius had kissed his son goodbye, Glaucus came into the slaves' quarters. All four of them took the servile position as Glaucus walked in. "I hope that my pretties have had good days..." He looked at Flavius.. "You will need a bath, as will you Marcellus. And you Eric. Eric, to the guest baths. Make sure that Tertius takes care of you. " Marcellus' heart sank. That was where Demos worked in the house. Glaucus turned to Marcellus and gave him an evil smile. He knew exactly what he had just done. He then sent Flavius to the master baths. "Marcellus.." another smile. "You will use my private bath. I will tend to you myself."

The slaves looked at each other with surprise. Glaucus NEVER took the opportunity to bathe another man, unless... unless he was courting him.

"And Flavius, when your bath is complete, please visit my quarters. I will remove your cage for the evening."

Eric smiled internally. He had already figured out the logistics. Marcellus would be in Glaucus bed that night - he knew it. Flavius would be a free man, and Marcellus would not be available. He would see if he could talk Tertius into cleaning him thoroughly.

"My Lord, I am capable of washing myself." Marcellus announced when he was in Glaucus' quarters. "I am aware of that Marcellus. I have given my instructions. The bath is prepared. Enter it." "Yes My Lord." "Your hair has not been cleaned properly in too long a time. Immerse yourself Marcellus." "Yes My Lord" Marcellus, of course, who did not swim, feared immersion. He feared Glaucus more, and put his head into the water. Glaucus pulled it out after ten seconds.

"We simply need to get the most filthy items out. And we have. I am going to ask to have you taken to the barber. This hair has grown so thick it detracts from your beauty. He smiled.

"My Lord, if I may, I would ask you something." "You may ask me after you have dried, and after we have proceeded as I have planned." Marcellus had to admit that the bath he had been given by Glaucus was exceptional. The washing of his genitals had been very careful and far from arousing. Glaucus had massaged his feet, and had found a callus Marcellus did not even know he had. He finished his drying, and presented himself to Marcellus.

"Very nice. You make a very good appearance Marcellus. Please rest against the restraining wall." Glaucus had a special room , where one of the walls was equipped with restraints. He took Marcellus there now, and shackled his wrists. Marcellus felt his cock tick up. It ticked up harder, when Glaucus ran his finger up the middle of his torso. "What is your question, your concern Marcellus?"

"My Lord, I was under the assumption that you favor me.." He bit his lip as Marcellus' finger found his nipple and played with it. "And indeed, I do, Marcellus. What makes you think I do not?" He took both nipples, and Marcellus had to catch a breath before he continued. "My Lord, I see how you favor Flavius with visits from his son. I see how you have let Eric attend the gymnasium. From what I can see, Ahmad is allowed to participate in any activity he wishes. Yet, my one wish will not be granted... OH. OH..." He began to squirm as Glaucus nibbled on his nipple.

"Your wish is for time with Demos" "Yes My Lord." Glaucus reached down, and he turned the locks to remove the cage from Marcellus' cock. He smiled as he began handling the immediately hard sword of Marcellus. "I thought you would understand why this is the case Marcellus." "You wish for me to agree to be your consort, My Lord. " "Indeed, I do." "My Lord, I cannot agree to that.." Marcellus sucked in his breath. Glaucus' manipulation of his cock was stimulating him more than he had been stimulated in a long, long time. Demos' tongue could do that, but this...." "Well, absence from Demos may change your mind. And again, you may wish to consider this: at any time, it is my right to sell Demos to any merchant I wish.." Glaucus continued the work on Marcellus' cock. He had the man moaning. "I do understand that My Lord. But I am promised to him." "Promises can be broken. " "I will not break mine, My Lord.." Glaucus fairly cackled. "I know. And if I cannot have you as my consort, neither shall he. But I shall have you here, as frequently as I want, and in any way that I want. " He looked at Marcellus' face. "It appears that you wish to spill your seed." "Yes My Lord. I beg for that." Glaucus smacked Marcellus cock. "NO." You will NOT. " When his cock receded, Glaucus locked it up again. "My time in the bedroom with you will increase, and it will be much more challenging on you physically." He released the restraints from the wall. "SIT IN THE BONDAGE CHAIR SLAVE." When Marcellus had moved to the chair, Glaucus bound him, using chain rather than his usual rope. "You know, I do not feel inclined to remove your cage again. Next time, I will. For now..." He brought over the fasteners he had used on Marcellus' nipples once before. Before he applied them, he filled Marcellus' mouth with a horse bit. Even with that, the application of the fasteners caused such pain, that it was heard in the bed slave quarters.

"Hmmm. I wonder what Marcellus did to enrage him," said Ahmad, to no one in particular. Flavius, denied access to Marcellus, had taken Eric to his bed, and Flavius was moaning louder than Eric.

"Shall I remove these Marcellus?" Marcellus , through tears, shook his head yes. "I will remove them, if you take my sword in your mouth. " A pause, and then a gentle head shake for yes. Glaucus pulled them off for maximum pain. Then he removed the bit gag. "My Lord seems exceptionally cruel tonight." "My slave seems exceptionally obstinate. OPEN YOUR MOUTH." Glaucus filled Marcellus' mouth with his sword. It was, without question, one of the acts Marcellus most hated. Demos had done this to HIM, and a reversal was still a sting to him." "I will not feed you seed tonight, Marcellus, but I will make those beautiful lips sore." He pulled his cock out. It was wet, and hard. Marcellus' was hard too, though he was trapped in that cage.

"My Lord, I beg you . I need relief. I need relief badly. " "Then win the next competition. For now... on the bed, slave." Marcellus had no choice but to obey, and again, Glaucus bound his wrists to the bed, but had him face down. "That beautiful receptacle of yours, needs, perhaps a wakening.." Marcellus saw Glaucus go into the other room, and he came back with a very small whip. "I imagine you were whipped as a small boy Marcellus. Now, you will be whipped as a MAN." Glaucus started with a very soft, measured, slow cadence. It barely disturbed Marcellus. Then it grew stronger. And stronger. The strokes were harder than anything he had ever felt. Marcellus' body was battle toughened, but there had never been any reason to harden this part, and the pain was growing. Glaucus saw the red rising on Marcellus, and he heard the soft weeping. 'PLEASE MY LORD. NO MORE. PLEASE. PLEASE. " Glaucus smiled. "I have enjoyed this beating. There will be more, but not tonight. For now..." He pushed the reddened cheeks of Marcellus apart. Even a gentle touch was maddening for the soldier. He felt Glaucus finger roughly probing him. "You may not be my consort, Marcellus, but you ARE my slave. MY BITCH. AND I WILL TAKE YOU THE WAY A HOUND TAKES HIS BITCH." "Yes My Lord," he moaned through gritted teeth, as Marcellus pierced him. The sensation from the whipping, made the taking that much more intense. Glaucus was FAR from gentle, as he pounded the captured general. "How does that feel, Materan?" "My Lord, it is painful. But pleaurable." "HEH HEH HEH. Think of how many times you have made DEMOS suffer from your brutality. It is all now coming back to you, slave." There was one final push, and Marcellus felt the waves of Glaucus seed fill him.

"You will not be leaving me tonight Marcellus. And I am FAR from finished with you." He chained Marcellus' wrists together as he prepared him for bed. Then he took a larger plug and inserted it in Marcellus' hole. He laughed. "Perhaps incubating my seed, will lead to you becoming the first pregnant Materan man. HAHAHAHAHAHA." Marcellus could say nothing, only be grateful that this humiliation was not happening in front of anyone else.

As Glaucus got into bed with Marcellus, his hand on his sore nipple, Eric was telling Flavius. "Now, gently, When you're taking a boy's mouth, little by little. Eventually, you can shove it all in.. THERE we go..."

Next: Chapter 14

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