Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 17, 2020


Collepherus himself was tasked with taking Eric to the estate of Portius, and bringing back Urban. While he maintained the expected servile position, Eric was thrilled to have a day away from Glaucus' estate. While the other bed slaves had become so, reluctantly, Eric unabashedly LOVED sex. He LOVED feeling a man's sword in him, be it his mouth or his rose, and he had no desire to be anything but the omega slave. Indeed, if any of the other slaves on the estate wished for a night with a boy, Collepherus included, Eric was willing. So the chance to experience yet another sword was exciting to him. There was a bounce in his step, and Collepherus smiled.

"Calm down, whore," he laughed. "After a day with Portius, you may find yourself wishing that our Master took you to bed every night."' "I already wish that, Collepherus. Master is superb in bed - he taught me, and he continues to teach me. My main wish on the estate, is that there were fewer bed slaves, and that he preferred young men." Collepherus shook his head. There was no persuading this one, and perhaps that was good. He did have to admit, at least to himself, that when he took advantage of Eric's advantages, he had spent one of the most wonderful nights of his life. The arrived at Portius' estate. He was at the gate with Urban.

"Ave et Salve, Lord Portius!" Collepherus recited the standard greeting. "My Lord Glaucus bids you well, and hopes that our Eric will provide a day of happiness to you," "And I welcome you, Collepherus. " Portius had his hand on Urban's shoulder. Urban also had assumed the position of servility. "Would you stay for refreshment, Collepherus?" "That is generous Lord Portius, and I hope you are not insulted if I decline. The work at the estate is high today, and even I will be assisting in the hand labor. As planting approaches, every free hand is needed. " He smiled. "My Lord Glaucus insists on growing most of his own fruit and vegetables, and even he will be with us today, in the field" Portius smiled. "Seeing Lord Glaucus planting a tomato is something I would pay much to see, but not today. I understand your position Collepherus. You have been with Lord Glaucus for how long?" "Oh, by the eyes of Athene, Lord Portius, I would be lying if I gave a number of suns. Suffice it to say I was younger than Eric here, when I started." Portius looked at Eric. "Young man, you are indeed lovely. I have a day planned for you which I hope will please us both." Without looking up, Eric answered "If the day pleases you, My Lord, it will please me." Portius smiled. "Well trained. Like this one." He squeezed Urban's shoulder. "I will miss your presence today my boy." "I thank you for granting the time with my Father, My Lord. I promise you will not regret it ." Portius smiled and said to Collepherus. "To be honest, I did not teach him that. He is the single slave I have had who came with a knowledge of proper behavior." He kissed the top of Urban's head. "Enjoy the time with your father Urban. None of us are granted as many days as we would wish, let alone that every day were as we wish."

Portius put his arm around Eric, who casually looked at the folds in Portius' tunic. Portius noticed, and smiled. This would be fun. Collepherus set off with Urban. Again, a young one who was as eager as a young colt. "Be still Urban. We will get there soon enough. I do promise you will have all the time with your father that was promised." "I am eager, Collepherus. I miss my father dearly." "In a low voice, Collepherus answered. "We all miss our fathers, young man."

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In the bed chamber at his estate, Glaucus was finishing up his evening with Marcellus. He had woken eager for more than he had had the night before, and he had Marcellus spread out on the bed, bound, as he penetrated him for the second time. As he did so, he reached for Marcellus' chest, twisting his nipples, while Marcellus moaned.

"You will be sore today Marcellus," he grinned. "You will recognize it most when Clodius has you perform squats." Through gritted teeth, Marcellus answered "Yes My Lord. Soreness from My Lord is a gift." Glaucus laughed as he thrust faster. "We will have to have you teach insincerity Glaucus. But that is ok. It only drives me to master you more completely.." He pushed, hard, and a small amount of seed entered Marcellus. As he untied the man, he kissed him.

"You would do well to reconsider my offer of consort ship. Even more than that, you should consider voiding my seed before you visit the gymnasium. " He grinned. "There are citizens of Rome who can smell seed a mile away. They will assume it is yours, and want you. We cannot have that"

"No My Lord, it is not to be." Marcellus looked down at his caged cock. He bowed his head. "Thank you for the evening in your presence My Lord. I hope it was satisfactory to you." When he got back to the bed slave quarters, he saw Collepherus arriving with Urban. The boy and Flavius saw each other, and broke protocol.

'FATHER. I FINALLY HAVE THE CHANCE TO FEEL YOUR EMBRACE." Urban ran to Flavius, who collected him in his arms, and began to weep. "My son. I have missed you. I have worried about you." He kissed his son's head, and then his eyes, and then both ears, before his lips, as was their tribe's tradition. Then he examined Urban carefully.' "You have kept in good health my boy?" "Yes father. We are well fed at the estate of Portius, and we are given full opportunity to exercise. " He paused. "Truth to be told Father, I miss the farm." Flavius grinned weakly "As do I, my son." Unspoken was how they missed their wife and mother. "But we have a day from sun to sun together. Before we go, we should pay our respects to Lord Glaucus. He has brought this to fruition."

Flavius put his arm around his son, and pulled him close to him. "I have missed you so much." And as they walked off, he was filled with bitterness: his own Demos was under these very roofs, yet he was not permitted to be with him unless with subterfuge. Flavius, on the other hand, had been given a day with his son. He felt cheated. And helpless.

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"Urban, welcome to our home. Am I correct that you have not been to visit us before?" "AVE ET SALVE LORD GLAUCUS. MAY YOU LIVE FOR A THOUSAND YEARS." Glaucus grinned. It was a standard greeting of respecct, but the last thing he wanted to do was to live one thousand years. "I do hope you feel welcome here. And I hope you enjoy your day with your father. I believe that your father has planned a day that you will enjoy. " While Flavius' command of Latin was not up to his son's, he understood enough to know that Glaucus had used respectful language in Urban's presence. He did not refer to him as "Flavius," but as "Father." And he had spoken in the polite form, rather than the familiar, or the gutter Latin he used when he took him.

"When you have returned, I will insist that you take some refreshment before returning to Portius. I will need some time with your father, in private, and then I will have Collepherus lead you back to Portius, accompanied by your father." He turned to his steward "Are the escorts ready?"

"They are My Lord." 'THEN BE LIKE THE BIRDS AND BE FREE FOR THE DAY! " Flavius bowed deeply, as did Urban. "I thank you My Lord. This is a gift so great that it cannot be given a price." "Oh, but there always is," Glaucus thought, and smiled. "BEGONE . Share any fish you catch with the kitchen."

Glaucus spent the rest of the morning with his scrolls, before heading off to assembly. The assembly meeting would be short today, and then he did have to return to the estate for the work in the gardens. Such a pity! The day would have afforded him an opportunity to observe Marcellus at the gladiatorial academy , but it was not to be. Perhaps he could arrange for such a showing in the future. He hoped that the gardening would not exhaust him, for he planned an exhilarating evening with Marcellus. It had been long since the general had swallowed his sword. He smiled. "And what next?" he said to himself.

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"Father, this river is as lovely as the Rhine." "Close my son. The Rhine is home. This is not." "Ah, you are right my father." Ulrich moved into his father's embrace. "Being with you makes it feel like home." Franz hugged his son. "should we perhaps see who is the better fisherman?" "You know you will win that Father, but it is ok. Portius likes to win as well." Franz winced as he heard that. "He treats you well, my son?" "Father, that is a question not to ask here. We are alive. I would rather be at your estate, even if you were not there, but we are treated well enough." Franz wanted to ask his son what Portius did to him, but he refrained. He knew the answer would be similar to what Glaucus did to him. It was better not to hear it. "FATHER. MY LINE. It is bending!" Franz smiled "SO IT IS. It seems that you are better for now, Ulrich." They spoke in their own language, as they were away from the estate. On the end of Ulrich's line, a large fish jumped. "Father! It is too strong. Help me. PLease." The father smiled. He knew that Ulrich could handle the fish, but the boy was so respectful of his father. "Let me handle that son. Yes, the fish is strong, and willful. But he can be controlled. Just like a... an oxen." Franz had about to make a joke about a slave. They had used that joke before their capture. They never thought that they would be in this position. As he pulled in the fish, Ulrich's eyes were wide. "FATHER. That could be dinner for us for a week!. And I HAVE learned how to cook. When Lord Portius does not require me, I have been in the kitchen. The head cook , Secundus , is very generous in teaching." Franz looked at him. "Do not worry, Father. On that account, the only man who touches me, is Portius." As they brought in the fish, Franz found himself thinking again "it is caught, in the same way we were. Such is the cycle." He sighed. "Best to accept it than to fight it."

They caught a good number of fish that day, perhaps 10 or 12. The attendants had brought food for them, and they enjoyed a lunch in the field as they had in the past. And speaking in their native tongue was refreshing. The Latin Ulrich had learned, and that Franz found himself forced to learn, was not comfortable on their tongues: too slippery, like these Romans.

"Father, you have been concerned about my well being. What of yours? Are you treated well?" "I am son. I believe that Lord Glaucus wishes me to work in his gardens. I will find out on this day, or the morrow." Ulrich smiled. "I am happy for you father. Lord Portius speaks of how eccentric Lord Glaucus' garden is, yet I believe he envies it, just as I envy the chance to be in the gardens."

As they rested that afternoon, an attendant approached, and in a low, sweet voice told them that the sun was setting, and they would have to return to the estate." Both sets of eyes filled with tears. "It has been wonderful to be with you today Father. I hope that I can touch you, kiss you, make you proud of your son again soon." "Ulrich, you will never cease to make me proud. I have told Lord Glaucus that you have taught me more than anyone ever has. And I will do all I can to make another day like this in the future." They walked back to the estate of Glaucus, arms around each other's waist."

At the estate, Glaucus was waiting for them. The work in the garden had been strenuous, but he had received an excellent massage and then a soothing bath. He was in an excellent mood when they returned." "I can see from the color in your faces, Germans, that you have been in the sun. It suits you both. It makes you both even more handsome." "My Lord is too kind," Flavius answered, this time in Latin. "Urban, perhaps you would spend some time with my young slave Ahmad. He waits for you outside. I have had barley water prepared. You are too young to have the fermented one, but Flavius, would you join me in a glass of our local mead?" "My Lord, I would be honored." Urban went off with the attendant. Ahmad was a very congenial companion, and while he found Urban extremely attractive, he made no sexual overtures.

"Flavius, I hope that you enjoyed the day today." "I did My Lord, I am grateful to you forever." Flavius waited until Glaucus sipped his drink before sipping his. It was strong stuff - bitter, like the beer of home.

"I have been thinking of something Flavius, and I believe I know the answer.." He paused. "You are the only slave in my estate, with experience in agriculture. Yes, I could easily secure the slaves I need, but I would like to see you happy. I am going to have you supervise the planting of my gardens." Flavius forgot himself and looked up. "My Lord. That is an honor I do not deserve. " Glaucus smiled. "I will perhaps sweeten it. The garden is large. It is more than enough for one person, or for a team of slaves, who do not know what they are doing. " He paused. "Your son has experience in farming, does he not." Flavius began to see where this was going. "He does My Lord." Glaucus smiled as he saw the light in Flavius' eyes. "No, Flavius, I am not going to buy your son from Portius. Portius would exact too great a price." (Glaucus knew that, after a day, he would want Eric and would demand him in exchange. He was not willing to do that.. yet.. ). However, I believe that since Portius is, shall we say, a "creature of the night," he may be amenable to making Urban available to us during the day. He would work besides us. "MY SON! My Lord, you would bring my son to the estate? Every day?" "MOST days, Flavius. Ther will be days when Portius will NOT wish to surrender him, and of course, there will be days where gardening is not an option, but every other day, yes. " He paused. "I would require compensation from you." Flavius gulped. "My Lord, I am your slave. You own all that I am. I have nothing that I can give you." "AH, but you can Flavius, you can. You can give me your eyes." Flavius was puzzled. Had Urban been there, he would have known exactly what Glaucus meant. "There is always subversive talk amongst the slaves. Most of it is silly, and not worth my time. But there may be more. Especially from Marcellus. That being the case. I want your eyes, your ears. I want you to report to me of any talk you hear. ANY talk. I will call for you to join my bed at least once a week, and you will tell me then. " He paused. "Do we have agreement?" Flavius looked down for a minute. He was being asked to be a spy. But it meant his son would be with him. "I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you My Lord." "EXCELLENT! " Glaucus smiled. "I will arrange for your son to be brought to the estate every day. You may tell him on your walk back to the estate of Portius." He made a severe face. "Make SURE that Eric does not run away. He will be returning with you." Flavius bowed to the ground, an unusually strong sign of subservience. "I am your slave My Lord. I will serve you well. And I am grateful to you for this. " He began to cry. "SO grateful My Lord." Glaucus rose, and ran his hand through Flavius hair. "Rise. Kiss your Lord's ring. And then be off to your son." And so it was.

As they walked back to Portius, Franz announced his news to Ulrich, who stopped walking. "FATHER. YOU DO NOT TEASE DO Y OU? WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOR A PART OF EVERY DAY?" "Nearly every day son." Ulrich embraced his father. "I cannot believe this. Was there a price Father?" Ulrich grimaced. "There is always a price. Ask for no more information than that." Ulrich understood. "Yes my father. " "We begin tomorrow. Sleep as well as you can."

They had reached the estate of Portius. He was waiting, with a tired looking Eric. "AVE ET SALVE LORD PORTIUS" Flavius greeted Portius. "I have returned My Lord, and I thank you for your kindness" Urban knelt at the feet of Portius. Portius smiled. "The sunlight did you well, Urban. You are more handsome than ever." He rustled Eric's red hair. "Had this one not worn me out today, I would show you my appreciation. That will have to wait until tomorrow evening." He smiled at Flavius. "Yes, I already know. Lord Glaucus sent a messenger ahead of you, and Urban will assist you in this madness beginning tomorrow. " He kissed Eric on the head. "You, young man, may visit any time you like. " He smiled. "I have learned things today. Hibernians are an interesting people." Eric didn't respond, he just smiled. Flavius looked at him. "Eric, we must return before the hour of supper is over." "Be well slaves. Remember what I have said about every day." Flavius and Eric returned under escort to the estate of Glaucus.

As they walked, Glaucus was pushing Marcellus' head onto his sword, further and further. "SUCK IT SLAVE MARCELLUS. SUCK IT AS A SLAVE DOES. GENERALS HAVE THEIR SWORDS SWALLOWED . SLAVES SWALLOW THEM." Glaucus had his hands entwined in Marcellus' hair, so Marcellus was unable to pull back, only forward as Glaucus wished. "AH. You have learned that my left egg is more sensitve than my right. EXCELLENT. NOW SWALLOW." Glaucus thrust forward, and more seed went down the throat of the general. In truth, he again found himself aroused. He had tried to think of when Demos had done this to him, but those thoughts were eclipsed by other thoughts: thoughts of Glaucus piercing him from behind. "

"Was it adequate My Lord?" Marcellus asked as Glaucus released his head. "It will do for now. You will have your supper and you will return. Better yet, you will have your supper with me.

"Yes My Lord. I would be honored." Glaucus clapped his hands. Collepherus, please bring a plate for Marcellus. He will dine with me." "At table My Lord?" Glaucus grinned.

"NO. He will eat as a slave does. To be in the presence of his Master will whet his appetite sufficiently." Slaves did not eat at table, but were served on the floor, eating from a position of subservience.

At supper, Glaucus teased Marcellus, by running his foot up the man's spine. "I must say, slave Marcellus, that you have been everything I expected . An EXCELLENT bed partner. Challenging, but always yielding. Refusing to admit you enjoy what is done to you, even when it is clear that you do. "

"I am glad I please you My Lord."

"And you will please me more. You will please me tonight, and any time I require it." "Yes My Lord." "You have taken enough seed from me for me to not be able to pierce you; however, after dinner, there will be play. " He pointed to the pillar in the middle of the room. "I think it is time for another session." "As you will My Lord."

Glaucus clapped to have the dinner dishes removed. Collepherus looked at him. "Does My Lord require further assistance?" "No Collepherus, but I thank you. I will be fine." He signalled to Marcellus. "Stand against the pillar. Raise your hands above you."

Marcellus knew what was coming, but he had no choice. There were restraints at various points on the column, and Glaucus attached the ones that were highest up to his wrists.

"Stretched out, as if on the rack. But no, there is no rack work in the future for you, Marcellus. Rather, this lovely toy Portius gave me. " He took out one of the tickling wheels. He began slowly running it up and down one of Marcellus' sides. At first, there was no sensation. Then it all hit Marcellus at once. His laughter was instantaneous, and insistent.

"My goodness Marcellus. Such a strong laugh tonight. And with the estate beginning to sleep." Glaucus reached over and picked up a bit - the kind they used to drive oxen across fields - and gagged his slave. "Were you learned in Greek, you would understand if I called you Iphigenia now, but that is my private joke." He moved the wheel to Marcellus' other side, and then he slipped off the slave's loincloth, and began running it around his eggs. He saw Marcellus' face, bursting with laughter. Glaucus was intrigued: he thought Marcellus might actually be able to break the bit. That did not happen though. He put the wheel down, and his manicured nails began to run, up and down Marcellus' sensitized sides.

"Oh, your balls may be filled to bursting. Too bad about losing the wrestling match, Marcellus. He tickled Marcellus' balls, and Marcellus' eyes changed from helpless to pleading.

"Would you prefer to be in my bed, being treated as a woman, than tortured like a general?" Marcellus hesitated a minute, and then shook his head yes.

"To the bed then." Glaucus untied the restraints. Marcellus, knowing when he was beaten, went to the bed, face up, the way he knew Glaucus preferred. Glaucus dropped his own tunic, and climed on top of Marcellus. He pressed his knee into the man's crotch until he moaned. Then he began nibbling at Marcellus' neck.

Filth began to escape from marcellus mouth." Now, now, slave. Would you accept that kind of language from Demos?" "No My Lord. I would gag him." "Perhaps you will need gagging if I hear that again." Glaucus worked on Marcellus' neck, then his ears. Finally, he moved his mouth down to the slave's nipples, and began chewing. "OH MY LORD. Would you pierce me? Even with a toy? I am so much more receptive than that farmer. TAKE ME MY LORD. TAKE ME?" "Hmmm. An interesting idea Marcellus. You must be near to exploding, if you want the toy. But I will gratify you."

Glaucus had a series of marble dildos of different length. "What shall we use? The one that is two hands span?" He picked up a huge dildo, and Marcellus' was filled with fear. "Ha ha. No, I think one span will be enough tonight." He took a second dildo, wet it with his own lips and then slowly began inserting it into his slave.

"YES. Thank you Sir. It is a poor substitute for yours, but I hope I will have that tomorrow." As do I Marcellus. As do I" Glaucus played with Marcellus' hole for a good quarter of a span, before he stopped, and pushed it in. "You will sleep with that in you Marcellus, until I am ready to trade it for my own."

"Yes My Lord. Thank you. It will be hard to sleep, but I will manage." "Would you like a draught to help you with your slumber?" "No My Lord. I would feel the stimulus if I may." "And you shall. I will make sure it remains in you."

Glaucus pulled Marcellus to him. The pressure of his body made sure that the dildo did not leave. And at the first light, he had recovered enough from Marcellus earlier work, to replace the marble with the flesh. Marcellus moaned so much, that he reinserted the bit. And the woke, with Marcellus wearing the bit, and Glaucus' sword in him.

At the estate of Portius, Urban was asleep in his Lord's arms, smiling. Portius was not fooled. He knew that Urban was dreaming of being with his father. He sighed. "It is always about our fathers, isn't it? To have had more time with mine... " Portius fell asleep too, not as happy as Urban was.

Next: Chapter 13

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