Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 13, 2020


At dawn, Glaucus was aroused enough to take Flavius again. "Marcellus, if Flavius has taken you, you may return to the bed slave quarters. By right he may take you once for victory, and at the festival times during the new moon phase. "

"I understand My Lord. And yes, I have been taken." He looked at Flavius, who smiled. Glaucus smiled back. "The victor will be taken more than the vanquished."

After Marcellus had left, he wrapped his arms around Flavius, putting him on his back. "My handsome farmer. Your hole is still tight and delightful. I will have you again."

"But I am sore, My Lord. Your sword is wide, and it cuts deeply." Glaucus smiled. "Indeed, so I have been told. You will recover. Would you rather that I favor Marcellus? I can call him back."

"No My Lord. It is My Lord's choice." Glaucus, aroused further by the argument, split the cheeks of Flavius again. His seed was soon filling Flavius. When he was finished, and he had recovered enough to dress, he ordered Flavius to do the same, and to have a seat at his reclining table.

"Flavius, I was impressed yesterday, by your graciousness at the end of the battle. You did not seek to humiliate your fellow bed slave in public, but behaved like a gentleman. You showed that behavior is of the man, not of the rank.

"My Lord, I thank you for your praise. I will only say that, had I not been instructed by my son, I would have disgraced myself, Marcellus, and most of all My Lord by taking my prize at the arena. My son has trained me well. The money my wife and I spent on his education has been spent well."

Glaucus sat back, lost in thought. "Your son sounds like quite the young man."j "My Lord, it is a father's right to brag, and I will, but I believe that he will become a man I will be proud of. At the farm, we would say that he was 16 span, going on 40.

Glaucus laughed. "I know that type Flavius. They are rare but worth cultivating." He paused again. "Flavius, again, for your extremely honorable behavior, I would like to reward you, and the reward shall be a day spent with your son. " He saw Flavius' eyes widen. "It will take a day or so for me to arrange it, since Urban - or Ulrich as you insist on calling him - is Portius' slave - but I believe it will not be difficult. If you tell me how you would spend the time with him, I will arrange for it. " Glaucus smiled. "Would that suit you, slave Flavius."

"My Lord..." and tears welled in Flavius' eyes. "Your generosity is astounding. What father would not take the chance to spend a day with his son. But what would we do? My Lord, we are still new to Rome. Is there a suggestion?"

Glaucus smiled. "When I was a young man, I would go fishing with my father. The Tagus is filled with fish. I would enjoy those days. " Again, he was lost in thought, but not of the days with his father; rather, the days he would spend at the river bank with his Horatio. "The estate can provide you with the equipment you would need, and a small skiff should you choose to sail. Do know, that there will be guards: there will not be an opportunity to escape, and I ask that you not test my patience by trying to do so."

Flavius bowed. "If I may, My Lord, a farmer learns early what his place is. I know mine here. I am humbled by having been chosen to be a bed slave to you, and I am further humbled by the care you have taken of a humble slave. There will be no escape attempt. I assure you."

Glaucus smiled "Very well, farmer. We will study the garden together soon, as I will need your assistance in planting for the coming year."

As Flavius went off, Glaucus smiled , thinking of how his latest plan would unfold. Yes, taking Flavius had been delightful, and he would take him again. Totally defeating Marcellus, however, was his eventual goal. It was not farmers who had killed his Horatio, it was soldiers. Undoubtedly, it was not Marcellus, but that was beside the point. Marcellus had shown no sadness, no remorse for the loss that Glaucus had suffered. He would suffer in return. And of course, his unsurpassed beauty - beauty that had led others in Rome to compliment him, over and over, on his capture. His plan, as he saw it, was genius: when Urban was brought to the estate, he would be reunited in the slave quarters with his father. Marcellus would immediately think of Demos, and perhaps be filled with remorse. Or anger. Emotions in any event. It would make taking him at night all the more satisfying. He smiled, feeling his blood get hotter as he thought of it.

At the slave quarters, Eric and Ahmad greeted Marcellus, who had arrived first. He had to hurry, in order to get to the gymnasium and then the academy. Both young men wanted to know, what Flavius had been like, because truth to be told, they both wanted to be his bed partner. "He is thick, but short. Unlike our Lord. He has taken me, and I presume he will do so again." He turned to them. "How many festival days are there in a moon? How many opportunities does the alpha slave have to take his pick?" Ahmad had been there the longest. "It varies Marcellus. The moon phases determine it. I believe there are 3 this month, but there may be 4." He paused. "He may find another slave that he desires more, then you will be relieved of his "thick but short sword," he laughed. Marcellus frowned "another slave? I am confused. There are only 3 of us. Who else would he take?" "I believe you misunderstand the prize of victory, Marcellus. Yes, the winner MUST take the vanquished. That is the rule; however, on festive days, he is able to take any slave in the estate he wants." 'ANY SLAVE? So, had I won, I could request Demos later this month." Eric smiled "or me Marcellus, or any of the other slaves. He looked at Ahmad. "You could choose Tertius if you liked" and they both laughed. Marcellus was infuriated. How had he missed this opportunity? He would have fought harder, had he known that there was a possibility of being reunited with Demos. And there would be, but it would have to be at least another moon. Angered, he prepared himself for the gymnasium. An attendant was waiting. "Let us go Marcellus. Undoubtedly, Clodius is waiting for you. "

Indeed , at the gymnasium Clodius stood, arms folded, looking rather unhappy. "My prize student lost." "I did Clodius and I dishonored my teacher." Clodius was still unsmiling. "Marcellus, you dishonored yourself. You are the better wrestler, and you know that; however, you allowed your confidence to be overcome by cockiness. You are a trained fighter. You lost to a street fighter." He looked at Marcellus and put his hand on his shoulder. "THAT will not happen again. As of today, your training will involve wrestling where you will NOT be allowed to use your full facilities. You will wrestle blindfolded, with a hand tied behind you, with a foot hobbled like a horse, and you will NEVER be defeated by the inferior wrestler again. But we begin. " He picked up the large heavy ball that he used for training endurance. "FIFTY PACES MARCELLUS. " When Marcellus took his place, Clodius threw it like it was papyrus. "BACK TO ME MARCELLUS.' He repeated this until Marcellus had no strength for another return throw. And the workout only became more intense.

At the sword fighting school, the head instructor was equally upset. "Four of our students cancelled today, Marcellus. They are choosing to go to a school 'where the instructor is as talented as he is beautiful rather than merely beautiful' I am told. "I have caused this Sir. I owe apologies to all. My vanity took control and I lost accordingly."

"As your teaching load has lessened, perhaps it is best that you take some lessons yourself." The instructor pulled out his own sword. 'TAKE YOUR POSITION MARCELLUS. IT IS PERHAPS TIME THAT YOU LEARNED SOMETHING MORE THAN BRAGGING OF YOUR EXPLOITS."

While Marcellus was at his academy, and Flavius was being shown the gardens by the head gardener, Glaucus paid a visit to his friend Portius, who greeted him warmly.

'AVE ET SALVE' my friend. They embraced. "I , and all of us, must thank you for the EXCELLENT entertainment you provided us yesterday. " He clapped his hands "URBAN, here boy." The young man hurried out from a back room, hastily adjusting his loin cloth. The red marks on his chest suggested that Portius had been in a mood for nipple play. He put his arm on the young man's shoulders, and Urban immediately put his hands behind his back and dropped his gaze. "You must be proud of your father's victory, Urban."

"My Lord, pride is not something fitting to a slave. And my father's prowess did not surprise me. I have seen him bring a steer in rut to the ground, after he had plowed fifty hectares . I expected him to win."

Glaucus spoke "Urban, your father has been very clear. His noble behavior is a result of your instruction to him. In his words, my son has turned me from a man to a gentleman." Urban did not look up. "My father exaggerates. He has too much pride in his son, who could not even hold a sword to defend their property. I have disappointed him."

"Your father does not seem to think so Urban. I have come to ask Portius for a favor. Flavius' behavior was exemplary, and I have told him that, if it were agreeable to you, he could have a supervised day alone with his son. Does that seem amenable to you?"

The thought that he would have time with his father caused Urban to raise his head, with an expectant, hungry look. Portius, while Glaucus' friend, was cagey enough to see his opportunity. I am amenable to a one day trade. You may have my Urban for any purposes you wish, for one day. In return, I will have that red head, Eric.

"Eric for one day? Consider it done. I will have an attendant deliver Eric tomorrow, and he will return with Urban." "We are in agreement. From the rising to the setting of the sun." Urban's emotions got the better of him. He dropped to his knees, and, hiding his tears spoke. "I thank both of My Lords for this. Your kindness is unsurpassed. " Portius and Glaucus smiled at each other. "Back to the chamber Urban. You are not traveling until tomorrow, and we are not finished." Portius and Glaucus embraced.

When Glaucus returned to the estate, and after he had taken refreshment, he summoned his attendant. "Bring me Flavius first, then Eric and then Marcellus. " He smiled. "Also, make sure that all of the implements are in my chambers when Marcellus arrives.

"It shall be done My Lord."

When Flavius was brought to him, the man immediately took the position of submisson. "You may raise your head Flavius, for I will speak to you man to man."

"Yes My Lord."

"I have discussed the matter with Portius, and he has agreed. At the rising of the sun, Urban will be brought to you. Have you decided how you will spend the day?" "My Lord, again, I must thank you for this gift. It is priceless. If I may, I will ask you that we can spend it fishing on the river, as you proposed." "It shall be done Flavius. Now, you must know two matters such that you may proceed. First, Portius only agreed to allow Urban to spend the day with you, in exchange for a day with Eric. You have proven to be a noble man. Whilst you do not need to make a decision at this time, you will understand of course, that you are in debt to Eric for this." Flavius paused. "My Lord, if I may make a suggestion, Eric has made clear, more than once, that he would invite me to his bed. I would gratify that wish if I may." Glaucus smiled. "Let us see if that is the case." He clapped his hands again, and Eric was brought in. "My Lord summons me," he said before he looked down.

"Indeed, he does, Eric, my fair rosy haired boy. Tomorrow you will be doing a favor for Flavius and for me. You will spend the day with Portius. Sun rise to its setting, you will be his. In exchange, Urban will be brought here as reward for his father."

"As you will My Lord." "Now, in gratitude, Flavius has offered a boon to you. Should you accept it, it will be done. If not, you may name your reward. Flavius has told me that you have let him know you are not adverse to his sword."

Eric blushed. "I have said that My Lord." And Glaucus smiled. "Then it will be done. It is not a night of revelry, and will not be for at least ten suns; however, I will grant an exemption, and you will couple in my antechamber, so that I may watch. It will be interesting to me to see how two Germans enjoy themselves, especially when the younger is more experienced than the older."

"My Lord, I am sure you will be pleased." Eric spoke. "If I may, I will speak to slave Flavius in your presence" Glaucus nodded. "Flavius, I am honored to receive your sword. Do know that I am well trained in keeping a sword held high when the warrior would drop it. I believe, if I may, that Lord Glaucus can speak to my abilities." Glaucus smiled as he remembered his nights with Eric. "Eric is indeed well trained in matters of the boudoir Flavius."

"What is a boudoir, My Lord" Glaucus laughed. "He will serve you in a more interesting way than Marcellus did. You must trust me. Now you two may return to the bed slave chambers. Tomorrrow, Flavius, you will spend the day with Urban. The night of the day after, you will spend with Eric. "

As they left, Marcellus was brought in. In a rough voice, he spoke. "I am surprised that My Lord wishes to see me. I had assumed that he would want the German farmer rather than the Materan soldier."

Glaucus rose, and approached Marcellus. He lifted his head. "What a ridiculous assumption Marcellus. Did I not ask you to become my consort? "You did My Lord. I had assumed that with Flavius' ascension, that had changed." "It has not Marcellus. And since I assume you will continue to refuse, you will continue to be my bed slave, and you will serve me tonight." Marcellus dropped his head again. "As My Lord wishes. If I may, My Lord, I would ask a question of you." "Of course, Marcellus. I will try to address whatever questions you may have." "My Lord, my assumption was that the victor in the competition for alpha bed slave, must choose his partner from the other bed slaves." "Your understanding is incomplete Marcellus. The victor MUST take the vanquished, as has happened; however, the victor may then name his chosen when a night of revelry has been declared. " He paused. "I assume you are asking this because of Demos." Marcellus did not answer, and Glaucus laughed. "Marcellus, you must remember several things. First, you were lying on your back, with my spear at your throat . I could have killed you on that mountain, but I gave you life. I gave you life for a reason. And again, you were ready to throw away your life in sacrifice to Ares rather than serve as my bed slave. Again, you were persuaded not to do so. Clearly, I have affection for you, as you might have been sacrificed, more than once. Yet, you show no gratitude." Marcellus stood, silent. "In fact, you have insulted the memory of my consort Horatio, by stating that this is the nature of war. Yet it was the nature of war that brought Demos here, but MY nature that brought him into this household. Again, you have shown no gratitude." More silence "You realize, Marcellus, that with Flavius here, one MIGHT say you are, superfluous, and there would be more than one Roman, here or abroad, who would pay handsomely for a Materan general as his slave." "If you say so, My Lord." Glaucus sighed. "Marcellus, if you continue to be intransigent, I will arrange for daily scourging, until you have come around to a more reasonable position. Your stubbornness does not befit you. I captured you. I gave you life. And I defeated you in wrestling. Perhaps you have only lost two matches in your life, but they both happened here. " He paused before his voice rose. 'YOU WILL BE MORE SUBMISSIVE TO ME, OR I WILL SEE TO IT THAT YOU AND DEMOS ARE SENT TO OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE ROMAN WORLD AND NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN." The words sank into Marcellus. Of all the defeats he had suffered recently, this one was the one most difficult to accept: Glaucus was right. One of them could be sent to Persia, and the other to Hibernia. They would, in fact, never see each other again. "I understand, My Lord. What would My Lord have me do at this moment." A very broad smile crossed Glaucus face. He knew that he had broken Marcellus. At least for now. "Your mouth will tend to my sword. NOW" "Yes My Lord. As a street magician , I shall swallow your sword." Marcellus dropped to his knees in front of Glaucus, and opened his mouth, as Glaucus advanced. He pushed his penis into Marcellus' mouth. The temptation to bite was strong, but Marcellus fought it. He instead did what Demos had done to him, so many times. Glaucus entwined his fingers in Marcellus' hair, so that his mouth could not move.

"My sword grows longer, and it desires your rosebud. " He pushed Marcellus from him. "To the bed. Now. " "Will My Lord bind me?' "Not this evening. Tonight, however, I will compel you to beg for the sword." With that, he began an assault on Marcellus' nipples that left the enslaved general moaning. The sounds grew louder, as Glaucus moved his mouth to Marcellus' ear, and one hand, to Marcellus' sword. "OH. My Lord. My Lord . Please release me from my ecstasy . Take my bud. TAKE IT PLEASE."

Glaucus ran his finger around Marcellus' bud, and the sounds changed from moans and growls to whimpers. Being taken by Flavius was rough, and less than satisfying. This, however, was causing Marcellus' own sword to rise. When he felt the tip of Glaucus' sword enter him, he was near tears.

"My Lord knows how to make me beg for this. I want you Master. I want you to take me." Glaucus slid in, blood engorging his member, as he enjoyed Marcellus' fine, muscular buttocks.

"I am your slave My Lord. I serve you. ONLY YOU. " Glaucus slid back and forth, faster and faster. Eric had told him that to get Glaucus to finish faster, one had to tighten the cheeks, once he had pierced his man. Marcellus followed instructions, and he found that Eric spoke truth, as Glaucus seed filled him. " Glaucus smiled.

"Eric has taught you that. I applaud the young man. He is not stingy with his secrets. Nor am I." Marcellus looked confused. "One thing you must know Marcellus, is that this estate has thousands of eyes. How was your bath before the wrestling match? Did Demos do a good job?" Marcellus blushed. "Please My Lord. Do not punish the pair. They are trying to satisfy all." "They are trying to satisfy all," repeated Glaucus. "You must remember Marcellus. Your primary task, in this house, is to satisfy one. That one is me. Now you will remain tonight. You shall be my bed slave. There is no law that says that the Master of the house must favor the alpha slave. I DO enjoy taking Flavius. It is very satisfying. But you Marcellus, shall remain my primary bed slave."

He pulled Marcellus into his chest as they began to doze. Again, Marcellus thought that he could kill this man in his sleep. Then he thought of the attendants outside the room. He would not get far. And then, what would happen to Demos?

And not far away, Urban fell asleep, in Portius' embrace, thinking of how he would get to spend the day with his father. This life did not have to be seen as THAT bad.

Next: Chapter 12

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