Glaucus and Marcellus

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 2, 2020


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The guards walked Marcellus toward Glaucus' bed chambers. The pace was slow and majestic: Marcellus had agreed to surrender to Glaucus' bed, in return for his life. He also did it, in order to possibly see his lover, Demos, also a prisoner of the Romans. The alternatives to this had not been pleasant, nor did he relish giving up his manhood to his conqueror. Still, the bath he had just been given , had been the first real bath he had had in months. The attendant slaves had washed his hair, removed the matting and had cut it to an even length. They had even listened to him when he had asked them to cut it short "so I can never be grabbed by my hair, and slain, like so many of the Goths."

They had taken pains to manicure his overgrown nails, and to smooth down the rough skin about his feet. "This will take some time, I am afraid," said the head attendant, "and there may very well be some pain. But we will have your feet in perfect shape in good order. " He smiled. "And congratulations at being chosen Marcellus. All of us hope you bring some joy to Glaucus. He has not smiled since his lover died in battle. " This was news for Marcellus: he had not heard this part of his conqueror's story.

The war was over. The defeat of Marcellus' legion was the last pocket of rebellion from the Materan rebels. Now, as he stood on the top of Ponte Vulture, bound, gagged, and a prisoner of his conqueror, he cursed himself within, for falling for such a basic trap.

Glaucus stood next to him, his hand firmly on Marcellus' tight bicep, after the signal trumpet had sounded.

'MATERANS. You see next to me, your leader - your former leader, Marcellus. My prisoner. I CALL UPON YOU TO LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS AND SURRENDER. Or the next thing you will see, is your General thrown from these rocks, and we will recommence our battle. And you will be slaughtered and left in the mountains to DIE."

"How had it happened? How had he been so STUPID, " Marcellus thought to himself. The insurrection was NOT going well. Batallion after batallion fell, and his legion was the last one left. Still, among the rebels, and among the Romans, his legion was regarded as the most battle hardened, strongest, and best trained of all of the rebels. They had taken a stand in the mountains around Vulture: they knew the Roman legions here were not well fortified. If they could get an advantage, and break through the Roman line, there was hope. And indeed, the battle had gone well. Marcellus, and his men, were cutting the Romans to pieces everywhere. The Materans knew the terrain far better than the Romans did, and they controlled every pass. Any Roman who tried to make any progress, found himself cut down immediately.

Yet, Marcellus had been fooled. As he stood, waiting for the next flight of Romans, he saw the feathered helmets of what appeared to be unprepared, unready, Romans. He had drawn his sword, gave the CHARGE signal to his white horse, and had charged after them.

FOOL. The path was narrow, and he hadn't been prepared for the trap: the Romans, DAMN THAT GLAUCUS - had poured gallons of olive oil over the track. His horse, caught up in the oil, slipped, and in slipping, threw Marcellus. He landed with his head against a rock, stunned. By the time he regained his composure, Glaucus, the Roman general, stood over him, with a lance in hand. The lance aimed directly at Marcellus' throat, and Glaucus was smiling.

"Welcome to your death Marcellus. " He pointed the spear of the shaft directly at Marcellus' throat. "Or perhaps not. It is your choice. You can surrender to me, and perhaps - PERHAPS- your troops will take the opportunity to surrender. OR, you can die nobly, and without your leadership, none of your men will live the day . It is your choice. "

"My men will live if I surrender, Glaucus?" Glaucus smiled, knowing he had already won. "Your men will be given the opportunity to surrender, and live out their lives as slaves. Or they may fall on their own swords. It will be their choice. YOU, however, Marcellus, will be returning to Rome as my captive and prisoner."

Marcellus gulped. "You win, Glaucus. I surrender to you. Let my men live. I beg you. Kill me. But let my men live." Glaucus laughed. "As a prisoner, you will be given the same option Marcellus, albeit of a different color . ON YOUR FEET. Assume the position of a captive."

Marcellus stood, and put his hands behind his back. "WAIT. First, it is the tradition. I will have your armour Marcellus. You will no longer have need of it. REMOVE IT."

Marcellus sighed, and took off his breast plate, his helmet, the rest of the armour. He stood before Glaucus, clad only in his basic garments.

"Your hairiness is spoken of widely. And I see - the stories are true. It will be a good way for us to make sure your men know, it is not a trap, for I will NOT let you speak to them in that vulgar dialect of yours. " Glaucus tore the shirt from Marcellus, revealing his muscular, and hairy body. He stood behind him, and bound the general's wrists. He then took another piece of filthy leather, and placed it between Marcellus' lips, gagging him much more tightly than was necessary. "ON YOUR HORSE. I will lead you back to my men."

As they walked, Marcellus thought of his boy, Demos. It was the Materans' rule that couples did not fight in the same division. Contrary to others, they did not believe that fighting as a couple increased vigor, or strength. Demos had been in another legion, annihilated months ago by the Romans. The story was that there were many prisoners, many slaves, and Demos' body had never been recovered. Maybe he lived, as a slave in Rome perhaps, but perhaps he lived?

Glaucus led his captive into the camp. He proclaimed "VICTORY . VICTORY. VICTORY." His men, on seeing the semi-legendary Marcellus bound, and helpless, saluted him loudly. "Let us put an end to this war. " He pointed to their trumpeter. "You are with me, Semiphorus. To the top of Vulture. When the Materans see that their leader is captured, it will be over. "

"I hear and obey," Semphorus responded. "Now it is time to walk , Marcellus. The road is too strenuous, even for your wonderful steed." Glaucus called over his companion on the campaign. "Drusus. For your service: the horse of Marcellus. Well trained, strong, willful. Like his Master." He laughed. "May you have luck controlling him."

The three of them reached the top of Vulture. Marcellus did not struggle, nor did he scream. He knew that the battle was over. "SOUND THE CRY TO THE MATERANS. THREE TIMES.' Semphorus did so, and the trumpet rang over the valley. One could hear the silence fall over the valley.


There was the sound of arms being thrown down. Romans came forward, and began leading the Materans in chains back to the camp. Again, Glaucus pressed Marcellus' bicep. "Your men are smart too, Marcellus. I believe you will be glad that they made the decision they did. I will release the gag now. Your dialect means nothing anymore. You will speak like a Roman." Glaucus pulled the gag from Marcellus' mouth.

"I assume I will be permitted to travel to Rome with my men, 'my lord' Marcellus almost sneered, using the formula of submission. Glaucus laughed. "You would be incorrect Marcellus. As with the rest of your army, you are now a slave of the Roman empire. Unlike the rest of most of your men, you are a slave of some consequence. You will travel with me. And perhaps 5 or 6 other captives of notes."

Glaucus decided to proceed back to Rome via forced march. He sent envoys on ahead, to announce to the city that the rebels had been subdued, and Marcellus was in chains. The news made it to Demos, who was halfway between sleep and wakefulness, in the dungeon of his Mater, Portius. Portius had bought him at the slave auctions, at a very high price. Demos' sandy blond hair had appealed to him , as well as others. Demos now wore the arm band of Portius, and his collar. And three, perhaps four times a week, he was escorted to Portius bed, where Portius enjoyed him, in prolonged sessions of painful, violent sex. Indeed, Demos was trying to sleep off the latest assault on hs body, which had involved, among other things, a scraping device on his feet, which left him nearly crippled, and the not insubstantial penis of Portius. "Marcellus lives," he thought. "Perhaps we will be together."

The march took approximately 4 days. There was rarely a time when Marcellus was unbound, and Glaucus was almost always at his side. "I am told that the Roman imperium is very interested in you Marcellus. They feel that sacrificing you to our gods, would be most beneficial." Marcellus glowered. "You sound surprised." Glaucus smiled. "I am not. But I will lobby to give you the chance to choose."

As they entered Rome, the citizens gathered at the gates of the city, cheering Glaucus' chariot. Marcellus , bound, rode in the chariot, in a heavy yoke that forced his head down. He saw none of the people who threw rotting food, fish, and even rocks at him. He did not see the pelting, or the whipping, that his soldiers experienced, each and every one of them bound in chains at the wrists, and to each other at the ankles.

Glaucus presented his sword to the Emperor. "I offer my profound thanks for having served your Imperium, my Lord. And I present the fruit of the victory. BEHOLD MARCELLUS, GENERAL OF MATERA. BEHOLD THE WEALTH OF MATERA, IT'S BRAVE AND STRONG MEN. BEHOLD THE RICHES, THE SPOILS OF BASILICATA: JEWELS, GRAIN, WINE, GOLD, ALL OF THE THINGS WHICH BRING GLORY TO OUR CITY. " He bowed to the Emperor

"Rise, Glaucus. You have done well. " Glaucus rose, but in keeping with tradition, kept his head bowed. "I accept your tribute. And in return, in gratitude, I offer you the choice of any of the booty you wish. Ask, and it is yours. Please raise your head, Glaucus."


The emperor smiled. "An interesting choice Glaucus. Then you are of the view that Marcellus is responsible for the death of your Horatio." "MY LORD, MY VIEWS ON THAT BATTLE ARE IRRELEVANT. REST ASSURED I WILL OFFER MARCELLUS THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE IN SLAVERY TO ME, OR TO DIE AS SACRIFICE TO ARES."

The emperor smiled again. "Your wish is granted. You may take Marcellus. On the condition that you give him the opportunity to die . You will report to me of his decision."

"Indeed I will Sir."

Very well.... The emperor turned to his imperial guard. "BRING THE BAGGAGE TO THE IMPERIAL TREASURY. AS FOR THE PRISONERS, TO THE GALLEYS. " He laughed. "It seems that the auction room will open again, and for a while, all to the glory of Glaucus." The rules that governed the city called for Glaucus to receive 10% of the proceeds of anything sold, including slaves, as a result of his victory. He would be a rich man, should he have chosen to take it.

He turned to his own retainers. "Bring Marcellus to my home. Permit him to wash. Give him something clean to wear. " He smiled. "And then, chain him to the pendulum of Ares. He will have to make a choice."

Glaucus had affairs to tend to , including confirming that Demos still lived. He smiled. His existence might be useful, but he and Marcellus would never share a bed again. Indeed, he planned to have Marcellus share HIS bed. But that remained to be seen.

He completed his affairs, and when he returned home, inquired after Marcellus. "Yes Master. He struggled, and it took four of your strongest Nubians to subdue him, but he is in fact at the pendulum, bound securely. " Glaucus smiled, as he walked down the stairs to the sacred place. Many a sacrifice had been made here, but his priesthood kept the space immaculate. He paid his respect to the various attendant Lares. And then he walked to the center, where Marcellus lay, bound to the slab of white marble. He squirmed, to no avail. '

"Marcellus. We meet again." "Perhaps for the last time, Glaucus. I understand my fate, and I accept it." Glaucus smiled, and crouched at Marcellus' side. "But you do not Marcellus. You understand one option for your fate." "I did not know slaves were given options in Rome. Has the city gone soft?" Glaucus laughed. "No Marcellus. Some may argue that I have gotten soft. But perhaps I have just gotten... lonely." Marcellus looked puzzled. "I do not understand." "You are being given two choices Marcellus. One is, as you accept, to die, at the pendulum of Ares. It will descend, slowly, and eventually slice you into so much raw meat for the lions in the Coliseum. On the other hand..." He paused. "your other choice is to live... as my bed companion." Marcellus gritted his teeth. "I WOULD RATHER BE SLICED TO DEATH BY A THOUSAND KNIVES THAN SERVE YOU SEXUALLY. START THE PENDULUM." Glaucus smiled. "Very well. It will take a while for your situation to become dire. Perhaps you will change your mind in that time. " "I WILL NOT . SPEED IT UP." "NO. It will take its time. " He turned to one of his priests. BEGIN THE PENDULUM." There was the sound of a screech, and then the penduldum began to descend, making wide arcs as it dropped.

"Perhaps you should go back to the old days Glaucus, and simply slice my throat. Catch my blood in a bowl. Treat me like a black oxen." "I AM familiar with that rite Marcellus. And I have considered it. However, it would not give me time, to bring you someone, who might very well change your mind." The pendulum had dropped about 2/3 of the way down when Glaucus turned to another priest. 'BRING IN THE BOY."

Glaucus had arranged for a 'loan" of Demos for the hour. Now, brought in, shirtless, shaved, gagged, and bound, his frightened eyes saw Marcellus, and Marcellus saw him. Demos struggled to get to his lover, but the men holding him were strong. He struggled to tell Marcellus NOT to die, and Marcellus fought to get out of the restraints.

"DEMOS. YOU LIVE. " Glaucus smiled. "He lives as a bed slave to another Roman, but he lives. " He approached Marcellus. "You will NEVER share a bed with Demos again, but he lives. For now. With the proceeds of the auction, I can well afford to purchase him, and send him AFTER you in sacrifice. " He paused and laughed. "You Materans believe in reunion after death. Shall you wager that?" He turned to his men. 'RETURN HIM TO HIS MASTER."

Demos squirmed, screamed, and was carted out. Glaucus turned to Marcellus. In less than ten swoops, the pendulum would take his life.

"You have one more choice Marcellus. Then I will go and prepare the altar."

Marcellus gritted his teeth. . "YOU WIN GLAUCUS. I SURRENDER TO YOU AS YOUR BED SLAVE. I WISH TO LIVE." He turned to his priest. "End the ceremony. Tomorrow, in apology to Ares, we will purchase 5 handsome slaves and sacrifice them. " As the pendulum stopped, he approached Marcellus.

"I will see you shortly Marcellus. It is time for your initiation." He sniffed. "It seems that Marcellus has had a bit of an 'accident.' Marcellus reddened. "Worry not, slave. There has never been a man who has been subjected to the pendulum, who has not lost control of his bowels."

Glaucus turned to his priests again. "He requires cleaning up. Take care of it. Then bring him to me, bound. No garments other than a loin cloth. I will take care of the rest.

Next: Chapter 2

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