Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Dec 28, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 22 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Fortunately, each trainer had an electronic pad to furnish team stats, so throwing a guy off to another team, annexing someone else, it didn't take a pencil eraser, nor sending memos via inter-officially.

When first lifting the lid, the open screen hit the viewer with, `be a GLADIATOR every day'.

Not which he didn't already know this, but for this particular thing, Kelly had noticed how sneaky his brother was being. Not which he felt disturbed about, but this `gladiator' business started to seep out of some locked up vault and into the mainstream of daily living here at the estate. It was only a quirky thing, something like reminiscing about the past, between brother and brother.

Oh well,' Kelly thought of it, like something of a whim, punching an option on screen. Then, he had a flashback to that brotherly love', keeping it to himself that two lovers' were on the same team. Personally, Kelly thought, danger ahead', Jared playing team member to Trainer-Callum'. Having already witnessed the swat on his brother's fanny, Callum mouthing the words, get in there!', Kelly knew it was only a matter of time before Callum got in there'. Then he burst out laughing! Private joke, maybe his brother already had been in the bent-over' position.

He would have remained in that euphoria of humor, had it not been for Teyo's whistle, followed by a yell, "hey Kelly, you with me?"

With romantic slang, "I could be!"

It's then Teyo had to recondition thoughts, adding team spirit, "with us?"

"Sure," Kelly walks past, wishing there was a swat to his fanny, "that's what I thought you meant, Teyo!"

At first Teyo breathed in a long sigh, enough to stress, `what a man,' but then eyes set towards the others, focuses on Sandy and loses all sense of ever speaking with the boss.

As for Shayne and Jay, they were separated as lovers, but still remained friends.

"Would you like me to assign trainees to you, or fight over who you get to train with?"

For Sandy, his fellow trainer was quite the distraction, but kept his cool, "have you any experience, training for the games, Teyo?"

"No, not really. You?"

"Probably a little more than you," Sandy replies.

The way spoken, it led Teyo to believe he was being modest, "hmm. Really?"

As if this conversation carried on in bed and not on a training field, Sandy says, "really."

Thinking maybe he wasn't that bad off, Teyo says, "well maybe we should stop each other from guessing and get down to it?"

Like they were playing a cat and mouse game, Sandy places a hand out to the side, "lead on, fearless leader!"

After an impromptu meeting up of Kelly and his boyfriend, he too bid a temporary farewell to Keran, then set out to acquaint himself with who was on his team. It left even more of an impression on him, one of Keran's own family members trying to paint this evil picture, Kelly had to chuckle to himself, denying the fact that Keran could ever measure up to that. Learning from his own experiences, Kelly forgot about such notions, placing it all in Doc Watson's hands. Of what seemed like the two hitting it off, Kelly was sure `Doc' would get to the bottom of things.

Then, the second shrill sound of a short toot of a whistle, Teyo flaunting an armpit, all to grab Kelly's attention to gather in the field, had him running like the wind!

First out on the field he comes to stand by Ryan Hull.

"So, Ryan, how are you and John getting along over at the barnyard?"

"Um," Ryan acted sheepishly, but then confesses, "didn't really work out. I went back to factory work."

"I take it, smelling like a pig at the end of the day wasn't your thing?"

Kelly had hit the nail on the head.

"When did you suddenly get so smart, no offense?"

Standing up for his pride, Kelly says, "I didn't think I ever was that stoopid!"

"Sorry," Ryan replies, even though he senses humor in the response.

Then breaking up the sweet little moment of reconnection, they hear a boisterous howl of laughter.

Right off, Kelly says, "oh God, help us all!"

"Yeah, right?" Ryan sides with Kelly.

With Kelly and some others, Adrian was beginning to be known by that kooky laughter, than anything else. The way he expressed humor was becoming embedded in personality, whereas not a word needed to be spoken, only `that sound!'

Then, coming right up between them, Adrian parts their company, "hey, what's up Kelly?"

Being Adrian directed it at Kelly, Ryan takes the hint, "uh, I better get to warming up."

"Catch you later."

Then Kelly answers Adrian's first-asked question, "nuthin's up with me. How about you?"

It wasn't only that Adrian was happy to see Kelly, though he was, but bubbling over with news, "I met a guy. He's really cool."

Maybe he had a few loose screws, but Kelly liked Adrian, deemed him as one of his friends he liked to be surrounded with.

"Who is he? Have I met him?" Kelly searches the environment, "is he here now?"

He is the type of guy who gets so filled with excitement, Adrian won't hesitate to get personal. Already they are arm-over-arm-buddy-buddy, but he can be a touchy guy, so places a hand on Kelly's chest, "yeah, but I think maybe he's too busy for you to meet him or," the hand slips down Kelly's abs, "maybe you already know him?"

Suddenly, Kelly's mind slipped from the intended question, knowing something else, that if Adrian's hand slipped any further, he would be in stroking distance!

"You're thinking about him, are you?"

Kelly wasn't, but quickly erases all thoughts of what Adrian's hand could be doing, "uh, maybe?"

Then, all in one breath, "maybe he's here. No. Wait. He's not here, but he's on his way."

More than conscious about scanning all the bods on the training field, Kelly had to glance down, affirming to himself Adrian had removed his hand.

Nervous that Adrian might perceive such a thing, Kelly goes to say something, but is cut off, "I think you met him actually. Once." It's then Adrian gets the notion he's not being followed, "uh, something wrong?"

"Wrong? Uh, no. Nothing's wrong. I'm just trying to look for your boyfriend, but you say he's not here?" Then, thinking he's missed it, "uh, you say we've met? Don't remember."

"Hm," Adrian thinking.

Kelly picks up on this, but rather having Adrian go on for a prolonged period of time, "you say we've met. Exactly where would that be?"

Giving up on a hunch, which Adrian hadn't really came to any conclusions about, something other than his boyfriend on Kelly's mind, he returns to reality, "your own pool, though I don't think you officially met Gregg, because he doesn't remember officially meeting you. I mean," Adrian's smaller version of his loud laughter escapes his lips, "who doesn't know who `you' are?"

"Really?" Kelly's train of thought is derailed. "You make me sound like a celebrity around here, Adrian."

It did occur to Adrian, a thought he tossed around in his own mind, should the subject ever arise, what he heard from others, regarding Kelly. He's heard mild thoughts, guys wishing that dreamy'-Kelly were their boyfriend, to a moderate wanting to sleep with him, more advanced thought of wondering how big' he was, that it the ultimate goal in life, to be fucked by the co-owner!

"Gregg is it?" Kelly finally says, after a period of silence.

For whatever reason, he was under the impression Adrian was thinking. Sometimes when a person thinks on something so long, you don't want to hear about it!

"Yep. Owns Greenfield's Country Farm Store in town."

"Oh, so it's Gregg `Greenfield.' Nope, can't say it rings a bell," and neither could Kelly place a face with the name.

"No, his name's not Greenfield. It's Fox. Gregg Fox," Adrian still had the buzz of excitement. Facing Kelly, he looks over his shoulder and like Prince Harry had walked onto the grounds, "oh my god, there he is!"

Kelly had no choice whatsoever, being grabbed by the arm and being forced to run along almost at Adrian's side, to the opening of the HG practice field.

He catches the tail end of Teyo's cursing, confiding in the group gathered round, "where the hell does Kelly think he's going?"

Since Kelly had clout, Teyo let him slide. After all, he had other misfits to mold into a solid troop of gladiators!

They buzzed by guys, either waiting their turn to be involved in some type of activity, Kelly hurling out at least a hundred, sorry guys,' or excuse us!'

Some were like touching the coat of royalty, or their chest to Kelly's back, sweat providing the lubricant to slip past, smiling as the pungent aphrodisiac filled their nostrils.

In a minute they were standing right in front of their target.

"Gregg, this is Kelly. Kelly, this is Gregg."

"Uh, hi," Gregg acted shy.

No difference in reaction, Kelly simply says, "hi. Um. Gregg."

For seconds they lingered in each other's company, until Adrian suddenly bows out, after hearing Teyo shout out, "are you with us Adrian?"

"Oops, I better get with it!"

Smartly, Teyo calling Adrian to practice, also meant Kelly, "uh, I better go."

"Uh, that's why I'm here," Gregg tags along.

Kelly kind of doubted that! Running with Gregg alongside, thoughts flashed through his mind. Like a cheating lover, he does remember singling Gregg out of the crowd at his pool. It's one of those very handsome men who cross paths in life, here today and gone in a moment, never to be seen again. Yet, here Gregg was, and he passes Kelly up, he can rightly say, `in the flesh', the shirt being raised up, cast off, over the head, revealing an equally beautiful back, which has Kelly reacting like his teen hormones were never turned off when approaching his 20's, "dammit, Gregg!"

Looking across the field, prolly Kelly and Gregg had the same opinion, this very tall, built trainer, looking cool in his shades, the echo of his voice, painted a hot picture of Teyo.

Kelly was unsure of what they were all looking at, amassed in a circle. Gaining closeness, he sees Gregg break through the line, catching idea, "Adrian! Are you alright?"

Apparently Adrian, not as muscled as the others, had bitten off more than he could chew. Having picked up a piece of apparatus which resembled a caveman's club, he had placed it above head. Having not engaged in this activity before, wanting to impress his new boyfriend, Adrian made like he knew what he was doing. Instead of hurling it through the air, the weight cast him over backwards, butt to the ground and him assuming the position of lying there, outstretched from toes to the tip of the club!

None of them knew where Gregg seemed to come from, he was there, peeling Adrian's hands from still holding the club. Like a future-princess stirring the prince a deep sleep, that's the effect Gregg had, waking the `prince' from his deep sleep.

"Owch," was Adrian's reaction, even though staring Gregg in the face, "what happened?"

He didn't show compassion on purpose, Teyo, on bended knee, addressed the situation, "there's a reason to wait until given instruction, Adrian?"

Viewing the whole thing, Kelly gets his impressions, when Gregg, with annoyed attitude, says, "I'm sure Adrian didn't mean to get you into trouble, Teyo?"

Already having his own opinions of Teyo, more out for the welfare of others, before himself, Kelly says, "I don't think that's what Teyo means."

To avoid conflict, Adrian has a plan of his own, sitting up, "really. I'm fine. No harm done," he flops back down, "owch."

Teyo, addressing Adrian like he was Florence Nightingale, places both hands on the lad's shoulders, "you just lay there Adrian." Perceiving things as such, he takes Gregg's hand, "keep him down, while I make a call."

Kelly was there, notating it in his mind, like he was writing the script of a drama, seeing Gregg look up at Teyo, then down at Adrian. It made him flashback to something Willow had said to him, that he had this sixth sense, knew what people were thinking. Without anyone explaining it, Kelly knew Gregg had an initial impression of Teyo, not a good one, but now had just changed that opinion.

In the middle of babying Adrian, Kelly views how much, in a short period of time, Gregg has fallen for Adrian.

Too, when Teyo calls down, asking Gregg questions about Adrian, dialogue from Nurse-Mike, from his cell, the response is more gentle. Even though what seemed like what Adrian had done to get himself into this predicament, had brought the worst out in Gregg, this same incident was bringing him and Teyo together.

Kelly felt, as co-owner of the estate, he should say something of comfort, "you sure got yourself a live wire there, Gregg."

"Yeah," was all Gregg said.

Wanting to, Kelly hadn't much experience in attending to someone else's wounds. Not being able to offer much solace, he filled in a gap between the other spectators.

Teyo, who had finished up his conversation with Mike on his cell, knelt back down, offering, "Mike said to keep Adrian still until he gets here, which as we both know can be quite a task."

To thin out the crowd, Sandy takes it upon himself to lead the trainees over to another station.

Kelly was standing there and then unexpectedly has Gregg looking up and in delayed response, "thanks, Kelly."

Everyone has their hangups, Gregg no different. He, and brother Rick, had been through both examples of love and hate, when it came to growing up. Things were going along smooth, early on in their childhood years. They were good boys, going to church, singing in the kiddie's choir, Sunday schooled, right up until their switch to high school.

Rick, four years older than Gregg, seemed to pave the way for him. He also seemed the smarter, wiser, keeping that he was gay a secret, which in turn had Gregg doing the same.

The high school experience was not the only force in the boys' lives which had them drawing their own conclusions.

Shortly after the school term began, the elderly pastor at their church passed away. A more trendy congregation had opted out of hiring a younger, more progressive church leader. With this came not only division in the church, but at home.

At first, the boys would have nothing to do with the squabbling of their parents, but when they found out, as other parishioners did, the new pastor's wife' was actually his husband', they more then ever wanted to attend church every Sunday!

As husband and wife, Rick and Gregg's mom and dad, there became just as much division in the parent-child relationship.

Their father claimed he didn't see where the problem was, that people are people, regardless of what labels society pinned on them. There were plenty of times he could have shot down an application, simply because a future hired employee `acted' gay, later it proving to be so.

To that, Gregg still muses to this day, the reaction their mother had, when their father `went against' her opinion on how it should be, to pull up family stakes and head off to a more traditional church.

It was really the straw that broke the camel's back, when their parents officially became divided in opinion, the marriage failing.

It became an asset to their father, their mom going off the deep end, whereas he kept his cool, divorce lawyers falling to the favor of a father, trying to raise two boys single-handedly.

Even though they knew their father would be okay with them being gay, they kept it hid. Chances are, he would be fine with them, but by Rick's saying it, Gregg was quiet about coming out to their father. Of Gregg's opinion this was fine as well, being that he looked up to Rick.

What could be better than an older brother, most knowledgeable about being gay and able to educate him on any subject which could arise?

At the time in his senior year of high school, Rick didn't have friends who drove. Missing the bus, he had taken to hoofing it home. Only carrying his backpack on his head like a turban gave shelter from the onslaught of a torrential downpour. Waiting for the light to change, a car pulls up right at this side.

A confident kid, not afraid to take risks, he knew what the rainbow hanging from the dash mirror meant, which had him invoking thought, "I wonder if we'll see a rainbow?"

It's then the driver relaxed his rigid posture, hips sinking down into the seat. This forced his crotch to take on definite form, sporting wood.

In gym, though he never led on he liked guys, innocently Rick felt rewarded, guys comparing what they had, to work on the girls.' Rick, he went along with it, when his jock-buds gloated they would have a tough time keeping up with him. Some said he was a 7', others 8' or 9', but Rick never knew the truth about size, until he got home, took out a ruler, measured. Hardly even a 5, he realizes the difference, soft, to the gym shower, hard. He would laugh at himself later on, firming himself up, that so involved in feeling good, thinking of all those cocks in the shower, he almost came! After finding out he was 7 and 3/4", rounding it up to 8', Rick couldn't leave well enough alone. Picking up where he left off, Rick pictured the captain of the football team, who he didn't get along with, pants pulled down and riding his ass like revenge'. Good thing he measured before, because after spurting all that goo, his shaft retracted to its original nothingness!

That rainy day with the businessman, not having to pay a cent for a motel room, it was the first time Rick ever felt a mouth, a tongue cruise up and down his teen shaft. He hadn't a clue, until it happened, that a wet mouth could do a better job, and quicker, of firming his cock up. Another first, a subtle hint was thrown his way when a packaged condom was held up. Being Rick never fucked a guy, he never slipped a rubber over his hard shaft. Seeing this to be true, all Rick had to do is lie back and it was accomplished for him. Apparently, an older guy, he knew more than an 18-year old high school senior, and when his butt sank down over Rick's rigid fuck-stick, it was another mark chiseled off on the slate of gay-stuff he's done. He did think it kind of sick, after the condom was pulled from his deflated shaft, the businessman lifted it to his lips and drank it all down!

Next time with Gregg, Rick replicated the business dude, sucking his bro until hard. Then there was a lull, one brother wondering what the other one was going to do. More of a complete picture for Rick he took it upon himself to stoop to the position of a bottom and assumed the role his `business' associate. Not exactly the way it went in the motel room, Rick didn't sink butt, but did take Gregg in to where it tickled his tonsils. Also a first, but what he couldn't predict, where his future led him, he scooped his bro up in his mouth and with lips replicating a dude's ass, massaged his to and fro until Gregg pumped semen. Only complaint Rick had after Gregg's balls were emptied, is that his brother should have shown more control, that is not to grab onto his head and almost choke him to death!

With experience comes what a guy thinks of the future. Next time Rick met with a guy happened to be at the same corner light, which he found, being a secluded area, more likely stuff like picking up guys for sex, happened. Next time it happened, when Rick awoke after spending his load, his trick was gone and on the night table were 5 crisp ten dollar bills. Rick began to think, if his cock were worth that much, he shouldn't wait to be tipped, he should be charging!

Rick always looked forward coming home from college, on Thanksgiving, the holidays, Spring break and every other opportunity he could, to be with Gregg. Turns out, the boys were quite endowed and Rick claimed it felt so awesome, feeling the tip of Gregg's cock at the back of his throat. They were reluctant to try anal, until that first night Gregg became of legal age to drink, Rick taking him to his first `gay' pub. Gregg had never tried it, didn't know a guy could come more than once within the same night.


An education in itself that night at the pub, Gregg experienced much of what he never knew about. Rick was there at first, but then went off to have his own fun, leaving his younger bro in the hands of two dudes he trusted. Not all of those he met at the street corner light were older men, but college buds, whom if anything happened to his little brother, there would be hell to pay! Gregg never knew three guys together could be so much fun, having two pairs of lips and tongues service him. The very thought a tongue worked into his asshole made him want to barf, but what they were doing felt too damn awesome, to think of the consequences. Whereas at first Gregg wondered where his brother was off to, five minutes later all he thought about was himself!

When he came, all Gregg had to do is lie there and the pair of frat buddies Rick left in charge too on the responsibility of clean up. In doing so, a little squabbled ensued, Gregg wondering what was up with that. Kind of bonked out, he hadn't realized that, in both cleaning off his cock and sucking clean his balls, he had hardened up again. He doesn't know where the quarter came from, but in flipping it, one got the opportunity to drink his teen nectar, the other ones tongue wandering around his bod, till he wound up lick-locking. Kissing was cool, but Gregg found nothing surpasses lips in action, working his hard shaft!

Cleaned and dried by one of the guys' pairs of briefs, Gregg was good to go. At the door to the main room, a guy checks his clothes, so all Gregg had were hands covering his pubes, but after holding cock and balls for a period of time, he noticed other dudes uninhibited by walking around naked, so did the same to blend in.

Walking around, looking for his brother, Gregg found everyone seemed to know who Rick was. A very hairy guy with built pecs and a rounded belly took Gregg under his wing and led him to where Rick was incarcerated.' At first, Gregg assumed his brother was in deep shit! Like himself, stripped bare, it was intimidating to see him hanging eagle-spread by all four limbs, as a captive and thus complained, fuckin' take him down from there!'

When the hairy dude did realize the connection between Rick and Gregg, he unhanded him and made himself scarce. Rick had a lot of explaining to do and come to find out, he was well-catered to, based on the fact, whenever he came home from college, he would bring an assortment of frat buddies with him, all equipped with different experiences. It's not that it became a one-way situation, his frat-bro finding they could allow imaginations to run wild and experience what they could only dream about.

So, back at Greenfield's, Adrian fixing a tractor, it's when Gregg had bought him a Coke and they sat down to chat, they found they had much in common. When Adrian was on pins and needles, mentioning to Gregg about `whips and chains', the leather scene being of interest, they both found mutually drawn to each other. Depending on how he felt, Gregg might be just into making love, or could get hard over a dude tied eagle-spread to the bed.

Back at Adrian's side, on the training field, things seemed to happen fast when Mike got there. One of the conditions, was to get his victim off the training field. Come to find out, Adrian's ego was more stunned than anything, wanting to make Gregg proud of him.

Kelly was in the dark when Adrian claimed this, Gregg responding, "now that's real stupid, Adrian. You know there's so much I like about you, that you don't have to go proving anything else about yourself?"

Observing can be strange, leave one to wonder, especially when you hear stuff like, "really? But you haven't seen me in action yet?"

Kelly wonders what Adrian means by that, watching Mike position his stethoscope on bare chest, Gregg's lips and hands, voice, softly adding comforting tones.

Mike had said he only needed to bandage up a few cuts and scrapes, telling Gregg he could return to practice and he'd make sure Adrian got back to the infirmary for observation.

With time to kill, walking back to the training ground, Kelly carries on, "Sorry that I don't recall meeting you before, Gregg."

"Not a problem."

Moving on, Kelly says, "so, you own the farm store in town, but your surname's not Greenfield. Like, how does that go?"

Kelly had to wait a sec, Gregg turning to make sure Adrian was being treated properly.

"Don't worry," he places a hand on Gregg's shoulder, "he's in good hands with Mike."

Like there was no gap in their conversation, "I bought out old man Greenfield," not sharing his dad helped with the loan, "and being people associated with his name, `Greenfield', it's a self-advertising tool all over the county. Why change and have to rebuild an already lucrative business, based on another name?"

"I hope you're not strung out on me stealing Adrian from you?"

Kelly was genuinely stumped, "stealing Adrian from me?"

"Uh yeah, I had said something to this guy, Jared and he said not to worry."

"Jared," Kelly made out like he vaguely knew the name, "I think I remember someone by that name.

Some knew there were two owners' names on the deed to the property, but didn't know they were brothers.

"Trust me, Adrian really felt bad about leaving you to come work for me."

If the job enticement was built on good looks alone, Kelly saw why Adrian jumped ship, "can't say that I blame him!"

Gregg knew the feeling behind that smirk, "yeah, well that too. Though it wasn't all based on attraction."

Truthfully, when he first met Adrian, at the pool, Gregg had no clue that eventually things would progress to the level whereas they would be seeing each other on a daily basis. In a business, Gregg also had to be careful of placing favor on a guy he dug. Finding out about a guy, of what makes him tick', usually takes weeks and months. In one afternoon at the cafe next door, simply called Klatch', he and Adrian began working at a blooming relationship, which erupted into what flourished at Kelly's pool.

"Oh, by the way, we've been working together on a letter of resignation from his position here. Hope it's okay if you can wait a week?"

"Letter? You don't need to go to the trouble," Kelly points to his own brain, "I've got you covered right up here! But you tell Adrian, not to forget we're friends?"

Smiling, Gregg, who wasn't too much older than Kelly, a little less than Jared, says with shyness, "I hope we can be friends too?"

Kelly didn't have time to elaborate, "of course."

Then Teyo was ready for them, for the umpteenth time reciting the name, `Kelly', in an elevated tone.

This time he was available to take Kelly by the arm, but didn't neglect to acknowledge Gregg, coming between them, "don't worry. Even though you missed a lot, I'll whip you two into shape!"

Gregg, he was thinking the opposite, wanting to literally whip Teyo into shape. He already had his takes on viewing that beautiful, wide-shoulders, swimmer's build back. Even though he'd probably never get to put a flogger to it, a man can dream!

Briefly crossing paths, they almost literally collide, Kelly saying, "hey."

"Hey, yourself," Jared greets his brother.

It's then Gregg gets a feeling, "you two know each other?"

Kelly confesses all, confessing, "sorry."

At first shaking his head, Jared turns to Gregg, "hi. Kelly's brother, Jared, in case you didn't make the connection yet!"

In a mousy voice, Kelly says, "uh yeah, we're brothers."

A few feet ahead of them, Teyo, after speaking with some dude, shouts, "are we ready yet, guys?"

He pointed to a wristwatch, which wasn't on his wrist, but Kelly and Gregg knew Teyo meant something like `time is money' or tired of waiting for them.

"Gregg is, but I still need Kelly," Jared grabs his brother by the wrist, causing him to jerk backwards.

"Y'know, you almost gave me whiplash?"

In heated response, Jared says, "if we were somewhere else, I'd make it up to you!"

After hearing Gregg's pub tale, Kelly jokes, "believe, I'd make you make it up!"

"Mm-m, getting tough on me, bro?"

He knew Jared `dabbled'.

"I know you're not into `it'?"

Not really a total surprise, that Kelly knows about his leathery pastime, "right, but can you get into `it'?"

It then shot through Kelly's brain, "not me, but Gregg is...into `it'!"

"Really?" Jared perked up, like it was his birthday.

Quick as he brought on the excitement, Kelly kills it, "so, when are you off to Ireland?"

Jared felt the letdown, but adheres to his own golden rule, his brother before all else and other, "it's not happening. At least not right at this moment."

"Callum must be terribly disappointed?"

Instead of words, Jared hits his brother with a wide grin.


Shrugging one shoulder, Jared says, "I gave him a choice of going on without me."

"That's bold of you?"

"Wait. There's more," Jared cautions.

Smiling, Kelly says, "I wonder what that, maybe?"

Kelly having figured it out all on his own, Jared detours, "how are things with you and Keran?"

"Haven't a clue to what Bill was talking about, but I'm leaving it in Sam's hands to find out."

"Sam," Jared says with humor and a grin, "what would we do without our `Doctor Watson'?"

"Yeah, ain't it the truth?"

As with many times in the past, there developed this gravitational pull, wanting to hug, which when taken in private, could develop into kissing and maybe more. Often more times than not, it would be Jared undoing the buttons of Kelly's shirt, reaching hands in to caress and then following with knees caving in...

In a field where there was no privacy whatsoever, Jared says tenderly, "I'm really glad things are working out for you."

"Yeah well, gladiators don't let it get to them, right?"

Eyes focused in a stare, they wished like heck they were somewhere private.

"Yeah. Right."

"Well, we better get to it, eh?"

"Yeah. We better."

"Let me guess. Your trainer is Callum?"

"Do you think, just because you and me wield all the power around here, we're above the rules?"

"Hmm, I haven't thought of it that way, about having `power'. I think I like it more, just being an ordinary guy."

Jared had to agree, "yeah. I kind of like it that way too, although that doesn't seem the consensus around here."

Kelly giggles, "right. I think some people are afraid of you."

"Me? What did I ever do to them?" Jared stands shell-shocked.

They conversed like it was all one big joke, falling back on some of the instances, all the way back to childhood, teen years, reminiscing about stuff, like having to bail each other out of sticky situations.

It brought Kelly back to a day when the brothers witnessed their father turn into a monster, which had Jared saying, "don't even think about going there."

Kelly did `go' there, was already falling into a funk, "I can't help it. Like Sam says, there's not a pencil eraser big enough, that it will always be there, stuck in my mind."

Knowing the answer, Jared says, "and what did Sam prescribe to overlook all those horrific memories?"

It hadn't brought Kelly down as much as a week after being whipped by their father, or even a month. Working through college, distancing himself from that place in time had worked magic in helping him over the hurdle.

With time Kelly has learned to bring himself up out of the funk, which has him joking, "uh, fuck you till it hurts?"

"Like, I don't already know the feeling, but I hardly think that's a remedy our shrink would prescribe for the diagnosis, in a field of 200 gladiators?"

Looking about, Kelly says, "two hundred? Really? That many?"

"Hey, can I steal this guy away from you yet? You know he's an inportant part of my team?"

It's then Jared realizes, Teyo a big distraction in itself, had gotten him off topic, "I've got one more thing to talk to my brother about and then I'll return him to your care."

He didn't know if anyone else picked up on this, but when Teyo took his time deciding something, he would slide those sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and allow them to remain, till he figured out what was what.

Standing there half-hiding his abs with folded arms, waits, "okay. So talk!"

He could have been given a piece of Jared's mind, but just the look made Teyo back down.

Taking a hand off Kelly's shoulder, Teyo pushes his glasses back in place, turns and says back over his own shoulder, "oh, okay. I see. Brother-stuff. Well okay, take your time, but hurry up. I don't have all the patience in the world, you know?"

That sneer, snicker of laughter hinted, Teyo joking, which coupled with the stealth physique, could turn an angry person into a most forgiving one.

Though, he left them with, "put some `hurry' into it?"

Jared jokes to his brother, "wouldn't you love to be taken over that man's knee?"

A lot of the time Kelly couldn't tell which gutter his brother's mind had fallen into, "is that what you had to tell me?"

Collecting mind, thoughts, trying to hold his nads intact, Jared clears his throat, "uh no. Callum clued me in. We don't have a head trainer of the games. Had you noticed?"

"Um," Kelly hadn't thought about it, "no. I mean. I thought that was you."

Brother-to-brother disagreement, "and why wouldn't you think it was you?"

Shrugging both shoulders, Kelly says, "I dunno. Just seems you were first and just because I'm here now, doesn't mean I have to take over doing everything."

Unlike when they were teens or even Kelly a freshman in college, their lives had changed. Even more so, Jared not the big brother, pawning his brother off as little, "you know, when we were younger I always had this vision that you and me, we'd live our lives like boyfriends..."

Not much different outlook, Kelly amends, "you mean, `lover's?"

Crunching Kelly's shoulder in an affectionate way, much like a hug, "if only life could be that simple."

He felt nervous, Kelly going off topic, "oh by the way, how is Callum in bed?"

It hit a nerve, "greater than you know,, what was it I was talking about?"

Kelly sensed his brother wanted to move quickly on, "you were about to tell me who fucks who?"

"I was not!"

Sheepishly Kelly smiles, saying, "how about a hint?"

"Do I ask you about your love life with Keran?"

"You were the one who brought up `head' trainer. I just thought..."

"Stop twisting my words."

"I'm not twisting your words."

"Okay. My bad. Now, what was it you wanted to see me about?"

After a lull, Jared says, "I was wondering your opinion?"

"You could have consulted any of a number of people," Kelly tested, teased.

"I didn't want to consult any of a number of people. I wanted to consult the other half of this partnership, who is supposed to be taking an interest in running this business!"

Well, Jared couldn't have explained it any better than the truth. For the first few days back, Kelly has experienced more of living in the lap of luxury, than what goes on behind the scenes to generate income to pay for all that lackadaisical, laidback lifestyle.

"I guess the fun days are over and now you want me to get my hands dirty in the business?"

"That's not what I intended this to be about, but while we're at it?" Jared says, slightly bending his lips up into a smile.

The brothers had nothing to hide. Up front with each other, they could confide in each other and whether the outcome was agreeable, or brought on a war of words, they knew what they chose for each other was for the other bro's well being.

"I'm not the only boss around here anymore, but you know you can come to me with anything."

It was something which needn't have been said, though repetition made its impression.

"Yeah. Okay dad," Kelly smiles.

However, he wasn't meaning his real dad. They were okay to relate when younger, but as the son and dad aged, which went for Jared as well, the relationship began to slowly dissolved.

Taking from this, Kelly follows up with, "I hope you're not going to get so busy in the business, you lose focus?"

"Do you really think that could happen, silly?"

Kelly smiles, uttering a subtle, almost inaudible, "no."

"Good. Now, to get back to business, I was wondering what you thought about, placing Teyo as overseeing practice for the games?"

"But he's supposed to be my trainer?"

"Trust me," Jared smiles, "there's nothing more I'd rather do, than to have a hot trainer to train with, but we need to draw the line somewhere."

Standing there now, like two bosses, conferring over some board meeting agenda, arms folded across borderline pecs, they looked the carbon-copy of a business partnership and not two bro.

"I think he could work," Kelly stirs it up.

"Last year, when things were on a small scale, it worked to have a team leader, but look," Jared's commanding hand pans out over the flocks of fine looking men, "I don't think that's going to work for us anymore?"

Last year's Highland Games, there were 2 teams, led by 2 trainers. Now, both brothers looking out over the training field, it boasted 5 that they could readily count, bods scattered from station to station of training.

"Yeah, I think that would be a cool idea," Kelly says.

While Jared studied the field, Kelly's eyes shifted from field to panning down and back up his bro's bod!

When Jared catches on, "what?"

"Oh, nothin'," Kelly smiles.

Not the first time, the two sink deep into each others' eyes.

It took interference to break that hold, "uh, none of my business, boss," he referred to both, standing there hugging, "but I thought we were here to work out the Games and not a staring contest?"

Jared had a feeling Teyo would always be there, to be a thorn in his side, "don't you have something better to do, Teyo, than to sneak up on people?"

"Sneak? What'dya think I am, some peepin' Tom?"

"Forget it," Jared didn't want to get into it.

Jared was about to say, when Kelly steps in, "by the way, Teyo, us bosses are making you head trainer, if you want it?"

"Head trainer? You for real?"

"No, we're pullin' your chain," Jared says sarcastically.

Teyo suddenly got this feeling, something he's run through his own mind a dozen times, since walking onto the Magonagle property, setting his eyes on the boss. There's been times he's wanted to lure Jared in for a kiss, and being they would both be naked, no better chain to pull than wrapping his hand around Jared's shaft and bringing them close together!

Whether Jared was getting the same idea, or not, Teyo was thankful for the crosscurrent of trainees to break eye contact, "well, yeah. I think you might be able to interest me in something like that."

Kelly, having suddenly felt left out, brings himself back into the picture, "that settles it then."

Then, in the cross-cut of conversation, others run by, on their way from here to there, making Jared aware that they indeed were there for training and not an onslaught of human emotion.

Flex Henley, who had been snatched up to help Nurse-Mike repair a fellow member of community, was no longer needed, Dr. Barbello having made his way in from town and onto the field. Almost upon them, breaking away from the doc's side, he was summoned by Teyo's arm and five fingers, telling him to, `come here for a minute.'

Kelly and Jared, who had reconnected as two bosses summing up a situation, look upon Teyo's physique, as he catches a word with Flex.

Both exchange raised eyebrows, a mental approach at letting each other know Teyo a hot stud!

Approaching Flex, Teyo says, "got a proposition for you."

Jared snickers, softly saying to his brother, "maybe we should make Teyo a proposition?"

Kelly joined in, softly laughing, mostly nasally, "do you think he's into two-on-one?"

Chickening out, he places the burden on Kelly, "why don't you ask him?"

Swaying his butt and bumping his brother on the hip, Kelly says, "you're senior CEO!"

"And when I'm away in Ireland, who ya gonna call?" said like he was conjuring up some ghostbusters.

"I'm confused," Kelly says. "First you're going, then not going and now you're going?"

The brothers weren't paying attention, because when Teyo turned around, they weren't paying mind to him, "so, we're all set. Flex is working with Shayne, so that frees me up for head trainer."

The deal seemed seal, another trainer walking up to the meeting of the minds, Addison Birch addressing them, "okay. All is settled, Jared. I'm available."

One could tell Addison had missed a day of shaving, his enormous, bulky pecs stubbled, well as what could made out as a trail running from mid-chest to navel and beyond. With all eyes on him, Addison looked down upon himself, brushing with both hands, like he had dirt plastered to his bod, "what?"

No one could be more embarrassed that Jared, who not more than an hour ago, having fallen madly in love with Addison's impeccable pecs, changed his original plan about offering Teyo the job as head trainer and bestowed the position on Addison, "uh oh."

Kelly didn't get it right away, but Teyo did, speaking his mind as he took Addison's right hand in his, "congratulations! I think you'll be a big asset to training for the games."

The brothers, still in their little enclave, "what did you do, bro?"

Twisting his mouth this way and that, contorting lips, Jared says, "I guess I kinda already offered the position to Addison?"

"No, dah."

Then called to attention, Teyo says, "well, I suppose I better get crackin' and get back to my team," he winks at the brothers.

Kelly could tell some of the sparkle was gone from Teyo's bright personality and taking some responsibility on his own, mans up, "oh no you're not," he acts as bold as Teyo, "I mean," he backs down a little on the boldness, "not if you don't want to. I mean...not unless you want to be my assistant in running stuff around here while Jared is away in Ireland?"

"Really?" Teyo acted confused, but then dummies up, "well sure. Fine," mellowing out, "I suppose that would be okay."

Mainly, his tilted sunglasses revealed eyes, staring at Jared.

Feeling under the gun, Jared added his accolades, "yeah, I've been meaning to bring that up."

Kelly smiled, thinking, `not!'

"Congratulations," Addison awards Teyo, thens trots off.

"I guess I'll be starting when you leave then?"

"Um. Uh," Jared was thinking.

Kelly, right on it, "no. You should start right away, so you get the hang of things, right bro?"

Coming to his senses, Jared says, "uh, yeah. Right. I think that's a good plan."

Then Teyo just stood there, "great. So, what do I do first?"

"First?" Jared didn't know.

"Hang with us," Kelly at least buys them some time.

"Sure," Teyo pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

The next little problem to face, was watching Jay Carnes step out from the ranks and slowly wander towards them.

Kelly remarks, "looks like he's headed this way?"

Looking like a little lost soul from Neverland, 18-year old Jay Carnes faces tall Teyo with his problem, "Flex says I can't play because I've got asthma."

Jared had bowed out, heading off in his own direction, leaving Kelly to see watch how Teyo handles his first problem!

"Do you have an inhaler?"

"You know about asthma?"

"Someone once had it, or still has it. Regardless, they had this inhaler thingee which made them feel better." Skeptical, Teyo says, "that's what I know."

Kelly intercedes, "if you have asthma, you should have one, right?"

"I thought I got over it, but I guess I didn't. But no, I don't have one."

Kelly got a call. It was Jared. Before he had to whisk himself off, "Uh, use that card to get Jay one, Teyo?"

Teyo holds up the blue Chase card, Jay saying, "I'll pay you back when I get my first pay check."

"Don't worry about it, it comes with the medical plan," Kelly offers.

"We've got medical?" Teyo asks.

He looked so cute, Kelly tried thinking up something cute to match.

Before he could think, Teyo had reached over to a branch, "oh, Kelly, don't forget your shirt?"

Going about things so nonchalantly, Kelly had forgotten about the tiny scars on his back. Apparently, all the fears he had harbored since the horrific parental whipping, were unfounded. First, lack of evidence. Secondly, Kelly realizes no one has said anything to him, regarding visible injury, nor scar tissue.

"Thanks, Teyo," Kelly's obliged, "I owe ya."

"Oh," Teyo says with sarcasm, "will Jay's inhaler cover the U.O.Me?"

There was that signature `wink' Teyo often gave to those who were deserving.

After Kelly was gone, Jay, who was almost half Teyo's age, was overjoyed, being left to pal around with his coach. He coughed, horked up a fake wad, made like a little choke, and labored breathing between syllables, "we should hurry up and get me an inhaler."

It made Teyo laugh on the inside, thinking of how many times he did stuff like that when he was a young lad, to get his way, "you think Sandy and Flex can handle the team?"

"I guess they'll have to do without me," Jay recovered in leaps and bounds.

"Yeah, I guess," Teyo smiles at the dirty blond.

"Not that it matters to me, but should we go shopping like this?"

Teyo's lips were driven to even a more jovial grin, seeing Jay stand there, hands out to his sides, palms displayed, but also sexy, flashing that hot-teen-boy-bod.

"I don't think we'd make it past the front door of a store, but if we did, you know the rule, `no shirt, no service'?"

Jay could relate. His whole family, the Carnes and extensions, the Cahoons, the Darrows, all had gathered for some elder couples' 50th anniversary, on the lake. The spread food left teens in particular, with much to be desired. Spotting a fish and chips stand, Jay and his cousin, Sean, left the gathering.

"Yeah, Sean and me, we thought nothing of going into this restaurant to get a dish of fish and chips. Moment we set foot inside the place, we got the boot."

Knowing Jay was eighteen, "how old were you when this happened?"

"I was 16, Sean, 15 and a half. Anyway, we not only didn't have shirts on, but nothin' on our feet. Some big baboon shooed us out of the place."

"Oh what a shame, that you guys didn't get your chips?"

"Oh we got them alright. Sean and me, we sent Keran. In no time he was in and out, bringing us double heaps of fries!"

He laughed, but Teyo thought Jay's story genuinely funny, "question, was Keran always this, `bulky'?"

"Oh yeah and me and Sean, we always got him to do our dirty work. And Keran, he's the one who gave me confidence."

"He gave you confidence. Hm, I bet there's a story to go with that?"

Weaving back through the training ground, they serpentined rough this activity, skirted that one, till they came to an area which contained a mass hysteria of clothing lying about.

"Oh wow," Teyo says, looking upon the picnic grove, tables laden with mostly shirts, but also shorts, long pants, underwear, socks, just about anything a guy wears.

"Good luck to us, for finding our stuff."

"You can say that again."

Looking up at Teyo, Jay was looking for reaction to, "good luck to us..."

"Once was really enough, Teyo," Jay snatches a tee shirt from Teyo's hands.

"Hey, I was gonna wear that?"

"You're joking right? No offense, but this is a young guy's tee shirt!"

Even though about twice Jay's age, Teyo didn't think he had outgrown `youngness', but left his rebuttal to a sneer.

Holding the tee to his nostrils, Jay reconsiders, "uh, here. You can have it back."

His sunglasses had slacked down the bridge of his nose and with Jay's remark, Teyo pushes them back up to state, "oh really? I thought I was too old for that tee?"

"I changed my mind."

Then the two took to studying the picnic grove, scrutinizing, scanning over the pickings.

"I think it better we go back to our quarters and find new, which could be faster than weeding through this mess."

"If it were me," Jay picks up a pink tee shirt which reads, `Sorry girls, I'm gay', "I'd gather every last piece of clothing, take it over to the laundry, wash'n'fold, then set it out where guys can claim it."

"You would do that?"

"It's my job, you know?"

Teyo did seem to think he either heard Jay mention it, or read it on the itinerary sheet in his laptop, "uh, sure. I remember...something."

"Eventually a guy will go back to the dorm, ditch it in a bin and it will wind up on it's way to property laundry. Not much difference, I reckon."

Teyo didn't really need to tell much about himself, Jay doing all the chattering.

"Then us laundry guys will do the same wash'n'fold routine, returning it to them. Only difference here, hopefully they did as Nick Ackermann suggested..."

"Who's Nick Ackermann?"

"Dorm supervisor and he does something else, because being a supervisor, in his position, it's not enough for him to do. Like me. I do Kelly's laundry, but that's not enough to keep me busy. I'm not a slacker, you know?"

Well, by the way Jay leaned there against one of the tables, one would think different, but damn...was he so hot!

"No, I would never think of such," Teyo firms the sunglasses on his nose.

Teyo gathered, Jay could be a powerhouse of energy, the way he took off, gathering up clothing, but wondered when that power source would run on empty.

"You know," Jay deposits clothing in the basket Teyo holds, "Nick is Shay's new boyfriend?"

All Teyo could do is chuckle. Rightly, he couldn't remember who Shay was, but followed, "is that right?"

"Yup. And being I almost was Shay's boyfriend, I oughta know."

Like, how did they go from an inhaler, to who Nick Ackermann was dating, "how do you know so much?"

"I just know. I hear stuff and remember it."

He wished he could be like that. If it weren't for an iPad to jot everything down in, Teyo would be lost.

Before he could register another thought, Jay is telling him, "go get that bin over there. We'll use it to carry everything else."

Teyo looked back at Jay as he went for the box, thinking, `did that little runt just order me to...'

They continued filling the second bin. When full, each headed out, a bin each caressed in arms.

Right outside the picnic grove, Jay trips over a tree root, bin falling to the ground, chest to the top of the bin.

His eyes so set on Jay's back, ass, the whole point of view, Teyo didn't realize, but last minute puts on the break. He did bend at the waste, but still held the bin. Clothing tumbled out, pouring over Jay, "oops!"


"Oh, did that fall on you?"

It was a cinch for Jay to do a pushup from the bin, turns, smirks, "yes all that fell on me," he stands ankle deep in fabric. "What do you think?"

Feeling like he was in a cartoon, Teyo says, "oops! Sorry. Don't move a muscle," he begins to clean up.

Quicker than himself, Teyo was there on bended knee, grabbing up handfuls of laundry in his big bear-paws, "I'll have this cleaned up in a jiffy!"

Jay didn't mind at all, looking down upon Teyo, a birds-eye view of all the back muscle mass. The bend in his leg causes his training shorts to pull from the waste, causing a crevice to open up. Suddenly he felt a stirring in his shorts, which had him blinded to anything but Teyo's rear!

Before Teyo stood, his nose came about even with Jay's navel. That dirty blond boy-trail was staring him in the face. Tongue feeling hungry, Teyo fought the feeling and stood to his feet. He sensed something, like Jay's eyes following him from squat to standing, but didn't react.

They weren't too bad, not enough to blot out Teyo's entire bod, that beautiful navel trail, which had Jay inhaling and exhaling, more than a heart throb wanting to know where the path led.

"Yeah, it sure does," Jay suddenly lost track of what they were talking about.


"What?" Jay didn't get it.

Physically taking Jay by both shoulders, he moves the lad to the side, "the other bin?"

`Wow!' Jay thought, with the feeling Teyo was about to plant a kiss on his lips. Dazed, he trips over an extension of the same root.

"Steady there," Teyo grabs him by the wrist.

"Whew," Jay says, standing there.

Teyo's hand still circled Jay's wrist. They stood there, each facing half of the other's bod.

Jay gulps down, "I didn't have a bin to fall on. Like, you saved me."

Still, foggy on the thought of getting it on with a guy half his age, Teyo says, "yeah, I suppose I did."

About the same height, it put the two in a compromising position, face to face, half a pec to half a pec...

"Well, I guess we better get to it," Teyo bends to Jay's right, picking up his tote, piling it on top of Jay's and bunching both up into both arms.

Jay knew the woods better than Teyo, saying, "it's this way."

Teyo had to do some quick soul-searching, wondering if himself too old, or Jay too young. Either way, he felt little reserve in playing around with a dude half his age and liking it.

First they talked about how far it was to the laundry hut.

Next, Jay offered to take a bin, if it were too cumbersome for Teyo.

"Do I look like a weakling?"

Jay turns around, smiles, "oh no. Just the opposite." He wanted to add, `handsome', because at this point all he could see was Teyo's face.

Teyo could pretty much guess what Jay's reaction, or anyone's would be. He spent enough time working out to command eyes to gaze in his direction!

He had already made comparison and, it just came out, "might do you some good if we worked out together?"

From behind Teyo couldn't see Jay's reaction, which had him bug-eyed, surprised to say the least.

He was reading far too deeply into this, way past the gym, "like, how do you mean that?"

Teyo hadn't let his mind wander that far, "uh, `workout', like at a gym? They got one in town, you know?"

Disappointment on is mind, Jay's thoughts buckled and he took to listening to Teyo describe what it took to build a muscled back, shoulders, abs, etc.

"Sounds cool."

The response from Jay wasn't all that enthusiastic, so he backed down, "but that's just an idea I'm throwing out there."

With rapid thinking, Jay thought, the gym, going anywhere with Teyo, it would be better than being some place apart, "I think it's a cool idea. I'd do anything to look," there was the handsome word again, but cast aside for now, "cool like you."


Even though a forest floor, when the bottom bin slips from Teyo's grip, a big thud could be heard.

"Guess I need to hit the gym more," he laughs.

According to Jay, that would be unfounded. Other than what shorts, socks and sneakers covered, there wasn't many other places on Teyo's bod he hadn't scanned.

Though, he was smart enough not to discount the fact, "great. Then you can take me with you!"

Teyo was getting to like that dopey-boy smile, but they had moseyed along at a snail's pace for so long a time, the sun wasn't getting any higher in the sky!

"Sure. I'd look forward to it."

Then it got Teyo to thinking, did he put into Jay's mind premature thoughts?

"Here, place that bin on top, instead of slipping it underneath."

What Teyo couldn't handle, is when Jay complies, launching the box up, placing it on top of the other full laundry bin. By accident, Jay's fingertips slide down his chest!

"Oh-oh-h-h, tell me you're not doing that on purpose!"

Snatching hands out from in between bin and chest, like a bad-boy-done-wrong, whether Jay intended on having his fingernail nick Teyo in the nip, he still has opinion, "did it," Jay gulps, goes for it, "uh, make you feel good?"

Steadying two boxes against his chest, Teyo did feel the awesome sensation, as if Jay meant to tweak his left nip, but plays it low key, "what feel good?"

On the inside, Jay was feeling a sigh of relief and off the hook, "never mind."

`Never mind?' Teyo thought. How could he dismiss the fact that an 18-year old's nail turned him on to the point where the electricity shot from his left nip to his crotch?!

Like they had never stopped, the two continued on their way.

Jay was glad he led, being several times he had to rearrange his shorts, `incognito'.

Bringing up the rear, Teyo was glad, initially, the bottom tote sealed the view of his erection, but the rubbing of the bin against his crotch was far from having a calming effect!


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

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