Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Mar 11, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 10 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee

% ~ same morning ~ %

Whereas they were keen on having a full-fledged, all out sexual romp in the sheets, after Kelly and John shucked their shorts last night, they slowly got in the mood, hugging leading into kissing. Daytime activity having done them in, they surrendered to slumber, entwined.

Waking up, it was John who propped his eyelids open first.

Yawning, he turns his head around, immediately gasping, "holy cow, Kelly!"

That jarred Kelly awake quickly, saying, "whatsamatter?"

In a predicament, John lay there, chest to Kelly's back. If he felt like stretching, it would be an unobtainable position, arms out eagle-spread. Impossible, because some time during the night, which they don't remember, the two had shuffled around, till in a caressing position, Kelly's arms pinning John's arms to his sides.

"Oh," Kelly realizes how he's captured John in the prison of his arms, "sorry `bout that."

Sliding his arms out, then propping his chest up, lying on his elbows, John says, "I'm more used to waking up with Ryan. That's all."

"Nothing wrong with that," Kelly says. "Like, I can relate. Plenty of times I woke up with Jared in my bed. Or me in his."

More calm ensued, John relaxing his arms, head falling into the pillow, "it's not that. It's that..." he had a tough time reconciling his thoughts, after last night. Finally, it comes to him, "I'm really glad I met you, Kelly."

Watching a flickering flame return to normal, Kelly nudges his bod closer. Slipping an arm under John's neck, "is this okay?"

Uncertain about things himself, Kelly worked himself, placing John's shoulder in the pocket of his pit, carefully.

Both had a strangeness about them, lying there skin to skin, though it fell less of a peculiarity than last night.

"Um, yeah," John didn't think much about it. Though, he had to think of where his hands should be, what he should be doing. "This okay?"

It's one of the things Ryan did to him, or rather for him, placing a hand on his hard shaft, giving it a little rub-job. Only, with Kelly, he wasn't on it this morning, cock still soft.

"Yeah. That feels good. Really good."

Slowly, they lock lips. With new emotion, each did not have to tell themselves where to put their hands. Gravitation towards each other became a normal thing, not forced by concern, if the other liked it or not!

A few knocks, the door springs open, "Sir, are you up?"

Before either could say anything, the door is shut, with a breeze of air flung towards the bed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir," they hear through the chink in the door, "I had no idea you were with someone!"

Then there was silence.

"What should I do?" Kelly asks John.

"I dunno."

"I suppose I should learn to knock, wait and then enter?" they hear from the other side of the door.

Sitting up, grabbing at a wad of the sheet at the foot of the bed, John does the same. In seconds their lower halves are covered up.

"C'mon in, whoever you are!" Kelly says.

He was fully dressed, from where they could see, knees, to the top of his head. Neatly manicured, with a tie and vest, "I am so sorry to have met you this way. I'm Hugh Bonhomme, you're personal valet, secretary and assistant house manager. I was here to wake you up, but I had no idea you had someone sleep in with you and for that I am very sorry for interrupting."

Taking to heart, for Kelly, it was no big deal, saying to John, "couldn't he have said that in ten words or less?"

"I dunno. I wasn't counting. Was it more than ten words?"

Hugh waited patiently, but was also humored by the pair of bed mates, turning to each other, shrugging shoulders, mentally passing between themselves, `I don't know.'

Finally Kelly rectifies the situation, "no problem, uh, should I call you Hugh or Mr. Bonhum?"

"`Home.' Bonhomme and no, formality is not important."

Picking up on the light attitude which seemed to follow the pair wherever they went yesterday, Kelly thinks on it, "um, was that a yes or a no?"

"About what to call him?" John was perplexed.

Making a corporate decision on his own, Kelly was a CEO, albeit, slowly working into the position, "I guess we'll call you Hugh."

"Very well, sir."

"Uh, yeah," Kelly says about the reciprocate, "but don't call me sir." A good lead in for introductions, "call me Kelly and this here is," he wasn't planning it, it slipping out, "my boyfriend, John."

Placing a hand on Kelly's arm, John is excited, blurting out, "really? We are?"

Hugh smiles, thinking the couple cute, at finding first love!

"Sure," Kelly is not really sure, "why not?"


Utilizing his grip on Kelly's arm, to pull him closer, John bestows a quickie kiss on his cheek.

Following this like a soap opera with a happy ending, Hugh smiles again, exhaling, "and such a lovely couple you are!"

For sure, not brought up around butlers and maids, John asks, "that's all you do, is wake people up in the morning?"

Nothing is to be treated as a negative, so Hugh smartly presenting everything in the positive, "I have a few more duties than that, sir."

Whereas he was a little nervous, John is tickled to hear, "did you hear that, Kelly? I'm a `sir', too!"

Which prompts Kelly, "uh, you're supposed to be calling us by our first names, Hugh?"

"Oh, that's right. I'm so sorry, sir...I mean John."

He could turn off the uppity charm in the blink of an eye. More down to earth, when not assuming the `butler' position, the attitude soon wore off, as Hugh, Kelly and John became more friends than worker and client.

Before leaving the pair to shower and get themselves together, Hugh says, before closing the door, "Jared might not see things this way, but I suppose I'll explain it somehow!"

He was joking of course. When hired, the only stipulation Jared had, was towards making Kelly content, with living in his home. If that meant dropping all the uppity drama, then that's how it would go.

Reporting back downstairs, Chad was there in the kitchen to greet him, "what'd I tell you Hugh?"

Taking off his jacket, placing it over the chair behind the desk, where he pulled together all the details of his job, organizing meals, shopping, etc, "you're right. As typical as two teenagers."

After the jacket, he unfastened three buttons of his vest, removing it.

Stirring up some biscuits, Chad says, "I think you can go all the way, Hugh?"

"Oh really?" he smiles at the chef.

"I meant, the tie. Like I've told you, working for Kelly will not be like the King and Queen of England!"

"So I've noticed," Hugh's stare made an unspoken issue of Chad's working dress-code.

He didn't have the ten-gallon chef's cap on, nor a fancy white shirt.

"I told you. Kelly isn't like that. He's more down to earth."

"Ahem," he makes issue of Chad's wardrobe, "I suppose he'll have me in a tee shirt and shorts soon enough?"

It was a warm August morning, so Chad took the liberty of putting on a simple white tee shirt and boxer shorts, with a little pattern embossed.

"Well, the apron, it hides everything?"

Helping himself to a cup of coffee, Hugh jokes, "almost everything, eh?"

Playing along, "hey, you gave me a free strip show, how else is a horny gay man supposed to act?"

His helpers had no reaction, because by now, they were used to seeing Chef Pilleaux dressed down, to his Addidas socks and tennis sneakers, apron covering the rest.

Then, busting into the kitchen, "I forget chef, do the orange juice glasses go on the table full, or do I fill them when they are on the table?"

Even though he was a newcomer himself, Hugh says, "I haven't noticed you here before?"

Chad didn't let on, but leave it to the new servant to spill the beans, "I'm Adrian Pilleaux. If you didn't get the connection, I'm Chad's nephew. Bet you didn't know my uncle has a twin brother?"

"Uncle, eh? No, I didn't. Twin? No," Hugh looks to Chad.

"Yeah," Chad acknowledges, "Adrian here is my brother's youngest son."

Without saying, Hugh is admiring, `I wonder if the other sons are as cute!'

"So, I hear you're new around here as well, Hugh? What, is that short for `Hugo', or..."

When a person doesn't want to say, "it's complicated," is a good response, which is another way of telling a person not to pursue.

Adrian gets the message, "oh. Fine. I don't have to know."

The way Adrian says it, Hugh feels guilty, like he told a lie or something, volunteering, "fine. It's no big deal, really. It's Augie."

If Adrian wasn't so damn gorgeous, Hugh probably would've knocked the head off his shoulders, for being the first one to laugh out loud, causing a riot of laughter to ensue!

They weren't laughing at first, but Kelly and John, not even hearing the name `Augie', couldn't help join in. Coming down the stairs, it was the first sound they heard, Adrian's high-pitched giggle.

Chad knew he shouldn't have, but that name, Augie', certainly Hugh didn't look like an Augie'. Laughing so hearty, he couldn't concentrate on the pan of eggs, taking it off the burner, turning the gas off, "oh my God, that's so funny!"

He didn't really think it half bad, but no one can keep their cool, after hearing Adrian's laugh. Even at family get togethers, whenever Adrian launched into a laughing fit, even if it wasn't funny, it would get everyone roaring!

"I'm so sorry," Adrian puts a hand on Hugh's shoulder.

If it were a bunch of guys who were strangers, or people he wasn't fond of, Hugh might have reacted differently. Like, heads might have rolled.

As a temporary scapegoat, Hugh says, "that's okay. I don't get mad. I get even."

Chad knew that wasn't true, not when Hugh accompanied his threat with a smile. Maybe because he wanted it, says, "well, don't get any ideas about the breadboard over there!"

Looking up at the wall, Hugh sees one of those long-handled boards, used to pull a whole pizza out of the oven.

Adrian pipes up, "you still into that s&m shit, Uncle Chad?"

"S&m, eh?" Hugh says, switching eyes from the breadboard to the chef.

Before Chad can answer, Adrian is in Hugh's face, "it was me who started it all. I should be the one getting reprimanded?"

"Hm," Hugh smiles, "two in one family, eh?"

While the trio were having their conversation, John was questioning, "what's es and em?"

Kelly only knew, because Jared had mentioned it, one time when he was home from college. Shy when it came talking about it in front of a whole bunch of people, Kelly takes the easy way out, "it's complicated. I'll tell you about it later."

John went with it. There's not much Kelly didn't say, nor do, that he didn't go with. He was fun to be with, good looking, had a great looking bod, handsome and it felt great at night, cuddled up with a warm companion.

Getting his `dominant' up, Kelly says, "uh, Chef Pilleaux, no pun intended, but are you done whipping up that batch of eggs?"

Maybe Chad thought it wasn't funny, but Adrian's giggle started up again. Rushing over to Kelly, he says, "bro, that's so funny!"

"Obviously," Kelly says.

Truthfully, he couldn't keep a straight face, as neither could John.

Hugh, he saw the hilarity in Adrian's personal way of giggling, revealing, "you've sure got a happy-go-lucky nephew there, Chad?"

Chad did join in on the laughter, but was dead serious when he says, "well, things weren't always that way for Adrian, so be careful how you treat him, huh?"

Sensing Chad serious himself, Hugh says, "is that so? Like, how does that go?"

Turning the tables on him, Chad says, "it's complicated."

Hugh knew Chad was getting even, smiling after he says it, "okay. Play games if you want to."

However, Hugh just stood there, like his engine had stalled.

All for sharing, which Chad didn't do with everyone, he says, "it takes more than a five minute conversation. I'll tell you the whole story sometime, but not now, okay?"

With perfect opportunity knocking at his door, Hugh says, "later, over a glass of wine?"

Apparently, Hugh didn't know the routine.

"That could be late. Someone did clue you in on HG practice after dinner?"

"HG? What's that?"

Fortunately, that took less than 5 minutes for Chad to explain.

In 3 minutes, Hugh was answering his cell phone, "excuse me. I've gotta take this."

Fine,' Chad thought, giving him a chance to reflect. Hugh certainly was a hot ginger-cub, with a very cute manner about himself. Fact is, Chad didn't think he very much fit the mold of a whip-wielding alpha figure. He really wasn't into the whips'n'chains stuff. It's only because Adrian had asked him if he knew anything on the subject, that Chad educated himself. Part of that complicated' matter of Adrian's history, that was one of the tough subjects to explain in a few minutes.

With Hugh returning, Chad asks, "what's up?"

"Kenny. It seems Jared has important people coming in at the airport and needs JC's driving skills to pick them up and bring them out here."

Providence, when Adrian steps into the kitchen, "hey, Kelly and John are going shopping in town and I was wondering if you need me for anything, Uncle Chad?"

Placing a hand on Adrian's shoulder, Hugh says, "oh, you don't know just how much you'll be needed, Adrian-my-boy!"

Even though a couple of inches shorter than himself, Adrian liked the way Hugh was manhandling' him and the fact he referrer to him as my-boy', "certainly, sir. Whatever you want me for, I'm yours!"

Fortunately, there was a little giggle, one which was not at all infectious, making Hugh issue a quaint smile, "teamwork is important to keep a household running. How are you at driving a car?"

"I know how to drive."

"Ever had an accident?"


"Good. You're hired."

"Hired? But I've already got a job in the kitchen, helping Uncle Chad."

It was Hugh's turned to laugh, "you're fired from that job and hired at this one!"

Adrian thought it hilarious, "hey," he fake punches Hugh in the stomach, "you're a funny guy, you know that?"

It was like Adrian had touched him lower than the abs, Hugh feeling a pulse of energy surge.

He didn't get to ask Chad, but thought it a good lead in question, as they sat at the dining table, "so, guys, what do you know about the HG?"

Out of nowhere, Adrian explodes, "the Highland Games? Are you for real? They got'em around here?"

It was the first spat of history out of Adrian's mouth, telling about going to his first Highland Games, "Uncle Chad took me see it, when we were in Scotland. Really awesome! You've got to see it to believe it!"

As Chad walks in, carrying a tray of eggs and biscuits, Adrian morphs into a waiter, "here, let me help you with that, Uncle Chad. Though, don't get used to it."

Chad had a feeling, "let me guess. You're Kelly's new limo driver?"

First they've heard of it, Kelly says, "what happened to JC?"

Hugh explains. His original plan had been to use Adrian to drive Kelly around on a temporary basis, but when he jumps the gun, appointing himself `limo driver', Hugh didn't have the guts to tell Adrian it was a temporary position.

"Nothing's happened to JC. Your brother, he needs him to drive around some ViP's for the coming few weeks."

"Great," Chad says, in a way everyone knew he didn't mean it, "now what am I to do for kitchen help?"

Sometimes, without trying, things fall into place, Carlos entering, "um, the guy who cleans the pool, told me to tell you, today is his last day. In fact, he's gone already. If you don't have anyone else in mind, I'd like to apple foe the job."

For his first full day on the job, Hugh felt like he was being put through the wringer, "did he say why?"

"More money at the new job, with less hours," Carlos says.

Knowing Carlos was more or a less a `floater', Hugh says, "here's your new kitchen helper, Chad."

Adrian butts in, "it's called a `raise!'"

Proclaiming his whit, Adrian throws in a teasing giggle.

With a mind and will of his own, Carlos says in a complaining tone, "so, should I get busy cleaning the pool?"

Hugo knows how that would go, "right and after you've made it pristine blue, you can sit on your duff and watch it get green again, while getting a tan?"

"You're mean," Carlos says.

Adrian thought it funny and soon, if people were ever in a bad mood, this laughter had lifted their spirits...tremendously!

Next, Tom who had some chores to do this morning, shows for breakfast, "okay, I'm all moved out of the landscaper's cottage and in..." he pauses. Not sure if Chad wanted anyone to know, he keeps his new location private.

However, Chad has no reason for keeping it secret, "Tom is staying with me, until other arrangements can be made."

At the least, he would keep them guessing.

Curious, Adrian says, "nice roommate, Uncle Chad!"

Chad smiles, but aims at driving a message home, "manners, nephew?"

Tom Cahoon walks around the table, "oh, you're Adrian, that I've heard so much about?"

Around the other side, Adrian and Tom grasp in a welcoming handshake.

For the life of him, Adrian wanted to hug the hunk, but knew he was uncle's `property', "nice to meet you too, Tom."

Walking back around the table, Adrian looks at his uncle, wiggles his eyebrows and smiles.

Chad mouths to Adrian, `behave!'

John is taking it all in, whispering to Kelly, "I think Adrian's a lot of fun."

Kelly responds, "yup," but wasn't keen on how far Adrian would go, when it wasn't funny anymore.

Once, when Kelly chatted with Doc Watson about `boys' and how a guy knows when it's the right one, the discussion which followed included how men would act one way, but in an instant changed into a person you don't want to know.

He knew Chad wasn't Adrian's father, but what happened there? What influences did Chad have over his nephew?

`Oh well,' Kelly thought on it, then remembered something Doc Watson had said, about not being able to do anything about situations beyond his control. Though, if there was any funny business going on, which affected himself or John, definitely he was going to do something about it!

After Hugh left Carlos in Chad's hands, he turned his attention back to Kelly, "so, you're going shopping today?"

Kelly explains it in a nutshell, "only thing in my suitcase are clothes I've been wearing for the past four years. I think it's time to refresh. And John, he has only 2 changes of clothing."

"I see," Hugh says. His job was to make sure the house was in good running order, but also to be Jared's eyes and ears, when he couldn't possibly be, "and what kind of a spending budget are you holding yourself to, John?"

Jaw dropped open, "honestly? I hadn't given it a thought. Maybe I can get an advance on my wages...that is, when I find out what work I'm going to be doing?"

Perhaps he wasn't the dunce he could be in those pre-college days, but Kelly has wised up a bit, enough to know where Hugh was going with this. In an instant he had concocted up a plan.

"I'm paying for John. When he gets a job, starts earning some money, then he can pay me back."

"I see," is all Hugh says, leaving it at that.

Adrian, following everything, "uh, you have any credit available for me? Of course, with the same stipulations."

It kind of impressed Hugh, Adrian having more than a four or five-letter vocabulary, "I think we can work something out for you Adrian."

Call it biased, but Hugh wasn't about to extend any credit to John, not having any background info on him, but certainly, part of Chad's extended family and in his own estimates, a drop-dead gorgeous lad, not which he wouldn't mind viewing naked, for lack of clothing, he comes up with, "matter of fact," Hugh digs deep in his pocket, "I happen to have a couple of budget cards."

Kelly's heard Jared mention many a thing about the store, factory, farm, but never this, "budget cards?"

Handing one to Adrian, another to John, Hugh states, "they are worth $300 and can be used at any establishment in town, except the liquor store."

"I wonder why?"

Again, Adrian's giggle causes an outbreak, about the use of the card at the liquor store.

What wasn't funny, was Carlos coming out of the kitchen, "I can't do this job."

Right behind him was Chad, doing some sign language, thumb under the chin, like a blade, throwing some words together, `he can't, really!" Then arms flop down to his sides, like in frustration.

"What seems to be the problem?" Hugh takes it back into the kitchen.

Adrian observes how professional Hugh can be, caring, without adding harsh reprimand, with Carlos.

"Ahem, so Adrian?" Kelly grabs his attention.

"What?" he replies in an elevated tone. Thinking he gave some unwanted emotion away, "I mean `what'," said softer.

"Three hundred bucks, that's not much, so if you need more loot to spend, I'll cover it and you can pay me back.

Adrian says, "nah. Three hundred is plenty for me. Say, do you happen to know if they've got a thrift store in town?"

"What's that?" Kelly asks.

Whenever Adrian explained something, it was like he was blowing it out of proportion, "you're joking? You've nev-v-ver been shopping in a thrift store? They've got, like the best stuff for the cheapest price!"

Kelly, having everything paid for at college, tuition, an off-campus apartment, books, food, he never had a reason to be thrifty. Unsure how to react, "really?"

John opens up, "If you need to know, I can tell you. Ryan, he dressed okay, but our father never really had any money for clothing. Plenty of money for a bottle of whiskey or for the poker game every Saturday night, but when it came to me...I lost out. Trust me, if it wasn't for the guy who ran the town thrift store, I wouldn't have had anything to wear, period. Bad enough, I sometimes was scared some kid in school would recognize a shirt or pants that was formerly theirs."

Adrian could be witty, funny, sometimes have a tough exterior, but right now he was exhibiting the fact he also had a kind heart. Placing an arm around John, "I know how it is. Been there, done that. It's such a sacrifice to make. Unfortunately, some of the guys did recognize their shirt or pants on me. It was like, so fucking embarrassing when that happened."

"How did you," John stutters, not sure how to say it, "how did you live with that?"

"Fortunately it wasn't in front of the whole school. It was in the locker room, after basketball practice. I can't believe how Coach Miles came up to them and told my team mates it was wrong to make fun of a guy who couldn't afford designer clothing."

Gifted at telling stories, John is mesmerized, "what did he do?"

"Well, first you have to know, Coach Miles didn't take any shit from any of the guys." He lets out a short, quiet giggle, which changes the nature of the story, "you shoulda been there. Coach has them taking off their designer shirts and pants and handing them over to me. He had them wearing their old pants and shirts their moms had given away to charity. That was like, so awesome. My whole gym locker was empty of all the old stuff and filled with their new threads!"

On his way out that day, Adrian had stopped in Coach Miles' office to thank him. Coach told Adrian, he would have some odd jobs around the gym for Adrian to do, to help repay the kindness extended, after school.

His first time after school, Coach Miles locked the gym door from the inside and took Adrian back to the lockers to explain what he had to do.

After Adrian tells his audience, in the style of a porn story, both him and his coach stripping down, feeling up each other, licking, sucking, "truthfully, when Coach Miles told me take off my shirt, I thought it was going to be a horrible experience. Instead, it was hot raping his ass!"

Again, his jaw dropping open, a guy could tell John was astounded, "you raped your basketball coach?"

A bit wiser, Kelly says, "it's a figure of speech, John."

After a quick smile, Adrian continues, "me and Coach Miles, we kind of got close after that. I had a different perspective than the others. Like, whenever he got mad at basketball practice, I knew, underneath all that hollering, was a sweet, gentle person." Then, right before a giggling spree, "at least, that's how he was when he made love to my cock!"

Breaking up the laughter, Hugh busts in, "what's so funny?"

Anyone else, he wouldn't really care, but being it `that laugh,' Hugh wanted to know. However, he also had other business, "John."

"What?" things quieted down.

"Your new job is working in the kitchen with Chad. Can you handle it?"

"What's it that I've got to do?" John answers.

Chad takes the helm, "everything I tell you to do!"

Kelly asks, "what happened to Carlos?"

What was discovered, Hugo found out the only thing ailing Carlos, was missing Teyo and not having enough time to be with him. So, he was granted some time away from his strenuous pool cleaning job, to get his act together. It would also give Hugo time to ask around, see where else he could fit the lad.

Sympathetic, Kelly says, "Understandable. Whenever Jared wasn't around, I missed him a lot."

The only man he's really known, a person he could confide in, tell his every secret, Kelly missed Jared something fierce when he wasn't there for him. But of course, here at the estate, he knew there was a business to run and he had studying to do for college. With help realizing the situation, Doc Watson helped balance things out.

"Sometimes I missed Ryan."

Most knew, Adrian wondering, "he your brother or something?"

"Cousins, but he's like a brother, the best brother anyone could ever have!"

Kelly wasn't so sure about that, but he knew the stakes.

Under an impression, Adrian says, "is he with you or at home?"

"Here, but I don't know where he works."

Hugh, who knows where most guys are employed, says, "your brother has been employed," he brings it up on his laptop, "at the commissary, splitting his time between set up and clean up and HG training."

Having scanned the screen over Hugo's shoulder, breathing down his neck, Adrian says, "oh, that's cool. You'll both be working in food service."

John was glad for that, not getting what the `comm-word' was, but certainly making it sound good, "yeah, that's cool."

"Only problem and I hate to throw a downer into your plans, but Chad needs the help now and you'll have to start right away, John."

Kelly, who was slowly learning the ropes of corporate decision making, stands up for himself, "well, can't you get someone to help Chad for one day? John and me, we have plans for today."

Something Hugh wasn't expecting, it threw him off guard, "uh, well, there's no one I can think of off the top of my head."

Adrian, for a moment there he had time to sit, sip his coffee and over the top, study Hugh. What he had noticed from the start, he was no slacker when it came to those who go to the gym. Whenever he moved this way, or that, his shirt would pull on his hunky pecs and tight abs. A guy-watcher, a person develops a sense of picking up stuff like that!

Chad, went with anything which could help a guy out. Not to mention, how it would be, if when someone was telling about how thrilled Kelly was, when John was relieved of his duties, his name was dropped, being the mediator, "of course he can find someone," Chad was already feeling Jared's hand, patting him on the back, congratulating him with a `job well done,' "you mean to tell me, Hugh, that out of all the workers, there's got to be one who can be taken away from their duties?"

From sitting at the dining table, laptop open, Hugh looks up, "thanks for your input, Chad!"

Probably Hugh was meaning to be serious, but to Adrian, it seemed like a rehearsed comedy team. He's seen the likes of Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, the Marx Brothers, no wonder he thought life can be so jolly!

"Oh, here's someone," Hugh smiles.

Chad didn't say it, but part of what he was looking for in a kitchen helper, was good-looking, muscled, a few other superlatives.

"Kelly's friend, Willow, is not needed at the farm a hundred percent of the time."

It killed Chad's whole outlook.

The others, especially Chad and Kelly could tell the rude awakening.

"Problem, Uncle Chad?"

"With me?" he tried to fake his disappointment, "I was thinking that myself, how Willow would be the most logical choice."

Kelly was the one ready to burst out laughing, knowing Chad hadn't a clue to who Willow was, nor her experience. If anyone knew anything about Willow, it was himself, having spent 4 years as her room mate. In their own household, Kelly was the one who was more compatible with the kitchen. Chuckling to himself, on the inside, he hoped Chad picked up on his vibes, `no, you wouldn't want Willow in your kitchen!'

"Then it's settled," Hugh closes his laptop.

`You'll be sor-r-r-r-ry!' Kelly added to his thoughts, smiling.

Finally, they all sat down to eat, Adrian helping to serve up the grub, acting like the perfect hostess.

All through the morning breakfast, Tom Cahoon, who helped himself to being there, talked about farmyard work, then went off course, saying what a shame it would be to shove all that responsibility off onto Brice.

Finally, Hugh got fed up with the hogwash, "just what are you getting at Thomas?"

Hugh had a habit of doing that, calling people by there full names and not abbreviated to the shortened version.

However, some preferred to be known around the estate in a certain way, "Tom," Tom smiles.

"Tom," Hugh replies, adding a click of the tongue, showing annoyance.

It wasn't that Hugh was annoyed. He though `Thomas' very cute. Only, he wasn't cuter than Adrian, which made him instantly forget about the matter.

Tom went on to explain, not only what it took to run the farm, but also how adaptable he can be towards kitchen work.

He ended his case, "um, this might be a good place for you to step in Chad and tell Hugo how handy I became at the luau yesterday evening?"

In between munches of eggs, toast and a washdown with coffee, Chad says, "yeah, he was a big help."

Sarcastically, Tom says, "thanks for elaborating on that, Chad!"

Chad's reply? "You're eggs are getting cold!"

Hugh was with Chad on that, plus tired of batting back and forth on the pros and cons, "whatever. You two work it out."

Kelly, who had viewed the interaction between his good friend, Willow and Brice Carnes, knew she would be pleased with the decision. It still stigmatized him, thinking Willow wasn't a lesbo, but wasn't holding it against her. A person is what they are, and that's that. Probably the farthest thing from Willow and Brice's mind, Kelly wondered how many children they would have. Then he had to smile, almost laugh out loud, thinking of Willow as a `mom'!


Perhaps Chad was drilling Tom too much about how terrible cold eggs tasted.

When the boys left on their shopping excursion, Adrian convincing Hugo to tag along, so they didn't go over any monetary limits.

Chad was overjoyed to break in his new helper.

Tom knew how ever gadget in the kitchen worked. He also knew, running from the pool to the kitchen and back yesterday, where most items were located.

Only thing which remained, was cleanup from breakfast.

He made the most of it, caving in to the kitchen style of attire, first stripping off his shirt, which he tosses to Chad's abs, "here, stash this somewhere."

For anyone else, Chad would have quickly, forcibly exited them out from the kitchen, but that fine, sleek bod, the front rippled with abs, plus the take-charge attitude, it was a big turn-on!

"Oh," Tom snaps his fingers, "forgot. Yesterday at the luau. That was your last kitchen apron, right?"

"Right," Chad was entertained, eyes still feasting on Tom's bod.

"Well, we're not cooking anything, are we?"

Chad wasn't sure. `Maybe,' but certainly not food, "nope."

He had dressed for the job he was assigned to do, landscaping, Tom unsure whether officially he was going to be transferred, on Chad's recommendation, or not. Even though his trousers could withstand being soiled with grass greens, manure or ordinary dirt, he knew kitchen grease and food particles weren't much different. Though, for effect, he made it seem like kitchen dirt would the worst of two evils.

"I better keep these clean for my regular job," he unbuckles the jingly belt buckle.

Force of habit, which plagued many men, Tom strips the belt from his pants, "here," he tosses it, "hang this up somewhere?"

Catching the leather belt in two hands, Chad remarks, "now, where have I heard that before?"

Holding Tom's belt in two hands, Chad wanted to smell it, it belonging to the hot 6-foot-something muscled man standing in front of him. He was into some pretty kinky stuff, but far as putting those ideas out there, one couldn't be so loose with weird ways of thinking, which might serve to drive people away, instead of bringing them closer. So, Chad just chose to hang the belt from a rack which held pots and pans.

Having taken off his leathery boots, before the pants came off, Tom determines, "I suppose I don't need to put those back, you're not going to drop any pots or pans are you?"

"Nope," Chad said with a twist of humor, "I'm just going to stand over here and make sure you're doing everything the proper way, like a real kitchen manager is supposed to do."

"Hmm, I'm wondering, did you want a helper or a slave?"

Chad could tell he was being played. Did he really mind that Tom leaned on a counter, faced towards him, while peeling a sock off each foot? Not when the boxer briefs he was wearing parted the open seam, showing the tip of his bulbous shaft!

"You won't know until you get a feel for the job now, will you?"

Yeah, he was being played, or why else would Tom so carefully removed each sock, like it were glass?

"Cat got your tongue?" Tom stands, which heavy balls drags the rest of the anatomy back into place.

"Um, no. Matter of fact," Chad acts so innocent, "I don't even own a cat."

Tom Cahoon looked adorable. Oval face, topped with a spiky hair style, chopped off on the sides, shaved face, but looking like yesterdays scruffy stache and chinstrap were left for effect. From neck, to below the navel, it was clean as a whistle, but whenever he twisted or turned to strip the socks, small tufts appeared in his pits. Round pecs had tight nips, each perky, like a cold wind had made them shrivel up that way. Bellyhole not deep, just a small indent, most likely the effect of working out to achieve the sixpack. Tom wasn't overly muscled, just enough to tell there wasn't much belly fat hanging from the skeleton.

Chad was 6'4. At eye level it hinted to Tom, they weren't that much different in height. Standing there, with Tom dressed in only those white boxer shorts, Chad felt out of place. It was like, two dudes, all stripped down and ready to head into the shower.

"Well, certainly it's warmed up in here tremendously!"

Dressed for work, Chad had also chosen the dressed down look. Only, he knew there weren't any surplus of clean aprons, so chose to dress up, instead of down. This morning he chose to put on a clean white, buttoned down shirt. Not the type an exec would wear to a board meeting, but that which made up the fit apparel of cook. White pants, everything was of the same color match, including the preferred tennis shoes.

Taking Chad's statement like a hint, Tom walks over to him, "then I suppose we should see about you getting out of these hot clothes?"

Standing there, Chad's jaw drops open. He looks down upon the pair of hands which had grabbed at the sides of his shirt. Such was the force Tom used, it popped two buttons in the middle, making them go flying!

"Oh my, aren't you the eager one!" Chad exclaims.

Tom's take, "I guess I owe you a new shirt."

"Forget the shirt. Got a whole closet full of `em."

Knowing he's being played, Tom doesn't utter a word, reacts instead. Taking hold of the shirt near the v-necked collar, he proceeds to tear it to where it's open, skips over the abs-region and then takes it all the way to the belt. A little tug pulls it from the pants.

Looking down his slightly fuzzy bod, Chad smiles.

Gone are thoughts of tidying up the kitchen after breakfast, as Tom places the shirt, teetering over the sides of Chad's shouders, "strip it, please?"

He could have been more forceful, Tom having played this role before, but he didn't know Chad that well and didn't want to scare him off. His `nice guy' attitude could morph into something more dastard, if both he and his willing victim fell into some hot roleplay.

Mm-m,' Chad thinks, just like the olden days,' when he could get into a hot `master-minded' scheme of things, answering curtly, "Yes, sir!"

He could tell Tom liked that answer, smiling, but also responding with, "and while you're at it, strip the rest of the way down," he dare say, "boy!"

Chad wasn't the only one with the olden days' history. Tom had dabbled in s&m back in high school. In college, it was more of the same. His attitude already invoked that type of authority. There were so many who willingly fell on their knees for him, it was the most natural thing to do, having frat boys worshipping his cock. Approximate ratio of 2 in 10, the other frat-man of authority knew more than Tom about this stuff, so he stood to learn a lot. That he did and in no time he was ready to set foot in gay clubs which had secret, underground rooms, where the daring and lusting went, to have a certain kind of helluva time!'

More a request than a directive, Chad sunk to his knees.

Tom, he was certain Chad had experienced some of the things which went on at some of the clubs he played at, while a frat-boy.

Chad had quite a stir in his loins. He also had it in mind, "uh, not sure where you're intending this to go, but I'm quite experience at the roleplaying scheme of things?"

If they had compared notes, Chad would have found out he knew far less than Tom, when it came to s&m roleplaying.

As in those clubs, which wasn't all that long ago, Tom still a matriculating college student 4 years back, in a couple of years he had worked up to quite a `top, sir' figure, be it he had an excellent mentor.

Standing there, still belt-buckled up, Chad says, "so, what's next master?"

Tom dictates, "you can hurry up and unpeel that banana!"

"Aye-aye, captain!" Chad salutes.

One difference, they were not total strangers, so for Tom to fully immerse himself in the role of an alpha-dominant, he couldn't keep a straight face, smiling at Chad, who was being so cute.

All in one swoop, Chad took the sides of his briefs and dragged them down to his ankles.

"So," he straightens up, "like what you see, boss?"

"More what I can feel?"

A sign of surrender, as Tom's hand starts to feel up his shaft, Chad's hands move to behind his back.

Smiles, but not showing too much humor, Tom knows what a guy likes. It's a two-way street, so he plays his part, forcing a dominant attitude on Chad, "I'd much more like to see your lips wrapped around my hard shaft, boy!"

For now, tidying up the kitchen would have to wait. While Chad stripped down, Tom did do a spot check, making sure perishables were put away. Two slices of bread left out, no big deal he just opened the fridge door and tossed them in, regardless of where they landed.

"On your knees, like I should have to tell you?"

"Right away, sire!"

Dropping to his knees, Chad's hands go towards the briefs which kept Tom's shaft behind the veil.

"Not so fast," Tom backs up.

"Huh?" Chad is stymied, dropping both hands to his thighs.

Having developed a bond with Chad, Tom feels okay with sharing an experience with him, which could either cement that link between them or break it apart. With good instincts, he proceeds to tell his tale.

Not a malevolent person, Tom has learned from experience, what guys want. Other guys applauded him, in group play of knowing exactly what and how much a dude can take. Granted, he's never been wrong, but also has never taken a guy beyond his limits. A `gift', some of the other guys in his league have called it, to discern between too light and heavy, delivering what it is a man wants, or keeping the creme flowing. Though, Tom also knows the gentle way of leading a guy down a road unfamiliar to him.

At 28-years old, it's been a short history of learning all that he knows, having had his own first experience at bdsm, senior year of high school, which paved the way for his extracurricular activities at college.

Tom grew up in a disconnected family, whereas each member did their own thing, more or less. Choosing track over football, it was at one of his team's high school competitions he had an unfortunate clash with the coach of the opposing team.

Coach Larson, blond, in his mid-30's was trying to instruct one of his runners, on how to assemble a hurdle. Nowadays, nuts and bolts were replaced by pieces of the hurdle just popping together. Having two to put together, Tom notices the coach from the other team wasn't fitting the right pieces together, rather forcing.

With the time approaching, for the runner's event to begin, he asserted himself, "um, I think you're putting it all together wrong?"

He knew he could get the brush off, `mind your own business,' but instead, Coach Larson gave the go ahead, "help yourself, um?"

A relaxing aura came over Tom, "Tom Cahoon."

A few seconds of silence follows.

Breaking the lull, Tom says, "guess I'll give it a go."

Tom kind of knew one of the runners from the opposing team, Dean. Often he would see Coach Larson find fault with him. When that happened, there wasn't any screaming at the athlete, his coach acting cool. It wasn't until after an away game, Tom learned about the special relationship between the runner and his coach.

By seconds he missed the bus back to his school. Watching it pull away, he ran after it. A couple of the guys had had a confrontation with this driver, not liking the loud music they listened to, so he kept a grudge and didn't care who he left behind. Wasn't his responsibility, no skin off his back, if a player couldn't keep track of the time!

Whipping out his cell, Tom cursed, finding `low battery.' Turning around, he headed back to the gym, where Coach Larson's office was located. He only hoped coach hadn't left.

Lazy or perhaps just tired out, after the running event, Tom having found the door to the gym locked, didn't feel like walking the hall all the way to the other side of the high school, to use the pay phone. By way of another event, a runner from the opposing team had shown him how to get into the restroom, serpentine through the boiler room and wrestling room, taking the stairs up to the where it came out to the locker room.

Coach Larson, as a usual practice, had patrolled the locker room and immediate area, to make sure there were no stragglers. He also made sure they were securely locked in.

An ongoing relationship between himself and this runner, it going on for a few months of the senior year, they had the routine down pat. When he came back from making sure everything was secure, there was Dean, stripped down to nakedness. Standing, elbows up, hands behind his head, legs spread wide, it was highly visible, long shaft hanging down, nestled on the bed of two big ballsacs.

Tom lucked out, finding the boiler room door unlocked and after winding his way through that and the wrestling room, came upon a darkened stairwell. Thoughts of dread hit him in the pit of his stomach, hoping the last obstacle, the door at the top of the stairs was left unlocked. He was amazed at how a heavy door swung so easily and free on it's hinges, more thankful he was able to open it.

Anticipating silence, it was marred by the sounds he recognized by description. Often, in a jock's locker room environment, guys didn't care who heard of their escapades with girls, claiming how they panted and carried on in the throes of sex. Tom could have lived without the drama, except for when one of the jocks imitating, how good the sex was, panting, raving, carrying on so. A couple of times Tom caught himself short of springing a boner, picturing himself dicking one of his teammates. Certainly, like in all walks of life, there were those who were of either the receptive or the insertive. Of himself, Tom always thought of himself as the alpha male. Therefore, the reason his shaft suddenly decided upon its own to cram his briefs, was a result of Tom dreaming about that cooing jock-buddy, impaled on the end of his rod!

This was different. It was not the sounds of a fellow team member luring him on with the heat of sex, but two others engaged in something he was unaware of. Curiosity the key here, he followed the conversation, laced with some of those same sounds, it brought Tom through the locker room and to the area where towels and other equipment was stashed. What he was drawn to was not an inner sense of direction, but ears, picking up on soft moaning, after hearing Coach Larson say, `you like that, don't you'. Not a question, it was more like coach was reading the runner's mind, telling Dean what he already knew.

Coming upon the scene, Tom was stifled by what he could never have imagined, "what tha fuck, Coach Larson?"

Did Tom single out coach, rather than Dean, most likely because an adult is supposed to be more responsible? And, with all the hoopla going around about sexual harassment in the workplace, was it really wise for Coach Larson to have his hand on Dean's dick?

Perhaps both were stunned, Coach Larson over forgetting to lock one of the gym doors...was he that irresponsible, or getting forgetful? The only other option, `the door to the wrestling room', he immediately drew condemnation upon himself.

For Dean, dropping out of an eagle-spread position, cupping his semi-soft shaft in one hand, he rants, "it's not what it looks like, Tom!"

He wasn't angry or had it mind to go tattle, Tom responding, "well, why don't you explain it to me, Dean?"

Because of Tom and Dean already being friends, Coach Larson kind of faded into the background, allowing the truth to fall onto the senior athlete's shoulders. For certain, having Tom sprung on them like that, he was at loss for words. It never occurred to him, that someday he might have to explain himself out of a fix he's gotten into.

"So," Tom relates back to Chad, "it was kind of simple, like it didn't take a rocket scientist, let alone two senior guys to talk it out."

Chad, still on his knees, causes Tom to smile, when he utters the same reaction, "and the outcome," hand on his cock, "and tell me nice and slow?"

Tom stopped thinking about that and about this, "what, so you can jerk off onto the floor, making another mess for me to clean up?"

His slow stroke peters out to nothing, "you really know how to kill an erection, you know?"

It was highly unlikely, with two men in a kitchen, dressed down and confronting each other with their horniness, of there anything going soft.

"Sorry. Anyhow, not much to tell after that, except Dean telling me this had been going on since the beginning of the school year and over time, each had discovered what turned the other on."

Chad, who's hand anticipates the continuation of Tom's high school tale, returns to the light stroking, "which is?"

More of a romantic than a quick hit'n'run, Tom stood there trying to analyze his feelings. After breaking in on coach and Dean, it changed not only his own, but his running buddy. A town away it gave Dean a reason to want to learn how to drive. It had always been an excuse to satisfy the rents, saying he would live in a city, where there was ample mass transit. Now, suddenly, either it was him traveling to Tom's house, or vice versa. Though Dean's dad wondered what the sudden change of heart was, he said he met a girl!'

"Smart," Chad called it.

"Yeah, Dean was a smart guy," Tom just had to add, "and a hot jock!"

Since high school, Tom had delved more into his studies at college, than sleeping every other night with one of the known gay college frats, who hopped from room to room. In fact, smartly, he never let on he was gay and managed to secure a bachelors degree, limiting sex to self-jerkoffs. Coming out of the college scene, Tom had his sights set on occasionally dating, until he met up with the right guy. Maybe, after 6 years of that stuck in his mind, he's come across `Mr. Right'?

"And yourself?"

There on his knees, Tom wondered why he was pussy-footing his way around. Though he set his own standards about what was right with him, or tabu, with Chad in front of him, was it fair to either of them, keeping him at bay?

Upon thinking the two options could collide, become one, quick sex and perhaps finding true romance, Tom sinks to his knees, saying, "myself, eh, well that can be complicated."

Complicated', is how Tom always thought of it, but slowly his life started to unravel, become simplified. What could be more easy-going than to let yourself go, squat down, surrender built up feelings and emotions, especially when the brain is saying, go for it!'

"You know," Tom starts to share, as his hands work their way in between Chad's arms and ribs, "maybe this doesn't have to be a one shot deal?"

Chad hadn't thought about it. What man does, when you're hard, a bead forming at the tip, ready to get down and dirty, "uh, yeah? So?"

Following Tom's lead, he touches, hugs, but Chad ever conscious of his throbbing balls.

Taking a chance, Tom says, "do you think Kelly would mind if we used one of the extra bedrooms?"

Up until now, Chad looked upon himself as the alpha person, "really?"

He's had it both ways, top or bottom, neither role fit his way of thinking, Chad going with whatever went right with the other guy.

Tom, slowly opening up, for whatever reason it was hounding his gut reaction, "yeah. I kinda feel like," he gulps down spit, "maybe we have more going here than we think we do?"

About that room, Chad was all for it, now that Tom has provoked the situation. Standing, he holds out a hand, "shall I lead you to the lair?"

It's not exactly the line Tom would have chosen for a romantic lead in, but looking up, upon Chad's beautiful bod, from face, right down to the underside of his balls, hanging there in the balance of his words, he reaches up, taking hold of his hand.

Not like they were in a hurry, Chad having mellowed, Tom picking up the pace a little, they stood there in an embrace, gently kissing.

Though, the fire did return and like gas thrown into the flames, they took off up the stairs!

Later, neither would remember how it went, other than each wanting to take on the kingly position, the other slave of the court. However, that first romp in the sheets for Tom and Chad, it defined forever `roles', not which from time to time they deviated off course.

Being ten years older than Tom, Chad didn't let a number define them, even though he had let it in the past. He always pictured some young graduate on his knees or flat out in a bed, taking his 7-inch projectile to the hilt, but now was a turning point.

Not only about Tom leading him on, but surrender play a part in moving up between legs, Chad flopping down on his chest and making love to a hot man's cock. He never thought he could so much savor, for an hour or more, working his tongue up and down a hard shaft, barely fitting a man's ballsac into his mouth, moving it around with hit tongue, like he was playing water polo. On the side, he liked Tom's possessive nature. When Chad started to become overwhelmed with emotion, cock and balls throbbing, he was stopped from handling himself.

"Not yet," Tom says softly, reaching down, pulling Chad's hand away from touching himself.

Giving in, Chad went back to working Tom's cock with one hand, pulling up on it so the hard piece of lumber wouldn't keep him from giving the humongous balls a bath. Other hand, it wandered freely above the navel. Only power he had over Tom was giving his nips a pinch. It was almost comical, the tweaking of a nip setting off a reaction, drawing up Tom's balls or feeling the `fuck-sense', pulsing of his shaft.

That morning would set the precedent of their status, of not only working together on the estate, but as Tom turned Chad over on the bed, the physical stamina it took to do became easy and unlabored. If either didn't want it to be so, it could have amounted to resistance.

Instead, with ease Chad assumed the position, doggie style on the bed, waiting to be penetrated.

Tom had it in mind to dive right in, but decides on the way he likes it, balls to the bed.

"Owch, Tom!" Chad says, feeling his ass, upon being swatted.

"Down, boy!"

When both are about to reach their peak, there's an inclination to drop what each has built themselves up to what they think they are and go with the flow.

All too forgiven, Chad grinds his balls into the bed, soon with no choice, Tom spitting on his shaft and driving it home.

With no more than five minutes into the driving action, Chad going with Tom's driving force, the `announcement' comes.

Suddenly Chad decides on assuming the position he `likes', getting to his knees.

Tom feels an extra kick to it all, driving his shaft downward and feeling Chad `lift', "ooh-h-fuck-yeah!"

A good, good feeling, better than before attitude buzzing Tom's head, he grabs hold of Chad's thighs and like things could get any rougher?

With his right arm bracing himself against the pillow, Chad's other hand is madly jerking his cock.

It's only a matter of seconds and both are wailing, excreting their man juices. Maybe a minute later, after Tom has shot strands of goo onto Chad's back, Chad slacks off, feeling his hand squeeze the last drop out.

Like a well-rehearsed script, the end of the play comes, each surrendering to falling to the bed.

With a splat, Tom caves in to falling onto Chad's back, wetness encased between. He can feel the wetness on his stomach, but doesn't care. The sex was great and he just wants to chill out.

The force of Tom's bod on his, Chad collapses into the bed with a softer landing. Aware of the wetness, it's no concern to how it feels to have a man on his back. More, it's the wet back he becomes aware of than moist pubes, "oh man. That was great."

"Yeah," Tom mumbles. Though, upon realizing just how great, "it was," he takes the initiative to slide off to the side.

As if they had done this multiple times, with not always the same partner, Chad rolls on his side, facing Tom. Could have been the other way, his partner spooning him, but it was morning, not time for sleeping. Too, conversation kicked in.

"I almost forgot how good that feels."

Like it was a routine thing, Chad questions, "how long has it been since you..."

"Since maybe," Tom realizes it, "Dean?" Thinking on it a few short seconds, "yeah, it's been since Dean I..."

Filled with compassion, even after he's come, Chad nudges his whole bod closer, planting a kiss on Tom's lips.

"Oh," is Tom's reaction.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No. Just, I wasn't expecting that."

Really, neither knew the other very well, so jumping to conclusions wasn't a factor.

"Then," Chad concedes, "maybe we just need to get to know each other better?"

Sounded right to Tom, "yeah."

Unsure if this only infatuation, at 38-years old, a guy has got to wonder, "unless you're not feeling anything more, Tom?"

With a sound mind, when it came to sex, with certain expectations, about getting it on with Chad, "oh. Yeah. I certainly am feeling," shows uncertainty, "something."

Instead of nervous, Tom feels comfortable being with Chad, something he's longed for.

Suddenly, realizing they hadn't gotten it on at some cheap motel, Chad says, "well then, we better get up and get on with our day!"

Getting out of bed, standing, it's then Chad realizes something dripping down his back, the back of his legs and feeling the `yuck', "ugh. I guess I better hit the shower."

Feeling it too, Tom's six-pack is lathered with goo, from their back-to-frontal clash, then to have Chad hugging him, pubes glued together. A hand to his deflated cock and balls spells the truth, "yeah. Me too."

A smile aimed at each other, Chad extends a hand, "need help getting out of bed, after all that `hard' work?"

Tom could have flopped over on his back and stepped out of bed on his own, but why turn down such an nice invitation?

On the way to the shower, Chad asks, "so, anything else important I should know about you, Dean and Coach Larson?"

"Plenty," Tom answers, his smile enough to tell Chad there were tons of files which could be downloaded.

"Well," Chad, his wristwatch the only article attached to his bod, "I suppose the dishes aren't getting done by themselves!"

Not to mention, they needed to wash and dry their bods, but that would remain part of their future history, as well as the first time they had sex.


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 11

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