Gladiator Charm School

Published on Jan 4, 2012


Gladiator Charm School 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

The event came to a close. Hadrian told me he had greatly enjoyed himself. "Perhaps you might join my household?" he asked. "Your troop has specialized skills."

"My villa is most secluded and out of the way, Dominus," I replied. "We cater to men with unusual tastes. No one knows who visits here, and thus there are no wagging tongues in Rome. I tend to think of that as an attractive aspect of my services."

The Emperor smiled. "You are quite right about that," he replied. "Do you accept individual guests, or only parties?"

"My men are always excited and willing to play," I replied. "They are capable of filling anyone's needs. You could select one, two or the entire group for your pleasure."

The Emperor leaned close to me. "I might be interested in further explorations with your dwarfs. Are they hardy enough for more intense sexual games?"

"You are well endowed, but I doubt they would have a problem," I said. "They are small men, but they enjoy being treated as full sized men. I know they have full sized orgasms."

The emperor smiled, nodded and left. As I guessed, the Emperor didn't want everyone knowing his sexual tastes. In many ways it made no difference; the emperor could do anything he wanted. However, a great many Roman emperors died violently. Many used lax morality as an excuse. A wise Emperor was careful. Hadrian was a wise Emperor.

I knew emperors could be willful and there was a chance Hadrian might wipe us off the face of the earth, but he indeed was a good emperor. He was not willful or vindictive.

Apollodorus had many friends. My services were expensive, but Apollodorus moved in a world populated by men of great wealth. For them the expense was an advantage. The cost excluded ordinary men from using my services. My secluded house was also a good feature. While you could not just slip out of your mansion in Rome to visit my house, there was little chance that a neighbor, or associate would see them sneaking into my rural house.

Certainly wild sexual escapades were common enough in Rome. My men enjoyed their work and had no desire to run away and perhaps tell tales. Some might say my confidence in their interest in the work might be a delusion. After all, whoresare not known for their faithfulness. My confidence was based on two beliefs. My house was secluded and the slave would need to go a considerable distance before he could make good his escape. In Rome, there are thousands of men. My villa was alone and surrounded by open fields.

Secondly, my men were all interested in sex and men cannot pretend to interested. A naked man cannot pretend to have an erection or an orgasm. Your cock is always exposed and on display during sex. While some men are offended that cocks drip, ooze and spurt, I think of that as an asset. The oozing juices are a guarantee of my men's sincerity, and of my customer's satisfaction.

A few days later, I received a letter from Apollodorus asking if I would meet with one of his close friends, Apuleius, a writer of some sort. He said Apuleius was interested in having a special entertainment. I told the messenger I was more than willing to meet with his friend.

Several days later Apuleius appeared at my door, escorted by a single, oversized slave. Apuleius was aristocratic, handsome, dark skinned and tall, but gave the impression he was haughty. He wasn't rude, but he didn't seem to be energetic or willing to waste time on unworthy companions. His slave was very crude looking, but muscular and powerful.

We had a strained conversation, but he didn't seem to want to get to the point. I eventually mentioned it was my normal time for the baths, and asked if he wanted to join me. He agreed. Didimus was in the atrium as we spoke. He quickly left to select a few men to join us in the baths. Didimus was sensible and picked a varied group of men. That way we could see what sort of man interested Apuleius.

The Hibernian Hercules and his dwarf companion were already working in the bath when we entered. Shortly thereafter, the Persian Panther and Ganymede entered. I must admit my visitor was more cordial when he saw the other naked men. Unexpectedly, his body guard, who was named Hector, joined us in the bath. While Hector always snarled, his eyes almost sparkled when he saw the Cheetah and Ganymede. Apparently, he liked younger men.

The afternoon became quite pleasant. For some reason I had assumed Apuleius was a poet. He was a satirist who wrote biting satires on notable men. I wasn't familiar with them, but his writings circulated in the upper tiers of the Patrician world and apparently, they were both very funny and on target. Hector was not just a decorative accessory; there were men who wanted Apuleius dead.

The satirist made much use of men's sexual foibles. He also shared many of these problematic interests himself. This is why he was at my house. Here he could indulge his own sexual tastes out of view of others. Hector was his bodyguard and a sexual companion. Apuleius was all top. While Hector served him, he also liked the top role. This visit was a chance for him to release his energies into the ass of a willing playmate.

Didimus possessed an almost instinctive sense about what men desired. Apuleius and Hector were both satisfied his selection. Of course having a master and his slave sharing sexual favors together could be a difficult problem, but by now, my men were most comfortable with their sexual roles. The Satirist and his slave soon were comfortable too. Of course, the selection was ideal for Roman tastes. We had young and old, full sized men, dwarfs and giants available.

Hector liked young men but he was also was intrigued by Ganymede. Apuleius went to the Hibernian Hercules and his small companion. As always, I was worried something would go wrong. You would think by now I would have understood that a group of sexually excited men can work things out on their own.

Didimus watched over all. If he noted a problem, he would summon another man to join in and meet the needs of our visitors. A few more inches of cock seemed to improve almost any situation. Apuleius seemed to become uninterested. Didimus brought in the Donkey and introduced him to the writer. Apuleius seemed to be excited by the Donkey and all was well. After the Donkey entered, Apuleius seemed more at ease.

After both Apuleius and Hector had an orgasm, the writer finally told me what he wanted. He was interested in exotic and bizarre sexual cuts, and needed my men to introduced him to these practices. I told him my men weren't particularly religious and I knew nothing of obscure cults.

As a rule, I avoid all the gods, except for those that guard my own household. Those who talk of the gods often seem to be troublemakers. Most of the Gods seem quite content in Olympus and they wanted to have no dealings with mortals. I did not make my opinions known. A customer is a customer. I asked him how many of my men he would need for his sexual rites.

"I want them all," he replied. "I can use even your household and agricultural slaves, as long as they are sexually capable."

"That would be possible," I replied, "but it would be expensive." The writer told me how much he was willing to spend. I almost told him that would take care of a week of rites, but I didn't. We had a deal. We left the baths and had a light dinner. Apuleius had written instructions for me. He would return in two weeks with a party of twelve. The rites and associated orgy were to last for a full day. Apuleius and Hector left just before sunset. I rarely travel after dark, but I assumed no one would consider attacking Hector.

I wasn't familiar with orgiastic rites, but from the writer's instructions the actual rites was fairly simple and straightforward. They also appeared to be short. Many religious ceremonies go on for hours and are messy. The blood of sacrificed animals and the disemboweling of the animals to examine the entrails is unattractive and time consuming. Since priests are paid to do this, they seem to feel they should stretch things out. If you are paying for a sacrifice you don't want it to be done in an instant.

Apuleius' rites required minimal ceremonies, with the rest of the time devoted to an orgy. The only sacrifice was of one's manly juices and one's dignity. The cult was obscure, and seemed to be Egyptian or African in origins. I had noticed Apuleius wore jewelry and amulets associated with Isis. I wondered if his was a cult dedicated to the god who impregnated her.

That made no sense to me. All the participants in Apuleius' rites were male. Pregnancy was an unlikely result. I hate to sound like a jaded man of the world, but as far as I could tell, there was no requirement that any religious rites make any sense. Fortunately, the only sacrifice required by our ceremony was sperm. My men were all willing to do that.

The instructions said any man who was capable of an orgasm was to participate. That included the old and young, dwarfs, cripples and the blind. Once the orgy began, there was to be no concern with wealth or station in life. All were equal.

Apollonius knew of the Greeks' Dionysian rites that were somewhat similar. Our own Saturnalia could be wild, but it wasn't as entirely sexual. The German Chieftain said his tribe had a night of sexual abandon in mid winter. It included women, but he said men are willing to shove their cocks into anything tight. I knew the chieftain well enough to know he was always game.

The rites required generous food and refreshments. It required more than generous wine and drink. Knowing my men's tastes, I included beer. The Germans like that, since wine was rare in their lands.

The instructions said my men were to abstain from sex a week before the rites to insure they were fully loaded. I solved that problem with a bribe. I offered each man who was able to restrain himself a small gold coin. Many had never possessed an actual gold coin and they were willing to go to extreme lengths to get one. I mentioned the fee of the event was generous.

I also spent some time preparing my men for the event. The gladiators were always ready, willing and able. The same could not be said for my household and agricultural staff. Most were slaves, but there were some freedmen in the group. Some of these were small farmers who had encountered bad times and bad luck. Others were men of limited skills and intellectual ability. The instructions were clear that common people were required. I was afraid some of my men were far too common.

Two things worked in my favor. The gold coin worked its magic. For several of the men who had sons and relatives, they could pool the coins could free themselves from debt. They other thing was the typical man's tendency to be permanently in heat. One never has a problem getting a crowd for an orgy.

Cleaning them up was an adventure. Some have never been in a bath. Apollodorus had some experience and also had a good attitude. As the master, some men could regard cleaning as degrading. Apollodorus turned it into a game. He made sure there was enough tweaking of genitals and poking in holes to excite the men. He seemed like the friendly uncle or neighbor who was playful and willing to give some advice. Plebian sex is a rough and tumble affair. Apollodorus gave them helpful hints.

They bathed with some of the Gladiators. The Gladiators were intimidating men, and while Apollodorus was friendly and helpful, they knew getting out of line would be bad. They understood the rules.

I came by and looked over the men several times. Because we were in the country on a productive villa, they men were better fed and healthier than they would have been in Rome or another great city. I had focused my attention on the gladiators and left the management of the farm to Apollodorus. He had a freeman superintendent named Ajax who took care of the actual day-to-day activities. Many of the men had only seen me from a distance.

While many master starved their workers so there would be more to sell in the market, Apollodorus thought this was shortsighted. Healthy, well-fed men could produce more. There was little pilfering too. That was a major problem for many large landowners.

Ajax introduced to some of his men. There were four men he called the Bulls. They were of average height, but unusually muscular. They were afraid to look at me. Ajax said several could barely talk. I didn't know if they were simply entirely without education, or incapable of talk. They had fully functioning equipment and I stroked a few cocks and complimented them on this muscular bodies and well formed genitals. They enjoyed that.

There were only a few handsome men in the group, but there were many manly men. The most impressive of these was a group of six men Ajax called the Portinare. They were all related, brothers and cousins I think. They were big and strong and seemed to be brighter than the Bulls. Apollodorus' cleaning techniques seemed to inspire erections, and that increased the men's appeal. Some were well-endowed and had considerable recreational potential.

Apuleius' twelve-man party came the night before the event. The rites started at sunrise, and included a morning feast. They woke the house before dawn. It had been dark when they arrived and I didn't get a good view o them. Three older men appeared in the garb of Egyptian priests and began chanting prayers as the sun rose above the horizon. They had strong voices but it was all unintelligible to me. The twelve circled the house twelve times. Each carried a small, gold scepter or baton with the image of a god and a porphyry dish filled with fragrant oils. They dipped their batons in the oil and sprinkled a ring around the house.

I assumed the twelve times represented the months or the zodiac. At the end of the twelfth circle, they stopped, chanted again and then poured wine into the dust in front of the main door to my villa. Only Apollodorus and I joined them in circumambulating the house. All of my men were waiting, naked in the quarters to the rear of the house. We then entered the atrium.

My servants had filled the atrium with food, fruits, honey cakes and other delicacies, as well as wine. "Bring in the guests!" the head priest bellowed. My men entered in a rush, but weren't sure what was expected. The twelve men stripped naked and then served the men food and drink.

They treated my slaves and servants as guests. The food was extravagant and the men were overjoyed. They weren't sure what was expected, but they knew how to eat. The good food and wine soon had an effect. While the men were uneasy at first, they soon were comfortable. Apuleius and his friends were well-endowed and willing to show their wares, not only their erect organs, but their holes.

The batons they carried had a grip shaped like an erect penis. Apuleius dipped the handle into the oil and proceeded to lubricate the high priest. The priest moaned and cried out in pleasure as the golden dildo entered his ass. The men applauded in approval. Each of the twelve made great show while one of their friends lubricated them. Then, the writer went around the room with oil, lubricating my men's holes, getting them prepared for the orgy.

Since the distinguished guests had already opened their asses for the golden dildos, they was no way anyone could refuse. The Donkey and the Cheetah served as his assistants. My gladiators were use to this level of openness, but the rest of the staff wasn't, but the adapted well. The wine was helpful in this respect.

This gave Apuleius a chance to inspect the genitals of every man in the villa. He was pleased at what he found and was flattering in his comments. If food is a good way to make friends with a man, complimenting his musculature, cock and tight ass is another. The twelve men dispersed into the crowd of men seeking playmates.

The letter stipulated that I have 48 men at party, including myself. With the 12 visitors, we had sixty men. I assumed this number had significance. I also assume each of the 12 would select four men for their own pleasure. This was not the case. I saw no pattern in the way the men found playmates. Indeed, it was soon evident my men were selecting the men they wished, and the twelve were entirely compliant.

Of course the gladiators were use to sexual free for alls and were also most aggressive. The farm hands were much more timid, but urge to have sex and a little wine can solve that problem. The Bulls were cluster in a corner, watching the sexual games, but unsure what to do. Minos, the oldest of the dwarfs and one of the priests, joined them and got them to join in.

The priest, a tall, distinguished bearded man who looked like a Greek Philosopher, was most enthusiastic. He seemed intent on taking the Bulls' man seed, either in the ass or mouth. Minos, the dwarf played the director, encouraging the shyer men to participate. Eventuially all were to feel the Priest's hot ass and feed him their seed. I saw he later that day with his beard encrusted with drying man seed.

I would not have though a man so encrusted in dried sperm and with man seed drooling for his ass would be attractive. I saw the Priest with the Viking, and Chieftain as well as the Donkey and the Nubian. There was no limit to the man's craving for sperm, nor his desire to accommodate the largest cocks. His sperm covered body was like honey for hungry bears.

While I was watching, Hector came up to me and we were soon involved. I realized then that the twelve included priests, the writer as well as their bodyguards. Hector and I were alone for a short while, but the General's son and the British Bruin came over to us. We were an island of comparative calm in the sea of fornicating men. The Bruin was blind and confused. I was afraid Hector would think he was with the leftovers, but he seemed pleased. The Bruin couldn't see him but he could feel Hector's muscular body. He dropped to his knees and began sucking Hector's meat. All was well.

I worried about the blind Bruin, but Hector fucked him had and long and then came back for more. You would think that being a man getting fucked would make you seem feminine, but the Bruin was entirely masculine as he took Hector's organ. I later realized the Bruin enjoyed beign wanted and sought after. Eventually Hector got on hios hands and knees and the Bruin fucked him. believe it or not, the Bruin smiled.

The Bruins understanding of Latin was weak, but his impressive cock did all the talking that was necessary. The General's son had looked uneasy when he saw Hector close up. Hector was battle tested and battle scared. He relaxed as Hector and the Bruin made out. Soon he was sucking my cock and I was licking Hector's organ. Hector always looked scary and mean. His cock was drooling, happy and excited.

I sucked the General's son and took a mouthful of his seed. He cuddled up to me during a lull in the activity. My cock was near his ass and a little while later I was deep in his rectum. He and I were good with that.

As the day progressed, the villa began to look like a public bath, or a Greek Gymnasium filled with nude men enjoying themselves. I had always noted sexual undertones in the baths. Here was the opportunity to do what you had thought about, but never been able to do. Sex became both more casual and more intense.

The week's abstinence from sex was successful. The men were both ready for sex and seemed to have increased stamina. There were many multiple orgasms. The farm hands performed well. It was easy to get accustomed to both the nudity and the sexual opportunities.

The twelve guests open their asses for the general entertainment right from the start. Once the guests made the first move and allowed common farm workers into their hole, it was impossible any to refuse to do the same. For most men in the lower orders, sex was hurried and hidden. Everyone had a chance to take their time and there was no need to hide their activities from anyone. Everyone else was doing the same things.

Next: Chapter 7

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