Gladiator Charm School

Published on Aug 7, 2011


Gladiator Charm School 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

The evening at Julius's villa was a great success. I am not sure how information spreads, but I soon had letters from strangers as well as some of the men who had been at the party, asking if I could bring my men to other parties where they could entertain "select friends."

Quintus was one of the first to contact me. He asked if he might visit and discuss an entertainment, he was planning in the near future. He noted that Julius had been most pleased with the event at his villa. I said I would be honored to have him visit.

Two weeks later, he came with two servants, one of whom was a person of high rank. Quintus did not explain why the man was pretending to be a servant and I didn't ask. He sent the real servant away, but the other man stayed with us. He introduced him as Decius and said he was the butler.

I assumed he wanted to inspect my stock of retired gladiators. While it would have been most acceptable to visit a brothel to select women for a party, it was desirable to treat male sexual partners with greater circumspection. Quintus suggested he wanted to do small-scale games for his guests.

"I would like men who could put up a good fight with my guests in individual matches," Quintus explained.

"Do you want your guests to win?" I asked. "That can be a problem with my men."

"Obviously," Quintus replied. "They all have bad associations with losing. No, your men can win. I suspect my guests would be disappointed if they were to win. Many might enjoy the heartbreak of defeat!" I smiled.

Since I owned my staff, there was no question of them doing what I asked. I once had asked the Persian Panther if the sexual duties were a problem. I have heard of wellborn women feeling suicidal when barbarians captured them and they became their playthings. The Panther was the most thoughtful of the Gladiators.

He smiled. "There is little relationship between a high born lady and your gladiators," he remarked. "I am a Jew and my father taught me to think of sex as degrading. Frankly, I can't see it that way. I know the men don't see it that way. They regard sex as a reward. As long as the hole is tight, most don't care if it's an ass or a cunt."

"I assume a male asshole is tighter than a cunt?" I asked. "I certainly was for me, but Flavia was an older woman."

"It is," the Panther replied. "You remain firm and tight even at the end of the training session."

"How do the men like the training sessions?"

"Some of the men are set in their ways," the Panther replied. "But they can see advantages to your method. Most of them typically fucked as hard and as fast as they could so they would get off before they were caught. Taking it slow and easy is new to them."

"They understand the advantages of the slower approach?"

"They do, the party was good for them. Even the German liked it. He is really set in his ways,"

I wanted Quintus to see my men, but I do not like the meat rack one finds at slave auctions. Of course, I had my men nude so he could see their equipment. I had recently purchased some younger men from Julius. These had failed in his Gladiatorial school and never made it to the arena. While they were all adult, some looked quite young. Other slaves, like Didimus, were older, grandfather types, thus I had a full range of men.

I told Quintus and Decius of my training regime. "Most of the men were barely domesticated," I explained. "Without my training, our little party would have been over before the soup got cold!" Quintus smiled. I continued. "My main objective has been to slow them down. By their nature, they are aggressive, driven men. I want them to plow more and seed less."

"The moment of release is so intense, it must be hard for them to so that," Quintus remarked.

"A long, slow build up to that moment can be pleasurable too," I said. "Sometimes one can just teeter on the edge of the orgasm and linger in that pleasurable state. You had some experience with the Donkey. He is a master of that skill." Decius smiled at the comment.

"It was most memorable. I felt the force of his ejaculation. None one had seeded me before. Is that the way it usually feels?" Quintus asked.

"That experience is unique to the Donkey I'm afraid."

"Do you teach your men by lectures or demonstrations?" Decius asked.

"Entirely by demonstration," I replied. "A number of the men couldn't understand a lecture in Latin anyway. Let me confess. I provide the ass. They will do what I ask, more or less as far as their understanding will allow."

"That must be an ordeal for you?"

"The first few days were rough. I got quite sore as you can easily imagine," I explained. "The first penetration is sometimes a problem, but once there is a load or two of seed in me it is easy. It's easier after one or two loads. After six or a dozen, it's effortless. Most of them men make their own lubrication!"

"Does the intensity of feeling diminish after repetition?" Quintus asked.

"Not for me," I replied. "The private parts of my Gladiators are varied as are their techniques. I encourage them to be imaginative and try out new positions. Do you have any idea of your capacity? I believe you sampled two men at the party."

"I feel I made a spectacle of myself." Quintus whispered.

"Did you notice all the other men put on a good show of enjoying themselves too?" I asked. "Julius had the party to give you pleasure. To not show how much you enjoyed it would have been vulgar."

We went to the baths and I let my men enter in small groups. This allowed Quintus to see them in more intimate situations. Decius stripped too and entered the bath. I realized Decius was either Quintus' lover or master. He didn't consider waiting for an invitation to enter the bath.

Didimus entered with two of the new men. Titus and Hero never got in the arena, thus Celer never gave them a stage names. Hero was a slim, but muscular Greek, perhaps in his mid twenties. He was quite a beauty, but had broken his wrists early in his gladiatorial training. Curly hair dusted his chest, making him look barely mature.

Titus was a little older, beefy and massive. He had a cleft palate that had been somewhat fixed, but it made him look mean. He was mostly deaf. That would have been a death sentence for him in the arena. Celer gave him to me free. I never understood his generous treatment of the weak; it was very un Roman! As I received the fruits of his generosity, I never complained.

Hero had a long thin organ and low hanging balls. He looked as if he were waiting for a sculptor to use him as a model for an image of Apollo. By contrast, Titus had a thick, massive organ and almost no balls at all. Didimus was well into his sixties, beefy and hairy. He liked the men and was like a father to most. He took care of them when they were sick. He also had soothing salves good for over stretched holes.

The new men would all take the cocks of the older men as a matter of course. Didimus not only repaired the normal wear and tear of this initiation, he was also willing to take the new man's cock up his ass. That pleased the new men.

I hadn't been sure how to demonstrate the men's sexual skills. Didimus suggested he would pretend to give them instruction in the erotic arts. My guests could watch and join in if they were inspired. The Donkey and a man known as the Wolf entered the bath to help with the training. The Wolf was a surly looking man with a large cock and menacing air.

The look was due to a stab wound in his neck that made it difficult to move his lips much. It was frozen in a scowl. I didn't know Wolf; he was one of the new men. I was a bit surprised he was here, but I guessed the Donkey was a good judge of man flesh, and he had a reason to bring him.

While I knew neither Titus nor Hero were virgins, they were much closer to their virginity than anyone else in my employ. The heat of the bath made Titus' balls drop and he suddenly had an impressive pair. Wolf fondled the young man's genitals and they came to life.

In many ways, the gods have favored me. Almost by accident, I married a short-lived heiress, and then found a business that required almost continual sexual pleasure. While my slaves were the discards of a great magnate, they were almost all perfectly suited for my needs and lusts. Titus seemed like an ordinary young man. Wolf first fondled Titus and then he sucked his cock. He tended to concentrate on Titus' mushroom shaped cock head. That gave us a chance to admire Titus' meaty and long shaft. My interest in him grew as his cock expanded.

Wolf was average in height and thin, wiry rather than muscular. It soon was evident, that Wolf was exceptionally flexible. He was not quite a contortionist, but he was almost able to tie himself in a knot. Titus was ready to fuck. Somehow, Wolf arranged himself so his asshole was visible to us and we were able to watch Titus' cock ram deep in the hole. His hole and Titus' cock were visible at all times. This was ideal for the viewer.

Decius rose from his seat and took Titus' place in Wolf's ass. Decius had a long probe and took long strokes deep into Wolf's body. Usually it is hard to get a glimpse of the organ. With Wolf, everything was on view. It was most titillating. While Wolf's face was largely immobile, the rest of his body responded enthusiastically to the fucking. He liked it and wasn't afraid to show how much he liked it. He tended to growl when the cock was in deep.

Quintus went to Hero and bent over. Hero was young but knew an invitation when he saw it. Didimus oiled Hero's cock and it soon vanished in Quintus' ass. Hero shot off quickly and the old man replaced him. Old Didimus had sexual skills I hadn't guessed existed. He was interested in a marathon, not a sprint. Quintus responded well to the old man's thrusts. By the time Didimus finally shot his load in Quintus' ass, the Roman not only had his ass stretched, but also was truly plowed and seeded. Even the young men looked at the old man in admiration. I could feel the tension drain from the room as the cocks worked their magic. I later realized when men purport to want to inspect the men, they want far more than that.

Wolf was a find. He was already schooled in the sexual arts. Somehow, after Decius had a pleasurable time in his ass, Wolf reversed the positions. His cock was thin, long, and easily opened Decius' hole. Entry was effortless. Wolf too was in no rush to drain his balls. He took his time. Decius was no virgin and he enjoyed the experience.

With my visitors occupied, I looked at Hero and Didimus. They were done with Quintus now. Hero looked unsure of what was expected. Didimus was still excited. Didimus was an old slave who had belonged to my late wife before we were married. I assumed he was well over sixty. He seemed to be more like a piece of useful furniture than a man. He was exceedingly useful in many situations. Didimus was bald, bearded and hairy.

Hero left the room and Titus went to Didimus. I had never seen the old man's sex organ excited before. Like Titus, he housed it in his body with only the tip of the foreskin visible. His balls were huge, but the cock was all but non-existent. Erect his organ was unusually thick, but not long. Titus had a similar organ, but his cock was the length of a hand.

I went over to them expecting to play with Titus, but since they were so close. I dropped to the floor and began to lick both cocks. They moved even closer so their cock heads touched. Their glands were huge, but I got a portion of each in my mouth separated only by my tongue. Each man was excited and oozing sex juices. I tasted each man's ooze as it emerged from his wide slits.

Titus and Didimus were well equipped, but their cocks were a minimal fraction of their weight. It amazed me that my little tongue could make them moan and ooze as it licked the tip of their cocks. Titus twitched once and spurted a single drop of cream. The tip of my tongue was in his slit when it emerged. It was curiously exciting.

"Calm down!" Didimus whispered to Titus. "We have a long afternoon ahead."

Of course, the delicate touch of a tongue on a cock head wasn't enough. We all wanted more.

I gave Titus a full-scale training session. This proved to be pleasurable for me and instructive for Quintus and Decius. All participated in the session including Didimus, Wolf and the Donkey. Since I had but one ass and there were seven cocks, the men had time to make suggestions and talk.

Roman's tend to be partial to action, more than conversation, especially when it comes to sex. Sexual conversation tends to be limited to "Bend over!" and perhaps a, "That was a good fuck," after the sex act. Many didn't seem to differentiate between sex and rape. As men watched and made suggestions, you got a sense of what made each man excited and what gave him the most pleasure.

Titus was the first in line. He had little experience in anything but the crudest sexual relations. He tried to ram it deep on the first thrust. Didimus and Donkey restrained him.

"Take it slow, ease it in," Donkey said. It's not the shooting, but the time in the ass that's good."

Titus had a plan and it wasn't to take it slow. The held him back again.

"Watch this," Didimus ordered. He placed his well-oiled cock at my hole and gently pushed. "Do you see the little rosebud? Aim for that. See how the Master's ass ring welcomes my organ," the old man continued. "Just slip it in a little and see when you rub the nut." He pushed deeper and I moaned as his bloated head rubbed the nut. "You see? I hit it. Now I'll rub it some more."

Didimus had never fucked me before, but he knew my body and its sexual anatomy. Of course, he had watched and helped the other men fuck me many times. "Now Titus, you try it," Didimus ordered. He pulled out and Titus made a third try. This time he was successful. Since he was the same approximate thickness as the Butler, but was longer, he was only a short way in when he found the nut.

Titus pulled out. My ass was tight and I pulled his foreskin over the head. He then went in and my sphincter peeled back the foreskin as he re entered. The edge of his mushroom head was sensitive, and Titus like this a lot. He repeated this a dozen or so times and then the lost it. He pushed in deep and unloaded. I felt his cock spewing his seed, tickling my ass linings. He bellowed as he released his seed.

When he pulled out Decius dropped to the floor and intercepted the final drop of his man seed as it drooled from Titus' still partially erect cock. I smiled to myself. Decius was not as much of a virgin as I thought.

Hero was next in line. He began to shoot the second his cock head entered my ass. He continued to spew seed as he slipped the entire organ into my ass. He was afraid he did it wrong, but I assured him all was well. By now, Decius was in a state of great excitement. The Donkey took care of him. The donkey cock worked its magic.

"What is this nut your Butler is talking about?" Quintus asked.

"If you don't object to have an old man in your ass, Didimus can show you," I said.

"I'm afraid he's too big for me," Quintus said.

"He can show you with his fingers," I said. "Lie back and open up." Quintus obeyed and Didimus eased two fingers into his ass and quickly rubbed the nut/ Quintus almost passed out in pleasure. He was moaning in pleasure when the German came into the bath with two friends.

The German didn't make friends easily, but he tended to like overly aggressive men like himself. He was with a small, dark man we called the Hun, and a blond giant we called the Viking. The Viking had only one leg, but managed to get around on a wooden peg. He didn't seem to need a crutch. The Hun had almost had his brains knocked out. He survived, but his intellect didn't.

I hadn't been sure the Hun was worth the effort; he might not have been trainable. As I noted before, sex is its own reward, and he figured it out. He was dark, smooth except for a thick bush, muscular and impressively endowed. The contrast between his small body and huge organ was attractive.

The Viking was a pale as the Hun was dark. He never cut his hair that hung to the middle of his back. For Romans who enjoyed novelty, he was fascinating. The Hun saw Quintus on his back with Didimus fingering his ass. He pushed the old man out of the way and shoved his cock into the hole. He winded Quintus. The German got him to slow down some. The German was a natural leader of men and he wanted to please me.

The Viking took Titus. Decius enjoyed watching. Both of my visitors had to return to Rome the next day so they had to leave to begin the long journey. Their visit had been a success. Before he left, Quintus told me that a man of the highest status wanted to be entertained by my men. I didn't know if he meant a man of high status, of the man of the Highest Status. I would find out in time.

The next morning I had a full-scale training session with the Viking, the Hun and Wolf. The Hun was confused. He certainly had no problem with sex, but he didn't know what was going on around him. He seemed to be lost.

Next: Chapter 4

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