Gizelle Foster

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jun 1, 2012


Hey friends!

Now everyone that has Facebook on sure you're really gonna LOVE this story. Just a feeling that I have LOL!!! THANKS for ALL the emails I got!!!

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Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi or invite me on Facebook - Ryan Anthony White

Hugz, Ryan

DONE!!! Every single comment or wall post that had been sent to Gizelle Foster had been answered and read. David Fleck leaned backwards into his chair and took a huge sigh of relief, aswell as sexual satisfaction. What he intended to be a little joke on the teenage boys in his class had become a whole lot more difficult to control!! Since yesterday, he had recieved over a 1000 Friendship Requests and he had accepted them all, not having the time nor the patience to check if they were sexy or looked like trolls. He just clicked "accept" to each and every one. He was so fucking he saw that another 3 messages had come in. He was just about to switch off the computer of which was from Danny!! David sat upwards in his chair so fucking fast that his knee knocked against his desk, but in lighting quick time he had opened the message from Danny.

"Hey Gizelle. Sorry for not coming back to you since yesterday, but I have been a little afraid of chatting to a girl as hot as you!! Hope you can forgive me xx"

FUCK!!! This was the boy that David loved more than life itself and the main reason why he created Gizelle Foster to begin with. He knew that he had to speak very cautiously now to prevent giving his game away. He started to type...

"Hey!! I have been looking out for a message from you, but I kinda assumed you weren't interested! You are very sexy Danny, and I would LOVE to go on a date with you!!"

David held his breath for a while after he sent the message. What, when and how will Danny respond to this?? David ofcourse knew that going on an actual date with Danny as Gizelle would be impossible but there was ways to work around that. There had come in more wall posts and messages for Gizelle but David ignored it totally. His focus was now on Danny and Danny alone. Finally he saw that Danny had replied.

"Wow...dunno what to say!? Uhm...I guess so but you can choose where. I really wouldn't mind LOL"

David quietly placed his head in his hands and breathed in long and hard (no pun intended). What the fuck now...he really wanted to have this work out, this was the only way he could tell Danny how he really felt about him! But there was just no way he could possibely pull this one off. He sighed and replied.

"Im doing sum modelling in between my school work, so right now will be difficult...what about early next month!! Promise I won't forget if you wont! XXX"

David then clicked onto the status bar of Gizelle's profile and updated her status.

"Guys, I have finally found my true love!!!"

He clicked on the "send" button and right there the status appeared. He knew that a few number of boys would lose interest in Gizelle after posting that, and to be honest, that was exactly what David wanted. Having 3654 friends to reply to was a fucking lot!! Most of the boys that had invited Gizelle, David himself haven't even heard of before! He then saw that Danny had replied. PLEASE PLEASE don't make Danny lose interest in Gizelle, not now!!

"Okay, kwlzz! Im kinda busy myself with Rugby and school work myself so its great. I just don't wanna date someone else's girl ?"

"What the fricken fuck...oh my gosh, the status!!!" David screamed. Danny must not have realised that David/Gizelle was talking about him! But since David needed time to think of a way to make "Gizelle" go on a date with Danny, it was the prefect solution to allow Danny to think that. He answered a few more wall posts and replied to a few more comments before finally switching off his computer. It was Saturday morning, and he was going to spend the day with Danny, Duke and Chris, going to watch Snow White and the Huntsmen, after they were assured by their mutual friend Kyle Petersen, who worked there, that it contained loads of action. Also because the boys wanted to see more of Kristen Stewart, also known as the sexy Bella in Twilight. David rolled his eyes. He never really got the hype around Twilight and Robert Patterson. Now Taylor that was a walking wetdream!!

As the guys one by one joined eachother at Duke's house, they all got into his car and drove off towards Starbucks. Kyle saw them them arriving and immediately grabbed the four tickets he had secretly printed early this morning out of the back pocket of his jeans. He smiled slyly as they approached him.

"Did you manage to get them?" Duke asked Kyle.

"Did I manage to get what?" Kyle asked innocently.

"Fuck sake Kyle, the movie is gonna start in like 10 minutes!" Chris said angrily.

"Wow dude calm the fuck down okay? Here they are. Now go and fucking enjoy it," Kyle said, frowning at Chris, clearly offended after risking his job for them.

"Chris what's up with you today, dude? You have acted like a pussy all day," Danny commented to Chris who sighed and slumped his shoulders.

"Its this Gizelle Foster girl man, I don't think I stand a chance to date her. She posted on her status this morning that she had found her true love or some shit like that. Its just like kinda depressing."

"Fuckin hell Chris, you have never even met this chick, and you're going Lady Gaga over her already?" David replied, rubbing some sault in Chris's wounds.

"Dude, have you seen how fucking hot she is?? I send her a wall post telling her she's like the most hottest girl I've ever seen and guess what she said?? She replied: "Thanks stud!" Now tell me she didn't have the hots for me!!"

David had to keep his cool really fucking hard not to burst out laughing. He knew he had Chris now, and quickly formed a plan in his mind.

"Guys, I have to piss like a fucking race horse, keep a seat for me, will ya?" he said before literally running towards the toilet. He just congratulated himself on his plan, when...

"Wait up, Dave! Im coming with you!"

David stopped in his tracks, turned around and saw Danny running towards him. GREAT. Now how was he gonna send something to Chris from Gizelle's account? As the entered the toilet, Danny immediately took a spot at a urinal, and David knew that he was supposed to take the one next to him, as they had done numerous times. He decided to pull out his best acting job yet again.

"Damn, seems like I have to crap aswell...always when you least expect it!" he cheerfully said before locking himself in one of the stalls, opening his zip and starting to piss, holding his dick with one hand and entering Gizelle Foster's Facebook account on his Blackberry with the other.

"If I chowed down all those fucking fruits and nuts that you do, so would I, dude! You really got to cut down on those fuckers, Dave. You already look like a tropical smoothie," Danny said.

"Thanks for the compliment, dude! With all that swooning you did over that Gizelle chick the other night, don't let me tell you what YOU look like!" David responded back, while typing a message to Chris as fast as he could. When he was finally done, he flushed the toilet, placed his half hard dick back in his pants, and walked out. Danny was waiting for him, and they walked into the cinema, where Chris and Duke had been keeping their places.

After the movie was finished, the boys headed over to the MacDonalds. Chris and David ordered a Large Big Mac meal each while Duke got himself a Supersize McFeast Deluxe meal and Danny a Supersize McChicken meal. As they sat down, Chris's face lightened up as he read something on his phone. Already knowing what it was, David started eating with a smile on his face.

"JEEZ guys, she responded back to me! Listen to this..." Chris said as he lowered his voice before reading the message.

"I want to feel your dick in my pussy and feel your cum spraying the inside of my fucking ass...DAMN she makes me horny as FUCK!!!"

"Fuck dude!! You're lying!" Duke said in amazement before tearing Chris's phone from his hands to have a look himself. He then gave Chris back his phone, this time with a frown on his face.

"Dudes, something is not right here. I didn't wanna tell you this coz its like kinda private, but...last night this Gizelle girl and me got talking. We flirted a lot and then I asked her for a picture of herself. I nearly creamed myself when I saw it. Its on my laptop, I'll show you later. And then she asked to see my dick..."

"Don't fucking tell me you took a photo of your own hard dick and sent it to her? That's just sick," Danny asked, his eyes wide with shock, but also full of curiosity.

"You bet your sweet fucking ass, I did! And then suddenly, she decides to delete me from Facebook! What kinda shit is that?? Im telling you guys, this girl is a first class slut who gets off looking at dudes's dicks!"

"She also sent me messages this morning, she kinda wants to go on a date with me," Danny said, taking a sip from his Coke.

"Have you gotten anything from this girl, Dave?" Duke asked suddenly. David quickly sat up and wiped his mouth clean with his serviette.

"Uhm...yeah guys I have, but these kinda stuff is like private stuff between me and her. I don't really wanna talk about it to be honest..." he said, choosing his words very carefully.

"Whatever dude, but it was also like those we got?" Chris then asked, to which David nodded. What else could he do?

"She has like over 3000 friends, guys. All of them boys. I checked last night. I wonder where she is, and why she's such a sex crazed person," Danny mentioned, finishing his Coke, before getting up. The others followed him. They walked outside and got back into Duke's car before the latter dropped Chris at his house and then Danny at his.

"Don't you wanna come inside, Dave? Play a game of b-ball or something?" Danny then asked.

"Coolio, thanks for the ride, Duke!" David said, recieving a thumbs up from the former before he drove off. The two boys then entered the house, greeted Danny's parents and made their way upwards to Danny's room. Just as David walked over to Danny's PS3, he saw the latter opening his laptop and typing in his password.

"What the hell, Danny?" David asked confused.

"I wanna check this girl's profile more carefully. Maybe I can see something on my laptop that I can't on my Samsung Galaxy," Danny said, clicking the mouse to go onto Facebook. Just as David sat beside Danny the latter's Facebook profile opened infront of him on the screen. Danny then typed "Gizelle Foster" into the search engine and immediately her account popped up.

"Alright, lets take a closer look..." Danny whispered before going down Gizelle's info. David knew that there was nothing to create suspicion, as he checked and double checked every single detail before creating the account. And even Danny had to give up after several minutes when he sighed and went back into his own account. Once there, both boys saw Danny had a Friend Request from a boy they both didn't know.

"What the fuck...jeez I wish these gay motherfuckers would stop inviting me!" Danny said, slamming his fist on the desk. David was shocked to see his best friend's face turning blood red in anger, before the latter rejected the request. David remained quiet for a few moments before Danny spoke again.

"Im sorry, buddy. I just wish these queers would fucking leave me alone already. This dude invited me loads of time and keeps sending me inbox messages but with this new "timeline" shit on Facebook I dunno how to block the motherfucking faggot," he then said. David just nodded before he looked down at his hands.

"You really hate them that much?" he asked Danny quietly.

"Queers? Hell yes! They're fucking disgusting, dude!" Danny protested.

"Yeah...yeah I uhm...I agree totally," David said, his voice defeated.

Later that night after David had showered and changed into his pj's, he sat behind his computer and logged into Gizelle's account. He ignored all the messages and wall posts and went straight towards Kyle' s page. He saw that Kyle was on line aswell. This could be fun...he thought and started to type.

"I want to suck your rock hard cock until you cum down my throat..."

David got his cock out of his trousers and gently started to caress the organ bit by bit until at first it became semi hard. He went into Kyle's pictures on his page and viewed them one by one, all while tossing off his by now steel hard 16 year old cock, inwardly groaning with all the teenage hormones pouring through his body. He then stopped, when he saw he had gotten to a couple of pictures taking of Kyle at the beach. Kyle, although not as sexy as Danny, was not by any means a freckled face nerd. He was tall, slender, a little gawky with athletic shoulders and washboard stomach from being on the swimming team. His abs were not as proclaimed as Danny's, but there was no ounce of fat on the boy. Throw in blue eyes and a buzz cut and you had the perfect dude for David to jack off to. David's breathing got more and more laboured, until he saw that Kyle had replied to the message that he had sent him. David licked his lips while clicking it open.

"Girl I would fuck you so fucking hard my balls will burst open and flood you with cum."

"OOHHH FUCCCKKK!!" David moaned, his cock feeling every bit of stroke that its owner was giving it. The red glimmering cockhead peeped out of the foreskin everytime he jerked his cock up and down, getting off on the shirtless pictures of Kyle and even more so now that Kyle had sent him THAT message. He read and reread Kyle's message over and over and he slowly but surely felt the tingle down under in his ballsack, but it wasn't enough. He wanted more!!! He leaned down to type at lightning speed.

"I will ride your hard dick so hard you will BEG me for a break!! Xoxox"

David sighed as he thought of Kyle's swimmers body on top of his, kissing down his neck, while his hands ran up and down his arms and caressed his shoulders. David also saw in his sexual imagination that Kyle was laying down his body fully on top of him, as David saw his arms going around Kyle's body and fully hugging him to himself. Kyle looked directly into David's eyes and leaned down to kiss him. David groaned in his chair, fully jerking his dick at warp much he wanted Kyle, Danny FUCKING HELL any boy that was available!! A noise told him that Kyle had replied.

"Congrats beautiful, my bed is full of cum"

That was IT. David's young body lurched forward as if it was attached by his orgasmic prick. His hand was a blur on his cock as he imagined Kyle cumming all over him, spurting his potent swimmer's seed all over his body. David's eyes bulged and his dick finally gave up as his cum poured and spat out from his red and steel hard cockhead. A stream flew over his head and onto the cupboard. Another splattered on his chest. Another bounced off the wall and back onto the floor where as the rest simply spilled out and down towards his pubic hair. With tired arms limp from his powerful orgasm, David managed to lift his right hand upwards and slowly typed...

"Im wet..."

That was all he could manage before he slumped back in the chair. What he had typed was true LOL. He was fucking wet with cum! He didn't even noticed that he fell asleep sitting right there on the chair behind his computer. That last thing he could remember was switching the screen monitor off before closing his eyes.

The following morning was Sunday and as per usual, David and his family were all heading to church. The sermon was only about an hour long and the message was short and sweet, but still every but as powerful and gave each person some sort of strength for the week that layed ahead. It was after church that David took the chance and quickly slipped towards the toilet in the foyer. He entered Gizelle's account and went onto Danny's page. He was terribely hurt at what Danny had said about gays and no matter how much he loved him, he was gonna get him back for that! He had thought about this plan all fucking morning. He was gonna teach Danny a lesson that he would NEVER forget!! He quickly sent Danny an inbox message.

"Meet me this afternoon, McDonalds @ Starbucks @ 4. I'll be wearing a pink shirt with nothing underneath...don't be late xxx"

He smiled as he clicked on the "send" button. He loved Danny, make no mistake, but he wanted to get rid of Danny's stupid crush on Gizelle. Ofcourse there would be no one waiting for Danny this afternoon, and he, David, would enjoy every minute of seeing the love of his life suffer as Danny would realise by the minute that his "date" had dropped him. David now knew that there was no future with Danny. Danny hated gays. Ofcourse he was entitled to his own opinion, but what he had said about them...that was very hurtful. Revenge, my dear Danny, is very sweet...David thought as he flushed the toilet and left quickly as he heard someone else enter, and completely forgot to sign out of Gizelle Foster's account and back into his own...

He ran up to his parents's car as he heard his father honk the horn from a few miles back. He got into the back of the car and smiled to himself at the thought of Danny sitting at MacDonalds, waiting for the love of his life to show up...with a startle he didn't feel anything in his jacket pocket when he reached for his phone to see if Danny had replied back. He felt for it again...NOTHING!! Oh hell no...

"Dad, stop the car please!!" David screamed. His dad pushed the brakes so fast that the safety belts of his parents strained against their bodies from flying through the windshield. He opened the door and ran all the way back to the toilet where he typed the message to Danny. If someone found that phone...FUCK!!! He looked all over the toilet, but there was no sign for it. It must have fell out when he ran towards the car! David rushed out towards the church grounds frantically searching for his Blackberry. There was no fucking trace of it! That was until he ran smack bang into none other than Chris...and he was holding something that looked awfully like...

"My phone! Give it here!" David yelled pulled his Blackberry from Chris's hands. He recognised it by its cover, the same one that he brought earlier that month. He looked angrily at Chris.

"What the fucking hell were you doing with my phone?" he screamed at his friend.

Chris remained silent. David started to wonder just how much Chris had seen on his phone, when the latter spoke.

"I can't believe you have been doing this..."

David's heart felt like it suddenly stopped.

CLIFFHANGER!!! What is about to happen to poor Dave??? If you think you know, or if you liked it and want more, pretty please make my day and send me a e-mail at I always make sure that I reply to each and every one I get!

Ryan White

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