Gizelle Foster

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on May 25, 2012


Hey friends!

Now everyone that has Facebook on sure you're really gonna LOVE this story. Just a feeling that I have LOL!!!

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Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi or invite me on Facebook - Ryan Anthony White

Hugz, Ryan

David Fleck sat infront of his computer, wondering if he should go ahead with his plan or not. He had created a fake Facebook profile over two weeks ago and he had been inviting men and dudes left, right and centre, but this was a whole new ballgame. He had also in due time been getting friend requests from the sexiest guys that you could possibely imagine, posing with their bodies glistering on their profile pictures and in a couple of instances, there had been cocks swinging around freely on those as well. David was a typical 16 year old jock who loved playing Rugby, soccer (football in the UK) aswell as swimming. He was almost always seen with girls so no one ever would have thought that David was even remotely gay. But that was the unfortunate fact that David had to accept, because no matter how hard he tried, the feelings towards guys his age that he always seemed to have, even towards his fellow teammates, would not go away. For David there was nothing more beautiful that a teenage boy his age, or perhaps a year younger/older, but goodness knows he could never in a million years act upon what he was feeling. He was hero worshipped in his grade for being the outstanding athlete that he was, and there was no way he was going to throw that all away, even if that meant he had to live a lie for the rest of his life.

But in the past week or so, David had been thinking of a way that he could infact make contact with other guys and flirt with them without revealing his personal identity. He had then created a fake Facebook profile and since then he had been living more a lie than ever before. He called himself "Sexy Jock" because he figured no one would suspect himself of this. He had been up at night until four or even five in the morning chatting and inboxing these hunky dudes that had been contacting him and it was like a whole new dimension opened infront of him. He was David Fleck by day and Sexy Jock by afternoons and nights. For three straight (no pun indended) weeks he had been going on like this before today. This morning when he sat in class and looked over at all the sexy guys in his grade and when hanging out with his buddies, he came to realise with a massive shock that while it was good and awesome speaking to these strangers whom was gay, make no mistake, but what he really wanted was to target the hot dudes who went to school with him. Those he knew. These horny, sexy 16 year old schoolboys who were allowing themselves to fall over any hot girl that crossed their paths...and the ray of depression suddenly dawned on him. These straight guys would never ever accept a Facebook Friend Request from Sexy Jock...nevermind chatting with Sexy Jock! They were straight boys who dreamt at night about having four somes with the girls in their class and Eva Longoria. David layed his head on his arms for just about a minute or so. was there a way to get to these boys? To make them wanna talk to him? To excite them sexually? To convince them to send him naked pics of themselves just like those gay dudes does to Sexy Jock...?

Then, an idea slapped him like a hard cock on the forehead! If he could create a fake Facebook account, of himself pretending to be Sexy Jock, then what was stopping him of creating one, pretending to be a hot girl?? It won't exactly be the same though...the dudes would only accept the request because they would be under the impression that they would be chatting to a beautiful teenage girl...but David decided to cross that particular bridge when he got to it. David snapped himself out of his thoughts as he sat infront of the computer. This was the last chance to chicken out if he wanted to. If he clicked on the "accept" button the new Facebook page would be created and he'd be able to invite the guys from school. David leaned back on the chair he was sitting on, and wondered if they would ever forgive him should they ever found out that he was behind this page...his hands automatically reached for the mouse.

"God, please forgive me, and I really hope You understand why I'm doing this. I can't flirt with those boys because im one myself. This is the only way I can..." he prayed, keeping his eyes open. He then took a deep breath and clicked "accept". was done. The Facebook profile page for "Gizelle Foster" was finally finished and created. He opened another page of Internet Explorer and pounced into Google. Once there, he typed "Sexy teenage girls" and clicked onto the Images. He casted his roving eye onto them, looking at each one with care and know how, looking from one he could use his Gizelle Foster's profile picture. He found a picture of a beautiful blond girl, who was posing infront of a garrage, with a huge house in the background. The lawn and a swimming pool could also be seen. David felt that this one might be able to fool dudes because it looked real and true enough to be the profile picture of a teenage girl. He uploaded the picture and there he had it...everything was done. It was now a matter of inviting the guys in his class and getting them to talk dirty and sexy to him. David couldn't stop the huge smile on his face. The guys would NEVER know that it was a BOY who was talking to them HAHA!!! And they would never find out aswell. He looked over at the alarm clock on his dresser and saw that it was already almost 2 in the morning.

"Fuck, I gotta get some fucking sleep," he said to nobody in particular and switched off his computer, dressed quickily into his pj's and got into bed. He switched off the light and layed back onto the bed, looking at the ceiling. As from tomorrow, Gizelle Foster would be sending some Facebook requests to some sexy boys...

David looked over to where Duke Larkham, Danny Baker aswell as Chris Parker was busy tossing a football between themselves on the Rugby field at recess. They had ofcourse invited him along since they were huge friends, all four of them, but this time David had declined, stating that he was feeling ill and was gonna lie down in the sick ward for recess. Danny still asked him whether he should come along and keep him company, to which David's heart swelled at, but he refused. He wouldn't mind being close to Danny...16 aswell, blue eyes and blond, spiky hair that was standing in all sorts of directions, dark blue shirt and black jeans, with his signature silver necklace around his neck. The rumours had it that Danny only wore that necklace when he got some pussy or ass the previous evening. Danny refused to tell even his closest friends whether that was true or not!! Well as much as he wanted Danny all alone with him, he couldn't today. David took out his Blackberry Curve and went into his Facebook account. He signed out and typed in Gizelle Foster's details. Just like that, he now had power over all these boys. He typed in "Danny Baker" in the search engine and waited patiently for all the numerous "Danny Bakers" to load up the screen. He scrolled down to where Danny's was and clicked on "Add as friend", before smiling slyly to himself. He then did exactly the same with Duke and Chris, sending them all requests. He then searched for his own name, David Fleck and he then invited himself. Hey, if all his friends was going to get requests from Gizelle Foster, it would kinda look suspicious if he himself didn't get one! He then, in Gizelle's account, went onto his own page and went on to invite each and everyone of the sexy guys on the Rugby, soccer and swimming team, aswell as all the hot guys he had on his own Facebook page which he found sexy as fuck. Once he had sent all the Friend Requests, recess was over and now he would see what was gonna happen. He quickly signed out of Gizelle's account and re-entered his own as he walked to class. David could hardly contain himself!!

Their first lesson after recess was Biology and it was the perfect opportunity to check if his plan was going to work because Ms Rainier, their teacher was off sick that week, but had left then with plenty of research to do with their semester assignment which was due the following week. As David sat down in his usual seat next to Duke, he saw that he had worried for NOTHING!! Duke and Chris was already looking at something on their Facebook pages.

"Hey Davo, feeling better?" Chris asked as David sat down.

"Yeah, I'm hundreds dude. Whatcha talking about?" David asked, acting totally confused.

"Have you ever seen this girl in school before?" Chris asked and showed the photo of "Gizelle" to David.

"Uhm...nah dude I don't think I have...why, did she invite you or something?" David said, trying very fucking hard not to burst out laughing.

"Well yeah man, not just me, she invited Duke aswell, check this out...her profile says: "Im a hot 16 year old girl who wants to meet sexy guys and have a good time. You can fuck me all you like" Fucking hell man, I'm accepting this babe!" Chris said before clicking "accept" on his phone.

"Fuckin hell man, you better stand in line, cause I accepted her first!" Duke said, punching Chris playfully on his shoulder. David took out his phone, still trying as hard as he can to not give his game away, and went into his Facebook account.

"Well looky here! She also sent me one! Guess it helps being a genius aswell as a hot athlete..." David said, sticking his tongue out at Duke and Chris before showing them the invite he sent to himself.

"Okay, now I'm starting to wonder why she would invite all three of us. Think its someone doing a fucking prank?" Duke asked.

David, sencing some trouble here quickly responded: "Who says she only sent it to the three of us? Let's ask some of the guys right now."

David stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Yo dudes, listen up real, Duke and Chris just recieved a Facebook Friend Request from a girl called Gizelle Foster. Could you guys quickly check of you have one aswell? It's kinda weird if she just sent them to the three of us."

"I also got one!" a dude called James Middleton shouted from the back where he was sitting. "Is she like blonde, and posing infront of a garrage?"

"That's the one. Anyone else?" David asked, already ofcourse knowing the answer.

It turns out all of the guys in the Biology class had recieved an invite from Gizelle Foster and it wasn't just luck that...there was only 9 boys including David, Chris and Duke to took Biology as a major subject and all of them was fucking sexy as hell. Forgetting the assignment, the nine guys all got together at the back of the class where the girls couldn't overhear them.

"I really hope she doesn't turn out to be fake, guys. I would fuck this girl into the next life," Duke said, and without a care in the world, he reached down and fondled his crotch at the mere thought.

"It doesn't seem like it though," Chris said. "Usually the profile picture and especially the name gives it away if its fake. This seems pretty real to me...but why send all of us an invite? She desperate to get fucked or what?"

"I dunno what to think dudes, but I say let's wait and see. Maybe its a new girl in school and she just got our names from someone who knows us all. If she is real, she'd have to contact us sometime or another," David said, the plans already forming in his mind for later tonight.

By the end of the day, almost every boy in the 10th grade had recieved an invite from Gizelle Foster. And when David went to the toilet in between his classes, he saw that already more than half of them had accepted. There was also 14 of them who had left Gizelle messages on her wall, thanking her for inviting them, or asking her who she was, or telling her how hot and sexy she looked on her picture. There was also a number of requests from other dudes that David recognised from school. He accepted the ones who he thought was sexy and rejected those who made him wanna throw up, before he signed out and went back into his own account. David closed his eyes...he knew what he was doing was wrong. But as David, he couldn't tell boys that they looked hot. He couldn't walk up to Danny telling him that he wanted to spend the night in his arms or any shit like that. But through Gizelle Foster, he could! And no one would ever suspect him!

That afternoon, they were hanging out at Danny's house, just playing Playstation and keeping themselves entertained. Danny had also told them exictedly that a hot chick called Gizelle Foster had invited him on Facebook and was very down when David, Duke and Chris told him that almost all the boys had gotten one from this girl. Danny obviously thought she was meant for his eyes alone. David had just lost a match to Danny in FIFA 12 when he excused himself, telling them he was gonna take a piss. Once in the bathroom, he signed into Gizelle's account. HOLY FUCKER!!! There was 58 notifications!! Not to mention a further 34 inbox messages and 89 pokes!! There was no way that he could respond to all of them right now, but he entered Danny's name and got onto his Facebook page. He scrolled down to type a message...

"Hey Danny, nice to meet you, my name is Gizelle. I just wanted to say that you're one of the hottest boys I've ever seen and would really like to get to know you better. Lotza luv, Gizelle xxx"

David felt his heart beating faster and faster as he completed the post on Danny's wall. This was what he always wanted to tell Danny...but he always thought if he did, he would be doing it as David, as himself, not as a fake imposter. David felt a tear roll down his cheek and angrily wiped it away. He fucking COULD NOT tell Danny this as David, but HE COULD as Gizelle. That would simply have to do. He pressed the enter button and Facebook told him that his post was placed. He quickly signed out and back into his own account before flushing the toilet and rejoining the guys.

After an hour or so, it was getting rather late and when Duke offered to take Chris home, he also agreed it might be best as it was nearing six o'clock. David's house was further down the street, so he knew he could stay for another 30 minutes at best. Once they had seen both Duke and Chris off, Danny asked David if he'd like some Coke, to which David agreed. When the latter came down into the kitchen, his eyes got wider as he saw Danny on his phone for the first time that afternoon. Danny was surely reading the wall post from Gizelle right now...right infront of the guy who had sent it to him...

"Danny? What's wrong, pal?" David asked, giving his best acting performance as he stood beside Danny. Damn, he could smell the cologne that Danny used...thank God he was wearing jeans, otherwise his rock hard cock would be on show.

"It''s this girl, Gizelle Foster...she placed something on my wall!! Fucking hell, look!" Danny said, the excitement evident in his voice and literally pushed the phone into David's hands, who in turn pretended to be interested and read the post. looked and sounded so fucking different now...David knew he had to respond now somehow...

"Dude, this is great! It means she likes you! Check this out, you are fucking the first dude she has responded to! Damn, if that doesn't tell you something I dunno what the hell will!"

"Are you fucking serious...FUCK!!! Dude, you gotta help me, what do I say to her?? Damn Dave, she's so hot she makes my teeth hurt!" Danny said, seemingly falling in love more and more with Gizelle by the minute. David felt a twinge of pain in his heart that Danny would react like this over a girl, but then again, he always knew that Danny was straight. BUT...with this sight all hopes that something might JUST happen between them was all but buried. He cleared his throat.

"Dude, just tell her whatever you wanna tell her. She contacted YOU first, Danny. That means she's interested. I'll take a rain check on the Coke, my mom will be pissed if im late for dinner again."

"Yeah Dave, thanks for staying man. Wow dude, I really dunno what to say to this Gizelle girl..."

"Okay, while you break a sweat over her, I'm gonna go. Talk later, dude!" David said before leaving the house. He frowned once he had walked the short distance towards his house. Danny didn't even bother to say goodbye to him. He was too busy gawking over "Gizelle Foster" to give a damn about one of his best fucking friends. After dinner, which was superb since his mom made this favourite, pot roast (yay!) David felt a little better about that afternoon. He showered and shaved, as the girls liked his face smooth, damn him for not fucking vomiting everytime they stuck their tongues down his throat, and since he didn't have any homework that immediately needed to be done, he locked his bedroom door and sat behind his computer. He pounced into Facebook and entered Gizelle's email adress and password. WOW...115 notifications!! David quickly moved the mouse towards the statusbar and began to type.

"Hey guys!! Nice to meet you all. If you hadn't noticed, my name is Gizelle Foster, and I've been new at the school for the last three weeks. I have gotten your names from my new friends. If I added you, it means that I think your HOT, SEXY, TASTY and that I want your ROCK HARD DICK in my PUSSY. Sorry I cannot answer all your posts, there's like over a hundred of them. Will be in touch at school. Luv, Gizelle."

The status was posted and not even a single minute had passed before there was an notification that three boys had already commented on it. David smiled as he read through them all as they kept coming in. Some was asking what grade Gizelle was in, who her friends was and once again, telling her that she was the hot and beautiful one. David saw at the bottom of the screen that Danny was online aswell. He opened the message box and quickly typed something.

"Hey sexy xxx"

David waiting anxiously to see if Danny would reply. After 2 minutes or so, he figured that Danny was asleep or he just wasn't at his laptop right now. He also saw that Duke was online and again he started to type...

"Hey Duke xxx"

Immediately Duke responded.

"Hey...sorry but are you a fake user?"

David laughed, took a sip of his coffee for the energy and creativity and replied...

"Not the last time I you are a sexy fucker!"

David knew he had to talk like he was infact a girl, and he thought that comment was fairly safe. Again Duke replied in no time.

"Right back at ya! You're making me HARD."

That was what David wanted!!! Being best friends with Duke had not given David the right to see his dick, and if he just kept calm and in control, he might get his wish tonight. Duke sure as hell wasn't a virgin anymore and he was proud of his body. This might work...

"Thankz!! XOXO!! You're making me WET..." David typed, adding the XOXO on purpose, knowing girls frequently used it when speaking to their boyfriends. This time Duke took a while before responding.

"Send me a pic of your pussy plz babe!"

FUCK...what to do now??? David looked around his room as if he would find a pussy to send to Duke there. He had no choice...he desperately wanted to see Duke's hard cock! David quickly opened another tab, and opened up Google. He typed in "Teenage pussies" and again clicked on Images. What he saw nearly made him close the page, but he forced himself to look for a realistic pussy between these lot. His eyes scanned through them, not noticing that his cock was completely flaccid, a sure sign that he was gay, looking at teen pussies and not getting hard! He finally saw a picture that slightly exposed a pussy behind a pink panty. He immediately downloaded it and loaded it up to Facebook. David briefly saw that he now had 105 comments on that status he posted and a further 76 notifications...the dudes must have alerted eachother that the mysterious Gizelle Foster had updated her status. He then opened another tab and went into Gizelle's email account. He typed in Duke's email adress and attached the picture, before finally sending it. David slumped back against his chair. He just hoped to God that Duke would believe that the picture was real and from Gizelle. He closed his eyes from tiredness. He then saw that Duke had responded via Facebook.

"FUUUUUCK!! That's fucking hot!! I'd fuck that anytime babe!"

David gave a huge sigh of relief as his plan had worked. Now for the "piece de resistance".

"Thankz dude!! Glad you like my lil panty LOL. Your turn, send me a pic of your HARD COCK!!"

After David had sent it, he noticed that that comment didn't sound at all like a girl talking. He just hoped that Duke was horny enough not to see through it. He went through some of the inbox messages that Gizelle had recieved aswell as a few of the comments of the status before being alerted that Gizelle had a email. It was indeed from Duke, and there was a picture attached. David's heart was beating maniacally right now, and holding his breath, he opened the mail.

"I got hard especially for you, babe! ENJOY..."

David licked his lips and opened the attachment. O.M.W...and there Duke Larkham was, STARK NAKED on his bed, and you could clearly recognise him for the tatoo on his chest. His dick was fully erect and hard, it was uncut and reaching proudly towards the ceiling. David quickly undressed as fast as he could. Then, himself naked now, took his respectable 7 inch dick in hand, and started to slowly toss himself off. He zoomed in on Duke's cock and the more and stared and lusted after it, the quicker he stroked and caressed his own cock. Leaking pre juice all over his hand and the carpet, David reached out his left hand and touched the screen where Duke's cock was portrayed.

"Oh fuck dude, damn Duke you're so fucking sexy, I wanna take that cock and suck you off, I want you to fucking cum in my mouth dude and feel your balls slapping against my chin, fuckkkkk Duke, you're gonna make me cum, look at those balls fuck I wanna gargle on themmm...oh..oh...oh fuck Duke...I just fucking love your big cock...mmmmmmmmm FUCK YEAH!" David moaned as his cock poured his love juice all over his still stroking hand. So much sperm he had never produced in his 16 years of living. He had also never cum that quickly before, but after seeing Duke dick after all these years, he could understand it. He slumped back against the chair, gasping for breath. He saw that Duke had sent three Facebook messages to Gizelle while he was perving over Duke's dick. But then David stopped himself from was Gizelle who was doing them a favour by adding them, not the other why around...

David smiled as he DELETED Duke from Gizelle's Facebook. HAHA, now Duke will be thinking that the sexy, hot pussy Gizelle doesn't like his dick!! He will come CRAWLING back, begging Gizelle to accept him again! He once more checked and cleared all the notifications that Gizelle had recieved before logging out. Tomorrow was Friday, and then he could go through most of them. He was still shit tired from the powerful orgasm he had from lusting after Duke's cock. As David climbed into bed, he thought that this was just the start of something he always wanted, lusted and craved after...TEENAGE DICKS!!!

So? Did you enjoy it?? If you did, pretty please make my day and send me a e-mail at I always make sure that I reply to each and every one I get!

Ryan White

Next: Chapter 2

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