Giving Us a Chance

By Jesse McMillan

Published on Dec 19, 2015


The sun had not quite peaked over the eastern horizon when Aidan arose noiselessly from the bed and crept to the kitchen. Mason wasn't exactly one to be up with the chickens, but he'd have to hurry if he had everything ready when Mason did stir. He stared out onto the grassy bald that surrounded the house as he rummaged round the kitchen, dodging the boxes he'd snuck in last night. It was evident winter was approaching. As October had turned to November, and now November into December the mountains had shed their brilliant hues for winter cloaks of grey and brown, only the oak trees still clinging to any leaves. Each morning they awoke to the mountaintop being covered in a hard frost, the ground white as snow. A few mornings had already brought dustings of snow.

Thanksgiving had been a boisterous affair of he and Mason going down to join his mother and some extended family. Aidan smiled as he recalled the raucous laughter that had filled the day. He truly believed even Mason had enjoyed himself in the company of his family. And they'd all been so gracious about his and Mason's relationship! But Christmas was coming and he wanted that to be a bit more special. It wasn't that he planned for he and Mason to hole up on top of the mountain and sleep through the entire holiday season. No, it was something more, something private.

There were still no fireworks between he and Mason, no sudden desire to throw Mason across the bed and ravish him. But Aidan couldn't deny their relationship was growing. They'd settled into an easy, comfortable relationship together. They had coffee together in the mornings, on the patio as the sun rose until the cold had driven them indoors. They chatted together throughout their lunch breaks. They even spent the evenings attempting some semblance of cooking a descent dinner together. The simple fact was that Mason was easy to live with. And though Aidan wouldn't be one to casually toss the word "love" around after Meagan, Mason was easy to love! Perhaps Aidan wasn't head over heels in love with his best friend as Mason desired, but Aidan couldn't deny things were changing between them.

Though Aidan knew Mason desperately desired more, and he clung to any sign of affection Aidan showed him, Aidan also knew Mason was trying with all his might to be patient and take their relationship slow for his sake. This was one of the things he appreciated about Mason; he didn't push. He would've never admitted it to Mason when they'd first agreed to try out the idea of dating, but Aidan had worried that Mason would be so desperate for his affection that he'd make things awkward between them, most especially after the way things had transitioned so quickly with the house. But the fact was that Mason did anything but. It seemed their friendship only made the transition from "friend" to what they both jokingly referred to as "something else" smoother.

Mason knew Aidan, knew him possibly only slightly less that Aidan's mother. He could read and judge Aidan's reactions. He knew what pleased Aidan and what made him uncomfortable. He knew how to calm or comfort Aidan when he came home from work in a foul mood. It wasn't that Mason played the part of housewife, running to offer Aidan slippers and a massage. But Mason had a way of making Aidan feel better about his grumbles and gripes. And perhaps one of the things that made their relationship work was the fact that Mason didn't attempt to play the "submissive" role. Their's wasn't a relationship of masculine and effeminate. They were simply Aidan and Mason, equals together. Aidan couldn't help but chuckle as he recalled the conversation they'd had the night before. He'd returned from work grumbling about a coworker who'd been on his chops all day. Mason had listened patiently, only to simply shrug later and ask, "why didn't you tell him to fuck off?"

But as Aidan pondered these things a surge of guilt swept over him. Was he really giving his all to Mason? Was he really trying with all his might to make their relationship work? He couldn't deny that there was something there between them. It might not be a fairy tale love, but there was something. Perhaps Aidan didn't have a sudden desire to rush to the jewelry store and buy matching bands. But didn't he love Mason all the same for just how hard he knew Mason was trying? Hadn't he just admitted that that was one of the things he appreciated about Mason; that he was letting Aidan work this out at his own pace?

He frowned at himself as he placed Mason's favorite coffee into the machine. When he and Meagan had been dating they'd already messed around by this stage in their relationship! He might not be ready to cross that line with Mason, but it was time to take things forward! He'd already admitted to something between them. Hadn't he promised Mason he'd be willing to give them a chance? Well, maybe it was time to take things a little further and see where they went. And he'd start this morning with the plans he had!


Mason awoke to a room filled with delicious smells. Coffee, bacon, eggs, toast, and a note all sat on a tray that had been placed gently on the bed by him.

========================== ( In the shower. Eat up. We've got a busy day! ) ==========================

He sleepily raised himself into a sitting position and pulled the tray toward him, his mind full of questions. What on earth was going on? Today was just Saturday; it wasn't like this was some kind of holiday or anything. But appreciating Aidan's gesture all the same, he dug into the breakfast before him. Despite his countless jokes about living on protein shakes and meals from the Fresh Market, Aidan proved a surprisingly great cook. The eggs were perfectly scrambled, not overdone or undercooked. He'd cooked Mason's bacon till just crispy. He'd remembered! Mason smiled as he remembered all the times he and Aidan had argued over breakfast as children.

( "I like bacon crispy, but not burned. It's nasty when it's burned!" "Well, I like it really crunchy!" "But it's no good when it's too cooked!")

Mason had just finished his last bite of toast when Aidan came sauntering from the bathroom, nothing but a towel draped loosely around his waist. Between the sight before him and the brilliant smile flashed toward him Mason nearly choked. "Good morning!" "Mm.....morning." "Sleep well?" "Pretty good. You?" Mason's heart nearly pounded out of his chest as Aidan's muscular body crossed the distance between them and sat next to him on the edge of the bed. It took every ounce of restraint he held to not allow himself to gawk at the exceptionally muscular man that, even when sitting, towered over him. But what happened next both caused his heart to flipflop and brought a hitch to his breath.

After sitting aside the tray between them two strong hands grasped his shoulders and pulled him into a tender embrace. Mason's own tee shirt became wet from the beads of water still trickling along Aidan's broad shoulders and chest. He was sure Aidan could hear his heart hammering within him. But he needn't have worried for long, for when the two hands lifted his forehead to Aidan's mouth for a brief kiss he was sure he'd simply die altogether! The smile that followed was dazzling. "How's my boyfriend this morning?" "Your.......boyfriend?" A wonderful chuckled rumbled from within the muscled chest he leaned against. "Well, since we're living together, I figure we're either boyfriends or an old married couple! You can pick which you'd rather be! Now, if you're completely finished with breakfast go get ready. We've got things to do!"

Half an hour later Aidan was dragging Mason through the grove of countless firs and spruces that hedged the bare fields atop the mountain. Even in the colder temperatures their fragrant aroma filled the air. The feeling of the crisp, cold air filled with the fragrant spice of the evergreens was magical. Aidan had brought along a chainsaw, winking mischievously when Mason had questioned "whether he actually knew how to work it or not." Mason smiled as Aidan suggested tree after tree to him. He seemed like a small child as his gaze roamed from tree to tree. "How bout this one? No, it's got a hole in the back." "I think it's pretty." "Nah, it has to be just right! Ooooh, how about this one? Nah, it's not big enough. We'll let it grow another year!"

Countless trees later Aidan and Mason made their way back toward the house, a massive evergreen in tow Mason guessed would've been almost fifteen feet tall. Though he'd chuckled at Aidan's boyish desire "for things to be perfect," he had to admit the tree was lovely. And when he and Aidan had finally wrestled the tree into place by the fireplace Mason had to admit that it's more natural shape and untrimmed look seemed to make it perfect for their house. Aidan stood beside him, smiling a smile of boyish glee. "Now that's a tree!" Mason chuckled. "Yep, I'd say you made a pretty good selection. Now if we can just avoid getting thrown in jail for cutting a tree that wasn't on our own property!"


Aidan stood smiling at the heartwarming scene before him. The tree and fireplace mantle were finally finished, filling the house with a beautiful cheery glow. Countless popcorn fights, all under the pretense of "stringing garland for the tree," many strains and heaves to get the towering tree into place, several more trips to the evergreen groves to collect even more pine, wild holly, and mountain laurel for the mantle, and no less than twenty batches of cookie ornaments later everything was complete. The boxes, filled earlier in the day with everything from old-fashioned C7 Christmas lights and tinsel, to borrowed records of Bing Crosby and Andy Williams, to the vast amount of baking supplies he'd figured they'd need for all those homemade ornaments on the tree, now sat empty and piled by the garbage. But perhaps what warmed his heart more than any other sight was the small form that lay asleep on the leather sofa by the fireplace.

It had been a wonderful day; there simply was no other way to describe it. Though Aidan took no arrogant pleasure in his "being right," he was overjoyed to see that his plans had worked as he'd hoped. Mason had thoroughly enjoyed himself; he'd not seen him smile that broadly in a great while. Christmas was always a bit difficult for Mason, having lost his grandfather during the holiday season. But Aidan hoped and prayed that this, their new relationship and spending time together, could help ease that hurt just a bit. Even if he'd been able to take Mason's mind off painful things for just a while, it had all been worth it!

The old stereo was still playing some old LP Mason had excitedly pulled from the stack Aidan had borrowed for him. Aidan didn't know who the hell Frank Sinatra was. He'd never been one for the old stuff, much preferring the more modern country music he listened to. His mother, bless her, had always been a bit strange, preferring to listen to classical junk like "Mantovani," whoever the hell the was, so they'd simply agreed to disagree throughout the years about their tastes in music. But as Aidan lifted the lovely young man into his arms, his features gentle and relaxed in a peaceful slumber, he had to admit that Frank Sinatra knew something about what they were experiencing. He truly was beginning to "have himself a merry little Christmas."


Mason awoke to a sensation that both startled and thrilled him. He was being carried! "Well, hello sleepyhead," a deep voice chuckled. Aidan! His mind now wide awake, he gazed into the face that smiled down at him as they made their way up the staircase. "How long was I asleep?" "Not long. Just long enough for me to get some enjoyment out of watching you!" Mason felt himself blush. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to doze off and leave you with the cleaning up." Another warm rumble echoed through Aidan's chest. "Not to worry; I didn't actually clean up! We'll worry about that tomorrow. Now, let's get you to bed."

"Aidan?" "Mm-hmm?" "Thanks for today."


Aidan stared into the loving eyes that gazed up from within his arms, and his heart swelled within him. Gently lifting his friend's diminutive frame towards his own face, he placed a small kiss on Mason's cheek. "You're very welcome." He didn't trust himself to speak another word as they ascended the stairs toward their bedroom. His heart felt too many emotions, and he greatly feared that, if he attempted to speak, he'd not be able to truly express to Mason how he felt. He was sure Mason could feel his own heart thundering within his chest. But what was going on? He'd never felt this way before!


Aidan didn't speak another word as he gently carried Mason to their bedroom. Mason was grateful for this, because he wasn't sure he'd be able to keep hold on his emotions, were they to continue. Aidan had known, he'd known all along. He might not be one for spilling his guts and baring his soul, but Aidan knew this time of year was hard for Mason. And though Mason still wasn't totally sure where their relationship was headed, he knew Aidan had done everything today for him. And he was grateful for that!


Aidan deposited Mason lightly onto their bed, taking a seat next to him. It was time; there was not more putting this off! He'd been a coward about this long enough. It was time to tell Mason how he felt. Mason said nothing as they sat together, simply staring into Aidan's own eyes. It seemed he knew there was something between them that couldn't be spoke, something that words simply couldn't describe. But if not with words, how in the hell was Aidan to truly tell Mason how he felt?


Mason stared into the blue eyes that bore into his own. What was this? Something was different between them. He wasn't sure he could've described the feeling between them, even if he'd tried. But it was there, a nervousness, a sense of need to say something, but of not knowing what or how. He wondered if Aidan felt it as well. He couldn't read the look that now shown from those steely blue orbs. But something was there. He'd just opened his mouth to speak when it happened. A muscled arm snaked swiftly around him and pulled him into Aidan's chest, all while a rough hand found it's way to his head and pulled his face toward Aidan's own.

It happened in an instant, so quickly that Mason found himself momentarily dazed. Two soft lips came crushing down on his own. Mason felt his breathing hitch as his mind struggled to grasp hold of what was happening. But the kiss continued, growing more desperate with each second. He felt his own body melting into the muscled chest that he was bound to, his own mouth responding to the invitation offered. A low growl-like rumble echoed from somewhere deep within the muscled body he clung to. He felt his bottom lip sting and begin to swell slightly as Aidan began to nip his way along Mason's mouth.

For some time Aidan nipped and loved his way along Mason's body. Mason was sure in the morning he'd have small bruises from his mouth to his earlobes as Aidan continued his path. But with each twinge of pain as Aidan nicked and suckled an overwhelming, overpowering sense of lust would arise as Aidan's tongue traced patterns over the areas he'd just covered, seemingly attempting to heal the damage his loving had just created. Mason's breathing came in ragged gasps as each new kiss, each new flick of a tongue, drove him further and further from his senses.

Aidan spent what seemed an eternity tracing his path along Mason's neck, pausing only long enough to literally shred Mason's shirt from collar hem as he then dipped lower to Mason's collarbone. Aidan's kisses grew tender and sweet as he crossed Mason's chest, sending massive shivers along Mason's frame. But eventually the swelteringly hot mouth returned to his own, and a flick on his tongue began to demand entrance to Mason's mouth.

Mason had never experienced anything like Aidan's kiss. He was both demanding and loving, rough and yet gentle. It seemed their tongues melded into one as they caressed and loved each other. Mason allowed his hands to tangle into the shock of unruly hair that crowned his lover, bringing guttural groans from Aidan's massive frame. Two rough hands ran their way along his shoulders and began to work their way along his spine, withdrawing moans from his own strained body.

After what seemed an eternity, both their bodies in desperate need of breath, Mason felt Aidan pull away from him. Two blue eyes stared lustily down into his own as Aidan's chest heaved. A small, stifled gasp escaped Mason as a rough hand found its way onto his chest, directly above his heart, and a rough voice spoke. "Mine now.........all mine!"

Next: Chapter 9

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