Giving Up

By Chuck

Published on Aug 23, 2000


-Doesn't Really Matter-

"Thanks Doc," I said while spit dribbled down from my mouth. He laughed and handed me one of those plastic-like tissues that only dentists have, and ONLY dentists can have. I took it and wiped the drool off my chin. He had just finished giving me a fluoride treatment, which is god awful tasting, but he always put it on my teeth before I leave. He pointed his finger at me and said, "Now Blue, remember! Don't swallow anything! Fluoride's bad for you!"

"Yeah, yeah. That was an accident doc! I'll see ya in half a year," I said leaving the room about to puke from the taste of the fluoride in my mouth. Dave was sitting down on one of the black leather couches reading MEN'S HEALTH. I didn't know if he was reading how to get healthy or he's just interested in looking at hunky guys. He looked really tired as always from a really busy week, but he was nice enough to wake up at nine in the morning on a Saturday just to go with me to the dentist. Once he saw me, he got up and smiled, "Well how's the check up?"

"Bad. I feel like puking from this taste," I said. He snickered pitying me. "Oh that sucks. I mean to me that is. I can't kiss you!"

"Awww...isn't that sweet...thinking about YOU all the time! You know I have a piece of mind to wrap my fingers around your throat to..."

"Okay okay I'm sorry! C'mon let's go. I'll treat you to a Chinese restaurant...after an hour," he said wrapping his arms around me while patting my chest with his knuckles. We left the medical center and went walking around downtown. Dave window shopped at mostly every store in we passed. I was too, since it was James' birthday next week and I had no idea what James' really wanted. Well, I had many ideas from video games to girlfriend. He never really told me anything about needing a girl but I get the hint here and there. He isn't too ugly to get one, but he's really, really shy. In fact, I guess he even gets anxiety attacks. But since I can't help in that department, what am I suppose to do?

One hour eventually passed and both of us went to eat at The Mandarin. The waitress that showed us to our seats kind of gave us this weird look when Dave accidentally just blurted out that he loves me. He must have thought he was whispering, but she heard him. Yeah, I really did freak out but it was kind of okay since she looked like one of those nice people that would actually understand about us.

She smiled and asked us, "Do you guys need anything? Refreshments, tissues...lights a bit dimmer?"

I blushed like totally covering my face with my hands while Dave kind of just scratched the back of his head trying to come up with something clever to say, but he just couldn't come up with anything. She giggled and joked, "Don't worry. I see this all the time here. If you guys need anything, don't be scared to holler at me! I'll be back with two glasses of water."

I nodded while she left I went and sat down in my seat trying not to look at Dave. Dave sat own on the chair and gave me this pleading look that kind of begged me to stop looking at him in a pissed off mood way. But I didn't and I grumbled, "Why did you say that for?"

"Say what? That I love you?" he asked. I frowned and nodded, "Yeah! You know we are in public."

"So what's wrong if I do say that I love you in public?" he asked with this insecure look on his face. I crossed my arms and leaned back on my chair. Dave took off his hat and laid it on the table. I answered not looking at him, "Well, anything can happen you know! Haven't you ever thought that it's a small world? Someone that knows us might see us doing all this shit and tell others that we're a gay couple. Haven't you thought about that for once? Or is your head too small to think?"

"Why are you insulting me? Look I'm sorry if you think that saying I love you in public is a big mistake, but it isn't to me okay? I love you and if everyone has to know just to convince you that my love's only for you then I'd tell everyone. Look I'm sorry if I feel that way okay? I don't care if everyone knows about us, but if you can't think like that, I feel like you're not happy with, or proud of this relationship. I feel like you'd backstab me just to convince you were no way having a relationship with me so everyone would think your straight."

"Look, I didn't say that..."

"You don't say it but you sound like it. You don't have to explain anything just to make me understand how you feel and think. I'm not as dumb as you think," he said quieting down. I knew he was really hurt about this about me not being able to express in public that I'm in love with him. I have really good reasons like homophobes and bashers out there who hate gay people, and if they find out about us they would beat the living crap out of me and him. But somehow, this reason wasn't good enough to use in this argument. I feel like he wouldn't care if even a homo basher finds out about this relationship. I know it's really sweet for him to love me THAT much but I'm just worried, that's all. I want him to be happy rather than being pushed over and get hurt by people out there. I explained trying to sound reasonable to him, "I didn't say that. What I meant is that..."

"Look, can't we just eat? I really don't want to lose my appetite right now," he said cutting me off. I gulped and knew he was really pissed at me. He stood up quickly and stormed off to the buffet table where the food was. The waitress noticed Dave was pissed and asked me what was wrong and I smiled and said it was just our usual arguments. She smiled and said ok before leaving to help another customer to their seats. I went to where he was but he was avoiding the table where I was. As soon as I finished getting my food, I went back to my seat and ate with him quietly, ashamed at the same time. This was the first time he was ever this pissed at me. The whole time, he didn't talk to me whatsoever and he kept his eyes looking down on his plate. Thirty minutes had passed and I only had two plates finished, I really didn't feel like eating since I really felt bad for what I did. Meanwhile Dave was on his third small bowl of ice cream. He asked for the waitress for our check, and when she did, I noticed that it was the same waitress who knew about our secret. I smiled and grabbed the black book that she handed to us. I said, "Ms. umm..?"

"Oh Janice is fine," she said. Dave looked away and took his wallet from his back pocket. I said to her loud enough that Dave could here me, "Yes Janice. Have I ever told you that I'm in love with Dave here and I really love him to death?"

"Well..." she said then she giggled, "...Not until now I didn't. But your friend...I mean your boyfriend said he loves you so I kinda knew that you were in love with him too."

Dave smiled and I knew he was blushing while he put his cap back on. He paid for the meal, still trying not to smile. He wasn't really looking at me but I was staring at him the whole time. I whispered, "I love you and I'm really sorry."

He nodded and lipped that it was okay. I grinned and we left The Mandarin with happy faces again like we did when we arrived. But before we could leave the waitress gave us our 'fortune cookies' and said goodbye to us again and told us to come again at the same hour 'cuz she really wants to know more about 'us'. I smiled and nodded and I know Dave would gladly go since he still has a lot of money in his pockets. Fortune cookies...who cannot love these? I really don't believe the things they say, but heck, sometimes I do actually. I opened mine and I read it while I ate my cookie, "Problems will arise."

Dave read his fortune, "Problems will arise...hey..we got the same fortunes! Weird huh?"

"Nah, don't think so. They have boxes of same fortune cookies you know."

"No, I mean the thing it says: Problems will arise. Like we haven't faced enough problems. Sorry but I have to like not believe in that advice or whatever," he said throwing the small paper on the sidewalk as well as the wrapper. Such a waste of paper! I didn't really believe it, but a part of me kind of had to believe in that 'prediction'. But I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe I only partly believed it 'cuz I mean anything could happen. Wait 'till Nancy hears this. Dave and I went back to the mall, walking around just window shopping and actually buying stuff like simple things like candies and really big lollys. We went to the Disney store, which is one of my very favorite stores. I sort of have this problem of being obsessed with "Winnie the Pooh" lately. He's just soo cute! Has anyone ever seen him in his cartoon shows? You just want to hug him to death because of his cute, cute face, and that little red tee shirt and with that honey on his hands! Who cannot like Pooh? Anyway, we also went to the arcade, but lately it didn't really satisfy us anymore. Maybe it's just that they haven't added any new games or lowered the price to make it MORE interesting. But still, we played on this game where there's this little dinosaur that throws out little different colors of circles. I really like this game, it's just...well addicting. It's called Busta Move. Sometimes, I would spend hours playing this game on my computer or in the arcade wasting tons of money.

It was close to four and it was really, really hot at this hour. We panted and panted resting in the nearest shade hoping that my house would be the next block. But it wasn't. Every time we walked a block, he'd complain that he should've save up money to buy a car instead. Just before I was about to die from extreme heat and sunburn, we saw Nancy down the street with a popsicle in her mouth sucking it like crazy. Her hair was up and she was wearing a pink short skirt with a matching tank top. The guys who passed by her looked at her twice and Nancy didn't seem to mind. She looked almost like a stripper! Dave called out, "NANCY...Nancy! Over here!"

She turned around and jumped up and down with her arms holding her breasts to prevent them from jiggling up and down. She only managed to hang on to one of her breasts while the other bounced liked crazy I couldn't help giggling. For one thing it didn't turn me on! Well duh! I'm gay!Instead of her coming to us, we had to run to the other side of the street to meet her. She smiled and greeted us, "Hey you guys! What's up?"

"Well you really don't want to know, but all I know is I'm really hot and I really need a lot of suckin' from that popsicle your holding!" I said reaching out for the ice candy she was holding. But she kept on moving her hand back trying not to let me grab that pop from her. She gasped, "Hey hey stop! I have some more in my bag! I was bringing them to my house 'cuz James wanted some and I ran out. Oh yeah, you wanna come over? Someone fixed the pool and it's all set to be used."

"'re such a life saver," Dave said while he grabbed the plastic bag tossing me one popsicle and keeping one for himself. Even though it melted quickly on my tongue, it really felt soothing and gave me enough strength to get to her house. We went to her half a million dollars worth house where everything must've cost a fortune. She was one of those girls who's always served with a silver platter and I was sure there was tons of money hidden somewhere in a safe keep in their house, hey they have those in cartoons! And the fact that rich people never have fun...not true at all. What's really cool about Nancy is she NEVER brags about how rich she is. She acts like one of us middle class people even though she's really meant to be one of them high classes that goes private clubs with their expensive real FUR! Ugh...haven't they ever thought about how many animals they kill just for a single fur coat and how there's a word called 'poverty' everywhere?! This heat must be really killing me. As we went inside the house, Dave said, "Oh man, I totally forgot, we don't have any swimming trunks."

"Oh James left some so he didn't have to bring his trunks whenever he comes here. I think it'll still fit and I know he wouldn't mind," she said while she led us to her bedroom which was twice as big as mine. She gave me a blue swimsuit and Dave a black one with something written on the side. She said to us before leaving, "Well I'll leave you two alone to change here in my bedroom. I'll be outside with James okay?"

We both nodded and I kind of shrugged when she closed the door. Dave smiled and blushed shyly. He looked down after taking off his shirt and I wondered if he'd change right in front of me. I was still standing there with a dick getting harder from excitement. In all my life, this will be the first time I will ever see his...and him seeing mine. He whispered, " you...want to change in front of me? I mean I really don't mind...but...well...I mean well...I uhhh..."

We were really not prepared for this, I quickly turned around and took off my shirt keeping my eyes looking down since the window could make an exact reflection of him getting undressed. His back was turned around too so if I became bottom naked, he still won't see me. I kept my eyes on the carpet floor slowly unzipping the zipper of my loose fit jeans. Once I heard this quiet thump when his pants hit the floor, I took a deep breath trying to prevent myself from looking at his reflection. I quickly got undressed and slipped on the suit Nancy provided me. Satisfied with the fit, I whispered, "Done."

I turned around and there was Dave with James' trunks covering his private parts. His arms were crossed and he was leaning on the door like he was posing for me. I smiled turning around to let him see me with James' shorts, "Like what you see?"

"Yeah...and before that too. You got the cutest round butt you know that?" he said with this wide grin stuck to his face. I covered my mouth with my eyes widened. I gasped, "I can't believe you looked!"

"It was an accident! I thought you weren't changing yet and when I turned! Seriously I really love your ass!" he said giggling while blushing uncontrollably. I giggled and tried not to scream that he actually saw my bare ass! I walked to the door and said, "Well let's go. Can't wait to get on the water!"

We hurried down to her backyard to her pool and saw Nancy splashing James while James was trying to grab her, but he immediately stopped when he saw us. Damn, James has a really nice bods! James cried waving his hands to us, "Hey Blue! Hey Dave! Quick! Water's hella getting warmer."

We ran and jumped on the deep end, which wasn't really that deep, only 6 feet, but I had to thread so I could keep my head on the top. It was really hot for one thing. Not the water but the air. The top of my body that wasn't in the water was quickly gathering sweat and getting a bit darker from the sun and vice versa for my bottom part. We stayed in the shallow end resting at the sides of the pool. Nancy was panting but I couldn't tell wether she had sweat on her face. She said going back to the house, "It's really hot here. I'm gonna come back with cold drinks in a flash."

"I'll come and help," James said getting out of the pool to follow her. No offense, but James really looks cute when he's wet. He almost looked like one of those barely 18 wet porn guys since his hair was spiked and simply resting on top of his head. Dave smiled and swam to my side. He hugged me keeping his feet on the ledge under the water. I put my arms around him and our bodies were touching each other completely. I smiled, "You know, James will come out in a minute or two. You don't want him to know do you?"

"I really don't care if he knows. He's missing out in a lot! I mean we can do a threesome. Didn't you notice how cute he is today?" he asked kissing me on the lips.

"Yeah, new side of him huh? Used to be goth now we see a real model right in front of our eyes. And that threesome thing, yeah right. You must be nuts! I mean he might be gay but there's no way he'll have you. You're mine already and you're ONLY allowed to date only ONE guy...ME!" He laughed and kissed me again. He purred in a masculine way and whispered, "Yeah, who wants him?

You're like...ten times the man he is." I smiled and kissed him back while he drew himself closer, squeezing me against the wall. While kissing me, his tongue drilled through my lips to play around inside me. It tasted like chlorine since there was a bit too much chlorine in the water but I didn't care. We frenched, groaning madly feeling the water around us getting warmer. I could hear his heart beating and his nipples getting erect while he rubbed his body against mine. God, is this kind of rude or what? Making out in a bestfriend's swimming pool. All of a sudden, I started giggling which interrupted everything. He looked at me smiling, "Why're you giggling?"

"I felt something poking my thigh," I said giving him this innocent look. I kept on giggling which got worse when Dave kind of blushed and accidentally lost his balance from the ledge and sank down to the bottom of the deep end. He swam back to the top and threaded the water to stay afloat. Seriously, it was! I instantly got hard when I felt his dick! He was smiling and his blush was still there. I kept on laughing and said to him, "You are such a horny bastard! I'm gonna go inside and help Nancy and James out! You need a major anti-viagra!"

I swam back to the shallow end, kissing Dave on the way. When I got out, I dried myself a bit and went inside the house. I looked around the kitchen and surprisingly, they weren't there. There was this big pitcher and this empty can of cold lemonade which you only have to add water and presto...done. But other than that, no one was there. I walked around calling out Nancy's and James' names. Finding that they weren't in the kitchen, I walked around the house trying to find them and I eventually went to the second floor to her bedroom but they weren't there either. Just before my foot stepped on the first step of the stair way, I heard this quiet panting which was barely audible. I looked where my instinct thought the sounds were coming from and softly asked, "Nancy? James?"

Slowly, I walked closer and closer towards the sound's origin, and as I got closer the noises began to sound familiar. It sounded like Nancy. Well almost, but it sounded so different. I called out her name again just a tad bit louder, but no one answered. I kept on hearing it but could barely understand what it was. I was really kind of getting scared since I was afraid that someone might've gotten in and must be doing something really bad. I mean, this place is like full of priceless things and what if that 'safe' is really here?! Slowly I walked closer, trying not to make a sound since the floor kind of squeaked every time I moved. My heartbeat was way up the scale and my mind wanted to shout out for Dave for help but I kept walking closer and the sound became a bit louder. Finally, as soon as I reached the door where the sound was coming from, I slowly opened the door and peaked inside.

What I saw totally shocked me! And also turned me on! There he was with Nancy totally NAKED! I mean...both of them! James and Nancy! Nancy was on top of James holding her hair up with both of her hands while she wiggled her ass up and down and I eventually saw James' dick coming in and out rhythmically inside HER! James was groaning, but not as loud as Nancy. James was squeezing her breasts massaging them like they were stressballs or something. Maybe that's why I didn't hear James's voice at all. Nancy was practically the one who's screaming! My dick was totally pointing up right now! Seeing James like this...woah! James was holding her waist trying to lift it up while he pumped inside her as fast as he could then he eventually slowed down panting with major sweat pouring on his face. He moaned and slowly fucked her slowly until I saw his dick coming out of her becoming limp, but it was still totally red. I screamed but no sound came out, "OH MY GOD!!!"

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