Giving it the College Try

By moc.loa@uhcaMdeR

Published on Mar 23, 2003



This is an adult story intended for adults, ergo, you need to be at least 18 to be reading this, and in some places 21. The story includes consensual sex between two men. This is part fiction, but mostly non-fiction, but of course one of the players names has been changed. If something sounds familiar, then you were most likely involved and I hope you had as good of a time as I did. Please feel free to e- mail me if you have any suggestions, comments or thoughts on what I wrote.

Drunken First Time

Where do I even begin...actually I know where, let me start with me. My name is Matt and I am now 22, 5'10'', 175 lbs (someone with a real body), I have red hair, green eyes and have a 7" cock, thicker then most. I am also covered in a light layer of red body hair, none on my back though. This is the true story about my first time with a guy. Who would have thought that it was only 2 years ago I was dating women and ready to have a I am a full-fledged queer, no longer a "newbie."

I was born and raised in Southern California and decided to go to a small prestigious, private liberal arts university right out of high school. I had always known I had a thing for guys, but never had the nerve to feel things out in that department, as least while I was still living at home. So needless to say, I am one of those gay guys who did the gay bashing, dated the cheerleaders and played football, while fantasizing about sliding my dick in and out of my teammates asses (those were definitely some hot jack off sessions). And now I have a thing for football players...maybe sometime you can get me to talk about the not so hetero activities "straight" football jocks get into in the locker room.

So my first few years at my college were spent doing a lot of studying and still dating girls. Had to put up the facade for everyone else, it made life easier for me. Hell my parents would have cut me off completely if I would have come out, and I could not afford the tuition. During this time, all I can say is, thank you nifty for supplying me with ample fantasies and fun jerk off sessions. I have had Internet access since I was 14 and have been looking at hot dick and stories online all that time.

As time progressed in college, I got more and more comfortable with who I was. It was a painstakingly long and not so pleasant progression, but some of us have to go through it in order to be happy. I joined a fraternity and met a lot of great friends and did my fair share of drinking, partying, and paddling, but that could be told in another time and place, as well. As I was approaching my 20th birthday I was getting a little more daring online and I would actually go into gay chat rooms and talk to guys. It's very interesting to me what gay guys will do in order to let them be my first, especially since I am a redhead. These men would send me pictures begging me for sex and some even offering me money. I was not going to have my first time be with some random guy off of the internet, so I had to devise a plan to have my first sexual experience with a guy.

Being that I went to a very liberal college, there were several groups of gay guys on campus that ran around together, I even had a couple of guys in a few of my classes. I knew this one guy in particular who had a big crush on me, and I know he was struggling in one of the Biology classes he was taking that semester. I am pretty good in the sciences and he needed some help with his Biology homework, so I told him I would tutor him. Lets just say, if I was going to do this with anyone, it would have to be Dave. He was straight acting, A&F boy, about 6'2'', smooth swimmers body (but only smooth during the season), brown hair, blue eyes, nicely tanned with a smile and laugh that would make your heart melt and your dick hard. We scheduled a time to meet that evening to talk over some of the problems he was having and some things I could teach him to memorize the material.

He showed up at my dorm room in an outfit that came straight out of the Abercrombie catalog. He had this tight red t-shirt on, khaki shorts, and a pair of flip-flops on. When he walked in the door I gasped but covered it real well with a cough.

He looked at me quizzically and says, "everything ok over there Matt?"

"Sorry, just choked on some phlegm," I responded.

Dave had this disgusted look on his face, and I said, "I could think of worse things to be choking on."

He didn't know what to say, but he had this perplexed look like, "is he flirting with me?" After hours of talking about symbiosis, the Kreb's Cycle and DNA synthesis, we were on brain overload and decided to call it quits. It was still early, about 10:30 pm and so I asked him if he wanted to stay around a bit, chat and have a few beers.

Dave quickly responded with, "yeah bro, that would be awesome. What kind of beer do you have?"

Being the beer drinker I am, come on now I was in a college frat, I had my new favorite beer cold in the fridge. I responded with, "there is some Sam Adams Summer Ale in the fridge...grab me one too since you're getting up."

Dave laughed and said, "you lazy ass, I am not going to be your beer bitch tonight."

I shot back, "oh, so you wont be my beer bitch, what kinda bitch will you be for me?"

Dave choked on the beer he had just taken a swig of and spit it all over he and I. We both laughed really hard, but I could more obviously see the uncomfortable look on his face. He didn't know what I wanted with him or if I was even gay. All he knew me as, was the smart frat guy from his school who used to date his roommate's current girlfriend.

After a few more beers we were both starting to get a little chatty, just hanging out and having a good time. And I decided I wanted to have some more fun and asked him if he wanted to play a game.

He said, "sure, as long as I don't have to get naked, that's not as much fun when there is only two guys playing a game." He paused, thought for a second and the said, "well maybe it just depends on the game."

Hah, he was being responsive to the subtle flirting I had been throwing at him all night long. I decided to play the always-fun drinking game of "have you ever," no nudity, but still a good way to get to know someone better. Since I made up the game, I told him he could ask the first question.

He thought for a second and said, "have you ever been involved in a threesome?"

First I thought, "damn this kid is going straight to the sex questions," and I said, "Yes, I have. It was a pretty cool experience, my ex-girlfriend and I decided to invite one of my frat brothers in for a little three-way. It was fun and a little nerve racking to be fucking my girlfriend, while watching some other guy's dick slide in and out of her mouth. Damn that girl loved dick. It was also cool because I had never seen another guys dick hard in real life, only in porn, and I found out I wasn't too small."

Something was brewing in his mind, but I left it at that. I also just happened to glance down towards his crotch and noticed he was sporting a decent sized chub. I laughed and blushed a little bit and told him I hadn't ever told anyone about that event, we all swore we wouldn't tell anyone. It was now my turn to ask a question.

I asked, "what about you, have you ever been involved in a threesome?"

Dave looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He seemed to freeze up a little bit, and I looked at him with my green eyes and said, "dude, I know you're gay, it is not like you keep it a secret or anything, and besides I know you well enough not to kick your ass, you're cool. Now spill it!"

Relieved and smiling Dave said, "well, as a matter of fact, it wasn't a threesome, it was a foursome, my old boyfriend and I, and another guy and his boyfriend all got a little drunk one night and decided to sleep on my parent's king bed. One thing led to another and I was fucking a guy, having my asshole licked and had a cock in my mouth."

My jaw dropped and I immediately started to get hard. I shifted a little and got up to go take a leak. When I came back I grabbed he and I a few more beers and we continued the game. It was his turn now and he was smiling this giddy smile, but now it turned more into a Q & A.

He said, "when you saw that guys cock sliding in and out of your ex's mouth, were you more turned on by the dick or the fact that she was there doing some other guy?"

That was an easy on to answer, but I made it seem like I had to ponder the question, really make his wait for me to respond. When I started to reply I stuttered and stammered and wasn't being very specific. Dave was getting a little excited.

He said, "just answer the stupid question."

I actually was laughing and blushing when I responded with, "well I think it was more the dick than anything else, it was weird seeing another guy hard in person, and then to hear him moaning and groaning, and when he blew his load, I couldn't help but cum shortly after he did."

Dave has this strange look of weariness, excitement and potential all tied into one. I got up and went to the bathroom again. I just had to go and break the seal earlier. When I came back I got a few more beers for the two of us, but he said he would wait to open his because he had to go to the bathroom. I sat in my room and waited for him to come back and thought of the potential of things to come, just because I wanted to blow a load in my pants already. Finally, five minutes later he came back.

I looked at him and said, "damn boy, have to dropped the kids off at the pool or did you just pull your pud?"

He looked embarrassed and laughed when he said, "no, I had to wait for my hard on to go down, just thinking about you watching another guy and getting off really got my blood pumping."

I pointed to the wet spot in my tenting jeans, and talked about how I was dealing with the same situation and I would eventually need a good jerk before I went to bed. He plopped back onto the couch in my dorm room and grabbed his beer and the bottle opener and took the top off. I was sprawled out on my bed just lying there, with my arms up over my head, and ready to continue our conversation. My cock was hard and I didn't care. The way my room was set up, I had my bed against the window, and a couch and dresser between my roommates old bed and me. His arm was resting on the couch arm and partly on my bed, and when I put my arm back down, it brushed his hand. I made no effort to move and neither did he. The more the alcohol started to hit us, six beers will definitely get you buzzing, the more liberal we got with our questions.

Finally I asked him, "do you find me sexually attractive?"

His response was, "yes, I really needed your help with the tutoring and all, and now that I have got a chance to know some more stuff about you, I think you're really hot. What do you think of me?"

I said, "well, for a guy, yes, what more would someone want, you're the perfect California boy, with your hot body, great smile and tan, plus you have a brain."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, he moved over and kissed me. I have never experienced a kiss like this. The whole cliche about fireworks was totally in effect, and my cock felt like it was going to burst out of my pants. The passion and chemistry that existed between us was something I could never actually describe; I felt like a beast I wanted this so bad, and for so long. It felt awesome to have his dick grinding into mine, and all I could do was grab a hold of his ass and push him into me even harder. This make out session lasted for a good fifteen minutes and then we finally came back up for air. While resting and cuddling, he started to stroke my body through my shirt. His hand would lightly brush my nipples and send a shiver through my spine each time, he caught on quickly to my gasping, and he continually came back to them. This went on for a while, and obviously he got tired of the cuddling and caressing, and he decided he wanted more, as he straddled me and pulled me up to him, so my head was wresting near his nipples. I took the lead and lightly bit his left nipple through his shirt; he threw his head back in ecstasy, but that was all I got, as he ripped off my shirt (I had to sew the buttons back on later) and started kissing me all over my torso. I am incredibly ticklish and his velvety tongue was causing me to writhe on my bed, and he just held me down and continued on with his bathing. He again paid special attention to my nipples, which seemed to be directly connected to every nerve ending in my cock because I was hard as can be and oozing an insane amount of pre-cum. He would be really light on them, just gently licking, and then all of the sudden he would be munching on them, and all I could do was buck my hips and rub my dick into his chest. The longer this went on the hotter I got, and I needed to get off.

He obviously wanted this as bad as I did, as he moved lower and lower, and was tonguing my belly button as he was unbuttoning my pants. I don't think I have ever wanted out of my pants so badly in my life. Dave got my pants unbuttoned and was licking my cock through my plaid green A&F boxers. I lifted my ass up as he pulled my pants down, but he had forgotten to take off my shoes first, so he had to fumble to get my shoes off first and then he slid off my pants, taking my boxers half way down with them. He grunted as he saw my cock and bright red pubes for the first time. He then lifted my ass again and pulled my boxers all the way off. He was still fully clothed and all I had one was a pair of socks and my watch.

Dave said, "red pubes man, that's fucking hot, I have never seen a firecrotch before."

I retorted, "it's the curse of the Irish, now get back to what you were doing and quit talking, your mouth felt nice and warm."

Before he got back down to licking my cock I turned away, and said, "wait a minute, I am naked and you aren't, how is this fair?"

He responded with, "I was all about paying attention to you and making you feel good."

I said, "that's all nice and sweet and I appreciate it, but you're going to have to strip for me if you want anymore."

He stood up and reached for the stereo, in the CD player was a compilation mix, and he found something that had a good beat, and slowly started to lift his red shirt. It was so tight, while he was starting to lift the shirt; his elbows did that funny awkward thing where they bend in, as you're trying to pull it over your head. This was all a little dramatic as it was done slowly and he was trying to be seductive. When he got his shirt up and over his head, he wiggled his hips and moved around in a small circle so I could just take in the sight. He was better looking than I thought, his taught lean body was covered in a cute layer of stubble, as his last swim meet was three weeks prior, and he didn't have a need to shave it all off. He was fucking hot standing there working his hips for me, but he was also having a good time, as he was grinning from ear to ear. Slowly he undid his belt and his shorts were so baggy, they dropped to his pelvic bone. The only reason they didn't fall completely off is because his cock was protruding enough to impede the fall. He pulled his belt out of the loops and swung it over his head, but he didn't realize how close he was to everything, as he was buzzed a little bit, and he smacked a picture frame off the shelf that crashed to the ground and broke into pieces. I laughed out loud and he had this scared look like, "is he going to be pissed at me."

I looked at him and said, "don't worry about it man, my roommate did that a couple of months ago and that's why there is no glass in the frame, all you did was break apart the wood again, but yes, I am going to make you pay for that." All said with an evil grin.

He threw the belt to the side, as he didn't want to break anything else. I looked back at him, and his tight 2(x)ist boxer briefs were peaking out the top of his shorts that were barely clinging to him. He unbuttoned his shorts and they fell straight to the floor. There he stood in white boxer briefs, which were translucent in the front from the copious amounts of pre-cum he was leaking, dancing and smiling. He turned around and started shaking his cute little ass, almost so fast it was a wiggle, I laughed and then gasped as he reached the elastic of he boxer briefs and pulled them straight to the ground revealing his hairy white ass. There was a huge distinction between the tan of his body and the whiteness of his ass.

All I could muster was, "holy shit Dave, you're so hot."

He continued to dance for me, and all I could do was stare and stroke my hard as steel cock that was leaking an enormous amout of pre-cum. His wiggling ass was looking so good, I couldn't hold off anymore.

"Hey, get the cute little ass over here," I said.

As he approached the bed, he crouched down and crawled toward me, making sure to lick me all the way up. Knowing how feet kind of gross me out, he skipped my feet, but starting at my ankles, he licked me in a swirling pattern. As me moved up, he came to my balls, that I had recently started shaving. He licked on my clean-shaven nuts for at least 10 minutes, and all of this attention made me even harder, and more ready to explode. I was afraid he was going to touch my dick and I was going to explode. Luckily, he moved down and to the sides before he went up. He started to tickle me with his tongue in that sensitive spot between your groin and your thigh. I couldn't help it, I closed my thighs and clamped down on his head. Realizing what I did, I quickly let go, and fell into a fit of laughter, and so did he.

Once we got over that, he started paying attention to my thighs again. He moved up slowly and skipped my cock. Licking up my sides, causing me to writhe again because I am so damn ticklish. He laughed and I grabbed a hold of his cropped hair and planted his mouth firmly on my nipples. I don't know if he liked this, or loved it, but he chomped down on my nipples, and I yelped and moaned all in the same breath. He worked my nipples roughly for fifteen minutes, I felt like they were hamburger meat, but I was not going to ask him to stop, I was loving it all. He must have gotten bored because soon enough, he moved down to my drooling cock. All of the sudden he plunged down my cock, and the head was lodged in his throat. All I could do was gasp, moan and tell him not to stop.

It all sounds so cheesy writing it down now, but it is all I could do not to go porn star on him and moan his name, tell him I loved his hot mouth, and that he was going to take my load like a man. I was short of breath and breathing rapidly. I did have to warn him that if he didn't slow down, I was going to blow my load down his throat. At that note, he rolled me to the side and laid flat on the bed, but facing the opposite direction as me. We were in the infamous sixty-nine position that we all talk about, but never seem to do without it being at least a little awkward. I was actually shocked because I never really paid attention to his cock, and at that moment the perfect cut cock was staring me in the face. It was probably 6.5" long, bright pink, and as thick as the base of the beer bottles we were so recently drinking from, nestled in a nicely trimmed brown patch of hair, and leaking more pre-cum that I could have imagined. I don't know if this boy could be any hotter, but I was sure he was going to surprise me even more. All I could do was stick my tongue out and take a lick. It was sweet and bitter and I knew I wanted more. As I licked around the head, he moaned and put his hot mouth back on my cock. I leaned over and took as much of his dick in my mouth as I could. I was shocked and the taste, the texture, and the hot manly smell that came from him, even though it had only been a few hours since his last shower.

I guess the first time is always the best, as I have never had another experience as hot or exciting. I think that goes for male nature, and the reason we always seek out new things. He was sucking my cock and I was on his, trying to take more and more of him into my mouth. His cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged a little.

Dave said, "take is slow man, practice makes perfect, and I can take all the practice you're willing to give."

He continued to suck on my cock as I moved towards his balls. I was licking his balls and I got a very aromatic and different smell from his tight hole. It was definitely a new smell, but one that I knew I was going to love. I licked that sensitive spot between his hole and his nuts, and he squirmed and moaned loudly. I have never been licked there, but he sure seemed to like it, so I continued. As I was doing this, my fingers just naturally moved down towards his asshole, he didn't seem to mind, so I just let them roam around his hairy hole. All the while he was paying really good attention to my dick, and I was sure that when I exploded, it was going to be an enormous load. For two twenty year olds, I think we were both surprised by the self-control we were showing.

As time progressed, my tongue moved further down until I was licking the sweet hole in front of me. I never understood why people called it a rosebud, I cannot see my own, but when I took a look at his, I knew what everyone was talking about. It looked so cute all covered in hair, and I couldn't help but lick it. I was not expecting the response I got from Dave, he threw his head back, moaned louder than he or I had previously and pulled his legs back further so I could have better access to his hole. It was totally hot, and I just dove right in. He had been taking care of me all night long, so now it was my turn to have him lay back and have me take control, and I don't think he minded. I licked and probed his hole with my tongue for a while, but I have no idea how long, and I didn't care as long as he liked it as much as I did.

As I continued to lick his hole, Dave blurted out, "stick your finger in."

I had read enough stories on nifty to know that I cannot just do that, so I licked my finger, and just slid it in nice and slowly. He didn't wince, but I think he was surprised that I knew to take it so slow. I felt around a little just getting used to the feelings, taking it all in. I'm a scientist, I have to make every observation I could. As I was feeling around, I pulled my finger back towards his cock, and I felt a hard mass. I rubbed my finger across this and knew by Dave's response exactly what I had hit, the prostate!

Dave moaned loudly and it was his turn to try and not go porn star, he told me, "not to stop," "keep going", and finally "stick another finger in."

The thought of licking the finger that was in his asshole kind of grossed me out, so instead, I placed my second finger at his hole, with the other pulled out and spit right at his hole. He seemed to love this because as I rubbed the spit in, his hole opened up, and I slid my two fingers into his hole. This time I finger fucked him, making sure to rub his prostate every time I penetrated his hole. Dave seemed to be in ecstasy, and I noticed the pre-cum that was dripping onto his belly. I bent right over and licked it up. I had a feeling he was going to blow his load if I didn't stop, and knowing that I didn't want it to stop there, I backed off and pulled my fingers out.

It was my turn to just plop back on the bed on my back. Dave quickly climbed on top of me and took complete control. He held my arms down and then moved down my body and began to suck my cock again. I kept bucking my hips trying to take make him take more and more of my cock into his mouth and throat. I realized this after the fact, but he was getting my cock all nice and slippery with spit.

He finally sat up and spit in his hand it wiped it along his hot hole. I figured he just wanted to finger himself while he sucked on my cock, but he moved up my body and aimed my dick at his hole and just sat down on it. Obviously it had been a while for him because as I was groaning, he was grunting in pain and tears kind of trickled down his face. I told him to pull off, but he said no that this would all pass. After a few minutes, he started to move up and down and really get into it.

His moaning over and over again, telling me to fuck him, drove me to take control. Almost as a shock to him, I flipped us over and I began to pound into his ass. I told him this was pay back from breaking the frame. He kept yelling for me to breed his hole, and that he wanted me to go faster. With Dave on his back, he was free to jack on his fat cock, and that is exactly what he did. I spit on his cock to give him some more lube and he picked up the pace on his rod as I started rabbit fucking his hole. I was making sure to pull almost completely out and then drive back in. Dave was going nuts, trying to pull away, trying to keep a hold of his dick, trying to grab onto the sheets, he was in ecstasy. I was rapidly approaching that edge, knowing full well that I wouldn't last much long.

I groaned, "dude, I'm gonna blow my load."

Dave responded, "cream me man, I'm going to blow my wad when you do."

We know that cumming at the same time is always a fantasy, but in practicality, it doesn't typically happen. This wasn't that fantasy time. I was pounding hard and fast, and when my orgasm hit, I thought I had blacked out. I thought my dick was going to fall off, that feeling of total ecstasy that's completely pleasurable, but somehow painful as well. I wouldn't move inside of him as I blew my wad. With my grunting and moaning, Dave was jacking his cock, and when he arched his back to shoot his enormous load, I slid out, causing me to twitch. When he blew his load, it might as well have been a good porn load. The first shot cleared his head, and landed on the wall behind my bed, the next hit him in the neck, the third was his hot stubbly chest, and the last shots spread out over his stomach and pubes.

After we had both finished, I collapsed on top of him. We were spent, it had been a great fuck session and we both knew we would sleep well that night, and that we did. When I woke up the next morning, my stomach hair had attached itself to Dave's stomach, and when I rolled over, it pulled some hair out and I yelped. He kind of jumped up out of bed when I pulled away, and realizing what happened, he laughed and laid back down. I tweaked his nipple just to be playful and give him a little bit of pain so early in the morning. Instead of yelping, he groaned and pulled toward me.

We ended our little rendezvous with an exchange of blowjobs. He swallowed my load, while I let him spray all over my chest and stomach. Dave and I had a lot more sessions that summer and next semester, and I was even involved in fulfilling some fantasies of his. Which in turn led me to form some fantasies of my own that were later fulfilled. We both had a kinky streak so exploration was awesome. Dave got a boyfriend a few months later and we remained friends, but no longer fucked around. No regrets on either side, we had a lot of fun and learned a lot about each other.

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