Giving In to Curiosity

By Brian Smith

Published on May 8, 2006



Disclaimer: This is a fictional story about consensual sex between two college males. Please feel free to send any comments to

Garret Johnson was for all intents and purposes, an average college guy. At nineteen the five foot nine inch tall teen was starting his sophomore year. Garret played soccer and did some light weight lifting, giving him a lean, hard body. His brown hair was always kept short, and he usually spiked it, or just threw a hat on, sometimes both. He had no chest or back hair and the summer had given him a slight tan. Most girls found his soft brown eyes irresistible.

"Hey Mark," Garret said as he unlocked his dorm.

"Oh hey Garret, what's up?"

"Same old man, same old."

Living across the hall from Garret was Mark Reed, who like Garret was also nineteen. Mark was considered by most in the dorm to be the king of the metro look. Mark was just as tall as Garret but had a few extra pounds on him, and a chubbier face. His blond hair was a bit longer, always spiked up, and he frosted the tips. Mark had a bit of a lisp, and although he never flaunted his sexuality, he did nothing to hide the fact that he was gay either.

Garret opened his door and entered his dorm room. As usual he headed for his laptop and checked his e-mail and his instant messenger. It was then that garret did something different. He got up, and headed back for his door, across the hall, and knocked on Mark's door.

"Garret, what's going on?"

"Nothin' man, do have some time, I wanted to talk to you," Garret asked, looking a bit nervous.

"Well, I was going to head out for some coffee, why don't you join me?"

"Nah, I wanted to talk to you in private."

"Oh, well okay, come on in."

Garret looked down the hall for a brief moment, and then entered the room. Mark had only one light on so his room was only dimly lit. It smelled of incense and hemp, which was not really a surprise to Garret as that's how half the dorms on campus smelled.

"So what's up man," asked Mark with a genuine concern.

"Well, man, I don't really know how to say this, but I guess." Garret trailed off as he sat down in Mark's computer chair.

Mark sat on his bed. "Go ahead man, what is it?"

"Look, you can't tell anyone this, okay?"


"Okay, look, I love chicks, you know that, everyone does, but," Garret took a deep breath. "Look, the other day I started, well, I was on the web, and a site popped up, you know."

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, the pics, they turned me on."

"Oh," replied Mark.

"I mean, I've never been into guys, and girls still really turn me on, but, I've been thinking about those pics ever since."

"Well, not everyone is just gay or straight, there are people who are bi."

"I know, but."

"Garret, it's okay to be, or even just curious, you'd be amazed how many people are bisexual, and hey, they lead normal lives just like you and me."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well, first, I think it's cool that you came to me. Can I ask you some questions?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Well, what did you see on this site?"

"Oh man," Garret shifted in his chair, the thought of the website causing his crotch to tingle slightly. "Like everything man, guys, you know, suckin' and fuckin', and just everything."

"What turned you on most?"

Garret looked around, as if too embarrassed to answer.

"Dude, it's nothing that'll bother me."

"All of it man," Garret practically whispered.

"Garret, you don't have to be ashamed, it turned you on, it's okay."

"Yeah, but."

"Garret, how curious are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, would you be interested in trying any of it?"

"What, now, with you?" Garret shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"You know, I don't normally sleep with just anybody, but I would love to show you my world." Mark smiled, "Stand up."

Garret stood up, and as he did so to did Mark, who approached Garret, and then dropped down to his knees. Garret's heart began to race, and fear gripped his body as he watched Mark. Strangely though, despite the anxiety, Garret simply stood there, on top of that, he could also feel his cock starting to grow.

"What are you going to do?" Garret asked as mark unzipped the fly of his jeans.

"Just relax, I'm going to do something I'm sure you've had done before." With that, Mark slipped his thumb and forefinger inside Garret's fly, and slowly, but firmly rubbed Garret's stiffening member through his boxers. He did this only briefly though, and then pulled the semi-erect member out through the open fly.

Garret watched as Mark slowly swallowed the entirety of his cock. Mark then slowly pulled back, leaving only the tip in his mouth, then swallowed it all again, then repeated the action. In a matter of seconds, Garret was at his full eight inches, and Mark began to increase his pace.

"Holy shit," said Garret, trying to keep his voice down. "Oh my god that feels so good."

Mark pressed on, pleased by what he was hearing, but then slowed his pace, finally pulling Garret's now aching cock from his mouth, and stood up.

"Garret," Mark started as he wrapped his right hand around Garret's cock. "Having sex with another man is all about seeing how close you can get him to the edge without letting him cum, and how long you can keep him stiff, at least for me it is. I want to show you everything Garret, will you let me?"

Garret thought for a moment. Mark had already sucked his cock better than any girl ever had, and Mark's hand felt very good on it. Finally, he nodded yes.

"Good, now let's get these clothes off."

Garret pealed off his shirt as Mark, releasing Garret from his grasp, kneeled down, unbuttoned Garret's pants, and pulled both them, and Garret's boxers down to his knees.

Now standing naked before Mark garret found both his sense of fear, and arousal increasing rapidly. Mark looked over Garret's body for a moment, and from his expression, it was obvious he was pleased.

"No wonder you get the girls." Mark said as he pulled off his own shirt. "I have to shave my body hair, and I do shave it all, do you shave are you naturally smooth?"

"I don't shave."

Mark smiled in approval as he pulled down his own pants, and quickly stepped out of them. Like Garret Mark was fully aroused, but Mark had an extra inch, and a bit more girth than Garret did. Try as he might, Garret could not pull his eyes off of Mark's cock.

"Garret, just do what you like to have done to you, don't be nervous."

Garret took a deep breath, and then dropped to his own knees before Mark. Sticking out his tongue, Garret, starting at the tip, hesitantly licked the length of Mark's shaft, first one side, then the other. Amazingly a shot of exhilaration shot through his body. Reaching up Garret grasped the base of Mark's shaft with his left hand, and with his right hand began to rub his own.

"Don't try to take in the whole thing, just go as deep as you feel comfortable with," said Mark as he placed his hands on Garret's head.

"Ok." With that Garret opened his mouth. Mark pushed his hips forward slowly, and Garret accepted the penetration of his mouth. Garret was only able to take in a couple inches before his gag reflex kicked in, so he backed off, and then swallowed what he could once more.

Although awkward at first, Garret soon felt comfortable and even began to like the sensation of Mark's cock in his mouth. He sucked harder, and with his left hand began to stroke what he could not swallow.

"That's it, good," Mark encouraged. "Yeah, oh man, you're a natural. Good, just keep going, you're doing fine."

Garret continued to suck and stroke Mark's cock, and even found himself able to swallow another three quarters of an inch. Incredibly, the longer he sucked, the more he liked the taste and feel of Mark's erection in his mouth.

"Yeah, good." Mark moaned as he reached up and pinched one of his own nipples. "Okay, alright now slow down, good, go real slow. Good, now, slowly pull my cock out of your mouth." Mark smiled, "So did you enjoy doing that?"

"I can't believe it, but I did."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it." With that Mark pulled Garret over to the bed, and the two sat down. Grasping Garret's cock, Mark stroked it slowly. "Lay down."

Garret did, and was rewarded by the sensation of Mark's tongue licking a trail from the base of his shaft, to his navel, and then to his nipples, which Mark softly bit.

"I used to be grossed out by the idea of another guy, but."

"But what," asked Mark as he transitioned from one nipple to the other.

"Oh my god this feels, I' mean, I've never been so.."

"Garret, have you ever sixty-nined?"

"Yeah, but obviously never with a dude."

Mark smiled, releasing Garret's nipple from hit mouth. Next he raised his body and repositioned himself so that his cock hung down towards Garret's mouth, and so Garret's cock stood up to his.

Garret groaned as he felt his cock once more being swallowed by Mark, and after only a moment returned the favor. He couldn't believe what was happening, but even more unbelievable was how much he was loving it.

Mark slowly but surely swallowed Garret's entire manhood. Garret took in what he could, and once more stroked what he could not. Taking a queue from Mark he too adopted a slow but steady pace. For several minutes the two of them slowly devoured one another.

Finally Mark pulled Garret's erection from his mouth. He shifted his weight to his left arm, and with his right hand, gave Garret a slow, downward stroke, and then took gently began to fondle Garret's sack.

"Garret, Garret," Mark called out as he rolled to Garret's side. "Garret, I want to eat your ass."

Remembering the pictures Garret sat up. His cock was now pulsing, and almost in pain stemming from a burning desire to cum. Standing up Garret turned his back to mark, then climbed up onto the bed on all fours.

"Just relax," Mark said as he placed his hands on the cheeks of Garret's ass.

Garret found it hard to do as Mark had asked as he felt Mark's hands on his ass.

Mark reached out his tongue and applied it directly to garret's tightly puckered rosebud, causing Garret to coo out. For Garret it was a strange, yet arousing sensation to feel Mark's tongue in his as.

As he continued, Mark placed his right arm on Garret's back to help keep himself balanced, then with his left hand he reached between Garret's legs up, and grasped his eight inch member. Garret groaned encouragingly in reply.

"Oh man," Garret groaned out. "I saw pics of this, oh god, your mouth feels so good in my ass."

Suddenly Mark withdrew his hand, and then his tongue.

"Garret, I want to fuck you."

"Okay." Garret couldn't believe what he had said, but yet a sense of great anticipation was welling from within him. His mind was now totally open, and he was willing to try anything.

Mark reached over to his night stand and pulled out a condom. He then pulled out a container which Garret did not see.

"Alright, just relax."

Again those words served only to cause Garret's body to tense, Mark sensed this, and so reached forward, and gently massaged Garret's ass. Finally feeling Garret relax a bit, he slowly pushed his hips forward. Until the tip of his cock was resting against Garret's tight hole.

Garret groaned and gnashed his teeth as Mark slowly pushed inside. Groans turned to grunts as Mark pushed ever deeper. Garret had never felt such a sensation before, it was searing pain that both hurt and pleased Garret all at once. Never once did the idea of stopping cross his mind.

Mark pushed on, Garret, being a "virgin" was incredibly tight as he sank his cock in. Finally after a full minute, he was all the way. Mark rested there for a moment, giving Garret's body a chance to adjust.

"You okay?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," Garret grunted. He felt as if his entire lower body had been filled. Mark then slowly reversed the process, pulling seven of his nine inches out, then once more sank inside Garret, who moaned in response.

"Oh god you're so tight," Mark said as he pulled back a second time.

Garret tried to speak, but could only grunt and moan as Mark once more filled his body. Mark took up a slow, but steady pace, and Garret found his body soon adjusting. It was strange, painful, and erotic sensation all at once.

"Oh god," Garret cried out as Mark filled his ass. "Fuck, oh shit."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No" garret half yelled out. "No please, I, fuck me," he groaned.

Mark responded by increasing his speed a bit, and then a bit more. Garret grunted and groaned, cursing out from time to time, all the while his own desire to cum remained at its constant high, even growing a bit.

Mark was finally at a normal pace, Garret grunted and groaned with every deep stroke, amazed at how good being fucked felt. His mind and heart raced. Mark pushed as deep as he could, his pace was fast now, and he too was beginning to moan as he felt his impending orgasm begin to build.

For Garret it was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced. Mark's cock plunging in and out felt incredible, and he moaned in pleasure.

Mark then slowed, and stopped after a deep inward thrust, and then slowly pulled himself out of Garret's body.

"Lay on your back," Mark instructed Garret.

Garret lowered himself from his doggy position, and then rolled so as to face straight up. Mark pushed Garret's legs apart, and eased his cock back into Garret's aching hole.

"Oh god," Garret groaned, pleased that Mark was once again inside him.

"Do you like this, do you like to be fucked Garret?" Mark asked as slowly pushed as deep as he could.

"Oh god yes."

"I'm glad to hear that, being inside you feels so good."

Mark established a steady pace much more quickly this time, and as he did so Garret grasped his own swollen cock. Again the two college males began to groan and grunt. Feeling he was about to cum Mark pulled out. He got off the bed and ripped off the condom, then climbed back on the bed and sat on Garret's chest. He grasped his pulsing manhood, and after only three slow strokes unleashed a wave of seaman,

Garret opened his mouth, catching some, and was surprised at its salty sweet taste. The rest of Mark's cum landed on his cheek, neck and chest. The sensation of warm cum on his body only served as a painful reminder of his own burning desire.

"Now, its your turn to finally cum."

Mark lowered his upper body, and slid down Garret's until his face was once more at Garret's loins. Again he swallowed Garret's manhood, only this time he sucked hard, fast, and aggressive. Garret moaned, this was totally unlike before, Mark was sucking his cock harder than it had ever been sucked before, and it did not take long before he could feel a wave of pleasure build within his loins.

Garret groaned loudly as Mark sank two of his fingers into his ass, while continuing to aggressively suck his cock. The wave continued to build to dizzying heights, and Garret allowed himself to grunt and moan in response.

"Oh shit, oh god, ah, aahh" Garret groaned, then suddenly, release. Finally unleashing his load Garret's body shuttered as he experienced what was by far the most powerful orgasm of his life.

"Well," said Mark as he sat up, "I hope this isn't a one time thing."

"No," said Garret closing his eyes. "Oh my god no man."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it."

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