Giving and Getting

By john smith

Published on May 11, 2008


I don't know how long it took for me to regain consciousness. I do know that I was busy during that time: flashes of pain, lust and heat came through the fog, and the clear sound of someone moaning in joy. All this took the form of one unbroken dream, knit together with sudden gut-wrenching releases and the constant thought, nine-tenths suppressed: fuck. They got me at last.

The morning sun woke me up. The pure heat of its rays felt clean and whole, something my body sorely needed. I rolled over on my side to face it, rubbing my sleep encrusted eyes with one hand. The light was broken into strips by the bars across the window, and I stared blearily into the sun. For a few peaceful moments my mind was filled with simple things: the warmth of the light, the softness of the sheets, and the dull ache in my ass. Sudden horror dawned at last, and the blinding truth sent me rocketing from the bed. I'd been caught!

I think I really saw the room I was in for the time then. It was small, bare, and secure, with one barred window and one locked door. The bed, set with pale blue sheets that were thoroughly tangled and stained with sweat, lube, cum and worse, took up most of the space. After a dozen rapid tours the tiny space offered no release, and I collapsed on the bed in half-suppressed panic. Breathing hard and deep, I managed to bring myself under control enough to think.

Ok. The underworld fucks who'd been stalking me had caught up at last. I was now where I'd feared: locked in a room, to be used as they chose, fucked or fucking at the behest of their well-heeled clients. I scanned my naked body, noting the smooth skin, swollen muscles and hairless chest. About 18, then, I thought, though from the pain in my hole I'd dropped a few years the night before. Spying a glass of water on the nightstand, I reached out to take a drink, and another wave of panic clenched my gut. My hand shook so hard that the water slopped out of the glass, and I had to rest it on my bare knee and take a deep breath. When I'd calmed down, I lifted the glass again, and noticed the white powder that had settled to the bottom.

Heavy footsteps clumped down the hall, heading for the door, and without thinking I dumped the drugged water on the far side of the bed and then rolled onto my stomach, burying my flushed face in the sheets. My heart raced wildly: would they notice I wasn't drugged? What did it do, anyway? Put me to sleep, or make me cooperative? The half-remembered flashes of sex from my dreams probably meant I was conscious, but limp and cooperative. I still hadn't decided when the lock clicked and the door opened, letting a waft of cooler air across my bare ass. I was so terrified that I couldn't move anyway, and perforce went with being asleep.

"So here he is," a voice rasped, sounding of far too many cigarettes. "You've seen the pictures. Just climb on and fuck him, and the cops will never know you."

"Really." The voice was flat and cold. I could feel his eyes examine me, from my bare feet up to the top of my head. "And there's no other way than by fucking him?"

"Nope. Of course, if you really have a problem putting your cock in another guy's hole, just walk away. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to practice once they catch up with you." The voice was richly amused, and something about it suggested muscles. I tried not to clench my ass cheeks in fear.

"I'll be fine. Get out." The older man chuckled and went back into the hall, shutting the door behind him. I didn't hear the lock click.

The man stood looking at me for a minute, before stripping off his clothes. His belt buckle thunked on the floor when he dropped it. Then he was still again, breathing evenly. Getting hard.

I almost screamed when his hands seized my right leg. He froze when he felt my body twitch, but then heaved to pull me close to the edge. I didn't go far, limp as I was, and he dropped my leg and rolled me over, struggling with my floppy limbs. I was now face up, my left leg over the edge of the mattress with my foot on the floor. He picked up my legs and hauled again, pulling my ass around so that it was poised at the edge, and draped my legs over his thin shoulders. After a few seconds of fumbling, the head of his cock nuzzled into my crack.

At this point, I opened my eyes, just a bit. I wanted to see what kind of trouble I was in, so I peered through the thick curtain of my lashes, up at the guy who was poised to rape my hole; he was maybe sixteen. Without a second's thought or planning, I tensed my legs and dragged his chest down. My fist, swung with all the weight of my 18 year-old frame, caught his chin from beneath, and his teeth crashed together and his eyes rolled up. The guy collapsed on top of me, his cock slipping from my crack, and I flung him off down to the floor and slid down to pin him to the carpet with my weight.

The whole thing had taken just seconds, and I sat with my bare ass on his rippled belly, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. One thought burned in my mind: get away! But how? I looked around the room again, and it stubbornly failed to offer up a route I hadn't seen before. My eyes lit on the barred window, showing bright sun and freedom beyond. The bars were about eight inches apart, plenty to stop an adult male. Hah! I had my escape.

A quick listen at the door revealed nothing, but if my captors had the room wired I'd be fucked anyway. I dragged the heavy bed frame against the door as quietly as I could, then went back to kneel next to my unconscious customer. He was a slender young thing, barely old enough to shave, but pretty enough. His long blond hair curled far enough to touch his shoulders when upright, and his clear skin and smooth face could have graced a tomboyish girl with no trouble. The mark where my fist had caught him was rapidly darkening under his chin. His naked body was nothing special: flat belly, thin legs, almost hairless except right above his flaccid cock. Whatever crime he'd committed, he'd wanted to go even younger, to give the police the slip. Fuck him.

I leaned down and sucked his limp dick into my mouth, nursing it with tongue and lips. My heart was pounding frantically, and I had to force myself to move deliberately. It took ages for the boy's dick to thicken and rise, and I gave it another minute before I released it and sat back to grease it with lube.

The male body is a wonderful thing, in many different ways. The feature that interested me the most that day was its totally unconscious reaction to external stimuli, namely, my mouth on its dick. Now that his cock was fully hard, I rubbed a handful of lube over it, and another through my crack, before crouching over his still form to line him up for business. My hole was clenched with fear, so penetration was far more uncomfortable than usual, but I got him in at last. As so often happened with my altered state, my first orgasm helped start a cascade of cum.

Maybe two minutes after I'd started riding his dick, I came, spraying jizz all the way up to his neck. The boy came just seconds after, his cock wrung by my spasming hole. A year flowed out of me, taking muscle and hair and the definition on my chest as it poured into him. His thin body grew a little heavier, a little more masculine as dark blond hair sprouted on his chest. His dick grew a little too, forcing my shrunken asslips apart while painting my ass with sperm.

I slid off the boy long enough to tie his hands and legs with his discarded clothing, stuffing one sock into his mouth and tying the other across it for good measure. That done, I re-slicked my hole and mounted again, riding the boy hard until we both came.

Over the next hour the boy matured while I grew steadily younger. His thick blond hair spread over the carpet as a heavy beard covered his cheeks. Muscles grew and twined over his limbs, like stop-motion snakes that came to life with each blast of seed. To match the guy's growth my body shrank, muscle melting away, hair disappearing from face, pits and crotch. The kid had evidently had a long way to grow, as his dick got steadily bigger, swelling from five inches and maybe three around to over ten, and fat as a beer can. The pain was excruciating, my hole shrinking bit by bit as the age flowed away, tightening enough that each new cum felt like he took my cherry again. My ass and thighs, his belly and balls were a mess of sperm that had no place to go as my guts shrank again.

My face was much closer to his skin than when I'd sat down on his rod. My little hands were braced wide on his adult chest, a palm on each nipple as I leaned forward to keep my place. My arms were matchstick thin, showing me plainer than plain that I had gone far further than I had before, dumping so many years that my balls had actually risen, my sack a tiny flap of skin with my dick a mere nub of flesh. My ass was in so much pain that I couldn't even feel it anymore, as the man blasted a last dose of cum in my hole. I leaned forward, his enormous prick bulging out my smooth belly, and pulling as hard as I could. Slowly, that monster rod withdrew, my tiny ass sucking at it all the way, before my ring stuck fast around his swollen head. Fuck, I thought, my lips bared in a snarl as tears poured down my cheeks. And women complain when they give birth! Finally, it went, bursting free to release a flood of spent jizz. I lay on his chest, cuddling to the warmth as my body recovered, loving the heat of his burning skin.

I know I feel asleep, dozing on top of my rapist-to-be. His squirming woke me, who knows how much later, and I rolled over to flop next to his 28 year-old form. Muffled groans and screams came from behind his gag, as he felt the new body he lived in. I sat up, wincing in pain, and glared down at him.

"Shut up. You deserve what you got. Now don't make trouble, and I won't hurt you on my way out of here." His eyes were wide, staring in fear, as I stood up. I got hold of the table and dragged it over below the window, my 6 year-old body straining, and climbed up to peer out at the fading day. The latch was stiff with dust and age, but I forced it open. The glass swung out, allowing me to peer down the eight feet to the ground. Far, but not impossible. I climbed up to the sill, my bare toes scrabbling on the rough plaster wall, and wormed my left arm through the bars. My head just barely fit, turned sideways, and I had to breathe out to get my chest through the gap. Once the top of my body was through my weight caught me and I fell out through the bars, keeping hold of one just long enough to get my feet pointed down before falling on the thick grass below. I scampered off into the sunset, my tiny ass flashing in the fading rays, heading into what city, situation or future I had no clue.

Next: Chapter 7

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