Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Mar 9, 2004


I want to thank everyone again for all the advice. I hope this story will spur other would-be authors to try and write a story for Nifty. I have met some cool people in the process of writing this story. I always love flattering e-mail. It really helps my creative juices flow. Anyway happy jerkin Guys!

Notice: This story and all previous chapters are fiction. If you are underage or do not like reading about gay teen sex then you should not read any further!

I grabbed the packet of razors and the shaving gel and walked over too the shower with my leaking cum stick pointing the way.

I had only ever shaved my dick once before just to see what it was like to have a hairless dick. I really liked how smooth it had felt. I was also sure my dick looked bigger without all the hair around it. My dick was not as big as Ben's but my dick was perfectly straight up and down. Lot's of the guys in P.E. had dicks that curved or were bent to one side or the other but my dick always stood straight up when I got hard. That's why it was always so uncomfortable when I got a woody at school.

I wasn't sure if other guys were shaved or ever tried but I really liked how it felt. I didn't really have a problem with Ben and Justin telling me to shave off my hair. The part that bothered me was what the guys would say in the showers during P.E. The other time I had shaved myself it had been during summer break. No one had ever seen me shaved before.

I opened the shower door and walked into the stall. The shower stall walls were covered in white tile with gold stenciling in a fancy pattern. I knew I had never showered in such a expensive room in my life. I started the water and tested it for the right temperature. I then got in front of the water flow and enjoyed the shower spray. I adjusted the shower spray so that I could sit down on the bench. After a moment I sat down on the slab marble bench. The marble was still cold againced my ass cheeks but I had to sit down to see what I was about to do.

I looked down one last time at my hair covered cock and balls then opened up the pack of disposable razors and shook up the can of shaving gel. With my dick still rock hard it was easy to put the shaving gel around the base of my rod and work it into the forest of dark brown hair around my cock and balls.

As I started the process of removing the hair from my sack working my way up around my shaft. I started to think again about the two awesome jocks lifting weights in the next room. I couldn't believe my good luck. If the only thing I had to do to see those two hot jocks naked was to shave off my dick hair I was more than willing., and since I loved the feel of my dick being silky smooth I was willing to do it. It was kind of a win win proposal. I didn't know how I would deal with the guys in P.E. but I wasn't really thinking about that to clearly. All I knew was my cock hair had to go.

It didn't take me long to remove all my cock hair. I stood up again. As I looked down at my rod I watched the last of my cock hair run down the drain of the shower. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall. I looked at my dick in the full length wall mirror. I was hot. I grabbed a white towel off the wall hanger and dried myself off.

I knew Ben had told me to walk out naked but I wanted to look my best so I opened the top drawer of the vanity and started to look for a comb for my hair. During my search I looked in the second drawer and found a box of Trojan condoms. I was thrilled. My mind started to race as I picked up the box of six ribbed condoms. I thought about Ben sliding one of the condoms over his beautiful hard member. I was back to full stiffness and leaking all over the floor again. I used my wet towel to wipe up my precum and then walked to the bathroom door. I stood in front of the door for a couple seconds. I looked myself up and down and double checked to make sure all the hair around my dick was gone. Once I was sure I hadn't missed any stray hairs I took a deep breath and grabbed a hold of each door knob of the French doors and swung them out and open.

Standing in front of me was both Ben and Justin in nothing but boxer briefs. Ben was holding a hand held video camera and Justin had a Polaroid camera. Before I could cover myself Justin had snapped off a picture and I could see the red light blinking on Bens digital video camera.

" Don't cover up faggot. If you do I'll beat your ass so hard you'll wish you were dead." Justin said.

" We already got a real good shot of your tiny dick. And if you want to see our dicks you better let us get some real good footage of you." He said with a smile.

" You look good with no hair BJ." Ben said. " I figured this was a special moment for you and moments like this are meant to be shared. Since mom left her digital camera here Justin and I figured we would preserve these shots of you naked and hairless for prosperity." Ben said without stopping his filming.

I knew my face had to have been six different shades of red. Justin and Ben were still taking footage of me and my rock hard dick. I just stood there looking right into the camera lens. Ben and Justin were laughing and making remarks about how much better I looked and how cool it was that I had shaved myself just to see there cocks.

After a few more seconds Justin stopped taking shots with his Polaroid and he was just looking at me. Me had about ten pictures of me laid out on the floor. My eyes were drawn down to his very sizeable package in the front of his boxer briefs. I could tell he was at least half hard. The outline of his rod looked huge in his basket. Justin finally spoke.

" Well BJ you did what I told you to do so I guess I'll let you see what I'm packin. Come on over here" he said.

I started to walk over toward Justin.

" No you stupid faggot get on your knees and crawl over here." Justin yelled.

I could hear Ben laughing to my right. I knew his camera was still going but I wanted to see Justin's cock so bad I was determined to do what ever it took.

I got down on my hands and knees. I realized how pitiful I must have looked with my dick bobbing up and down with ever movement forward towards Justin package that I made. I didn't care.

I stopped a foot in front of Justin. I looked up at him waiting for him to let me see what I had been wanting to see since I first saw him in the band room.

" You wanna see my dick cock sucker?" He said.

I nodded my head.

" How bad do you want to see my cock? He said again.

" Really bad!" I said in my most pitiful voice.

I could now tell that Justin was well on his way to a full blown hard on in his briefs.

" Well, pull down my underwear real slow." Justin said.

I reached out to grab at his waste band but Justin stepped back out of reach.

" Pull my briefs down with you teeth cock sucker!" Justin said while laughing. He was looked over at Ben.

Once again I heard Ben laughing behind me. He must have followed me as I crawled over to Justin because he was now right behind me and to the left. His camera was still rolling.

I wasn't really sure how to get Justin's underwear off with my teeth but I was sure as hell gonna try. I razed myself up so I was sitting back on my heals and watched as Justin moved back closer in front of me.

Just eye level was the cloth covered teen dick I had been waiting to see. I looked up at Justin for reassurance. He was smiling. I leaned over and tried to catch the front of his waste bend between my upper and lower teeth, but it was much harder then I thought it would be. I tried in vain two or three times when finally Ben spoke from behind me.

" Funkin cock sucker just use your hands...You can't even get this little simple task done." Ben said in anger.

I used my hands to get a grip on the sides of Justin's boxer briefs and slowly pulled his underwear down his hips and down past his rock hard dick. My eyes never faltered. I was in heaven. As more and more of his gorgeous uncut cock came into view I was more and more excited. Justin's member was huge. His dick was the biggest had ever seen. His dick was like something out of a gay mag. It must have been ten inches. His dick leaned a little to the right and I could see thick veins covering it's length. I could tell he trimmed up his cock hair because it looked way to perfect.

When Justin's boxer briefs finally hit the floor he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. His dick swayed back and forth from the kicking movement. My eyes followed.

" What do you think faggot? Do you like my dick?" Justin said.

Ben was now standing over me looking down at me from the left. His video camera was still running.

" Well BJ tell Justin what you think. I can tell by your dick that your turned on but what are you thinking about? BJ... Tell us what you wanna do." Ben said.

I looked up and over at Ben. I could see the little red light blinking still. I had so many thoughts running threw my head at that moment but all that I could think to say was.

" I want to blow him!" I said in a whisper.

" Did you just say you want to blow me? Is that what I just heard you say? I can't believe what a fucking faggot you got here Ben. He's so hard he's leaking cum all over your carpet." Justin said.

It was true I looked down and my dick was indeed leaking precum all over Ben's carpet A little pile of my leakage was forming on the carpet between my legs. I looked up again to see Justin stroking his dick with his right hand real slow. The foreskin of his dick was sliding up and over the tip of his rod with each stroke.

I had never seen a uncircumcised dick before and I was mesmerized. I reached my hand out to wrap my hands around his thickness. Then once again Justin stepped back out of reach.

" I didn't say you could grab at my dick. Listen cock sucker you better start learning to do what Ben and I say or we're gonna put this video of you on the internet. If you think I'm joking just try me. I swear by the end of the week the whole school will know how hard up you get from looking at cock." Justin said.

I wanted so bad to make these two guys happy. I would have done anything.

" I tell you what cock sucker... if you swear to do everything that we say I'll let you blow me right now. I'll even let you swallow my jizz. All you have to do is swear to obey Ben and I. You have to do what ever we say and if you fuck up your gonna be the most famous faggot at out school...I know you dig cock, and that you like blowing dicks so we're giving you the chance to have two cocks to blow as often as WE want to use your talents. All you gotta do is swear that you'll do everything that we ask. how's that sound faggot?" Justin said as he stood just out of reach with his dick leaning out towards me.

I wanted his cock so bad.

" O.K." was all I could say.

" O.K. what faggot." Ben said.

" O.K. I promise to do what ever you want just don't tell anyone that I'm gay." I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

" Look at the little faggot cry. I know what will make you feel better Faggot. How about a nice long face fuck? Would that make it all better cock sucker?" Justin said as he stepped forward again.

" Open that faggot mouth of yours and get ready for my meat." Justin said.

" You better make it look good faggot. I want to heard some verbal shit about how much your diggin Justin's rod. And when he shoots I want you to keep his jizz in your mouth. Don't swallow it. I wanna get his cum in your mouth on film." Ben said. " and Justin get some cum on BJ's face if you can"

I opened my mouth and wondered how much of Justin's cock I could fit in my mouth.

Justin's dick passed the entrance of my mouth.

I was surprised at the thickness of Justin's dick my lips were stretched to the limit. His dick was rubbing the back of my throat almost immediately and was causing me to feel like I was gonna gag. I fought back the urge and tried to please Justin. I was looking up his chest and could see his eyes were closed and he was breathing really heavily.

I could also see Ben walking around getting better views of Justin's dick penetrating my lips.

Justin's dick felt so good in my mouth. My jaw was starting to hurt but I didn't want Justin to stop.

I could see Ben circling around and occasionally stopping to get close ups of the action. Once or twice our eyes met. Ben would reach down and grab his dick and start to play with his rod through the fabric of his boxers. He would smile at me then go back to focusing on his filming.

My dick was still leaking precum. I couldn't help it any more I reached my hand down to stroke my dick. After a few up and down strokes I looked up to see Ben focusing the camera on my shaved dick. I looked at him waiting for his permission to jack off.

" OK BJ you can jack off but your not aloud to cum until Justin has. Got it." Ben said.

I blinked my eyes and then started to jack my dick. I knew I wouldn't last long so I concentrated on getting Justin to cum quickly. I began to focus all my efforts on the underside of Justin's rod. I let his cock rest on my tongue and I curled my tongue around his cock. I really started to go down on him.

I could tell it was working because Justin started to let out a little whimper. I could taste Justin's precum on my tongue. After about another two minuets I knew Justin was close. I was using my trumpeting talents to help get Justin off.

" Are you ready for my seed BJ? I'm gonna nut any second now. I want you to open wide. I'm gonna get a couple shots in your mouth then plant the rest of my seed on your face got it?" Justin said as he jacked his huge rod inches from my open mouth.

" Please cum in my mouth!" I begged.

" Oh I'm gonna cum in your mouth you little faggot. Don't worry about that. Get ready bitch I'm gonna cum. OH FUCK. OH FUCK." Justin screamed.

The first volley of cum leaped out at me and I tried to catch it in my mouth but I missed it came to rest on my cheek the second shot landed right on the tip of my tongue. I let the next shot land on my tongue them just let Justin cream all over my face. Justin was letting out little yelps of pleasure after each shot and I could see Ben to my right zooming in on Justin's great cum shot as it subsided.

Justin kept stroking his cock when the last drop had formed on the tip of his rod he stopped his jacking and opened his eyes and looked down at me.

" I got one last drop for you faggot. Lick it off." He said.

The last jizz drop was currently covered by Justin's foreskin. I leaned over and sucked the tip of his dick in to my mouth. I used my tongue to search around in his foreskin for the last little treat. After finding and sucking the last bit of jizz into my mouth I reluctantly released Justin's cock.

" You suck like a champ BJ!" was all Justin said.

" Open your mouth and show me Justin's cum." Ben said as he zoomed the video in on my cum covered face. I could feel Justin's cum dripping slowly down my face. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out as far as I could.

" Swallow it cum breath!" Ben said.

I stuck my tongue back in my mouth and gulped down the last of Justin's cum.

I was still stroking my dick and waiting for Ben to say I could fire. Ben was still filming and he turned the video on my hard dick.

" OK BJ you can nut now." Ben said.

I really went at it. I didn't care if they saw me jacking off or that I had just swallowed Justin's jizz. I was looking straight ahead at Justin's deflating dick. Justin was just standing there watching me. He was rubbing his pecs and started to laugh at me.

I must have looked like such a faggot. Jacking off on my knees covered in cum looking at another guys dick.

My jizz flew everywhere when I finally came. The small spot of precum that I had leaked on the carpet earlier was nothing compared to the jizz I let fly now. I was moaning loudly and my hand was moving up and down my dick at a blurred speed.

When I finally came down from my orgasm I looked up to see Ben and Justin laughing.

" That was so cool BJ. I never would have thought you could suck dick so well. I'm gonna use your mouth every day. You can count on that. Sara`s got nothing on you." Justin said as he grabbed his boxer briefs up off the floor.

I started to stand up.

" What do you think your doing faggot. I hope your not planning on leaving you cum on my carpet? I think you better clean that shit up." Ben said. Pointing to my cum drops

Ben was still filming. I knew what he wanted me to do. I figured I had come this far. There was no turning back. I bent down on my hands and knees and licked at each cum spot on the carpet until it was all gone. I looked back up at Ben.

" Good job BJ." Ben said laughing.

" What a fucking Faggot. If he wasn't such a good bitch I would kick his ass." Justin said.

Ben finally turned off the camera and told me to get up.

" I got an idea...BJ I want you to call your house and tell your parents your spending the night. Tell them we're practicing Jazz Band music. We're gonna have a lot more fun tonight." Ben said.

" Hurry up and call your folks BJ we're gonna have a dip in the tub. Get your ass in the bathroom as soon as you finish up with your parents." Justin said.

I hurried over to the phone by the TV and called home. As I talked to my mom about spending the night I watched Justin and Ben head into the bathroom. After convincing mom to let me spend the night I hung up the phone. My dick began to rise again.

Who would have thought a week ago that I would be sucking off the two hottest guys I had ever seen. It was all worth it!

Next: Chapter 10

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