Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Mar 2, 2004


I want to thank everyone again for all the advice. I hope this story will spur other would-be authors to try and write a story for Nifty. I have met some cool people in the process of writing this story. I always love flattering e-mail. It really helps my creative juices flow. Anyway happy jerkin Guys!

Notice: This story and all previous chapters are fiction. If you are underage or do not like reading about gay teen sex then you should not read any further!

Give Me Some Lovin Part Eight

I wasn't sure what was going to happen at Bens house but I was following my cock now. I was so horned up and leaking precum like a faucet I practically leaped into Ben's truck. I was scared and excited at the same time.

Ben got in on the drivers side and looked over at me. He had a huge grin on his face.

" Are you scared faggot?....Your gonna have a blast..... Your gonna really have fun, you`ll see." He said.

I was really scared that Ben was gonna start pimping me out to all the jock guys at school and I realized I couldn't have that reputation around school. I didn't want to be known as the token faggot on campus. As Ben started up his truck and pulled out of the school parking lot, I was torn. My dick was rock hard in my jeans, but I really wanted to get Ben and my relationship clear. I finally screwed up my courage to ask what his intensions were. I opened my mouth to speak....

Ben spoke first.

" I know what your thinking cock suck, and you don't need to worry. I'm not gonna tell any one you like cock. I think it's cool you get off on this shit. I have never been with a girl that can blow dick like you. I don't want to mess this working relationship up. This works out good for both of us. I get my own personal cock sucker and you get to pleasure me." he said smiling. "I'm not gonna "out" you around school. I told Justin the other night before I picked you up for Jazz Band. He thinks it's cool too. As long as you do as I say you'll be safe no one else is gonna find out....but if you start disobeying me and Justin then things are gonna get real hard for you, and I'm not talking about your dick ether." Ben said without looking over at me.

Bens old truck rambled on down the highway. I was relieved Ben was not planning on outing me at school but I was a little upset he had told Justin about the fact that I digged cock. I looked straight out the front window shield and kept going over what Ben had just said. The ride was getting more and more uncomfortable for me as my woody strained to get out of my Hanes underwear. I knew I had a huge wet spot on the front of my underwear and was worried I would start leaking threw my jeans.

Ben didn't say anything more till we pulled off the highway and onto a dirt road. I figured this was his drive way. About a hundred yards off the highway was the biggest house I had ever seen. It looked like it was out of a movie. The house was gray with green trim and was three stories tall. I wondered how many rooms it had. I had never seen anything so massive. As we got closer I noticed a Blue Mustang parked in the drive way. I knew right way it had to be Justin's. I was suddenly very nervous.

Ben pulled his truck up next to Justin's car and turned off the truck engine. Ben looked over at me. He didn't say anything, he just smiled. After a couple seconds Ben spoke.

" Well BJ Justin's already here. I know your freakin out, but don't worry your gonna have a blast. Just do everything I tell you to and we'll all have a wonderful afternoon. Now....lets go in and find Justin." Ben said as he opened his side door.

" Are your parents home?" I said.

" Nope my dads off on a business trip and my mom is away for the week doing a photo shoot. She's so lucky she gets to film super models! Anyway there both gonna be gone for a few days." Ben said.

I followed his lead and got out of the truck. Ben circled around behind the truck and walked around the side of the house. On the side of the house was a stairwell that lead down into the basement. The house was even bigger then I thought. I followed Ben down the flight of stairs and he opened the door.

I instantly heard the new song from Outcast playing. I followed Ben through the door. It took me a few seconds to adjust to the dim lighting of the basement. I had expected a cold, wet , dingy basement but this was nothing like I has been thinking. The basement was one huge room. Large wood support columns were placed every seven or so feet supporting the upper stories of the house but the amount of open space in the basement was amazing. Supporting the ceiling were huge wooden beams that ran the length of the room. The floors were carpeted with a light gray carpeting and the bottom five feet of the walls were also carpeted. All along one wall was a full length mirror that ran the whole length of the room. The mirror had to be thirty feet across. Lined up in front of the mirror was every kind of exercise machine I had ever seen. On the other side of the room was a extra long couch and a wall mounted flat screen T.V. beyond the living room space I could see a bed and a computer desk. I assumed it was Ben's bed.

Seated at the weight bench was Justin. My mouth dropped. He was benching what must have been two hundred pounds and was doing it just in red boxer briefs. I looked over at Ben. He was smiling at me. Justin hadn't noticed us yet so Ben let me watch Justin do a couple reps. Ben then walked over and turned down the CD player. My eyes stayed glued on Justin as he finished his last rep. Justin sat up from the weight bench and looked at Ben and me.

" So I finally get to see the little cock sucker." Justin stood up and started to walk over towards us. " You know BJ, ever since Ben told me that you blew him in his truck I've wanted to meet you. I've seen you watching us at lunch but I would never be caught dead talking to you at school. Ben said you have real talent for blowin dick. Is that true faggot?" He said as he stopped in front of me.

I didn't know what to say I was so captivated by his awesome body covered with a thin sheen of sweat. The waste band of his boxer briefs were covered with perspiration and I just got the tinniest glimpse of his underarm hair damp with sweat.. Justin was super hot. Hot like a model hot. I was finding it hard to find any words to say.

" Are you gonna answer me dick weed?" Justin said.

" He told me the only dick he's ever blown was mine." Ben said from beside me.

" Well after tonight he can say he's blown two cocks." Justin said laughing.

" You are a real faggot aren't you! You can't even look up from my crouch." Justin said It was true my eyes were glued to the front of his brief. I could see the outline of his dick., and was stunned by the size of his package. His package was so large it looked like it was a sock or something. I knew a monster was hiding behind that thin layer of red fabric.

Justin reached his hand down and slid it under his underwear band. If my dick could have gotten any harder it would have but I was certain I couldn't possibly get any harder then I already was. My eyes stayed glued to the sexy show playing out in front of me. Justin's other arm was raised out to the side as he flexed his bicep he had his tongue out and was licking his bicep. My mouth dropped open again.

Ben was laughing beside me.

" He's been a real good little shit today, Justin. I told him if he was real good I would ask you if you would let him blow your cock. What do you think?"

Justin was reaching around in his briefs fondling himself. I so wanted to feel his thickness in my hands.

" I don't know if he really deserves my meat. Justin said looking over at Ben " He's never been real nice to me in class....maybe I'll just go home.....unless." Justin was now flexing his pecs and making them bounce up and down. They were acting like I wasn't even there.

" Unless what." I said meekly.

Ben and Justin looked over at me. They both started to laughing at my pitiful reply.

" Unless you prove to me how bad you want my dick." Justin said.

I wasn't sure what to say. I was worried that I was getting myself into a lot of trouble. All I really knew was that I was standing next to two of the hottest guys I had ever met. One was practically naked, and they were talking about letting me suck there dicks. It was like every wet dream I had ever had. I realized I was prepared to do anything to suck on their rods.

" How can he show that he is worthy of suckin you off Justin" Ben said with a grin.

" Oh, I don't know. What's he good at?" Justin said. As he ran his fingers through his trail of hair that disappeared into his underwear.

" He's a good bitch, Justin" Ben said with another trade mark grin.

" He doesn't look like any bitch I know. Take Sara for instance, she's shaved. I bet BJ here isn't. I only let bitches who have shaved pussies blow me." Justin said with a smile.

" Oh I bet BJ would shave his pubes for a chance to down your rod Justin." Ben said.

" Would you do that for me BJ? Would ya shave off your pubes?" Justin said in mock begging.

Ben and Justin starting laughing. I wasn't sure what to think. I was in shock. They both just kept laughing. I looked over at Ben he was sliding his hand down the front of his pants. Both guys were fondling there dicks in their shorts.

" Well what do you say BJ how about a shave.... Maybe once your all smooth and silky Justin will let you take a look at his dick....He's got a huge cock.......I tell you what I got a couple disposable razors in my bathroom why don't you go in there and shave off all your pubes and once your done take a shower. After your done come on out and let us take a look, if we think it's an improvement we may let you see our dicks." Ben said as he pulled up the front of his shirt and showed off his six pack. They were both teasing me and I knew it.

" O.K." Was all I could say.

Ben dropped the front of his shirt back down and pulled his hand out of his pants, Justin also pulled his hand out of his waistband. Ben and Justin turned and started to lead me toward the far side of the Ben's room. At the far end of the room was a set of fancy French double doors. Justin and Ben stood on ether side in front of the doors and then together they opened them. The door's lead into a huge bathroom. It was the size of my whole bedroom. I walked in and saw a whirl pool bath tub that looked like it could fit five people in it and a walk-in shower that had a bench built into it for a seat. Everything was covered in tile and marble. The faucet knobs were all gold plated. On the vanity was a new can of shaving cream and a unopened pack of razors. I began to realize that Justin and Ben had planned this all along. I looked back at Ben and Justin. They were both smiling.

" O.K. BJ we're gonna give you fifteen minuets to shave yourself. Make sure your silky smooth. When your done dry yourself off and come out here, don't bother putting your clothes back on. We're gonna lift some weight. See ya later BJ." Ben said. And with that Ben shut the door and I was left alone, in Ben's bathroom trying to figure out how I had let them talk me into this. As I started to strip down to nothing I realized why I had agreed to shave off my pubic hair. My rock hard dick bounced back against my stomach when I pulled my Hanes down. As I stood looking down at my six inch cock a small gob of precum dripped off the tip and slimed it's way down to the tile floor.

Justin and Ben were in control of me and my cock was running the show.

Next: Chapter 9

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