Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Feb 24, 2004


Thanks for all the imput on my last chapter. I really really like it. Hope everyone enjoys this next chapter. I am writing the next chapter.

Notice: This story and all previous chapters are fiction. If you are underage or do not like reading about gay teen sex then you should not read any further.

I walked quickly into the band room with out any more problems I sat down and started to get set up to practice Jazz Band music with Ben, when he got in. The band room was empty but I could see out band director sitting in his office. Our music directors office was attached to the band room and I could see him through a window that adjoined the two rooms. I could see that he was grading papers and I was so screwed up by what had happened this morning that I didn't feel like talking to him. I decided to play a few of the Jazz Band tunes to pass the time until Ben came in. It was hard to play because I was so upset by the car ride to school with Ben that morning. I couldn't get the image of Sara's head bobbing in and out of view behind the dashboard of Ben's truck out of my mind. I wanted more then anything to be able to switch places with her, she could be sitting in the band room blowing a trumpet and I could be blowing a god. The image of her in my mind made it hard concentrate on my playing.

I started to play my Trumpet and after a few minuets I saw the band room door open. I was expecting Ben but instead it was Justin. He was the Tenor Sax player that seemed to be friends with Ben. When he saw me he just smiled and walked up to the locker cabinet where all our instruments were stored.

Justin was kind of a jerk but so far in the school year he had been nice enough to me. He was the California surfer guy that played in the jazz band. He was one of the those guys that played in the band but also did sports. Justin I had found out was on the Varsity Football team and also did Soccer and Basketball. He stood about five foot eight and was built a lot like Ben. He had on faded blue jeans and a Abercrombie and Finch army shirt. His curly golden brown hair was a mess. His surfer tan was perfect.

I had seen Justin many times out in the court yard having lunch with a bunch of jock guys. He was one of those really talented young guys that always got the rules bent for him so that he could play with the varsity squads of every sport. Having all that talent made him kind of stuck up preppy kind of guy. Justin had never said more then a few words to me.

" Where's Ben, B.J."? He said.

"He's out in the parking lot still I think." I said.

" Oh is Sara blowing him?^Å. She normally does, Bens like that^Åhe likes his morning blow job" Justin said laughing. "He'll be in shortly I'm sure. Sara can normally get him off real quick. She's real good. I've never met anyone like Sara before. She sucks like a hoover vac. She's got a great set of lips, soft and silky perfect for blowin cock. Her lips are a lot like yours B.J." he said with a smile.

I was to shocked to respond but luckily our band teacher came in just then and started to put out new music on all the stands. Justin looked at me for a second longer, then his attention went into putting his sax together. I wasn't sure what to think. I was scared that Ben might have told Justin about last night^ÅI didn't want to get the reputation of being the band cock sucker in the first week of my freshmen school year.

Just then Ben came into the band room. He looked at Justin and they both smiled at each other. Our band teacher wasn't looking up so Ben grabbed at his dick through his jeans and rubbed his dick up and down.

Justin and Ben both laughed I found it very hard to laugh. Ben went past with out looking at me and went into the band locker cabinet to get his horn. After a second or two he came back out and still he didn't even look at me. He walked back past me and sat down in the same row as Justin and they started to talk. Justin sat one row in front of the Trumpets so I was able to hear some of what was being said between them but I couldn't understand it all. I was really listening for my name to see if Ben would mention anything about me but it was to hard to hear them. Ben didn't even look at me.

Finally the five minute bell rang and Ben got up and returned to his normal seat next to me.

" Hey Ben, sorry about this morning." I said.

" Shut up cock sucker your just going to make me mad. If you hadn't fucked it up I would have been able to practice our music this morning but I had to have Sara get me off. Now she has a belly full of my jizz and you have shit. I'm not sure you deserve to suck my dick. I'm gonna have to teach you how to serve my needs. Your getting a ride home from me today. I want you to come over to my place after school we can hang out and you can get to know your roll in this friendship. Got it." Ben said as he took his trumpet out of his case.

" O.K. Ben I am really sorry" I said pitifully.

" I know you are cunt and your gonna be even sorrier tonight. You can count on that. Now stop talking to me I'm tired of hearing you blubber." he said as our teacher started us up on our scales.

I spent the rest of band thinking about what Ben had said. I knew he was mad at me and I wasn't sure what I should do. I was excited to get to go to Ben's house, but I was also scared. All through band Ben and Justin kept talking and laughing. I was sure a few times they were talking about me.

When band ended I raced out and to my next class as fast as I could the next two classes were horrendous. I couldn't wait till drama so I could talk with Ben and find out what would happen at his house.

After third period we had a fifteen minute brunch and I took up my usual bench out in the quad area in front of the drama room. I saw both Justin and Ben standing together talking and standing between them was Sara. I could see Ben had his hand down the back of her hip hugger jeans and Justin was using ever other word to wrap his hands around her breasts.

I wasn't sure but I figured that both Justin and Ben were banging Sara. I wondered how many guys she was getting fucked by. I knew she was into student leadership and cheerleading. I wondered what it would be like to be riding on Bens Cock and blowin Justin. I was lost in my day dream until I heard the bell for fourth period. I looked back over to see Sara Being walked to the drama room by both Justin and Ben they both had there hands down the back of her paints. When I got to the door Ben gave Sara a kiss with some tounge and Justin slapped her ass before turning to go to his next class. Sara let out a yelp and Ben laughed. He then turned and went into the class room. I watched Sara walk down the hall and before she was out of site some other jock was walking with her. I knew she was a whore.

I walked into the drama room and sat down next to Ben. He looked over at me. He smiled.

" Hows it hangin BJ? He said out loud. He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I saw you watching us at brunch are you hard still? I bet if I asked you to blow me right now you would. Wouldn't you?" he said. " I bet you'd blow Justin too, you'd probably love it. I'll tell you what if you do everything I ask for the rest of the day no questions asked I'll ask Justin if you can blow him after school. Is that cool or what. You could have two cocks in two days. And just so you know I'm not screwing with you take a piss break in about five minutes after roll is over and go to the bathroom by the band room, wait for me in the last toilet stall, the handicap crapper." Ben whispered. Ben turned away from me.

I was hard in a heart beat. I couldn't come up with anything to say so I just knodded my head. Ben grinned at me. For added effect he reached down and slid his hand into his pants. He was scratching his nuts. He smiled at me again.

When roll was finished we were assigned to find a one act play to do. I sat down and pretended to read look at a one act play called " Sure Thing" it was a pretty funny show about a guy and a girl going on a date. I watched the clock and after five minutes had past I asked the drama teacher for the bathroom pass. I went to the bathroom Ben said to go to and walked in. One of the urinals was being used by some upper classman so I walked by and went into the last stall. I didn't want to look conspicuous so I dropped my pants and underwear and sat down on the toilet. I waited for about five minutes. I was rock hard my boner was sticking straight up and I was leaking like crazy. It was hard to keep my hands off my rod.

A few people had come in and out and every time the bathroom door opened my cock would jump. Finally the bathroom door opened and I heard foot steps coming toward my stall. Ben knocked on the stall door and whispered to me.

" You in there cock sucker?"

" Yes" I called back.

Ben opened the stall door and started to laugh.

" You've been sitting in here on the toilet all boned up just think about me coming in here haven't you? You are suck a cock hound. Well you know I like my cock suckers horned up so I'm gonna give you something to think about for the rest of the day." he said. " I'm gonna let you look at my cock a little." Don't fuck this up faggot. You do exactly what I say and you can come over to the house this afternoon for some real fun.

Ben walked up and stood right in front of me. I was eye level with his crotch.

" Unzip my fly cock sucker." he said.

I quickly reached out my hands and lifted up his shirt. I could see a fine line of hair from his navel leading down into his pants. Ben was looking down at me ginning. I undid the top button of his jeans and then pulled the zipper down. Dark brown pubic hair was surrounding his half hard cock.

" I can't believe how boned you are right now. Look at you." Ben said.

It was true my dick was pointing straight up and a large drip of precum was running down the front end of my pecker.

" You are such a faggot. I want you to part your legs so I can piss into the toilet. The treat for you is that any of my piss that splashes back up on you, you can keep." Ben said laughing. " Now be real still."

I sat there and stared at his wonderful cock and waited for his juices to start flowing. I wasn't really into piss play but I would have done anything to see his dick. And if the only chance I had to see his dick was when he was pissing I was more then willing.

Ben smiled down on me. His piss started shooting out of his piss slit and right down between my legs into the toilet bowl. I could feel the piss water splashing back up onto my under thighs. Ben had perfect aim.

" I can't believe your still hard up right now. You are such a fucking faggot." Ben said with a laugh.

As the last drops dripped off the tip of Ben's pisser he began to speak.

" Your doing real good BJ now pull my pants back up." he said.

I bent forward and pulled his jeans back of his thighs and over his lushes dick. I was careful not to get any of his pubic hair stuck in the zipper. After I had finished zipping him up and fastening the top button I was unconsently rubbing my woody. I looked up into Ben's eyes.

" Real good dick wad. You did a good job^Å.Now put your dick away stop stroking it. You not suppost to play with your dick. This little bathroom break should keep ya boned up till P.E. I guess I'll see ya back in class faggot." Ben said. He then turned and srolled out of the stall and I heard his footsteps leaving the bathroom and the door shutting. I finished zipping up my pants and adjusted my dick. I then walked out of the bathroom and back to the drama room. I could feel the cold piss water againced my pant legs and knew Ben was right. I would be hard up till P.E. and probably the rest of the day. Drama ended with out me talking to Ben again. I watched him till the end of class as he talked to a group of jocks and some girls.

When the bell rang I went to get lunch from the lunch carts out in the quad. Today was pizza day and every one was standing in a big crowd around the lunch cart. We were all packet in there so tight I didn't see Ben come up next to me he reached a hand over and rubbed the front of my pants. I looked over in supprise. He had a big grin on his face.

"Good your still hard. Keep it up BJ and I may let you suck my off yet." and with that Ben crowded in front of me and got his pizza then he left. I knew my dick was leaking even more. I finally got my food then went back to my bench to have lunch. I could see Justin and Ben and all the rest eating and laughing at a table. Every so often Ben would look at me and grab at his dick through his jeans. He would smile and then turn back to his friends. I was the only one who could see him do this and I sat very uncomfortably all through lunch watching him and his pals.

Finally school ended and I raced to the locker room for P.E. On the board in the locker room was a note from our teacher. P.E. had been canceled. I walked back out and saw Ben coming toward the lockers. I told him that class was canceled.

" I hear class has been canceled" Ben said.

" Yep"

" So lets get out of here. I envited Justin over to the house we're gonna meet him there lets go." Ben said.

I felt my dick jump at the idea of being over at Bens house with Justin.

Next: Chapter 8

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