Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Mar 12, 2003


Sorry It's taken so long for me to write. I've been working a lot lately. I decided to start writing again since I've taken the week off for a vacation. Hope you like it. If anyone has any ideas or comments please feel free to write.

I stood out on the road waiting for Ben to pick me up for my first Jazz band practice. I was so excited. I kept thinking about what had happened during the school day. I could hardly take my mind off of the image of Ben rubbing his dick through his pants and telling me I HAD to join the Jazz Band. I was very confused. Ben by all outward appearances was straight and had a girlfriend but he kept teasing me. I knew it wasn't normal for guys to strip in front of each other and let some one watch his girlfriend rub his dick but Ben had done just that. I wasn't sure what to do. If I should say something to him or not.

Soon I saw Ben's truck flying down the street. He pulled to a stop in front of me and smiled. I opened the passenger side door and hopped in.

"Hey BJ how's it hangin?" Ben said with a laugh.

" Good" I said.

Ben took off down the street. We talked on the way about our different teachers and who was good and who was a bitch. Ben didn't say anything about what happened in school. It was like it never happened. We got to school and to the band room without any weird moments. I reached to open the band room door but Ben held it closed.

" BJ you just do whatever I tell you to tonight and I promise it will be a night of firsts for you, and a night you will never forget." With out another word Ben opened the heavy metal door and we walked into the band room.

It was so loud. There were about ten kids that all looked familiar to me seated in front of our band teacher. They were all practicing at the same time. We had arrived right on time but were the last ones to show up. Everyone looked up as we entered the building. Everyone said hello to Ben when he entered and the band teacher looked around at us. He turned back to face the rest of the group and started to yell out song titles to get ready to play.

Ben and I grabbed our instruments out of the band locker room and got ready to play. The first big difference I noticed between Jazz Band and Marching Band was that in Jazz Band the Trumpets had to stand during practice.

As I got warmed up and ready to play I looked around at everyone who was in the Band. I saw one Trombone, one Barry Sax, three Tenor Saxes, one Drummer, one Bass Guitar, one Electric Guitar, and two Clarinets. What was most surprising is that there were no freshmen in the group except me...I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Just then our band teacher called for quiet. Everyone stopped and looked up at him.

" I'd like everyone to welcome BJ to practice tonight. I know we don't normally let freshmen join the band but I think after you have heard him play you may change your minds. I also want to remind all of you about the Pismo trip. It's coming up fast. So please practice your solos and remember to sign up for your rooms. Now lets start."

I gave Ben a look and he smiled back at me. We started in and two hours later we had our break. Everyone seemed ok with me being there. I started to feel more at ease. Just then one of the Tenor Sax players walked towards me. I wasn't sure what was happening but he stopped in front of me and gave me a piercing look. He then looked past me over at Ben.

" He's not bad." the kid said. He then turned and walked away.

" That's Justin. He's cool." Ben said.

"I bet" I said. Justin was real hot. He looked to be around seventeen and was about five foot seven. He had a surfers tan and had golden colored hair. He was hot but not as fine as Ben. I looked back at Ben and found myself getting hard again. I kept thinking about what he said before we came into the building. I wondered what he meant by " A night I would never forget." I looked away and tried to concentrate on my music.

Our band director started the second half of practice and Ben and I stood up again. The music we were playing was like nothing I had ever played before. We played some Ray Charles, James Brown, and a lot of other songs I wasn't sure who sang but I was familiar with the tune. Practice ended before I knew it and I started to pack up my trumpet. Ben wandered over to our teacher and started to talk to him. He then came back over to me.

" Are you ready to go?" he said.

" Yes"

" Well lets get the hell out of here" Ben said.

We walked in silence out to Ben's car and he unlocked the passengers side first then went around to his side. I got in and Ben started up his truck. We started out of the parking lot and out toward my house. After what seemed like hours of silence Ben pulled to a stop in front of my drive way. Just then I remembered the gas money my mom had given me.

" Oh I almost forgot. My mom wanted me to give you this money for giving me rides." I said.

Ben turned off his truck and turned to face me.

" Thanks, but I can think of a better way for you to pay me for rides." he said.

I was getting real nervous. " How's that Ben" I said.

Ben turned more in his seat and looked down at his jeans.

" I think you know what I mean." He said. Ben then looked back up at me.

" I've seen you stare at me in the locker room BJ. I know you want my cock. All you have to do is promise to do what ever I say and you can have it....Do you want to see it BJ?" he said.

I wasn't sure how to respond.

Ben pulled his shirt out of his jeans and unbuckled his belt. I could see a line of dark hairs trailing down from his belly button down under his pants. My mouth was suddenly very dry and I couldn't speak. Here I was sitting next to this teen god who I had jacked off thinking about the night before and he was asking me if I wanted to see his dick and I couldn't say a word.

Ben reached over and grabbed my hand. He placed it over his crotch.

" Do you like it BJ. How does it feel?" he said. " Pull it out BJ I know you want it. My dicks getting a little tight in my jeans."

With out realizing it I started to unbutton his jeans. I parted the flaps and Ben lifted his ass off the seat and pushed his jeans down to his ankles.

"Pull it our BJ let it breath."

I reached for the band of his briefs and pulled the front down. I could hardly think. All I knew was that I wanted his dick. I pulled his underwear down and just stared at his cock.

" You like it don't you BJ. Your a little faggot aren't you. Have you ever sucked dick before? he said.

" No" I said. I couldn't take my eyes off his dick.

" You see BJ I told you this would be a night of firsts. You should thank me for letting you have your first dick. Lot's of girls would love to have this" Ben reached down and rapped his right hand around the shaft of his dick and gave it a few pulls. He then took his hand away and flexed his ass and dick muscles and made his dick bounce off his stomach.

" Well what's keeping you get your mouth on my knob dick weed."

I leaned over and got a closer look at his dick. I could see a bead of precum on the tip of his cock and with out a second thought I opened my mouth and let his dick slide between my lips.

Ben let out a small sigh.

" That's it cock sucker....nice and slow." Ben said.

Ben had his eyes closed and would flex his dick every once in a while. I had never sucked dick before and was finding it a little hard. Bens dick was a good eight inches hard and it was really throbbing. I could only get half of it down. After a few minuets I started to get a hang of it. I reached down to my own jeans and started to unzip my pants.

" Don't even think about it dick weed. There's only one cock sucker in this truck and that's you. No way your going to jack your dick. You just concentrate on my dick."

I started back into sucking his cock. After a good ten minuet my jaw was getting a little sore then Ben opened his eyes and looked down at me.

" I'm gonna cum." he said. I pulled off his knob and watched as Ben shot his cum all over his chest. He shot five long squirts onto his abs and chest then he let out a little sigh.

" That was real good clean it up like a good cock sucker." he said.

" No that's gross." I said as I pulled away.

" Listen BJ if you don't clean this shit up you can forget about any rides and you will never see this dick again. Think about it BJ...Now start lickin" Ben pointed to his chest.

I felt sick but I leaned over and started to lick up his jizz from his chest. It didn't really taste all that bad.

" That's it faggot don't miss any. Don't it taste good?"

Ben grabbed my hair and pulled me up.

" I said don't it taste good."

" Yes" I said. "Very good"

Ben smiled. Then pushed my head back down and I started to lick again. Once all the cum was gone Ben let me back up. He inspected his chest for any drops I might have missed.

" Much better BJ. You suck like a champ, better then Sara even. You did real good in band tonight and I gave you your treat now get out." He said as he pulled his pants back up.

I opened the door and got out of the truck.

" One more thing BJ I signed us up to room together in Pismo I didn't think you would mind. Oh also you better not jack off tonight. You only cum when I say it." he said with a smile.

I nodded my head.

" See you tomorrow morning champ." Ben said.

Ben drove off down the street into the night fog and I stood in my drive way. I walked down our drive and opened the front door. My mom and dad had already gone to bed so I went into my room and got undressed. I got under the covers and tried to remember everything I could about Bens dick and how his jizz tasted. I didn't brush my teeth so I could still taste Ben in my mouth. Before I drifted off to sleep I remembered how Ben had said It would be a night I would never forget. He was right and with a raging hard on I finally fell sleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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