Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Feb 24, 2003


The next morning I woke with a huge boner and jacked off in the shower. I took so long jacking off and getting ready that I missed the morning bus so my mom had to give me a ride. My mom got me to school about forty minuets before my bus would arrive so I decided to go into the band room to get out of the cold. The band room was open and I was overjoyed to see Ben practicing again. He was dressed in a red t-shirt and was wearing blue jeans.

I stood just inside the door saw that Ben was not alone he was sitting next to or band teacher and they were playing together. I wondered if Ben got to class early every day. I walked by and went to my seat. I started to finish up some of my home work from the day before. I was listening intently to all the band director was saying about the song they were working on. I could tell very quickly that I was much better at trumpet then Ben was...he had a very limited range of notes that he could play with any consistency.

After a few tries at a solo section Ben voiced to our teacher his frustration about not getting it right and then looked over at me.

" Hey BJ get out your trumpet and play this part with me."

Ben didn't say it like he was asking me but more like he was telling me. I didn't mind, I was happy he noticed me. I ran and got out my trumpet and sat down in the chair next to him. The band teacher seemed to be happy to have me help out. He said Ben would get a better idea of how it should sound if more then one trumpet was playing. I did a quick warm-up scale and told our teacher I was ready.

We both went over the trumpet solo once and Ben messed up again. The teacher noticed that I had played it with no mistakes and asked if I would play it myself for Ben to listen to. I felt very uncomfortable. I knew if I played it as well as I could Ben might get mad at me for showing him up, but I wanted the teacher to realize how good I truly was.

I decided to play it with a few mistakes so as to not piss off Ben. Our teacher then made us play it together again and Ben played it all the way through with only a few wrong notes but at least it was timed right. Our teacher smiled and we continued on with a few other solo parts. Before I knew it the five minuet bell rang and our teacher got up to get ready for class to start. When the teacher left Ben looked over at me and grinned.

I was a little mad that he didn't even thank me, but I was happy anyway. As our teacher started with the roll I went back to my seat and Ben went to his. I got out my band music and looked it over. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Ben was talking to another of the first trumpets that sat next to me and before I realized it Ben had switched seats and was sitting right next to me. I wasn't sure what to say. I could feel my face getting red.

" Are you happy to see me BJ?" he said.

I was so flustered by his seat change that I wasn't sure what to say.

" Why did you switch?" I said.

" Well you seem pretty good at trumpet and I figured I would get your help, But if you tell anyone I'll beat your ass. I want you to come to class early and practice my jazz band music with me. Is that Cool?". He said.

" I ride the bus" I said back in a dejected voice.

" Where do you live." he said.

" Out Jenson Road just past the tracks." I said.

" I know where that's at. I can pick you up." He said without looking at me.

I wasn't sure what to say. After a second I said yes. I was so excited. Ben didn't say anything else to me during band but when class ended he said we would talk it over during Drama. I said O.K. and ran off to my next class. As I walked to my next class I was so overwhelmed. If I had understood it right Ben had just offered to pick me up for school in exchange for help with his trumpet. The idea of riding in his car to school was enough to get me harder then a rock I spent the next two classes sitting hunched over my desk with a very uncomfortable boner in my jeans.

In drama during role Ben told me he lived on east oak and that I was on the way. He told me to be waiting out on the road early. I nodded my head and we went back to listening to our teacher babble on about the auditions for the school play. I was to busy undressing Ben with my eyes. At one point during class Ben looked over at me and I diverted my gaze, but when I looked back Ben had turned in his seat a little toward me so I had a better look at is crotch. I wasn't sure if he had done it intentionally or not but I was happy all the same. Class with Ben flew by as usual and the bell rang. Ben left with out a word and I walked out into the sun. I had by now staked out a bench in the courtyard that got a little sun and also gave me a clear view of the campus. I had just set myself down when out of the corner of my eye I saw Ben walking with that same blond haired girl from the day before. Upon closer examination I saw that Ben's hand was down the back of her pants and her hand was down the back of his. I wondered what my hand would feel like down Bens pants and once again I started to get hard. I could feel a little drop of precum soak through my underwear. I spent fifth and sixth period envisioning my hand down Ben's pant's and his down mine. I realized that we could never walk around campus like that but it was fun to think about. I wished that I could be Ben's girl friend.

PE came and once again and Coach told us it would be short again. He told us it would be like this most of the school year. He let us know that he was also the football and soccer coach so he would have to leave early some days for games and practice. He told us a note would be posted on the locker room bulletin and that if it said game it meant that we didn't have PE. That was great news for all of us. Today he just had us run again. I tried to keep up with Ben but he was just to quick for me. He finished way before me and I saw him run into the locker room. I finished about five minuets later and walked back to the locker room. I figured Ben had already changed and left but when I turned down our locker isle he was still sitting with his towel wrapped around him. He looked up when I came into view and he gave me a grin.

I walked past him and fumbled with my locker again. I made it look like I was having trouble and Ben stood and pushed me playfully aside. I sat down on the bench. He seemed to have my locker combo memorized and opened it with no trouble. I said thanks and he turned back to his own locker. I was surprised to see him turn toward me and drop his towel. With a lot of will power kept looking into my locker and not directly at his cock. Ben pulled out some Blue briefs and pulled them up over his dick. I looked over his direction like I was looking down the hall and my eyes caught his. He was looking down at me...I could feel my dick rising. He turned and grabbed a shirt. When he broke eye contact I risked a look at his bulge. His dick was nicely outlined in his light blue colored Hanes underwear. I sat there realizing I would have to put on my own street clothes. I knew I was hard and didn't want Ben to see me hard. I decided to just wear my PE clothes home. I grabbed my street clothes and started to leave. Ben looked over at me.

" Aren't you gonna change?" he said.

" I'm gonna have my mom wash them for me." I said.

" Well here" He threw me his sweets and a t-Shirt. " Wash mine to." he said.

" O.K." I said. I turned to leave. Just as I turned the corner Ben called be. I turned around and stuck my head back around the corner. Ben was standing with his jeans all must up you could still see his package. He was looking straight at me as he buttoned up his jeans the rest of the way as he buttoned he reminded me to be waiting on the road in the morning. I couldn't speak, I was so hot so I just nodded my head and turned to leave.

As I waited out front for the late bus I held Bens old gym shirt up to my nose and took a long sniff of it. I looked at his sweets and something fell out of them I picked it up and quickly realized it was Ben's jock strap...I was hard in a heart beat. Ben had left me his jock strap to clean as well. I looked up to make sure no one was near by and put the jock to my nose...It was still moist. Ben must have worn it during the run around the track. I could smell his cock.

Just then I saw my mom's car down at the end of the street. I put the jock into my back pack and walked over to the curb. My mom tried to talk to me about school but I told her I was tired and that I didn't want to talk.

As soon as I got home I put mine and Bens gym clothes in the washer and ran up to my room. I locked the door. I pulled Ben's jock strap out of my bag and held it to my nose again. I pulled off my shirt and dropped my jeans to the floor. My boner was tenting out my boxers. I slid my boxers down and flopped down onto my bed. I held the jock to my nose with one hand and jacked my dick with the other. I thought about Ben being naked next to me in gym today and thought about his balls bouncing in his jock strap as we ran around the track. It didn't take me long to shoot my load. It was the most explosive load I had ever had. It took me a moment to get myself back under control. With out realizing it I wiped up my jizz with Ben's jock and threw it into the corner. I quickly fell asleep.

End of Part Three any comments or advise on this story please write. Thanks

Next: Chapter 4

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