Give Me Some Lovin

By thetuneminator TUNE

Published on Feb 21, 2003


I got to band class early and was delighted to see Ben playing his trumpet before class. He raised his eye's when I entered but continued playing I got out my trumpet and sat down in my seat and pretended to clean my trumpet.

I had been playing trumpet for the past six years, my mom had started me on it at a very young age. I had been told that I was very good. I listened to Ben practice his music and realized it wasn't any of the songs from band class. During one of his music changes I got up the courage and asked him what he was practicing for.

"Jazz band" he answered. He didn't even look at me when he answered.

As the minuets past of me cleaning and him practicing the bell for class rang and Ben put his Jazz band music away and pulled out his marching band music. All the band kids started to tune there instruments and get ready for class to start. Our music teacher told us we were going out on the football track to practice our marching. We all wandered out onto the field. I kept my distance from Ben but tried to keep him in my view.

Ben had that kind of swimmers build that was so attractive, muscles but not so many that he looked like a gorilla. He had blond hair and was about Five foot eight or around there, his eyes were a dark brown like Columbian coffee.... he was dressed in tan cargo pants and a blue Adidas muscle shirt with short shoulder cut sleeves.

As our band director set us up in our rows I found myself in the center of the trumpet row and could see Ben as our right guide. The right guide is the band member all the way to the far right in every row, this was the person you had to look to too make sure you were spaced right and lined up front to back. I had no problem looking over at him as we marched along. When he held his trumpet up straight you could see his biceps flex he looked so good.

Band ended sooner then I wanted and the next two classes dragged on forever. Finally Drama came along. I raced to class and sat down in my assigned seat and waited for Ben to show up. He came in holding this girl around the wasted and he turned and gave her a kiss then she turned to leave and he hit her ass she let out a little laugh and walked back out the door. Ben turned and looked at me and smiled. He sat down beside me and started to read some book to him nothing had happened but to me my whole situation had changed I now knew he was seeing some girl and that he was straight. I kinda knew he was straight by the way he acted but I had at least a hope that he was gay. Even knowing this new fact didn't keep me from looking at him and day dreaming of blowing him.

Drama ended and I spent another lunch sitting alone on a bench. The only bright moment was when I saw Ben leave the Band room and walk past me. He didn't know I was there but it got me thinking about PE.

I made it to PE on time today and got into line next to Ben he was dressed as before and looked just as amazing. The coach made us run the track then spilt into groups to play basketball. The cool kids which included Ben all played together on one court and I found myself matched up with another group. I had never been good at basketball but I was much better then the other kids I was matched up with after about two half court games a kid from another court came up and challenged my team to a game to ten. Since I was feeling cocky I excepted. Before I knew it we were matched up against Ben and his group of popular guys. Ben looked at me and asked if my team wanted to be shirts or skins. I quickly said shirts not because I was self-conscious but because I wanted to see Ben with his shirt off.

Ben gave me that same grin and pulled his shirt up and over his head. He tossed the shirt to me and told me to put it by the pole. His shirt felt damp with sweat and smelled of some kind of cologne. I placed it on the ground.

The game was over quickly and as expected my team lost. When the game was over Ben walked up to me and put out his hand. I reached to grab it.

" No" he said, " Get my shirt for me would ya"

"Sure " I said. I quickly walked over and grabbed his shirt from under the net. He took it but didn't put it on. He just stood looking at me.

" You looked a little distracted during the game" he said

I looked back at him but couldn't think of anything to say. He was glistening with a thin sheen of sweat but I could tell he was just getting going.

" What's got you so distracted kid?"

" Nothing" I said lamely.

"Your names Ben to right? he said.

" Yeah" I said.

"What's your last name?"

"James" I said.

" Ben James huh, well we have to many classes together for us both to answer to "Ben" so I think from now on you should answer to BJ. What do you think?

"What ever you say Ben" I answered.

Just then the last bell rang and every one started to head into the locker room.

" Cool...well see you in the locker room...BJ" Ben said. Then he turned and without another word he walked into the locker room.

The way he said "BJ" was not friendly but more like the way you would call a small dog or a little brother. I didn't care for it but I was just surprised he even talked to me. I stood there thinking of the new nic name and that it could be used as a sexual term for Blow Job and I wondered if Ben knew that already or if he even cared. I came back to the world and remembered that Ben would be changing for the shower and I didn't want to miss the show. I raced into the locker room and to my locker I got it open with little trouble and hurried over to the showers. As I entered the shower I saw Ben standing in the corner with his head down in the shower spray. I could hardly take my eyes off his ass I stood going through the cleaning motions hoping he would turn to face me but he didn't. I watched as he turned the water off and turned to leave. I was kept in suspense again when he turned away from me as he left. He grabbed his towel and started to head back to his locker. I turned off my water and walked quickly back to my locker. As I turned the corner I looked ahead and saw what I had been waiting for Ben was standing with his locker door blocking his face but nothing was blocking his cock. I could see it plainly and it was wonderful. He dick was cut and was surrounded by a thick patch of dark brown pubic hair. His balls hung very low and his dick when soft looked like it was five inches. I wondered how long it could get when hard. I stood just staring when I looked back up to his locker door I realized he could see me through the locker door slits. I quickly looked down. I wasn't sure if he had got a look at me staring but when he closed his locker he was looking at me. I walked up to my locker and decided to pretend I was having trouble with it again and just like the day before Ben offered to open it for me I sat down again on the bench and told him the locker combination. As he opened it I sat at eye level with his ass. I looked at his crack with interest and saw that it had very little hair around it just like mine. Hairy asses were a big turn off to me. When the locker door opened Ben turned to face me and I got a close up look at his Cock.

" Say thanks" he said.

" Thanks" I said in a whisper.

Ben let out a little laugh and stood in front of me a moment longer then went back to his own locker and started changing again.

I pulled out my street clothes and changed as fast as I could and barely got my pants on over my hard cock. As I started to leave Ben yelled after me.

"See ya tomorrow BJ".

" See ya" I said and headed out of the locker room.

That night I sat on my bed and pulled on my dick. I had just seen the hottest guy ever naked less then a foot away from me. I thought about his big dick and how I would love to see him hard. I remembered as many details about Ben's body as I could and very quickly by dick began to spurt my jizz all over my chest. I had always been able to cum a lot and today the production was extra large. When I would jack off I never had any control of where my cum would land and today was no exception. As my orgasm ended I was covered in cum. After cleaning up I fell asleep thinking about Ben and his big Dick.

Next: Chapter 3

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