Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Dec 17, 2000


Continued thanks for the emails. Once again thanks to Mike, couldn't do it without you. I hope everyone is enjoying the snow. My proofreader was gone this time, so I hope I don't have too many mistakes in it. I'm sure I will be flooded with emails to make sure I give him more time to do his job next time...LOL

Just to recap the last chapter

"Rick, I can't believe you. Thank you for making this so special. Before anything else happens I have to talk with you about something very important." Jeff said taking me by the hand and pulling out a ring from his pocket. "Rick I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. I know we haven't known each other all that long, but I can't imagine being without you. I know that if you let me I could make you very happy for the rest of your life. Rick Justin Snode, will you marry me?"

Give Me Just One Night-10 By Apollo

"Jeff please don't ask me that right now." I sighed.

"Well, I have to admit that is not the response that I was hoping for." Jeff said truly surprised that I had not said yes to his proposal.

"I'm not convinced that we are ready for this step yet. We haven't known each other that long and you are just coming off of a very serious relationship. I think it is best that we continue the relationship we have and lets see what happens." I said softly, trying to soften the blow.

"Rick, I know this is what I want. I don't need to think about it anymore than I already have." Jeff said getting upset.

"I understand that Jeff but what I said is that I am not convinced this is the right step. It takes two people to agree to get married, and I am not agreeing to that right now." I said trying to be firm, but feeling like Jeff was not excepting what I was saying.

"Well it takes two to agree to keep the status quo, and I'm not agreeing to that." Jeff replied.

"Are you saying that if I don't agree to be married to you that you are ending the relationship?" I couldn't believe that Jeff would be saying that.

"That's exactly what I am saying." Jeff said angrily.

"Would you listen to what you are saying? This is ridiculous Jeff. I'm not saying I don't want to marry you ever. I'm saying that I don't want to marry you right now. Please don't do this." I said getting upset myself.

"I think we need some time apart." Jeff said storming out of the room.

I sat down on the bed in disbelief. I searched my mind for a reason that Jeff would act this way. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I got up from the bed and started blowing out all the candles in the room. I looked at the fireplace burning and thought of the first time we had been together. I took one of the dinner plates down from the table and sat in front of the fireplace eating alone.

Jeff paced the hallway outside the rooms wondering what to do. He was already feeling that he has made a mistake, but wasn't ready to admit it. Normally he would have gone straight to Drew's room, but with him not being there he headed for Nick's. His eyes were filling with tears as he knocked on Nick's door.

"Oh god, what's wrong?" Nick said rolling his eyes as he answered the door.

"I think Rick and I have broken up." Jeff said beginning to sob

"Already?" Nick said pulling Jeff into his room and shutting the door.

Jeff noticed that Nick had a porno film in the VCR and then noticed that Nick had a hard on as well. He turned to leave but nick lead him over to sit on the bed.

"Tell me what happened." Nick said standing over Jeff as he sat on Nick's bed.

"I think I blew it with him. Everything was going so well so I asked him to marry me." Jeff said starting to cry again.

"Jesus Jeff, give it some time. You haven't known him but a month and you are barely cold from your break up with John. Rick seems very serious about you, but don't rush things or you'll lose him." Nick said genuinely trying to help out.

"That's exactly what he said. Then I said if he didn't marry me, it was over" Jeff replied not even looking up at Nick.

"Gee Jeff, way to handle the situation. Give it some time and then go and tell him what an ass you were. He'll take you back. Now that this is settled, I have a diversion for you to get your mind off of it." Nick said pointing to the porno movie playing.

"No, I will leave you to your movie and go find some place that I can be alone for a while." Jeff said starting to get up.

"Nope, time to repay some favors." Nick said pushing him back on the bed. "I need a blow job tonight."

"Nick, I am not giving you head right now. Number one, we are both seeing other people and number two, I don't feel like it." Jeff protested.

"Out of all those lonely nights when you would come to me begging to give me head did I ever once say no to you. Even after Jess and I were together, did I ever once tell you no?" Nick asked, pushing the situation with Jeff.

"No, but it's not like it was all one sided Nick. You get something out of it too." Jeff said knowing he was going to have to do this.

"Never once did I say no, and now it's your turn to not say no. Here, feel this." Nick said taking Jeff hand and, opening his robe, placed it under his balls. " Feel how heavy they are? I haven't even jacked in over a week. You know how much you love my hot loads. How you always say how sweet they taste."

"Nick, I don't want to do this. I want to get back to Rick." Jeff said in a feeble attempt to fend Nick off.

"Well, first this is going to happen Sugar. You know that I am going to have to have him before too long, especially if you are talking about him becoming part of our little family here." Nick said reaching down and running the backs of his fingers down the side of Jeff's face very tenderly. He stopped at his mouth and slowly stuck his thumb in. "There you go, you know you want this." He said as Jeff began to suck on his thumb.

Jeff could taste the saltiness of Nick's skin as he gently began sucking his thumb. He closed his eyes and thought of all the times that he had given Nick head. Nick always made him feel like he was doing this "poor little faggot" a favor, when in actuality it was Nick who first came on to Jeff and explained how much he loved getting head. How when a girl wasn't around that he would let a guy do it.

Jeff was quickly brought back to the present as Nick opened his mouth wider and began to insert his hard cock. Jeff had to admit that Nicks cock had a very familiar and pleasant taste. He had always thought Nick had the perfect dick for sucking. It was just the right size to take the whole thing and he had the sweetest tasting cum.

Jeff quickly remembered that it was from Nick that he had learned to be so aggressive when he himself got head. Nick immediately took hold of Jeff's head and began to fuck his mouth for all it was worth. Nick always loved Jeff's hot mouth and it never took him very long to cum when Jeff gave him head. He had been the one in fact who had taught Jeff all the finer nuances of giving a blow job and exactly what a guy wanted to feel.

With in five minutes, Nick was moaning and groaning and shooting his weeks hot load into Jeff's mouth. Jeff struggled to swallow all of it because he knew that Nick wouldn't let him go until he had. Finally Nick's hold on Jeff's head lightened and Jeff leaned back on the bed and looked at Nick standing there smiling.

"Oh Jeff, either of us can marry who we want, but we will always have our stolen moments. Both of us just like this way too much." Nick said with a smirk on his face. "You don't have to worry, I'll never take this dick away from you."

"You are so delusional. This is it buddy, and that was under protest. You only got that because in your crazy way of thinking you thought I owed it to you. Well I'm paid up Nick, and that's all you get. And you can forget about "having" Rick." Jeff said asserting him Nick, which was always hard for him.

"Yeah whatever, you're my bitch and you know it, and I'll have his hot little mouth on my dick just like everyone else you've dated. Just wait and see." Nick said laughing.

"Look, I'm out of here." Jeff said heading for the door.

"Just going to eat and run?" Nick joked.

Jeff didn't bother to answer him and just head straight out the door and into the hallway. He debated for about 5 minutes about what to do. Finally he decided that he had to make peace with Rick. He walked down the hallway towards the room when he saw Drew and Carson getting off the elevator. They were holding each other and kissing as the doors opened. Neither of them looked up and ran right into Jeff.

"Hey, sexy! Care to join me as I make a man out of Drew Lachey here?" Carson said obviously intoxicated.

"Come on Carson, you're not passing out till I get some use out of you." Drew said dragging Carson towards his room.

Jeff just smiled at the sight and wished Drew well. Finally he reached the door to the room. He took a deep sigh and entered the room.

"Hey" Jeff said as he entered the room.

"Hey" I said looking up from where I was sitting.

"Drew and Carson just got here. I think your plan went well. Carson was saying something about making a man out of Drew." Jeff laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Well had I known that we were going to break up, I would have saved Drew for me. Or hell even Carson for that matter." I said trying to be a smart-ass.

"Nick's down in his room alone and was saying something not "having" you yet." Jeff said very sarcastically.

"Nick's gay too? What is it about this group? Is it a boy band thing? Do you think I'd have a chance with JC Chasez?" I said coldly.

"No, Nick's not gay but he likes to get blow jobs and JC sleeps with everybody, so you would have a good chance with him. He doesn't like to commit either." Jeff said staring out the window.

"Oh, did you ask him to marry you too?" I said turning to face Jeff.

Jeff just sat into the chair by the window and put his head into his hands. I realized that I had gone too far and placed my hand on his shoulder. Jeff began crying and turned away from me.

"Jeff, I'm so sorry. That was a stupid thing for me to say. I don't want us to fight Jeff. I just don't want to be married right now." I said trying to hug him.

"I just don't want to lose you." Jeff said hugging me back.

"Jeff, you're not going to lose me. I just want us to wait and make sure it is right." I said trying to explain my position.

"Then that means that there is doubt in your mind, that I can still lose you." Jeff said still holding on to me.

"Jeff, sweetie, even if we got married it could still end if it wasn't right. Honey that's how my cousin makes a living remember. Divorce law is a billion-dollar business. Marriage doesn't make it right, love and compatibility make it right. When we get married I want to be sure it is going to last forever. I love you Jeff, but let's wait and make sure it is really right." I said pleading with Jeff.

"Leave it to a lawyer to think of divorce before even accepting a marriage proposal. I suppose you'll want a prenuptial agreement too." Jeff said laughing through his tears.

"Oh my god honey you bet. You forget I know how much money you make and I am not letting you walk away with all my money." I laughed back kissing him on the forehead.

"Ok, no marriage right now, but I can't sleep with you any more until I have a ring on my finger." Jeff said flashing me his smile.

"Ok Jeff. If that is how you feel, I have to respect your wishes." I laughed.

"Wait, no that didn't work right. Never mind." Jeff said in mock confusion.

"That's my boyfriend, the smart one." I laughed.

"No no, I'm your boyfriend the hung one." Jeff said winking at me.

"Oh, right. How could I forget that? Well I'm your boyfriend the tired one, let's go to bed. I said pushing Jeff onto the bed.

After getting undressed Jeff and I climbed into bed. I laid my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as I tried to sleep. As I lay on his chest I thought about the two of getting married and had to smile. I could tell Jeff had drifted off to sleep when I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I practically jumped out of bed to see Drew standing there in the dark.

"Oh my god Drew, what the hell are you doing there?" I whispered trying not to wake Jeff.

"Ummm...well, Carson and I are ready to ummmm... and we don't have any...well, protection. We also don't have any kind of lube and well he is huge and I am not letting him put that thing in me dry." Drew whispered back.

"This is way more than I need to know." Jeff said startling both "Grab the supplies from the night stand and get the hell out of here."

Drew grabbed the supplies from the night stand and left the room quietly as Jeff and I snuggled in bed again.

"Do you realize that right now Drew is next door loosing his virginity to Carson." I laughed.

"Why are you making me think about that? I guess I should be glad that Carson is distracted with someone else, but the thought of them fucking is just not the thought I want in my head right now." Jeff laughed with me. "You know what we need to do? Order them room service."

I laughed as Jeff picked up the phone and ordered champagne to be brought up to Drew's room immediately. Both of us lay in bed quietly to hear room service knock on Drew's door. After several tries Nick finally came out of his room yelling for Drew. To our surprise and his, Nick pulled out the key and opened Drew's door.

"What the hell?!?" Nick yelled

To be continued...

I know, I always pick the dumbest places to end it...LOL

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Next: Chapter 8: Give Me Just One Night 11 12

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