Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Nov 2, 2000


For some reason, this chapter just wrote itself. Don't get too spoiled though, the next one will be a while...LOL

Thanks for the emails, I love getting them and knowing that people enjoy the story. Special thanks to Edna Mae and Chris for letting me talk out plot lines with them :).

Remember that this is only fantasy and is not meant to imply anything about the actual sexual preference of Jeff Timmons, Drew Lachey, or the rest of 98 Degrees. If you are not supposed to be reading this, then don't.

Question, comments, suggestions, emails from Jeff or Drew can be sent to

Give Me Just One Night-7 By Apollo

Jeff pushed John off of him and turned and looked at me. I had dropped the stack of clothes that I had in my hands and was just looking at the scene in front of me. Drew rushed over to where I was and put his hand on my shoulder, not knowing quite what to expect.

"What am I missing and who is he?" John said pointing to me.

"John, a lot has changed since you left. This is my boyfriend Rick." Jeff said trying to explain.

"What? Boyfriend! We are engaged for months and have a short separation and you go pick up some slut. Well I guess it is to be expected, someone had to service you, but you can tell him to go now." John said, visibly upset.

"Ok, you obviously have something to take care of here. You can find me in Drew's room when you are done. Drew let's go." I said not knowing how much more of this I could take hearing.

"Rick, you are not the one that has to leave. You are supposed to be here. John is the one in the wrong. He will be leaving." Jeff said desperately trying to calm me down and make me stay.

I simply held up my hand to him and grabbed Drew and left. Jeff tried to follow us, but I slammed Drew's door in his face.

"Ok, someone needs to fill me in here and it looks like that someone is you." I said turning to Drew.

"Jeff didn't tell you about John?" Drew asked.

"Umm..No. We talked about our previous relationships and the name John never came up." I said knowing that Drew was about to tell me something big.

"Well I think that Jeff should be the one to tell you." Drew said a little nervously.

"Oh no you don't. I am always on your side and this time I need you to be on my side." I said getting up in Drew's face.

"Ok, ok, I know. You better sit down. Jeff and John had a relationship for about a year and half. In February, Jeff proposed to him and he accepted. They had decided to have a ceremony in July. Right before the ceremony, John decided that he wasn't ready for the whole marriage thing and left. As far as I know, this is the first contact they have had since." Drew said placing his hand on my shoulder for support.

"Why have I never heard this name before from anyone?" I asked very puzzled.

"Everyone assumed that Jeff had told you about it and the rest of us had learned not to even bring up his name." Drew said softly to me.

Drew and I sat in silence while I tried to take all of this in. After about ten minutes Jeff came knocking on the door.

"Rick, open the door. I need to talk to you. Rick please."

"What?" I asked opening the door. "So now you want to talk to me? I would say it is about two weeks too late Jeff. I think you left out a very important part of your previous relationships." I said staring him straight in his eyes.

"Look, I know and I'm sorry. Please come back to our room and I will explain things." Jeff said pleading with me.

"Fine, but you've got the amount of time that it takes me to pack up my things and get them moved here to Drew's room until I can make arraignments to go home." I told him as we walked back to our room.

"Rick, you can't leave. I made a mistake and I'm sorry." Jeff said starting to cry. "The relationship with John has just been too painful to talk about. I wanted to tell you but I just wasn't ready. Rick I wasn't really looking to start a relationship when I met you but everything was just so perfect. For the first time since John left I was happy when I was with you and I didn't want that to end. I thought I knew was love was when I was with John, but I didn't. I didn't know until I met you. I know we have only been together for 20 days, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Rick I love you so much."

"Jeff, you lied to me and now I wonder what else I don't know. You told me you had told me everything and you didn't. You lied and I can't take that. I'm out of here." I said as I went out the door.

I stopped for a moment outside the door expecting Jeff to come after me. Instead I only heard crying. I wondered if I was doing the right thing or not. I was rightfully upset that he had kept the relationship from me. However, Jeff had obviously told John to leave and now someone that I loved very much was hurting very deeply. Then my mind flashed again to the thought that maybe he had not told me other things as well. That every city we stopped in there might be someone coming to our hotel confessing their love for him. I knew that I had to leave and I walked slowly to Drew's room.

"Well you have me for tonight" I said as I shut the door.

"You left him?" Drew said in complete surprise.

"He lied to me Drew. How can I trust him when he lied about something so important as that?" I replied getting tears in my eyes.

"Just sit here and try to calm down. I'll order something from room service and we can just stay inside." Drew said picking up the phone.

After he ordered from room service he told me he was going down to check on Nick and let him know that we were ordering in. I had the feeling that he was on his way to Jeff's room to let him know that I was there and that he should just let me calm down. I decided that I didn't want to go home and sit in that empty house by myself, so I called my parents and let them know that I would meet them in DC in the morning. I called and got my train ticket deciding that this was the best thing to do.

Drew came back right before room service delivered. We sat and ate in silence and then I moved to the bed, pulled back the covers, and I crawled in pulling the covers over my head. All I could do by that point was cry. It felt as if everything was coming to an end. Not knowing quite what to do, Drew came over and lay next to me in bed. He pulled back the covers and took my head and placed it on his chest and stroked my hair as I cried. Finally I was able to fall asleep there in his arms.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up it was dark and Drew was gone. I reached over and turned on the lamp by the bed. Drew was lying on the couch and looked up when the light went on.

"Where did you go?" I asked him sadly.

"I thought it best, under the circumstances, to sleep here on the couch." Drew replied softly.

"What circumstances are we under?" I laughed.

"Well, the fact that you are upset and that I would like more thing in the world to comfort you and make you feel better." Drew said not looking at me.

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing Drew." I replied to him while pulling back the covers of the bed. "Come and lay up here, it really is much more comfortable."

"If you're sure that's what you want I will." Drew said, this time looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yes, I want you to comfort me Drew. I could use a shoulder to cry on."

With that, Drew stood up and came over to the bed. My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched him remove his shirt. I couldn't believe how much I wanted this to happen. I watched as he reached to undo his belt and let his pants drop to the floor. Next, I watched as he step out of his boxer shorts. He reached for the blanket and crawled under them.

I stood up and began to undress myself. I crawled back under the blankets and moved close to Drew. He took me into his arms and held me close kissing my head. I looked up and our lips met in a passionate embrace, sending electricity shooting through my whole body. I allowed my hands to wander all over his body, feeling every muscle. I reached down and felt his already hard cock.

I slowly slid down his body, kissing him as I moved from one end of his body to the other. As I reached his cock, I kissed the head and then attempted to take the whole thing in my mouth. To my surprise, I could not. I pulled off of him, ran my tongue around the head of it and plunged down again. I still couldn't fit his entire cock into my mouth. Instead of being turned on by having a guy that had such an enormous cock, I felt embarrassed. I prided myself on my oral abilities, and to not be able to fit his entire cock into my mouth was humiliating.

Sensing that something was wrong Drew said "Don't worry Rick, I've never had anyone that gave me a blowjob that could fit the whole thing in their mouth."

While his words were meant to soothe me, they only added salt to the wound. Now I was more determined then ever to accomplish this. I took a deep breath, relaxed my throat, and impaled myself on his cock. I didn't stop taking him in until my nose was buried in his pubes. I paused when I did and swallowed on him making him causing him to moan very loudly. Now that I knew I could do it, I proceeded to give him the best blowjob I had ever given.

Where Jeff liked to take control, Drew very much liked being serviced. I worked my way up and down his cock, while he could only moan with his head on the pillow. Knowing that this was his first homosexual experience, I was determined to give him the whole range of pleasures. I pulled off his cock long enough to get my finger slick with spit before getting right back to my task. I slipped my hand underneath him and with my wet finger began to probe his hole.

This caused Drew to writhe on the bed and increase his moans. Once his tight hole had loosened up some, I slipped another finger in. This took him by surprise causing him to buck his hips upwards and bump his arm into the night table knocking over and breaking the lamp. I realized that he was about to cum and wasn't about to let this party end so early. I pulled my fingers out of him and his cock from my mouth.

"Rick that was incredible and I was just about to cum, why did you stop?" Drew asked in distress.

I only moved up his body and kissed him on the lips very tenderly. I placed my legs on either side of him and I saw a smile form on his mouth as he realized what I was doing. I raised myself up and direct his huge cock at my waiting hole and very slowly collapsed taking every inch of him inside me. Immediately Drew started rocking his hips upward becoming the aggressor in this situation.

Drew reached up and pulled me toward him kissing me and holding me to his chest. This position allowed him more movement. He was able to pull his cock almost all the way out and then slam it back into me. I knew when he increased his thrust that he was about to cum. I kissed him hard on the lips sucking his tongue into my mouth. When he began to tense his body and then release, I knew that he was emptying his load deep inside me. The process caused me to shoot my load up between us sending hot cum spraying on both of us.

"Oh my god Rick, that was incredible. I can't believe how we connected. Everything felt so good. I knew it would be like this with you, I am so in love with you." Drew said still in a state of euphoria.

I had to admit that those were not the words that I was looking for. I realized that my night of passion might be costing me a lot more than I was prepared to pay. Luckily, Drew was the type of guy that fell asleep right after cumming and I didn't have to worry about further conversation. After a few minutes I was able to relax and fall asleep again in his arms.

The telephone woke me from my sound sleep. I told Drew to grab it but it just kept ringing. Finally I rolled over and picked it up.

"Hello" I said still half asleep.

"Good morning Rick, this is Drew. Do you want to get some breakfast before you have to be at the train station?" He said very cheerfully.

"Oh, it's still dark. Let me turn on the light and wake up. Oh that's right, you broke the lamp last night." I said recalling our passionate evening.

"What are you talking about. I didn't break the lamp. I wasn't even there last night. After you fell asleep I came down here to Nicks room and slept. I was too afraid my snoring would wake you." Drew said very puzzled.

I reached over and sure enough the lamp was standing on the night table waiting for me to turn it on. I looked over and found that I had been snuggling with a pillow all night and that Drew had not even been there.

"Rick, are you ok?" Drew asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just still half-asleep. Give me 15 minutes and I will be ready for breakfast." I told him hanging up the phone in disappointment.

I can't believe it was a dream. It seemed so real, I thought it had happened. I sat there stunned not knowing quite what to do. Finally, a smile formed on my face and I realized that I had been fantasizing about Drew for so long that now, in my own way, I had sex with him without cheating on Jeff. The only thought I was left with was how to sneak a peek and see if he was really that big.

I quickly showered and got ready to leave. I decided to walk down to Nick's room with my luggage. I opened the door and walked out into the hallway just in time to see Jeff and John walk into the elevator together. I figured that I had made the right decision by leaving, but felt like crying all over again. I decided I was not going to let it get me down again and to enjoy my breakfast with Drew.

I walked into Nick's room and found everyone in there. Both Justin and Scott came up and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Rick, that things had to turn out this way. I know I didn't get a chance to get to know you that well, but I know I will miss you. You made Jeff happier than I have ever seen him." Scott said kissing me on the cheek.

"I feel the same Rick. I wish you were able to stay and work this out with Jeff." Justin said hugging me again.

"I appreciate the sentiment and understand what you are saying, but I just saw Jeff and John getting into the elevator together, so I think they still have stuff to work out." I informed them.

"What! He said he was finished with him! I can't believe that jerk, doesn't he know a good thing when he sees it?" Nick burst out.

I had never seen this type of passion from Nick and had no idea that he even cared. Most of the times we had been together, Nick pretty much ignored me.

"I'm going to find him, and then I'm going to kick his ass." Nick announced as he left the room.

"Well, we better go stop that." Scott said to Justin and both of them left the room.

"Lets go out the back way so that we miss all of this please." I told Drew putting my arms around him for support.

"Ok, let's go Rick." Drew said picking up my luggage

Drew and I left the hotel by the back entrance and headed over to the restaurant for breakfast. We managed to sit in the corner and weren't bothered at all through the meal. We both told each other how much we would miss each other and promised to keep in touch. I told Drew that he was welcomed to continue to stay at my house as long as he was in LA.

We finished up our breakfast and hopped a cab to the train station. Drew gave me a hug and kiss and sent me on my way. I couldn't believe I was leaving New York like this. Everything was so different than what I had planned. I couldn't hide the fact that I was disappointed and wished that things had been different. I hoped that the week at home with my parents would be relaxing.

I pulled my book out of my carry on bag and decided to pass the time reading. I figured that if Tom Clancy couldn't hold my attention then nothing would. I was right, and before I knew it I was in DC. I told dad that I would just take a cab home and not to worry about getting me. Under the circumstances, I was kind of hoping that they would have ignored me and come anyway.

The cab ride seemed longer than the train ride but I finally arrived at the house. I made my way up to the door and flung it open, so glad to be home.

"Don't everyone rush to help me at once." I yelled in the door.

"Be right there." My mother yelled.

I looked up the stairs and instead of seeing my mother or father; Jeff was standing there. I think my mouth dropped to the floor and I stammered to try and say something. Jeff just picked up my bags and started upstairs.

"Your mom has us in your old room. My goodness, you were very active in both high school and college weren't you. Your walls are covered with awards and your mom said that most of your stuff is at the house in Virginia, which by the way we are going to tomorrow." Jeff told me as I followed him up the stairs and into my room.

"First of all, how did you get here before me? Second, how did you know that I was here? Third, I don't want to talk to you. I just saw you with John again this morning, and don't try to deny it." I practically yelled at him.

"Ok in the correct order, took a plane like a normal person. Drew told me. And yes, he came up again this morning and I personally walked him down to the front desk and told the manager that if he ever wanted our business again he would not allow this man up to our rooms." Jeff said without taking a breath. "Now, I know what I did was wrong but I have done everything in my power to mend it Rick and I am not going to let you get away without a fight."

I looked directly into his eyes and just melted into his arms. I knew that he was telling the truth and that he loved me very much. That I loved him very much I had never doubted. It felt so right to be in his arms again.

"Oh you made up." My mother said standing in the doorway. "I couldn't wait for you two to come down. Rick, he has to be the sweetest young man you have ever brought home."

"Mom, he is the only young man that I have brought home." I laughed.

"Well, I was trying to make him feel special. I guess I will just leave that to you." My mother laughed, "Dinner in 10 minutes, you two wash up."

"Your parents are great." Jeff said after my mom walked away. "They took me in and listened to my story. I thought they would think I was crazy, but they were very understanding. Oh, we have to be at the MTV studios in New York by 3 PM tomorrow."

"Well nothing like a full vacation. I am not spending two hours in the car to go to home then. You'll have to see Virginia another time." I said going to wash up.

"No, I want to see it now." Jeff said pouting like a four-year-old.

"Fine. We will go on Thursday like we planned. Now lets go and eat." I said firmly to him while slapping him on the butt.

We walked downstairs together to find the house empty. The table was set beautifully complete with candles. We walked over to the table to find a note from my parents.

Dear kids,

We understand that you need time alone to make up. It was very nice to meet you

Jeff and we will see you again on Thursday. There is food in the oven. Enjoy your

dinner and we love you very much.

Love Mom and Dad

"Rick, I can't believe your parents, this is so cool. That they would leave their house so that their gay son and his boyfriend could have time to make up is just too cool. And, your dad is a politician." Jeff said in amazement.

"Yeah, they are great. However, at this point I'm not really feeling that hungry. How about you?" I said with a smile on my face.

"Are you suggesting that we do other than eat the delicious meal that your mother prepared for us?" Jeff said laughing.

"Ever had sex on a waterbed?" I asked cocking one eyebrow and looking him in the eye.

"You want to do it on your parents bed?" Jeff replied shocked.

"No, my sister has a waterbed in her room and we could do 'it' on that." I laughed.

I led the way to the bedroom down the hall from mine. Jeff laughed at the way my sisters room was decorated.

"I'm not sure that I can do it with all of these dolls watching me. Can't we throw a sheet over them or something." Jeff said seriously.

"Ummm...sure baby, let me find something." I replied surprised that he was serious.

"Oh Rick, I'm just teasing. Get naked and lets do it." Jeff told me laughing again.

Both of us stripped and jumped onto the bed. We laughed at the motion of bed throwing us together. We began to wrestle causing even more waves on the bed. Finally, I was in a position of strength and told Jeff that I was about to giving him the fucking of his life. This caused Jeff to panic a bit and tell me that it had been a while since he had been fucked. I told him he better get my cock slicked up with his spit then, because that was the only lube we were using.

It was very intoxicating to be in a position of authority with him. Since the day that we met, Jeff had always assumed the superior position in the relationship. I, however, figured that Jeff was making up for a mistake he had made and that demanded that I take control.

Jeff immediately went down on me licking my cock up one side and down the other. He seemed very determined to make sure it was nice and wet. Taking my cue from him. I held his head still and began to fuck his face. He masterfully let my hard tool slide in and out of his mouth applying just the right amount of suction. He quickly brought me to the edge.

I stopped moving my hips and pulled out from under him. I told him that the best position would be with him on top, that way he could control the entry much better. I laid myself flat on the bed and had him crawl on top of me. He raised himself up and carefully guided my cock to his tight hole. Just as he began to sit down he let out a cry. I watched as his face tightened up as he began to receive more and more of me inside of him.

The feeling for me was incredible. I didn't like seeing him in pain though and just as I was about to stop him, a smile began to form on his face. He had finally taken all of me in. He rested for a moment and opened his eyes to look at me.

"Rick, this is great. It hurts like hell, but I know that will go away. Give me just a minute to adjust and then I want you to fuck me like I've never been fucked before."

"Just let me know when you are ready." I said with a smile on my face.

Slowly Jeff began to raise and lower himself onto me. I took that as the cue that he was ready for me. I grabbed a hold of his waist and began to slowly rock my hips. The motion of the bed was such that it would push me up just as Jeff would push down, providing for the maximum penetration. We began to pick up our movements and I could feel my balls begin to gently slap him every time I made an upward thrust.

I reached out in front of me and began to stroke Jeff's rock hard cock. This caused him to moan loudly and throw his head back in ecstasy. I knew that neither of us would last much longer and began to really pick up the speed of my thrusts. Jeff yelled that he was cumming and I was not far behind him.

Finally, we collapsed onto each other and rolled over on the bed. Jeff asked if I was ready to go and eat, but I told him I would rather just stay in bed and hold him. Tomorrow we would be back in New York, but tonight we had the house all to ourselves and I intended to use it wisely.

To be continued.........

Whew, well got that one out of the way. Now we get to have fun in New York and not have to worry about any ex boyfriends...LOL Speaking of New York, STA I hope you have a great time there. Say hi to Carson Daily while you are there and I will watch for you on TRL.

Remember that questions, comments, hello's and emails from Jeff and Drew can be sent to

Next: Chapter 6: Give Me Just One Night 8 9

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