Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Sep 30, 2000


Thanks to everyone who has written. There are sure a lot of Jeff Timmons fans out there and with Kent I even made a convert! For the rest of you 98-Degree fans, the other boys will be here; all good things come to those who wait. This is however a fantasy about Jeff, so of course he takes center stage.

The standard disclaimers apply. This is only a fantasy and not meant to say anything about the real life sexual preferences of Jeff Timmons or the rest of 98 Degrees. If for whatever reason you are not supposed to be reading this then leave now.

All comments, suggestions, and hellos are welcome at

Give Me Just One Night-2 By Apollo

Jeff and I walked through security and into the Universal Records building. I led him straight to my office and closed the door.

"Now, where were we?" Jeff asked as he pulled me to him.

"Right about here." I replied kissing him deeply.

Grabbing at each other, we made our way over to my desk. After clearing it with one motion of his arm, Jeff laid me on it and himself on top of me. We continued passionately kissing and exploring each other's body. I could feel the how hard he was as he pressed his body against me.

"Rick, I want you right now" Jeff breathed heavy in my ear.

I was in no mood to refuse him anything and simply smiled and nodded at him. He stood up, grabbed his shirt, and pulled it over his head. I sat up, slipped my hands under his wife beater, and let them run up his smooth stomach and across his tight abs. The feel of his muscles under my hands was something I had craved since I first saw him. I lifted up my hands, removed his tee shirt, and just admired the man before me. I reached for his belt, undid the buckle and pulled his belt all the way off and tossed it on the floor. I ran my hands down the front of his crouch and squeezed his rock hard cock, just from the feel of it I guess it had to be eight inches. I reached up to undo the button on his pants when my intercom buzzed.

"Your 8 AM meeting is waiting for you in conference room one." My secretaries' voice blared into the room.

"Ok Sheryl, let them know I will be right there." I replied trying not to sound as out of breath as I was.

I couldn't believe that I had forgotten I had a meeting first thing this morning. I looked up at Jeff who had the biggest look of disappointment on his face. I couldn't believe after all this time of waiting for him that I had to put him off.

"Jeff I am so sorry, I can't believe I forgot about this meeting."

"Oh Rick, don't worry about it. You told me you had a meeting, I just was caught up in the moment. Besides I kind of like this, this way you owe me." Jeff said with a very wicked grin on his face.

I got up off the desk and helped him gather his clothes that I had thrown all over the room. I just stood there and watched him get dressed and smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" He finally asked.

"I was just thinking that I thought that the first time I saw you get dressed would be after we had been together, and not because my secretary had interrupted us."

"This is true." He laughed, "now get to your meeting so you can get back here."

"All right I'm gone." I told him kissing him, "Now you better get this desk back in order or people will know what we have been doing in here."

I left the room with the biggest grin on my face. I figured I must look like and idiot with this huge smile, but I didn't care. I had Jeff Timmons waiting in my office for me and nothing would be able to put me in a bad mood. All I could think about was getting back to him and finishing what we had started.

The meeting I had was with a new group that Universal was going to sign. These meeting always took forever, as we had to go over every detail of the contract, before they would be allowed to sign it. Most new artists were just eager to sign and didn't care much about the details until later. My job was to make sure that they understood every detail of it. It was a boring job, but it had to be done.

It was almost noon by the time I was able to get out of there. I wondered if Jeff would be through with his meeting and want to get some lunch. I walked into my office and found Drew sitting at my desk alone in the room. He looked up from spinning my Rolodex when I walked in.

"Man, about time you finished your meeting. You never took that long in a meeting with us before." He said as he smiled and looked at me.

"Well, you guys were pros by the time I met you." I replied a little hesitantly. "Where did Jeff get off to?"

"He went to do his running around. He said you were loaning him your car." "Oh yeah, he said he had something to do today."

"Well, I was hoping that since you are stuck here without a car that you would let me take you to lunch. Just thought we could get to know each other a little better."

"Oh Drew, that's so nice and I normally I would jump at the chance to have lunch with a big celebrity such as yourself, but I have a presentation tomorrow and was planning to use lunch and the rest of the afternoon to put my finishing touches on it. I was just going to order in today."

"Then I should stay and keep you company and help you prepare."

"If you don't mind being bored, I would love the company."

"Great, so where do you order lunch from, I am starving." Drew said smiling at me.

"Why don't you choose. I like any of the places listed under "Lunch" in my Rolodex."

"Ok, we have Chinese, Italian, sandwiches, and oh, I don't have to look any further then pizza. What do you like on yours?" He asked.

"Anything and everything, well no fish or pineapple."

"No fish or pineapple? That's all I like." Drew said laughing and making a face suggesting that he didn't like that. "All right, I will call and order something then."

I looked up from what I was doing and just watched him while he ordered. Jeeze, Jared was right he was gorgeous. Breakfast with Jeff and then lunch with Drew. This was becoming quite a day. Jared would be so jealous. If it was this easy to meet these gorgeous guys, I needed to get at least a part time job at Jive.

"Ok, ordered and on it's way. Now lets get down to business here. What do we need to do to get you ready for this presentation?"

I showed Drew what I wanted to do. We both felt it better to go into the empty office next door so that we could lay everything out on the floor and have more room to work. He was quite creative and helped with both hand drawn charts and some computer related graphics. We had been working for about an hour when the pizza finally came. We had actually been so caught up in our work that both of us forgot it was even coming.

"Oh, so you do feed slaves here" Drew said joking with me.

"Well only when they really whine about it." I joked back taking out my wallet to pay the man.

"You are not paying for this Rick, I invited you to lunch."

"Yes I am, you have been helping me with my project for about an hour I am paying for this."

"Look Rick, either you let me pay now, or we have to arm wrestle for it."

I figured that I could probably take him, but thought I would be polite and just let him pay for it.

"All right big man, you can pay for it." I said as Drew handed the delivery man his money.

"Glad to see you're a smart man and not just a pretty face." He joked with me.

"I think that was a compliment, but I'm not quite sure."

"All right, shall we eat on the floor in here, or go back to your cushy lawyers office?"

"You think I would trust you to eat pizza in my office? You're eating it in here on the floor. Duh, you just told me how smart I was."

"Ok, now I know there was at least one put down in there if not more."

We joked and laughed all the way through lunch as we told each other about our lives. I couldn't believe how easy he was to talk and joke with. It felt as if we had known each other for years. His sense of humor matched mine perfectly. After we finished our lunch, we both lay back on the floor and sighed.

"We didn't really eat all of that did we?" I asked feeling so over full.

"Hey, we worked hard and deserved a nice lunch." Drew smiled back at me.

"I'm not sure that a pizza qualifies as a nice lunch."

"Oh, you know what I mean." Drew said reaching over and playfully punching my arm.

His touch sent electricity through my body. All I could think of was kissing him. I looked into his eyes and saw the same desire in him. I moved closer to him as he leaned towards me. Finally our lips connected and I felt the same electricity rushing through my body. I felt like I was in heaven. Both of us reached for the other locking in a tight embrace. Our kissing became more passionate as we both began to run our hands over the others body. Drew rolled on top of me and began to kiss my neck and ears causing me to moan in pleasure. I threw my head back allowing him more access to my sensitive neck.

"Oh god" I moaned as he continued to kiss his way down my neck. "OH GOD, Drew we can't do this!" I screamed pushing him off me.

"Rick, I'm sorry. I just got carried away. I didn't intend this to happen."

I sat up just stunned at what had happened. I mean this was not like me. In less than 24 hours, I had met two men that I felt very passionate about. Two men that I had connected with like no one else I had ever met. A thousand thoughts were rushing through my mind. I tried to lock on one thought but could only think, damn why didn't I get out more? Maybe if I had I wouldn't be falling for the first two guys that paid attention to me. I liked Drew. I think I could fall very hard for him, but I really felt that the relationship I wanted a chance at was with Jeff.

"Rick say something," Drew said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Drew, I didn't intend to have this happen either. I am extremely attracted to you and have more fun this afternoon then I have in a long time, but I just started a relationship with Jeff and I can't do this. Jeeze, what you must think of me."

"Why would I think anything bad about you? It was just something that happened and I can't believe I let myself get carried away too. Jeff is my best friend in the whole world and I wouldn't hurt him for anything. I think we should just keep this to ourselves, nothing happened and we realized that it would be wrong to do this."

"Normally I wouldn't agree that a secret is the best thing to keep in the beginning of a relationship, but you are right. We stopped ourselves and realized this is not what we wanted to do." I think we were desperately trying to convince each other that we didn't feel the passion for one another that we knew we did.

We both sat there for a minute just looking at each other not quite knowing what to do or say. Finally, Drew broke the silence.

"Then we both agree that we take this to our graves, right?"

"Take what to your graves?"

Both of us looked up and saw Jeff standing in the doorway holding some brown paper bags.

"Drew what are you doing here?"

"I recruited Drew here to help me prepare a presentation I have to give in the morning." I said pointing to the work we had finished that was lying all over the floor.

"Oh, well I brought you lunch hoping we could eat together." Jeff said placing the bags of food on the floor next to me. "That is very sweet Jeff, but we ordered something already." I replied

"Well Rick, thanks for lunch and I had fun helping, but I should leave the two of you alone." Drew said getting up from the floor.

"Drew you don't have to leave." Jeff said, "It looks like I interrupted something. You two finish what you were doing and I will eat lunch."

Drew and I glanced guiltily at each other knowing that we couldn't finish what we started and that it was best if he did go right now.

"Actually, we had just finished and I should get going." Drew said not taking his eyes off me as he spoke.

"Ok, Drew. But what are you taking to your graves?"

"Oh, the fact that Drew helped me with this. He was just kidding me telling me I was going to get in trouble with the teacher for having help on it." I laughed to Jeff but really felt like shit that I would tell such a blatant lie. Drew smiled at me sympathetically knowing that I hated what I just did.

With that, Drew left and Jeff sat next to me to eat his lunch. Before starting, I reached over and kissed him.

"What was that for?" Jeff asked smiling.

"I missed you."

"In that case, here" Jeff said leaning over and kissing me deeply on the mouth and hugging me tightly.

Kissing Jeff felt so right. It seemed that we just melted into each other. There was no question of the passion between us. I kept thinking if we are feeling this now, what will it be like if we stayed together for any length of time.

"I'm really looking forward to tonight. That restaurant you were talking about sounds wonderful."

"You sure you don't just want to eat at your house tonight?" Jeff said leaning in and playfully biting my bottom lip.

"You are not getting out of taking me to this romantic restaurant you were so eager to take me to just this morning Mr. Timmons. We have an oral agreement to do this." I teased him.

"Well counselor, after what we started in your office this morning I am eager to do other things with you besides eating. Besides you owe me, remember. So I overrule your objection." Jeff replied kissing me again.

"I hate to disappoint you Mr. Timmons, but I think we got a little a head of ourselves this morning. I am more comfortable in a relationship where we take things a bit more slowly." I said looking him in the eye and thinking that while I thought this was true, I felt quite the one to talk after almost having sex with two men in one day that I hadn't known for even a day.

"Oh, right." Jeff laughed moving in for another kiss. I pulled back and Jeff looked up at me, "You're serious? Well of course you are and I think that is ok too." Jeff said trying to recover from the embarrassment of not taking me seriously.

"You really think that is ok?"

"Rick, I think you are very much worth waiting for."

"For answering that way, you get one more kiss." I said as I leaned over and kissed him again."

"Can you just give me a list of answers that will elicit a response like that? I think that would be easiest on me." Jeff said flashing me his smile.

"God, I just cannot resist that smile of yours. You know that is what first attracted me to you." I said kissing him again.

"Ok, note to self, always smile when Rick is around."

"If we don't get up and get out of here we are just going to sit here all day and just kiss each other."

"Oh, and that is such a bad thing." Jeff said sarcastically

"Well it is when I can't get the rest of my work done so we can't go out which in turns means that we can't get to know each other better and move on from just kissing to more serious things." I said teasing with him.

"Then get your butt up off this floor and get your work done counselor." Jeff laughed back at me.

We picked up my work and went back into my office. Jeff decided to take a nap on my couch while I finished my workday. The biggest problem with that is I spent the majority of the afternoon just staring at him and not doing my work. I had to laugh at myself wondering if the next thing I was going to do was to start writing Jeff Timmons on the margin of my legal pad. He must have been pretty tired to be able to sleep through all the phone calls I got. I was just about to wake him up when Jared walked through my door.

"I can't believe you haven't called us by now? Do you know how worried Matt is about you?" Jared said not even waiting for a hello.

"Would you be quite!" I whispered and pointed to Jeff sleeping on the couch.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this. Oh my god! This is not happening"

I thought he was going to start squealing like teenage girl. Jared couldn't even move, but stood there just amazed that Jeff was there. I made him come and sit by my desk and while he did not take his eye off Jeff, I told him everything about the last 24 hours. I just finished telling him what happened between Drew and I when Jeff turned over and smiled.

"What are you whispering about over there?" He asked.

"Oh, just talking. I didn't want to wake you though, you seemed so tired."

Jared cleared his throat loudly begging for an introduction.

"Excuse me. Jeff this is one of my best friends in the entire world, Jared Taylor. Jared this is Jeff Timmons."

Jeff stood and shook Jared's hand saying it was nice to meet him, but all Jared could do was stare. I cleared my throat and nudged Jared who finally woke up and said nice to meet you back and let go of Jeff's hand.

"I thought you were just coming in here to make Rick feel guilty and then you were running back out to the car." Matt said entering the room. As soon as he saw Jeff, he froze in his tracks.

"Jeff, this is my partner Matt Stevens" Jared said trying to draw attention away from Matt's shocked look.

"It's very nice to meet you Matt." Jeff said shaking his hand.

"It is my pleasure to meet you." Matt said a little too enthusiastically, causing Jeff to laugh.

"Ok, guys. We would love to stay and chat, but we are on our way to dinner." I said hoping they would take the hint and leave.

"Well we were just coming by to take you to dinner." Matt responded quickly trying to move in on the opportunity to have dinner with Jeff. Being very polite, Jeff invited them to join us. While he was doing this, I was behind him threatening them not to accept.

"We would be delighted." Matt replied, not even looking at me.

"Great, why don't you meet us at Rick's house about 6:30 and we can just take one car to the restaurant." Jeff suggested looking at me for approval.

"Sounds like a plan." I said, glaring at Matt who only smiled at me.

Jeff and I finished in my office and then headed to my house. I held his hand the whole way home as he drove.

"I brought a change of clothes with me, but I really need to take a shower. Is that going to be all right?"

"Of course. I have to take one too but I do have more than one bathroom."

"Seems to me that if we both have to take a shower, that we should conserve water and just take one together." Jeff said never taking his eyes off the road.

"Well, I guess that does make a certain amount of sense and I do pride myself on being kind to Mother Nature."

"Great" Jeff said pulling into my garage. "Then it is settled."

"You make it sound like we are in negotiations." I laughed

"Well dating is kind of like that counselor, but I want to make sure that we are on the same side."

We headed upstairs to my bedroom. I set out some towels and started the water in the shower going. I came out and Jeff started to undress.

"Wait" I said quietly

"Why? Something wrong with the shower?"

"Um, no. I just thought maybe I could do that." I had undressed him so many times in my head and wanted to do it in real life.

"Ok" He said smiling.

"I told you I can't resist that smile."

"I know," He said confidently.

I reached for the bottom of his shirt, slipped my hands underneath it, and ran them across his smooth stomach. Then I lifted my hands and in one motion removed his shirt. Next, I unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled it out of every loop. I reached for the button on his pants, undid it, and then pulled his zipper down. I let my hand brush against his semi hard cock causing him to jump a little bit. I let his pants drop to the floor where he stepped out of them. Next I put my thumbs under the waistband of his boxers and ran them around his waist. I looked up at him and then in one motion pulled his boxers down and dropped to my knees.

"Ok, you know what this means right?" Jeff quickly asked me, "you said you wanted to take it slower."

"Jeff, shut up." I said as I took his cock in my hands and began to go down on him.

"Ok, I can do that."

I began at the top and worked my way down until I had all 9 inches in my mouth and my nose was buried in his pubes. I stopped there a minute just relishing that fact that I had him in my mouth. Then I began to work on his hardness. I began moving up and down on his shaft. He loved this and let out another load moan. I began to jack him off with just his head in my mouth moving him close to climax. I backed off a bit and just applied a little bit of suction as I moved up and down on him again.

Jeff was not ready for me to slow down on him and grabbed my head, and holding it still he began to thrust his hips. I relaxed a bit and let Jeff do the work for a while as he began to fuck my mouth. It felt so good to hear him moan and know I was giving him so much pleasure. I let my hands wonder all over his body trying to feel every inch of him. Jeff released my head and made one final thrust upward and then I could feel his whole body go tense before he began shooting his hot load into my mouth. I swallowed quickly catching every drop that he shot. After he relaxed, I moved up to his lips and kissed him hard allowing his tongue to try to find any bits of him that I had not swallowed.

"Rick, that was incredible. Now I get to undress you."


"What do you mean nope?"

"We don't have time for that. Someone invited people to join us for dinner and told them to be here at 6:30 PM. We barely have time to jump in the shower."

"You are so bad. You are going to pay tonight when we get back to this house. I hope you realize that."

"I'm counting on it."

To be continued.......

Ok, first chapter on my own (With the exception of the sex scene which was borrowed). Let me know what you think. Comments, questions, suggestions, and hello's are welcome at

Next: Chapter 3: Give Me Just One Night 3 4

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